MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 18 Embrace

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   "Okay, then let her go." The red lips moved slightly, the corners of the lips tugged slightly, and the soft voice seemed to drip water.

  Xuanyuan Ye's hand holding the cup froze slightly, the water in his arms rippling slightly, arousing several faint waves of water.

  Bai Yichen's eyes showed that she had done so much, but it was for him after all.

   After being satisfied, he secretly let out a sigh of relief. There was also a few traces of joy in my heart that I had never had before.

   Such an answer seemed to have been expected by everyone, and the civil and military ministers wanted to stand up and congratulate Meng Yuntian on his double happiness. After all, there are not many outstanding men like Bai Yichen in the whole world.

   What's more, this Miss Meng has been chasing after so many years, and finally has a result, how can I not congratulate her.

   However, Meng Fuying's eyes suddenly turned to Bai Yichen, the softness on his face disappeared instantly, no matter how light his red lips were, he said slowly, "However, I want to dissolve the engagement."

The current Feng Yulan is no longer a threat to her, and she has no bargaining chip if someone sees through the disguised conspiracy. In the future, she will not be stupid enough to use this kind of trick again, let alone this time The mastermind was not her in the first place. On this point, she knew that Feng Yulan did not confess to that person when she was most desperate. It was because of Feng Yulan's cleverness, but she also had some sense of loyalty.

  As for that person, she would never let him go so easily, but she would not act rashly before she was absolutely sure.

  As Bai Yichen said, Feng Yulan is just a poor person.

  A Feng Yulan, in exchange for her freedom, it's worth it.

  The last time she was in the Shouhe Palace, she knew that this marriage contract was not easy to dissolve. The Meng family is powerful, but the Bai family is not inferior at all, so if Bai Yichen disagrees, I'm afraid...

   Today, since Bai Yichen promised to marry her and let her let Feng Yulan go, she might as well go along with the flow and use this reason to let him agree to divorce.

  The teacup Xuanyuan Ye was holding was close to his lips again, and he sipped it slowly, the slight water in his mouth still seemed to have faint ripples.

  Everyone was stunned, there was a slight commotion in the hall, they all looked at Meng Fuying in disbelief, never expecting that she would propose to dissolve the engagement.

Bai Yichen's body froze suddenly, and the satisfied secret joy in his eyes also froze quickly. He stared straight at her with unbelievable astonishment, but also concealed a bit of anger. This woman, unexpectedly to...

   "I implore the emperor to dissolve this engagement, fulfilling Mr. Bai and Miss Feng, and also fulfilling Ying..." Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Meng Fuying looked at the emperor, saluted slightly, and said every word seriously.

   After all, it was at her father's birthday banquet. She didn't want to make things too rigid, so she tried her best to show affection for him.

   "You... I don't want this kindness." Bai Yichen's eyes suddenly sank, and he roared through gritted teeth.

  When would he, Bai Yichen, need the perfection of others?

  Angrily refusal, decisive and direct, without even considering his own feelings, she ruined the marriage, but he disagreed.

  He, Bai Yichen, the number one son in the world, was divorced by a woman in public, but he resolutely said no. Such a reckless refusal is not something everyone can do.

  Meng Fuying was stunned. He didn't expect that he would have such a fierce attitude. Didn't he always want to divorce? Didn't you write the divorce papers? Why is there such a strong opposition at this moment.

   Isn't he going to save Feng Yulan? Didn't he say he wanted to marry Feng Yulan?

  Looking slightly at Feng Yulan with his eyes, there was a hint of threat in his eyes, he begged her to spare Feng Yulan.

   However, Bai Yichen ignored it directly, as if he completely forgot his pleading just now.

  The cold cruel.

  Feng Yulan's body trembled, and there was heavy pain in her desperate eyes. She thought that she had more or less a place in his heart, but it turned out that she was so worthless.

  Thinking of her fighting for so many years, fighting for so many years, it is really sad. She laughed at Meng Fuying for being stupid, and she was afraid that she was even more stupid than Meng Fuying.

"Okay, today's commotion has delayed the birthday, take Feng Lingyun and Feng Yulan down, let's pay homage to Lord Hou first." The emperor glanced at the two people who were holding each other, and said in a deep voice .

  In the low-pitched voice, there is an irresistible majesty. And the intercession for Feng Yulan was nothing.

  Bai Yichen responded respectfully, glanced at Meng Fuying again quickly, and then stepped aside.

  Meng Fuying's heart sank slightly, the emperor's attitude made her understand that this engagement was more troublesome than she imagined.

  If Bai Yichen always disagreed, the emperor might not decree to dissolve the engagement.

The Bai family, which ranks first among the four major families, is far incomparable to the others. Under Bai Yichen's management, the Bai family's property has spread all over the world, and it has already been called the richest man in the world. With such wealth, it is impossible that there will be no other Therefore, while the emperor valued Bai Yichen, he also took it into consideration.

   After all, Bai Yichen was not an official in the court, and he was not bound by that direct order. This was also Bai Yichen's cleverness.

  Compared with the Meng family, the Bai family may cause even more headaches for the emperor. After all, Meng Yuntian is a courtier.

   For so many years, Bai Yichen has never divorced, she now?

   What a pity, I didn't get the divorce letter written by Bai Yichen that day, if I had the divorce letter...

  It is impossible for her to make matters worse in front of the emperor, at her father's birthday banquet, that would not be good for her, not to mention, she would not be so stupid as to refute the emperor at this time.

  So, at this time, I can only endure it first.

   But it doesn't matter, there is nothing she can't do that she wants to do, she will make Bai Yichen agree to divorce.

  Since he wants to play and has no defense, she will accompany him to the end. Anyway, what she has most now is time, and a sneer twitched at the corner of her lips.

  She will not ruin her happiness for a man she doesn't love.

  The emperor issued an order, who would dare to object.

  Everyone went forward to congratulate Meng Yuntian on his birthday.

  After Meng Fuying paid her birthday greetings, she chose the most remote corner where no one noticed. After all, she is not the main character today, and no one will pay attention to her whereabouts.

   This situation seems familiar, because in the past, when she went to a friend's banquet, she was used to sitting in the corner alone. She didn't like those polite and hypocritical concessions.

  There are too many guests, and the girls are too busy, such a corner. No one came to serve, so she picked up the wine glass on the table, filled it by herself, and drank it down.

  She likes this vivid feeling, casual and free and easy.

  Feeling a direct gaze on her, still with a little anger, don't look, she knows, it's Bai Yichen's.

   Ridiculous, isn't it?

  Back then, Meng Fuying was chasing after him like that, and he never even glanced at him. Now, she is hiding in such a corner, but he...

   And what right does he have to be angry?

  Filled up the wine glass again, and still drank it down in one gulp. Drinking is no stranger to her. As an orphan, the most thing in her life is loneliness, and drinking may become a habit.

  That kind of casualness, that kind of freedom made her, who was hiding in the corner, even more attractive.

  Suddenly aware of another gaze cast on her, Meng Fuying frowned slightly, and subconsciously raised her eyes to look, then met the bottomless eyes again, slightly startled.

   It's just that when she wanted to explore the emotion in those eyes, he turned away from them. It seemed that the look just now was just her illusion.

   Meng Ruxue, who was sitting beside him, poured wine for him softly, whispered something beside him, and smiled lightly.

  The banquet lasted very late. When Meng Fuying left the hall, she felt a little dizzy. Maybe her body is not as good at drinking as before.

  However, when the night wind blew, she felt much more comfortable, and she walked towards her courtyard alone.

   However, when she passed the back garden alone, her wrist was suddenly grabbed, and before she could react, she was brought into a spacious embrace.

  Slightly hard chest, masculine breath...