MTL - First Law-Chapter 470 tower built

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Deep in the British jungle in the northeast corner of the Bauhinia Kingdom, a dark pyramid is slowly rising.

The bottom of the step is wide, and it becomes narrower and narrower upwards. It is raised in a triangular structure, and a 'U'-shaped steel giant rod emerges from the top of the black tower.

Although it's only been three days, this iron tower is already one head higher than the largest mountain range in Britain.

All the tall trees in the past have been felled, and the largest flat land in the east is the raw material warehouse of the pyramid. From time to time, magical fluctuations are produced in the raw material warehouse, and with the vibration, large bundles of steel materials float out.

The moment the steel left the transmission array, a dozen gray dwarves sent it to the magic locomotive in an orderly manner, drove directly to the edge of the pyramid, and lifted it to the predetermined position under the action of the magic crane.

At this moment, the pyramid was covered with gray iron dwarves. The moment they took over the steel, they directly inserted it into the predetermined card slot according to the number.

Under the gray iron exterior, the golden dwarves are strengthening and inspecting the structure of the entire tower. Beside the golden dwarves, the mithril dwarves are helping the magicians to inspect various lines and instruments.

Looking down from a high altitude, there seems to be a giant standing up in the depths of the British jungle, and the giant's body is covered with ants of different colors.

"According to the current progress, it will be basically completed tomorrow." Churchill finally showed a rare joy on his tense face. In the face of the tense battle ahead, this strategic weapon can be completed as soon as possible, which can greatly relieve the pressure on the front line. pressure.

As the person in charge, he was naturally nervous.

But now he was relieved that the dwarf had shown abilities that were beyond his expectations.

The gray iron dwarves don't need to think at all when it comes to assembling steel parts. They can find the assembled plug with just a glance. Some will end in failure.

This link alone saved two-thirds of the time. Of course, he couldn't deny the quantity. The number of people participating in this project is thirty times that of the past.

"Well, the energy device of the pyramid has been installed, and the silver dwarf is indeed a master in magic power transmission." Black Moore couldn't help nodding beside him.

The two are in the same group of Forbes, and they have a very deep relationship, but they rarely see each other. If it weren't for this project, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to sit together.

It is precisely because of this that the two actively communicated, led the team to absorb opinions, and the rapid progress of the Shaking Tower was inseparable from the sincere cooperation of the two.

"Frequency adjustment is complete!" Cabras smiled at the assistant next to him. He led the most elite magician in Sky Island to be responsible for the installation of equipment in the tower. What is now completed is the frequency docking with the western tower. Only when the two towers vibrate at the same frequency can a special high-frequency vibration field be formed.

Whether the docking of the two towers can be completed is the key point. Looking at the silver dwarf who has been leisurely talking and laughing beside him, Cabras can finally vent his anger.

Although they are a cooperative relationship, they are more competitive.

The silver dwarves are in charge of circuit design, while the elves represented by Cabras are instrumental testers. Both races can be regarded as masters of magic power. If they can't complete the task by themselves, they will inevitably lose face.

"The structure of the gold U-shaped tower has been tested, and it may be able to support it even if the world is destroyed." The golden dwarf said confidently.

Colbert nodded and approved the proposal. They are the partners and are responsible for the structural design of the entire tower.

Colbert gathered his life instincts to give some special proposals to the structure smelting party on the basis of advance, and the gold dwarves fully adopted them and gave them special improvements. Now the strength of the tower is at least three times that of before.

"It's almost ready for handover. I really didn't expect that the four-month project could be completed in just four days." What Colbert said was true. Even with the original technical support, he didn't dare to think it would be so fast. It is estimated that the mainland cannot be so fast.

"Hehe, I think it's the speed of Glittering Gold Town." The golden dwarf laughed.

"Golden City speed?" Colbert asked, this was the first time he heard the word, and he was a little curious.

"Oh, this is just emerging. The humans called it that, and later the dwarves and elves also thought it was the same. It's about the current speed of building towers."

Colbert fully agrees that now he no longer has the arrogance he had when he joined this continent. On the contrary, he has a sense of self-awareness. The longer he joins this continent, the more clearly he can recognize himself.

There is a gap between him and Karen, at least he can't let these people forget to eat and sleep to build a high tower, not only him, but few people in this world have this ability, and the construction is even better than before.

Of course, he didn't think he was bad, at least in the field of blood magic, Karen was far behind her.

In the square of Gold Shining Town, Sisperlin looked at the flickering teleportation light and didn't know what to do.

In this territory, he is like an old man with nothing to do, while Gold Shining Town itself is like a machine that is running at a high speed.

This phenomenon has never been seen before, and it does not exist in the Alchemy Continent.

Teleportation array?

Moreover, it was a teleportation array that spanned half the continent. He was a duke, especially a businessman who mainly smuggled, and he knew the value of the teleportation array very well.

There are four kinds of cargo passages in the world, land, sea, air, and transmission. The further you go, the stronger the ability you need. Alchemy Continent has a unique commercial advantage, that is, it has developed sea and air transportation, but it has few achievements in transmission. .

Teleportation requires a complete penetration of space, and at the same time must ensure a huge energy consumption in space teleportation, which extremely tests the comprehensive capabilities of a continent.

His only teleportation experience was on the Far East Continent. At that time, he was at a loss like a child, but now in this plain wasteland, there are three teleportation formations.

Especially in the center, the runes are as dense as ants, and the energy furnace that guarantees the teleportation array is the largest he has ever seen. Obviously, it is not teleportation within the continent, but a connection to the outer continent.

This technology is much more complicated than the transmission inside the continent.

"Excuse me, what is that teleportation array for?" Sisperlin hurriedly grabbed a kobold and asked.

The kobold glanced at it with a suspicious expression on his face. The other party was well-dressed. He didn't know why, but he explained, "It's connected to the East Indian Continent. We have a big project to rush, and we need their support."

Connect East India?

Sisperlin is completely stupid, more powerful than he imagined, is this still the backward Aegean continent, is it an Aegean continent that relies on labor to find a living?

No one gave him any more explanations. Everyone was busy, and everyone had to contribute to this battle. There was only one reason, and this was what Karen needed them to do.

"We must apply the newly developed phoenix flame defense net to the pyramid."

"The suspended animation state of the phoenix is ​​helpful for hiding the pyramid. This is an extremely advanced concealment technique."

"Your Excellency Karen has issued an order to bury five hundred miniature hellfires around the vibrating tower. Our factory must work overtime."

"The war on the front line is tight, and the orcs must form their own reserves."

The civilians under the command of Shining Gold Town are also contributing. Even if they can't be on the front line, they will find a way to take care of the families of the soldiers. As long as they are in the factory, they will find a way to make an extra shell.

Especially the creatures of the Bauhinia Kingdom, they approached the shaking tower, consciously gathered around the tower, and consciously took responsibility for the food of the dwarves.

Some dwarves were not used to the environment of the Aegean continent, so they found a way to dig caves. They were not used to the diet of the Aegean, so they actively communicated with the East Indian continent and sorted out some recipes.

No one feels redundant because Karen needs them.

"Boss, the main body debugging has been completed."

"The main body of the gold U-shaped tower passed the test!"

"The inner magic power kingdom is completely penetrated, and three thousand predetermined attack positions are ready!"

"The pyramid has been docked with the monitoring eye, and the U-shaped sound wave launcher is ready!"

"All the peripheral support personnel have been evacuated, the Hellfire has been filled, and the defense system is in place."


Following the completion of the order report, Churchill looked at the people in charge, all of them had gray faces. He couldn't help but wiped his face, and found that his face was also covered with dust. For four consecutive days, he forgot to wash his face. up.

This move instantly caused all the creatures to laugh, but they soon became serious, quietly watching Churchill call Karen's magic image.

With a burst of snowflakes flickering, a sandalwood desk first appeared on the screen, with a cup of coffee on the edge of the desk, Karen was crawling on the desk to sleep, and beside him was a large stack of documents.

This time, everyone's eyes were wet.

They are suffering, and Karen is suffering more than them. Everyone hopes that the boss can sleep well, and Churchill is even more distressed, but he still shouted with the loudest voice:

"Boss, the gold U-shape vibrating tower has been built, request for acceptance!"