MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 38 trial four

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   Chapter 38 Trial IV

   When Cass woke up, he found himself lying in a humble tavern room with a faint herbal smell in the air.

   He wanted to sit up, but a cold hand pressed against his chest and pushed him back to the bed with a force that didn't match his slenderness.

   "Don't move, the wound hasn't been healed yet."

   A cold female voice rang from the side.

  Kas turned his head, and beside the bed sat a blond woman, wearing a three-cornered hat with white feathers on her head, and a tight leather armor that was easy to move. At the moment she was concentrating on applying some green ointment to his stomach.

   This person is the woman who saved him from the mist monster earlier.

  Cas noticed that there was an upward acute angle mark formed by two thick straight lines on the chest of the opponent's leather armor.

  Case recognizes this sign, which is the symbol of the Eighth Order of the Church of the Holy Spirit.

  The symbol of the Church of the Holy Spirit is a seven-pointed star, and each horn symbolizes a Holy Spirit worshipped by the church, representing father, mother, elder, lady, boy, child, and the dead.

   But the Eighth Hermit is not included in this sign.

When Terra I completed the great cause of unifying the Vic Continent and became the eighth Holy Spirit as a mortal, there was a debate within the Holy Spirit Church about how the extra eighth Holy Spirit should belong to the Holy Spirit worship system for half a year. over centuries.

  Some people think that the Eighth Holy Spirit is not included in the creation model proposed by the first crowned ones, and that Terra I is just another divine enlightener. Some people also believe that the creation model of the seven holy spirits is not perfect, and a holy spirit who has been upgraded from a mortal needs to make up for the last missing piece.

Finally, in the "Eighth Pardon" promulgated by the 66th Holy Spirit Pope, the devout Prato, it was clarified that the "Hermit" of the Eighth Holy Spirit exists as a hidden Holy Spirit and cannot be raptured at the public Mass of the Seven Holy Spirits. and. Its logo was also not incorporated into the seven-pointed star of the Church of the Holy Spirit, but instead a single acute angle was used as a symbol.

   After that, the Eighth Order also became semi-independent from the Church of the Holy Spirit. Compared with the Church of the Holy Spirit, it was closer to the imperial family of the empire.

   "Are you a member of the church?"

   Cass asked.


   The other party answers briefly in a nasal voice.

   "Can you tell me your name?"


   The woman replied.

   "Did you save me?"

   "That's right."

"Thank you."

  Cass recalled the scene before he lost consciousness, when he could see his internal organs through the wound that penetrated his abdominal cavity.

   "I didn't expect that I was still alive?"

  He thought he was dead.

   "No, you're actually dead."

  Nezmael said calmly, her tone terribly calm.

   Cass subconsciously put his hand under his nose to make sure he was still breathing.

After   Cas confirmed that he was still breathing normally, Nezemar slowly continued:

"But the life link between the witch and you saved you, the life scale powder maintained your life, and I happen to be a healer magic caster, I have used the [healing] The hand] has stabilized the injury, but it will take some time to fully recover."

   "Your words are finished at once..."

   Cass put his hand down weakly.

  Nezmar said with a blank expression:

   "But you can rest assured that even if you really die, I will immediately apply to the local Holy Spirit Church to use [Su Sheng] to bring you back to life."

  【Su Sheng】is a life spell in the ninth-level near-legendary domain, and can only be used by the clergy of the Church of the Holy Spirit with the help of the shrine of the Seven Holy Spirits.

   The effect of this spell is to revive a person whose corpse is intact and who has been dead for no more than 6 hours.

   Of course, resurrection is not without cost. The essence of this spell is that the caster transfers his own vitality to the dead. If it wasn't for several magic casters to use this spell together, it would basically be a life-for-life situation.

  As far as Cass knows, the Church of the Holy Spirit has been declining in Blackwater Province. It is estimated that only the bishop of St. Dewey's Church in the entire City of Thorns may have reached the level of being able to use this spell.

   Exchange the life of a bishop for the life of a wanted criminal?

how is this possible.

   Cass was amused by the other party's words.

"Do not believe?"

  Nezmar said, pulling a long bandage and biting it off with his white teeth.

   Cass shook his head and said:

   "Now most of the people in the city want to kill me, and you tell me that the bishop is willing to sacrifice his life to save me, will you believe it?"

  Nezmar replied:

   "If you are just a wanted criminal, there is really no value in doing so. But compared to the wanted criminal in the City of Thorns, you have a more important identity."

   The other party's words reminded Cass of his memory before he passed out.

   "The Judgment... The last bloodline of the dark swordsman Black Seba?"

   Deducting a few key words from scattered memories, he asked suspiciously:

   "What exactly is that?"

   "You should know the Doomsday and William Kane?"

  Kas nodded, I'm afraid there should be few people in this world who don't know about it.

   "In addition to creating the Last Watcher, William Kane also created another organization called the Tribunal, or the original Last Watcher was just a peripheral organization of the Tribunal."

   As she spoke, she bandaged Cass' wound.

"There are thirteen people in the tribunal, including William Kane, of course, including your ancestor Blake Seba. Each of them is a hero who has reached the realm of the gods. The purpose of his original creation of the tribunal was to confrontation…"

   She stopped suddenly, and asked Cass:

   "Do you know what those monsters that nearly killed you were?"

   Cass, who was about to complain that the other party stopped halfway through his words, suddenly became serious after hearing this question, and he replied:

"I don't know, I only know that they are a bit similar to the magical creatures summoned by summoning spells, but they are different from those puppets that only obey the summoner. They have high intelligence. In addition, they will turn black after death. The salt crystals dissipate without leaving a trace... Do you know what they are?"

   "Moon monster."

  Nezmaar first named them, then explained:

"Simply put, Lunar is a magical plane in which there are things called lunar monsters, which are usually the embodiment of certain ideas: such as conspiracy, decay or destruction, temptation, etc. And based on them They are also very happy to come to the world to practice their own ideas. In fact, a thousand years ago, they almost dragged the entire Vic continent to the brink of destruction, but…”

   Cass took her words.

   "But William Cain and the Tribunal he established overcame them?"

  Nezmar nodded and said:


   "Then why is there no mention of the Tribunal in so many legends about William Kane?"

   Cass asked.

"There are many reasons and they are very complicated. But one of the most important ones is to prevent more people from coming into contact with the knowledge related to the moon realm, and to avoid the tragedy of the year from happening again. You must know that due to the shell of the world, those moon realms Monsters are usually unable to come to the world on their own initiative unless…”

   "Unless someone calls them on this side."

Cass said in a deep voice that although he is not a magic caster, he still understands some common-sense magic principles - for example, if you want to summon things that do not exist in this world into this world, you must use human will as a beacon Guide this basic common sense.

  Nezmaar nodded.

   Those moon monsters who killed his friends were summoned by someone.

   "Then do you know who summoned them?"

   Cass asked eagerly.

   And this time, for the first time, a smile appeared on Nezemar's face.

   A mocking smile.

   "Do you really want to know? I can tell you the answer now."

   For the first time, there was a lightness in her voice.

   "It's a character I can't reach, right?"

  Kas asked after being silent for a while.

   "If you don't choose to work with us, that's someone you'll never be able to touch."

  Nezmaar's voice returned to its previous coldness.

   Cass asked:

   "What do I need to do for you if I cooperate with you?"

  Nezmaar replied:

   "It's very simple, you need to help us go to the Underground Holy Tomb in the Great Cemetery of Thorns to get a sword, a sword that only you can draw."

   "A sword?"

   Cass asked suspiciously.

   "Yes, a sword, the name of that sword is Judgment Four."

   Thank you for the monthly pass here.



   (end of this chapter)