MTL - Five Years Later, She Bombarded the Palace with a Miniature Version of the Regent-Chapter 383 night horror

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  Chapter 383 Night terror

   That’s right, the attitudes of the prince’s brother and the queen’s empress are too strange.

  Could they really fancy Yu Yunxi's identity and want her to be the princess?

  Although Yu Yunxi and the prince's elder brother are cousins, it would not be surprising if the two got married.

  After all, there is also a precedent in the history of Western Chu where the emperor married the imperial sister and became the queen.

  The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, Yu Xiaoxiao was like an ant on a hot pot.

  Shang's eyes also flashed a dignified color.

  She didn't forget that when Xiaoxiao was named princess and then married to the prince as a side concubine, her elder brother beat her up.

  Brother said that Xiaoxiao got such a good marriage because of King Zhenbei. I hope she can keep this in mind and don't annoy King Zhenbei.

  But she has been in charge of Zhenbei Wangfu for so many years, and Zhenbei Wang doesn't care about the affairs of the Wangfu. The Wangfu has long been their second wife.

  People in Kyoto also respect them.

  So she has long since forgotten this exhortation.

   Could it be that the prince really has no feelings for Xiaoxiao at all? The reason why you want to marry her is because of King Zhenbei's influence?

  Now that Yu Yunxi is back, the prince started to change his target?

Shang's heart was also very anxious, but she didn't want to affect Yu Xiaoxiao's mood, so she pretended to be calm and said: "Don't worry, the prince was so kind to you before, so he must have affection for you. The queen is kind to Yun Xi now, Naturally, it's because she wants to use King Zhenbei, but she hates Yu Yunxi in her heart, so why would she want Yu Yunxi to become the princess."

  Shang’s words made Yu Xiaoxiao gradually calm down.

   "That's right, with Yu Yunxi's arrogant and domineering appearance, which man would like her? If it weren't for her identity, she would be a village girl."

   Yu Xiaoxiao said proudly.

  But soon, her face became gloomy again.

"The prince's elder brother doesn't like her, but it doesn't mean that this **** won't be tempted by the position of the crown princess. After all, the eldest princess has no real power. If she becomes the crown prince, she will be the queen in the future. It is impossible for Yu Yunxi not to be tempted. You said that she frequently enters the palace these days, isn't it just to attract the attention of the prince's brother?"

  When Yu Xiaoxiao thought of this, her face became distorted.

   "Mom, what should we do?" She tugged on Shang's sleeve, her tone still anxious.

   "If not, I won't be able to ask her to pray tomorrow." A cruel look flashed in Shang's eyes.

  If Yu Yunxi can help her daughter, she can still tolerate her existence.

  But if Yu Yunxi wants to compete with her daughter for the crown prince, then don't blame her for being rude.

   "She is the eldest princess, how can we stop her."

  Yu Xiaoxiao vented her anger.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you forgotten what day it is today?" Shang lowered her voice and said mysteriously.

  Yu Xiaoxiao frowned?

   "I don't remember what today means." She whispered.

"Today is fifteen. On the fifteenth of every month, the dirty things in the courtyard where Yu Yunxi lives are ready to move. Although my mother doesn't know why Yu Yunxi has lived in it for so many days and is safe and sound, but today is the fifteenth, and she has Take it." Shang said with a sneer.

  Hearing this, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with excitement.

  Yes, for more than 20 years, every fifteenth day, the courtyard is more gloomy than before. In the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, there are maids and servants who have gone crazy all the year round, all because they set foot in that yard on the fifteenth day.

   "Mother, we didn't remind Yu Yunxi about this, did we?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Shang Shi excitedly.

   "Well. Mother has already told the servants in the palace that no one is allowed to mention this matter with Yu Yunxi. We will wait until today."

  Shang said meaningfully.

   "I was frightened by those dirty things tonight, and Yu Yunxi would shed a layer of skin if she didn't die, so she didn't have the heart to pester the prince brother."

   "That's right." Yu Xiaoxiao nodded frantically.

  Ms. Shang straightened Yu Xiaoxiao's collar, and then said softly, "Xiaoxiao, don't worry, mother will never let others take away what belongs to you."

   "Mother, you are the best." Yu Xiaoxiao let go of her heart in an instant, and she took the initiative to hug Shang Shi and act like a baby.


  Here, after Yu Yunxi came back, she read the books that Meng Xia helped her bring from the palace in the house.

  She desperately wanted to find a way to restore her memory.

  The night is deep.

  Meng Xia pushed the door open and came in. Seeing that Yu Yunxi was still reading, she said worriedly: "Princess, you've been reading for a whole day, it's time to rest your eyes."


  Yu Yunxi frowned, then put down the book in her hand.

   "Are these books really from the library in the palace?" Yu Yunxi asked in a muffled voice.

   "Yes, princess, what's wrong?" Meng Xia asked worriedly.

   "It's nothing, I just think... these books are useless." Yu Yunxi sighed.

  It is said that the Zangshu Pavilion in the palace is the place with the largest collection of books in Western Chu.

  She also wants to find a way to break the curse here.

  I watched it all day, but found nothing.

   "Forget it, it's said to be a curse, so how can we find a solution so easily. If we can find it, my grandfather would have looked for it for my grandmother back then."

  Yu Yunxi shook her head, comforting herself softly.

   "Princess, don't push yourself too hard. Maybe one day, the memory will suddenly come back?" Meng Xia also comforted Yun Xi.

  Yu Yunxi nodded.

"Princess, this servant has remembered. Master Shenzhi of Wan'an Temple is very powerful, he can even pry into the destiny. There are few things in this world that he doesn't know. Otherwise, when we go to Wan'an Temple to pray for blessings tomorrow, we can ask this person for advice." Grandmaster."

  Meng Xia thought of this, and she hurriedly reported it to Yu Yunxi.

  Master Shenzhi?

  Yu Yunxi's eyes began to turn cold.

  She doesn't really believe in these things.

   Especially the so-called masters and national teachers.

  Qianqing and the others told her that she was married in Tianxia Kingdom back then, and it was the trick of Xia Guoguo's teacher that day.

  She was later hunted down by the concubine of Emperor Tianxia, ​​and this incident was also inseparable from that national teacher.

   After all, that national teacher is still her enemy.

   Pursed her red lips, she is a person who has revenge. She heard Jiang Ying say that the national teacher had fled to Xichu, and she wanted to find him.

   "Go back to sleep first. I think you will lose your mind tomorrow." Yu Yunxi said warmly.

  She has so many enemies, I'm afraid it will be another fierce battle tomorrow.

   "Yes, the eldest princess. The weather has been cold recently, so remember to cover the quilt at night."

   After Meng Xia said these words again, she turned around and went out.

  After the door was closed, Yu Yunxi took off her robe, took off the hairpin on her head, and lay down on the bed.

   I don't know how Feng Yili and Jin'er are doing now.

  I haven't seen them today, but...I miss them very much.

  Thinking of the large and small faces, the curvature of Yu Yunxi's mouth became much gentler.

   But at this moment, with a "snap", the window was blown open, and a gust of cold wind blew in.

  (end of this chapter)