MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2919 You are smart and stupid

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"It seems that your eight needles against the sky are really good."

The Heavenly Ghost King was not too surprised when he saw Xia Xia appearing, the corner of his mouth even raised a sneer: "I don't know how many needles you have practiced?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "If you really practiced, you should know how many needles I have practiced, and you won't ask such an idiot question."

"You can say this sentence, it shows that your understanding of the eight needles against the sky is not very good."

The Heavenly Ghost King chuckled and said to Xia Xia, "Do you need me to tell you the magic of the God-Defying Needle, so maybe there is a chance to kill me."

"If you want to kill you, you don't need to be so troublesome." Xia Xia lit up a silver needle between his fingers and said lightly, "I can kill you now."

The Heavenly Ghost King smiled, raised his finger and pointed upward, "Thunder calamity is coming, this king has no time to talk to you, you should think about how to avoid this thunder calamity, otherwise, you and the Fuyao Fairy will be alone. He was directly killed by thunder robbery."

Of course, in the summer, he also saw the huge lightning ball above his head that was already descending extremely fast.

"Husband, why don't you find a way to avoid it first!" Fairy Fuyao also showed her figure, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she showed a solemn expression: "Lei Jie is really not joking, if you are not careful, it is indeed easy to die."

"Fuyao wife, don't worry." Xia Xia actually knew something.

In the process of practicing the eight needles against the sky, he basically didn't have much bottlenecks in the first few needles, and it was quite smooth, especially the first four needles, which hardly took any effort.

By the fifth, sixth, and even seventh stitches, Xia finally encountered some obstacles.

He stopped at the seventh stitch twice, and never broke through the eighth stitch. When he first practiced to the seventh needle, he felt that as long as he continued to follow the previous method, kept healing and saving people, improved his proficiency in the eight needles against the sky, and then supplemented it with double cultivation, he would break through to the eighth needle sooner or later, nothing more than is time


However, 12 years later, he still has no sign of breaking through, and then there is the matter of Ye Yumei draining his cultivation and letting him practice again.

Now he has reached the seventh needle again. After the battle of Wuluo Shenjun and others, and after accepting most of Fairy Fuyao's cultivation, Xia Xia realized the key.

The eighth needle is definitely related to the catastrophe.

However, he is not suitable to directly transcend the calamity now, not because he is afraid of failure, but because he never thought about going to the real fairyland by himself.

His idea is to first learn the eight needles against the sky and have the ability to make his woman soar to the real fairyland at any time, and then take everyone to go together.

You can't cross the tribulation yourself, and you must use the tribulation training to break through to the eighth needle.

Right now, isn't it an opportunity.

The thunder calamity attracted by the Heavenly Ghost King just met the conditions that Xia Xia wanted.

That being the case, the righteous Lord of the Ghost King had to die even more that day.

"You want to kill me?" Heavenly Ghost King saw the killing intent in Xia Xia's eyes, but he was a little surprised at this time, "You actually want to monopolize this thunder tribulation?"

Xia Xia said casually: "Killing you idiot has nothing to do with the catastrophe, you must die without the catastrophe."

"I understand."

The Heavenly Ghost King's face showed a clear expression, "Your eight needles against the sky have reached a bottleneck. Do you want to try the Heavenly Tribulation to see if you can break through, right?"

Xia Xia said lazily, "Can't you just die quietly?"

"You are very smart, but also very stupid." The Heavenly Ghost King shook his head, showing a look of contempt: "If someone else is robbing, you may benefit a lot by rubbing on the side. But this king is different. This time, the thunder calamity concentrated all the shares and condensed it into a sky.

Thunder catastrophe, and then a one-time bombardment. With your current cultivation, you can't stand it at all. "

Xia Xia's expression was quite indifferent: "Whether it can stand it, it doesn't matter what you say, it's what I say."

"Okay, I'll give you this chance." The Heavenly Ghost King chuckled and said to Xia Xia, "The thunder catastrophe will break out in ten seconds. You can only meet me if you kill me during this period. catastrophe."

"Then there's no need, because you're already dead." Xia Tian put away the silver needle and looked at the huge thunder ball above his head casually, "I just need to deal with this broken ball above my head."

The Heavenly Ghost King's expression changed, and he touched his heart subconsciously, and felt a trace of wetness. When he spread it out, he saw that it was black blood.

Immediately, the black mist in the body spread out at a very fast speed.

He looked stunned and shocked: "When did you stab me?"

"When you're talking nonsense." Xia Tian curled his lips.

"Impossible!" The Heavenly Ghost King shook his head flatly, "This king has always been on guard, and my Hunji Demon Gang has always been on, even if the so-called Supreme comes, there is no chance to break my defense, let alone you. "

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Maybe your magic gang is really powerful, but so what, if you get hit, you get hit, you just die quietly."

"I understand." A thought flashed in the mind of the Heavenly Ghost King, "You gave me a shot right after you entered the screen, and then after I devoured you with the magic mist, you triggered the shot. the power. You just showed the silver needle, but

It's just a blindfold. "

Xia Xia said: "You are also very smart, but what's the use of saying this now?"

"Of course it works, this king will kill you first!" The Heavenly Ghost King shouted abruptly, his body glowing with a thin golden light, forcibly suppressing the overflowing black mist, summoning a large sword out of thin air, and swiping it towards Xia Xia.

At this time, the huge thunderball in the sky was getting closer and closer.

The huge pressure is also getting heavier and heavier. Some elders with weaker cultivation, as well as those immortal cultivators from the Fuyao Realm who were **** as slaves, began to show signs of body and soul collapse.

Fairy Fuyao knew that Xia Xia didn't need her help, so she had already flown to the right palm of the Demon King Statue.

He took out the Hua Que Sword and used a style of [Moon Shadows], which directly cut off the soul locks around those people.

"This is the Magic Moon Sword Technique, you, you are..." One of the slightly older immortal cultivators widened his eyes and looked at Fairy Fuyao.

Fairy Fuyao said lightly, "I am Fairy Fuyao Qin Chuxue."

"It turned out to be the ancestor of Fuyao, the junior kowtows to the ancestor, thank the ancestor for saving his life." The elder cultivator immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "The junior Qin Changqing is the ninth-generation head of Huanyue Xinzhai, and his cultivation is in the integration stage. Our Fuyao world has been plagued by the ghost king for thousands of years, and our talents have withered, and we haven't made a transition for a long time.

Tribulation period immortal cultivator. Since the ancestor of Fuyao has returned, whether to revive the Huanyue Xinzhai, and then..."

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this." Fairy Fuyao interrupted him directly, and said to the others: "Thunder disaster is coming, you are not safe here, I will send you to a safe place, When you get there, there will be someone to pick you up. Remember, it's there

Over there, everyone listens to the arrangements of the people over there. If you want to revive the Huan Yue Xin Zhai, you can go there to train new people. "

"Yes, everything follows Fuyao's ancestor's arrangement."

The older cultivator naturally wouldn't have any opinion.

The rest of those who are weaker will naturally have no opinion. Fairy Fuyao glanced at the lightning ball on the top, and before she had time to think about it, she activated her consciousness, captured the coordinates of Xianyun Continent, and then used her robbery to teleport all the survivors of Fuyao Realm in front of her.


When they arrive at the Immortal Cloud Continent, they will naturally attract the attention of Yue Qingya and the others, and they will know her intentions with a little inquiry.

As for whether these people will be obedient when they arrive at Xianyun Continent, then there is no need to worry.

Yue Qingya and the others are all in the calamity period. Some time ago, they gained calamity power because of their double cultivation with Xia Xia. Dealing with these people is completely a piece of cake.

Besides, Fairy Fuyao also believed that they would not mess around.

At this time, the elders of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance on the left palm couldn't see it, and immediately shouted to Fairy Fuyao: "Hey, Qin Fuyao, don't you hurry and cut off the soul locks on us!"

"What does your life and death have to do with me?" Fairy Fuyao snorted coldly, ignoring them at all.

"Fairy Fuyao, all the people of your Fuyao world are still guilty. As long as we send a word to the Xianlu Division, even if you send them to the end of the sky, you still cannot escape the guilt!"

"Rescue us quickly, otherwise, the two of you alone won't be able to bear the thunder catastrophe!"

"You want to die, come and save us!"

"If you don't let us go, we will report the matter of you sending the sinner out privately. It's also a big sin!"


Fairy Fuyao hesitated for a moment, then shook the sword in her palm, waved two sword beams, and slashed over.

Those elders felt relieved immediately, this Fuyao Fairy was still sensible after all.

It's just that those two sword beams only hit the soul locks on Jixing Xianweng and Zhu Jiuchen.

"You two, find a place to hide yourself later." Fairy Fuyao said lightly to the two of them: "Whether you can survive or not depends on you."

Jixing Xianweng has already looked down on life and death: "There is no need to hide. If you and Xiaoyou Xia have a way to solve this thunderball, then we will naturally be able to live. If you fail, then we must not be able to withstand the aftermath of the calamity, or die. "

"Then it's up to you." Fairy Fuyao didn't say much, but secretly used all the robbery power, and looked up at the huge thunderball that was already close at hand.

On the other side, Xia Xia had already smashed the long sword of the Heavenly Ghost King with one punch, and hit the opponent's face with another punch.

The Heavenly Ghost King fell directly, smashed into the ground, and disappeared.

Xia Xia didn't delay the effort, and the person flashed directly into the air, and he didn't even have time to say hello to Fairy Fuyao.

Huge thunder balls, exuding endless thunder dragons and electric snakes, smashed the Shrine of Tribulation into pieces.

"Rush, hurry in and get rid of this thunderball."

"Friend Xia, it's all up to you!"

"If you fail, we will be doomed!"

"Go quickly, otherwise, you will be the sinner of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance!"

At this time, the elders who were eager to die in Xia Xia suddenly hoped that Xia Xia could break this huge thunderball.

"It's annoying, you idiots, just die."

Xia Xia was too lazy to listen to these people talking nonsense, and immediately used a silver needle to evoke a lightning bolt and clicked on them.


A huge thunderbolt hit the left palm of the Demon King Statue in the blink of an eye, and those clamoring elders were immediately bombarded outside and inside, and there was no sound.

"Lei Jie, right, you'd better really use the eight needles against the sky."

Xia Xia muttered to himself, and then flew into the huge thunderball.

"call out!"

The next second, the huge thunderball disappeared instantly with Xia Xia. The entire Jingjiao Divine Palace suddenly regained its tranquility.