MTL - Forced Marriage VIP Front-Seat: My Superstar Ex-wife is very Popular-Chapter 470 What are you taking me here?

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An Shizhen walked up and crossed her.

"I was the one who brought you into the home. It is natural that I will send you away today, and all my grandfather’s kindness to me."

An Yue lowered his eyes and endured the feeling of heartache.

When she first settled in, she especially wanted to leave her home, but now, when she really wants to leave, she has a bit of a heart.

Now, is she still having her face here?

And he also scolded Grandpa’s face and did not take the initiative to speak.

Now, it’s just a boat ride, or it’s good!

She turned and followed her.

I don't know if she didn't sleep all night, she was a little dizzy.

She bit her teeth and walked behind him.

The two will never return to their previous intimacy and walk side by side.

The distance of one or two meters between them is like the gap that straddles their hearts.

Looking at the near, but it is difficult to cross.

Out of the gate, An Yue did not say anything, went to the side of the road.

Just then, a car drove out from the inside and stopped her way.

Anyuan came down from the car and shouted at her: "Miss."

He went straight to An Shizhen and gave him the car key, "Young Master."

An Shizhen took the car key and walked directly to the side of the car. He opened the door and looked at An Yue. "Get on the bus!"

An Yue looked at him and shook his head like a drum. "No, I take a taxi!"

"It seems that you don't want to leave home!" An Shizhen whispered, "An Yuan, send Missy back."

"Yes!" Anyuan responded and walked toward An Yue and said, "Miss, please!"

An Yue looked at An Yuan and looked at An Shizhen. Is this threatening her?

She knew that if she didn't do what he said, today is really no way to leave home.

She lowered her eyes and opened the door of the back seat.

An Shi’s light was stunned and he said coldly: “Sit in front.”

An Yue’s hand on the door handle was tight and he gave him a look.

She bit her teeth and succumbed to the co-driver.

Anshi sees her on the bus and gets on the other side.

After he got on the bus, he found that something was wrong, and the position was very spacious, but she desperately shrank to the door and tried to stay away from him.

He was awkward, but he didn't say anything.

An Yue lowered her head, and the inside of the car was his taste. She felt that the whole person seemed to be suffocating and generally uncomfortable.

The car started, and An Yue lowered his head and tried to reduce his sense of existence.

An Shizhen looked at the front and looked like a sinking water.

The atmosphere inside the car was cold and calm, and An Yue felt very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, she finally couldn't help but ask: "Where are you going?"

She looked out the window, it seems that it is not an urban area, like a suburb, there are many villas around.

She looks at the man next to him, what does he want to do?

It seems that she is watching him. He twists his head and meets her sight. He asks, "Are you afraid?"

An Yue immediately removed his gaze and did not answer his words.

Even if she doesn't talk, he knows the answer.

An Shi’s light is awkward and his face is cold.

After about ten minutes, the car was parked in a manor.

An Shizhen took the lead to get off the bus. An Yue looked around and felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he also got off the bus.

Breathing out the fresh air outside, she felt a lot more comfortable.

She looked around, here is a villa area, the surrounding greenery is doing very well, and people are even rarer.

She looked at An Shizhen, and she was a little embarrassed. She asked, "What are you doing with me here?"