MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 190 Her domineering man can only be hers (2)

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"Ying girl, don't talk nonsense." The queen mother hurriedly shouted when she heard her words, "Since ancient times, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, not to mention Dongfang Shuo's special status. King of the country."

   "Queen Mother, Fu'er disagrees with this. I don't care about other people's affairs, but my husband cannot have other women, no matter what his status is." Meng Fuying retorted dissatisfiedly with the Queen Mother's words.

   "Uh," Xuanyuan Qing swallowed secretly, "Sister-in-law Seven, this is too, too domineering. If that's the case, then he might hate it, might..."

"If he really loves you, he will definitely not hate your dominance towards him in this aspect, but will be happy. If he doesn't really love you, no matter how obedient you are to him, he will still get tired of it. You." Meng Fuying looked at Xuanyuan Qing, and said again with a serious face.

  She must let Xuanyuan Qing understand this truth.

   "Then what if Brother Seven has another woman?" Xuanyuan Qing took a deep breath and asked carefully, but then explained again and again, "Of course, I'm just hypothesizing."

  Meng Fuying was slightly stunned, and there was a slight strangeness in his eyes, the corners of his lips moved slightly, and he said in a low voice, "If that's really the case..."

"There's no such possibility." However, at this moment, Xuanyuan Ye walked in and quickly interrupted Meng Fuying's words. He didn't listen and knew her answer, so he wouldn't let her She said things like that.

   "Seventh Brother." Xuanyuan Qing was slightly stunned when he saw Xuanyuan Ye walking in, and his expression became a little more nervous. Unexpectedly, Seventh Brother heard it.

   "Qing'er, Fu'er is right, he is your man, he is yours, and has nothing to do with other women." Xuanyuan Ye's words were even more powerful, and he said it directly, and it has nothing to do with other women! Hehe, that's true. Since he is her man, he naturally has nothing to do with other women.

  Meng Fuwang's eyes looked straight at him, with a chuckle of admiration and satisfaction, he was indeed her man.

   "Seventh Brother, I understand." Xuanyuan Qing nodded slightly in response, yes, since Seventh Brother can only love Seventh Sister-in-law, why can't she ask Dongfang Shuo to only love her.

  Okay, that's it. From now on, Dongfang Shuo must not be seduced by other women.

   "You guys." The queen mother shook her head slightly and sighed softly, "Hey, young people nowadays."

  However, at this moment, she didn't talk about her rules anymore. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so why should she worry about that.

  The next day, Dongfang Shuo's wedding team was about to leave the city. Meng Fuying and Xuanyuan Fen sent Xuanyuan Qing out. Although they were reluctant to part with it, there is no banquet in this world that lasts forever.

   "Sister-in-law Seven, I'm leaving today, and I don't know when I'll see you again." Xuan Xuanqing held Meng Fuying's hand tightly and didn't let go, so she couldn't help but drag Meng Fuying into the carriage.

   "Don't worry, there will be a chance to meet. Seventh sister-in-law will go to Beiyuan country to see you when she has time." Meng Fuying smiled slightly, this girl seemed a little nervous.

   "Really, sister-in-law Qi can keep her word, she must come to Beiyuan country to see me." Xuan Xuanqing said excitedly when she heard her words, for fear that she would regret it.

   "Okay, okay, I will definitely go," Meng Fuying smiled helplessly.

"Let me tell you, have you finished talking? Otherwise, we can really take her to Beiyuan country together, we can afford it in Beiyuan country..." Dongfang Shuo saw that the two of them had said goodbye for nearly half an hour, He hadn't walked to the carriage yet, although he also understood Xuanyuan Qing's reluctance, but seeing that it was getting late, if he continued to delay, he might not want to leave today.

  However, when Xuanyuan Ye heard his words, his complexion sank slightly, he tore a leaf casually, and quickly threw it at Dongfang Shuo.

"Xuanyuan Ye, you are too cruel. You want to kill me before I get married. Could it be that you want your sister to become..." Dongfang Shuo quickly avoided, screaming , suddenly realized that what he said seemed a little too much, and Xuanyuan Qing was still present, so he swallowed back the words that followed.

   Xuanyuan Qing was stunned for a moment, then let go of Meng Fuying, and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law Seven, I'm leaving."

   While speaking, she also turned around slightly and walked towards the carriage, but there seemed to be a somewhat strange expression on her face.

  Due to the long distance, Dongfang Shuo prepared a very luxurious and comfortable carriage, so that Xuanyuan Qing would not be too tired along the way.

   Dongfang Shuo saw that Xuanyuan Qing had finally got on the carriage, so he also gave Xuanyuan Ye a look, followed by the horse, and the wedding procession began to walk out of the city.

  Out of the city, after walking a little distance, Dongfang Shuo got off his horse and got into the carriage. Originally, the carriage was huge enough to hold several people, and the road was too far away, so he didn't intend to ride the horse all the time.

  Xuanyuan Qing saw him coming in, but was slightly taken aback, and didn't say anything, Dongfang Shuo sat beside her with a smile on his face.

Xuanyuan Qing breathed out secretly, but she didn't arrive, she just turned her eyes slightly, looked at him, thought for a moment, then slowly said, "Dongfang Shuo, I have something I want to tell you .”

Her voice wasn't very loud, and she was slightly nervous, but her attitude was strangely firm. Seventh sister-in-law told her repeatedly that she couldn't be the slightest bit nervous about this matter. Compromise, you must persist, otherwise she will definitely be the one who gets hurt in the future.

  Sister-in-law Qi also told her that it is extremely normal to ask her man to be loyal and consistent to herself, and it is not too much at all. Women should not be too cowardly.

   "What's the matter?" Dongfang Shuo raised his brows slightly, and looked at her suspiciously. He had just left the city. What did she have to tell him, and she still had such a serious look.

Xuanyuan Qing took a deep breath again, suppressed the tension in her heart, looked at him with more firm eyes, slightly parted her red lips, and said word by word again, "Dongfang Shuo, since you married me , there can be no other women."

  She finally said this in full, but, looking straight into his eyes, she became more nervous, not knowing how he would answer her.

  If he says she is delusional, that she is too domineering, then what will she do? Did she really leave in a cool way as Sister-in-law Qi said?

  Dongfang Shuo was completely shocked when he heard her words, and couldn't help but stop smiling. His eyes were looking straight at her, but the corners of his lips were slightly pursed, and he didn't speak.

Not hearing his answer, Xuanyuan Qing felt a little more disappointed in her heart. Seeing him staring at her in a daze, she was even more annoyed, and couldn't help saying again, "Dongfang Shuo, you are my man." , it can only be mine alone, if you have other women, then I will..."

  Sister-in-law Seven seemed to have said the same thing to Brother Seven before, not only was Brother Seven not angry, he seemed to be very happy, very happy.

  Sister-in-law Qi said that it was because Brother Qi really loved her.

  Now, she also wants to see how much Dongfang Shuo's love for her is real?

   "What about you?" Dongfang Shuo's face darkened slightly, his eyes were slightly stared, and there was a bit of anger in his voice.

   Xuanyuan Qing was startled, his reaction seemed to be too different from Seventh Brother's. Could it be that he didn't really love her at all? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little more pain in my heart, lowered my eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "Then I will leave alone."

   "Don't think about it." Dongfang Shuo suddenly growled, then quickly took her into his arms, and said solemnly again, "I will not let you have such a chance."

   To be honest, he was indeed startled by her sudden words just now. He never expected that she would say such words. However, after the astonishment, there was obvious joy in his heart.

  She asking him like this proves that she cares about him in her heart and loves him. Because she loves him, she doesn't allow other women to approach him.

   Didn't expect his woman to have this kind of possessive desire for him, just like he did for her.

   However, when he heard her say to leave, his heart suddenly tugged, and he couldn't help roaring.

   "You mean, you won't let me leave by then?" Xuanyuan Qing was slightly startled when she heard his roar, her heart sank again, and she said a little sadly.

   "Yes, since you are married to me, you will be my woman for the rest of your life, how can I let you go." Dongfang Shuo held her hand, tightened it slightly, and said domineeringly again.

   It's just that the voice is a little softer this time, and the smile on the face is a little more. However, Xuanyuan Qing who was held in his arms did not see it.

"However, if you have other women, maybe let me watch you get intimate with other women, I..." Xuanyuan Qing's eyes slowly lowered, and there were obvious injuries on her face. pain.

  Now, just thinking about that possibility, she couldn't help but feel heartache. She suddenly understood that Mrs. Qi was right. If Dongfang Shuo really had another woman by then, she would be really sad.

   "Fool, who said I would have other women." Dongfang Shuo sighed slightly, then raised her face, brushed his nose lightly, and said with a little helplessness.

  Xuanyuan Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and when she realized it, a slight smile appeared on her lips, "You mean, you will never have another woman in your life?"

"It's just you, it took me three years to marry back, that's enough trouble, I really don't have the energy to find another..." Dongfang Shuo's usual ruffian chuckle spread across his face again, Said half-truthfully,

   "Do you mean that I am troublesome?" Xuanyuan Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said with a little annoyance, but there was a bit of sweetness in her heart.

   "You are indeed too troublesome." Dongfang Shuo thought for a moment, and then said seriously. ,

   "Dongfang Shuo, you?"

   Xuanyuan Qing is angry, this man thinks her troublesome now.

Seeing that she was really angry, Dongfang Shuo took her into his arms completely, and with his lips slightly close to her ear, he said slowly, "However, no matter how troublesome it is, it will be my whole life, Dongfang Shuo. The only woman identified."

   While speaking, his lips quickly kissed her, blocking her small mouth full of questions. He didn't mind showing her with actions...

   "Woo..." Xuanyuan Qing was startled, and subconsciously exclaimed, but the voice was suddenly held in his mouth.

   However, thinking about his words, the corners of her lips could not help but smile slightly, and her eyes slowly closed, intoxicated by his tenderness.

  Xuanyuanye brought Meng Fuying back to the palace.

   "Let's go, I'll take you back to rest for a while." Xuanyuanye walked slowly towards the room with Meng Fuying in his arms.

   Entering the courtyard, Meng Fuying's eyes turned slightly, and she couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, "Hey, what kind of flower is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

   Xuanyuan Ye followed her gaze, and when he saw the flower, he also froze slightly, "Yes, what's the matter with this flower?"

Yesterday, because Qingzhu was angry with Sufeng, she casually threw it aside. Maybe it was because Sufeng would laugh at her again, so she threw it inside. Although the flower was special, it was small. So, if you don't pay attention, you won't see anything. It was almost covered by the flowers and leaves.

   "Return to Your Highness, Princess, that was brought back by Qingzhu yesterday." Sufeng who followed behind said repeatedly.

"Oh, so it was brought back by Qingzhu." Meng Fuying heard Sufeng said that Qingzhu brought it back, so she didn't think much about it, but, seeing that the flower was really special, she slowly squatted down and put It picked it up and said softly, "This flower is really unique. I don't know where the green bamboo is obtained from?"

   "Hehe," Su Feng couldn't help chuckling, "I'm afraid I was deceived by the flower seller on the street. She also said yesterday that this flower can make people young and beautiful."

  Su Feng's face also had a few faint smiles, with a strange gentleness, especially when he said Qing Zhu's name, there was a bit of a strange feeling in his words.

Meng Fuying turned her eyes slightly and looked at Sufeng. When she saw the expression on his face, she was slightly stunned, and then a slight smile appeared in her eyes. Usually Sufeng is always cold, except for Xuanyuanye's orders. Things, he doesn't care about other things at all, and he doesn't care about other people. Now he seems to be a little strange to Qingzhu?

   This is a good thing. It seems that she should find an opportunity to try Qingzhu's intentions. If Qingzhu's girl is also interested, she will find a way to help them match.

  Thinking about this in his heart, he didn't pay too much attention to the flower, so he bent down again and put the flower back into the jasmine bush.

  Xuanyuan Qing left, and Xuanyuan Che's influence had completely disintegrated, and Xuanyuan Che never appeared again.

   Next, Xuanyuanye and Meng Fuying spent a relatively leisurely few days.

However, Meng Fuying also began to concentrate on taking care of business matters. The shops she asked Feiying to prepare have all been decorated and all the work has been hired. Next, she can display the shops she produced New products came out.

  However, this matter should not be too anxious. After all, some shops are too far away, and it is not an easy task to transport all those things there.

Now, Xuanyuanye doesn't seem to care much about the affairs of the court, and is slowly transferring the affairs in his hands to the second prince. Although Xuanyuanye didn't say anything, Meng Fuying noticed it, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice , it seems that Xuanyuan Ye really wants to give up the throne and live a free life with her.

  Then they can manage business affairs together in the future, so Meng Fuying is not in a hurry.

   Seven days later.

"What the **** is going on? Didn't it say that it will be effective in seven days? Now, there is no news at all." Bai Yichen said to Mr. Yin in the study, and when he looked at Lan Mei, he also had obvious anger.

"If she really put it in the rose, it will definitely have an effect. I'm afraid, the flower is not in the rose. Yesterday, I just saw the Seventh Princess on the street. Judging from her complexion From the looks of it, the spirit is very good, so I suspect that not only was the flower not placed among the rose bushes, but perhaps it was placed with the jasmine." Mr. Yin said slowly.

   "This, how is this possible?" Bai Yichen's face became more gloomy, and his eyes looking at Lan Mei became more angry, "Lan Mei, didn't you make it clear to Qing Zhu?"

"Lan Mei made it clear, how dare I be careless about this kind of thing, but I'm not sure where the green bamboo is placed, but logically speaking, the green bamboo should listen to me." Lan Mei Slightly startled, he explained again and again.

   "Whether it is true or not, no one knows. Now the Yi Wang Mansion is heavily guarded, and no one can get in." Bai Yichen gritted his teeth and growled, his eyes flickered, and said again, "Why don't you ask Qingzhu again."

"No, Qingzhu already suspected me last time. If I hadn't noticed her stalking, if not, we would have made preparations long ago. I'm afraid she would have discovered it long ago. If I went to tell her this on purpose She will doubt it." Lan Mei shook her head slightly, and she didn't want to lie to Qingzhu again.

   "Then what should we do now? Is there nothing we can do?" Bai Yichen became even more frustrated, and roared even more angrily.

   "I think of someone who might be able to help us." Mr. Yin's eyes flickered again, and he said in a slightly lower voice.

   "Who?" Bai Yichen was slightly stunned, his eyes quickly looked at him, and asked hastily.

"Xuanyuan Che." Mr. Yin pulled the corners of his lips slightly, and said slowly, "A few days ago, Xuanyuan Che sent his people to King Yi's mansion, and, I heard, he has an underground palace, so , I guess, Xuanyuan Che definitely has a secret passage leading to King Yi's mansion."

   "It's just that no one knows where Xuanyuan Che is hiding?" Bai Yichen frowned slightly, his expression still somewhat gloomy.

   "My people discovered Xuanyuan Che a few days ago and followed him secretly, so it's not difficult to find him." Mr. Yin said again without surprise.

  Lan Mei was secretly startled, who is this Mr. Yin? I heard that His Royal Highness, the Emperor and others have been looking for the prince, and there is no news about it. This Mr. Yin would know.

  If he was just a businessman, how could he have that kind of ability, and if he was just a businessman, he would never pay attention to that kind of thing, as long as it is too late, how could he follow Xuanyuan Che?

  There is definitely something wrong with Mr. Yin.

   "Really." Bai Yichen shouted with joy on his face, obviously there were not too many accidents, it seemed that it was a normal thing.

   "Well, as long as we find the secret passage, we can put the flower wherever we want." Mr. Yin also sneered slightly at the corner of his lips.

   "Well, this is a good way." Bai Yichen nodded slightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly smug, "Now Xuanyuan Che is like a mouse crossing the street. If we promise to help him, he will definitely..."