MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 71 I can give my master everything

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Apart from the young man's chuckle, there was no sound on the field.

Zhou Chu never expected this to be the result, and he was in a cold sweat. He tried to call Jiang Yan, but the other party didn't respond at all, obviously falling into a coma.

This is really bad.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and tried to escape quietly, but Yun Ranran saw it and asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhou Chu was startled, and immediately froze in place.

Yun Ranran walked towards him and stretched out his hand: "Bring me the contract with Jiang Yan."

Zhou Chu's face turned pale, this is something he saved his life, how could he give it to her, he gritted his teeth and stared at her, hesitating.

After such a delay, the three men behind the girl looked over with unfriendly expressions.

He trembled, and obediently took out a thin blood contract for his own sake, and handed it to Yun Ranran.

Yun Ranran saw that this was actually a blood contract of Jiang Yan's unilateral allegiance. Whoever owns this blood contract will have the control over Jiang Yan.

Presumably Ning Fei forced Jiang Yan to sign for Zhou Chu.

Yun Ranran reached out to take it, caressed the blood deed lightly, and felt a seemingly indistinct connection with Jiang Yan, which seemed to be true.

Zhou Chu took advantage of this gap and ran away quickly with his men.

The people around were still stunned, Yun Ranran deliberately shook the blood deed in his hand, and said loudly: "Is Jiang Yan mine now?"

Qing He smiled and said, "It's yours."

These words were clearly conveyed to the ears of everyone on the field.

For a while, everyone became active. Zhou Chu used Jiang Yan, but he was not less domineering. Many people suffered from him. Now that Jiang Yan is gone, isn't it a good time for revenge...

The court was still full of crowds just now, but at this moment, more than half of them were missing.

Yun Ranran swept over quietly, very satisfied, then walked to Jiang Yan's side, knelt down and called softly: "Hey, wake up."

Jiang Yan opened his eyes slowly, sensing the power of the contract, and said in a daze, "Master."

Yun Ranran was dumbfounded by his "Master".

Jiang Yan's eyes fell on her piously, and he said slowly: "I can give everything to my master."

ah this...

Really good!

Just as Yun Ranran was about to be happy, the blood deed in her hand was taken away, and then someone grabbed her by the collar and pressed it into her arms.

She looked up, Qinghe.

The man said coldly: "You are still young, this thing is not suitable for you, I will keep it for you."

Yun Ranran: ...

The people left the incomplete wine shop, found an inn with red lanterns hanging along the long street, asked for a whole courtyard, and lived in it.

Wuxuan made scented tea, and he sat in the yard for a while, and flowers bloomed in that gloomy place.

Yun Ranran was holding scented tea, and while drinking, she looked at Qinghe eagerly. She was thinking about the blood contract and wanted it.

Qinghe drank his tea with his head down and looked away.

In the end Wuxuan was soft-hearted, put the teacup in his hand, and said softly: "Give it to her."

Qing and Fu Chamo paused their hands, glanced at Yun Ranran, sighed, took out the thin book of blood deed, and reluctantly threw it to her.

Yun Ranran immediately received it in her arms, so she was happy, and immediately said: "I'll go out for a walk."

Without waiting for everyone to react, he ran out of the inn.

The long street was still noisy, Yun Ranran picked a secluded place, and silently recited Jiang Yan's name in his heart, and after a while, that broken and handsome young man appeared in front of him.

He was not as loud as when Zhou Chu summoned him before, but this time he appeared silently, with almost no hostility around him.

Yun Ranran thought, it was probably because of the ghost flute, which should be able to increase the fighting power of the ghosts it drives.

Jiang Yan knelt down on one knee in front of her, sincerely but at a loss: "Master."

Yun Ranran patted the green grass in front of him and said, "Sit."

Jiang Yan sat cross-legged across from her like a docile puppy.

Very obedient.

Yun Ranran looked at the young man carefully, he seemed to have been chopped into pieces and then wrapped with bandages, his whole body was shattered.

Yun Ranran couldn't help but ask, "What did you experience during your lifetime?"

The young man said: "Actually, it was not a painful experience. These injuries were all from the arena. I experienced famine before I was alive. I had no food. Later, I froze to death in winter. There were many children who froze to death at that time."

"Most of the wandering souls who were able to break free from the shackles and come to the ghost capital in the past had deep obsessions. As time went by, ordinary wandering souls would also stray here. I am one of these."

It turned out to be like this, and she asked again: "Then why did you follow Zhou Chu's bastard?"

The young man said embarrassedly: "I have always been weak, and my wish is to keep getting stronger, so I went to the arena to practice, and I also suffered these injuries there. Later, when I met Ning Fei who came to watch the game, I challenged him. Lost badly and was forced to sign a two-year contract."

"Later, he transferred me to Zhou Chu. You see, there is a signing date on it. I have only been with Zhou Chu for three months."

Yun Ranran then asked: "Can this contract be resolved?"

Jiang Yan said: "Because it is a contract signed with Ning Fei, only he can resolve it, or wait until the two-year period expires."

Yun Ranran thought for a while, and said apologetically, "Then you can only follow me now."

Jiang Yan nodded obediently: "Yes, master, I am willing."

Ah... so good... Yun Ranran's heart is about to melt...

She couldn't help asking: "You were very fierce when you followed Zhou Chu, why are you so obedient after you follow me?"

Jiang Yan said: "I don't want to follow Zhou Chu, he always tells me to kill people, following you makes me feel at ease."

The young man paused, his eyes drooped, showing a bit of pitifulness: "Master, don't give me to others, okay?"


Although Jiang Yan's whole body was covered with bandages, his face was pretty and his eyes were dark. After losing his hostility, he was very docile. Yun Ranran's heart softened when he called him.

She immediately said: "No, you are mine until the contract is resolved."

The boy's eyes lit up instantly, like a pet puppy.

Who can stand this...

Yun Ranran couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his head.

The boy obediently brought his head closer.

Yun Ranran has been squeezed for a long time, and now she has turned over to be the master, and she is very comfortable. She was happy for a while before thinking about the business, looking at the bustling pedestrians around, and asked him: "Tell me about the situation in the ghost capital."

Jiang Yan nodded: "Okay, master."

"Ghosts are all established by the Ghost Controlling School. The Ghost Controlling School is based on ghost control techniques. The core of the sect's disciples' techniques is to drive fierce ghosts to fight. The more powerful the ghost, the stronger it will be."

"Ghost City happens to be at the intersection of the three realms, and underneath is the reincarnation circuit of the Yin Division. Those ghosts with strong obsessions will occasionally break through the shackles and enter the Ghost City."

"This is the paradise for the Ghost Control Sect to find a contract partner."

"Because it is backed by the Ghost City, the Ghost Control Sect was once very prosperous, and the ghosts it drives are all tyrannical, and they are the top among the twelve sects. It is only in the past few years that they have declined."

"Today's ghosts are jointly governed by four ghost kings, divided into four districts: east, west, north, and south. The Ning Fei I met is the ghost king of the west district."

"However, three of the four ghost kings have already signed a contract with the monks of the Ghost Controlling Sect. It is said that the four ghost kings manage the ghost capital, but they are actually jointly managing it with the Ghost Controlling Sect."

Yun Ranran thought, the four rulers, no wonder they are so chaotic...

Jiang Yan continued: "The only one who hasn't signed a contract with the monk is the ghost king in the eastern district. Compared with the other three, he has a much more terrifying and weird temper."

"Although the other three ghost kings are also arrogant and have a violent temper, they usually fulfill their wishes and sign contracts for wandering souls, but the ghost king of the Eastern District is different."

"He lives alone in the Eastern District Palace, and he doesn't like people to approach him. There are no residents in the area under his jurisdiction. Only the red lanterns that light up in the middle of the night prove his existence."

"He has a changeable temperament, moody, crazy and ruthless, and he is unrestrained, getting drunk every day."

"Many people have heard him call different girls' names when he was drunk, and each one was affectionate."

"I don't know how many people I loved during my lifetime."

"The three ghost kings have masters, and the last one is particularly coveted. The Ghost Control Sect dreamed of signing a contract with this one, but it's a pity that no one has beaten him, and no one can fulfill his wish."

"This is probably the person Quan Guidu and Quanyu Guizong want, oh no, ghost..."

"However, if you get close to such a character, you must be prepared to sacrifice your life."

Yun Ranran listened with gusto, this one is strange...

But her point is that fulfilling someone's wish is the style of Wuwei's younger brother no matter how you look at it. In the past, Wuwei, Wuwei, and Wuwen were all very powerful. If they really appeared in the ghost capital, they must be a ghost king, or A monk who signed a contract with the ghost king.

I have to find a way to meet those ghost kings.

She asked: "I want to see the ghost king, how can I see him?"

Jiang Yan said: "It's hard to say anything else, but Ning Fei likes to fulfill wishes for others, and a strong ghost with unfulfilled wishes will be favored by him."

"Occasionally he would go to the Wangchuan River in the center of the capital to catch people there."

Yun Ranran didn't understand.

Jiang Yan explained: "All the ghosts who broke free and came to the ghost capital climbed up from the Wangchuan River in the center of the capital. After stabilizing their souls there, they will travel to the other four districts."

"So let's go directly to the bank of the Wangchuan River in the center of the city, and wait by the river, maybe we can see Ning Fei."

I see.

After Jiang Yan finished speaking, he stood up and said, "Master, please follow me."

Yun Ranran also stood up and followed him. The young man led the way and guarded him carefully.

Seeing the pious and careful look of the young man, Yun Ranran was somewhat moved,

The three adults in the family, not to mention Qing and Senior Brother, are outrageously vicious, Xiao Qi, who is irritable and likes to fight, Wu Xuan, who is angry and always wronged.

She couldn't coax and coax well, she was really tired.

She is really flattered that there is such an obedient one right now.

She followed Jiang Yan all the way to the center of the city. Countless people along the way looked at her maliciously, but when they saw Jiang Yan, they all turned and fled in horror.

The two walked all the way to the center of the capital. A black river separated the long street, and it was covered with white paper boats. Some of the paper boats were lit with red candles, while others contained some small personal items.

A three-story building was built on the river, with cornices at four corners stacked on top of each other, and red lanterns hung from the eaves, illuminating the yellow glazed tiles.

Countless people came in and out in front of the door, most of them were disciples of the Ghost Control Sect with flutes pinned to their waists, and there were souls who were much thinner than ordinary people.

Jiang Yan led Yun Ranran into the door, and the hustle and bustle rushed towards him.

There are many wooden tables, chairs and benches inside. It is probably a restaurant, where there is food and drink, and a girl in a white dress is playing and singing, babbling.

There are huge wooden windows open on all sides, the river wind gently blows the red gauze curtains, and black and red candles are lit everywhere.

Jiang Yan took Yun Ranran to find a seat by the window, and ordered her a glass of red juice.

"Master, wait a minute, you can't tell, sometimes he comes and sometimes he doesn't."

"En." Yun Ranran responded and went to drink the juice, which was sour and sweet and delicious.

At the table next to Yun Ranran, two young ghosts were chatting with each other holding a glass of juice.

The young man asked the girl across from him, "How did you get here?"

The girl wondered: "I don't have any obsessions. I just lost my footing and fell into the river when I eloped with my lover. I wanted to go to reincarnation quickly. Who knew that the evil wind would pull me up. It's enough, how about you?"

The young man said: "I don't have any obsessions. I don't know why it came up. Maybe it's the tearing of the three worlds, which caused the crack to widen. Hurry up, drink this cup and go to reincarnation."

The girl raised her head and dried the juice, saying: "I think so too."

Yun Ranran held the juice and listened carefully.

Jiang Yan explained: "This is just like me, the ordinary wandering souls who strayed into the ghost capital. They have no obsession, and it's useless for the disciples of the Ghost Control Sect to drive them. It will re-enter the Wangchuan River and go to Yinsi."

The two continued to wait, but after waiting for a long time, all the ordinary wandering souls came in, not even a single one with a bit of energy, most of them were born, old, sick and died in daily life, and those disciples of the Ghost Control Sect who were waiting inside also became less interested .

This kind of soul strength cannot attract Ning Fei to come.

Yun Ranran felt that there was a high probability that she would return without success today, so she drank the juice in the glass and planned to ask Jiang Yan to go back.

At this time, through the window, she saw a soft sedan passing by on the long street, carried by four strong ghosts, and hurried across the street to the east.

Before the sedan chair disappeared, I saw many monks following behind, also heading east. This wave of monks hadn't finished, and the next wave followed. Damn, no less than a hundred people.

Yun Ranran asked Jiang Yan: "What's going on?"

Jiang Yan took a look and was taken aback for a moment and said, "Oh, so today is that time."

Yun Ranran looked at him strangely.

Jiang Yandao: "The Ghost King of the Eastern District doesn't like strangers. It's a death sentence to break in on weekdays, but this time of the month is an exception."

"Probably when he's at his weakest, because at this time he's going to be uh... gentler than usual..."

"So at this time of the month, there will be a large number of ghost-controlling sect disciples going to try their luck. Of course, most of them are just watching. Those who dare to go to the core hinterland are the core figures of the ghost-controlling sect."

"Is the master going to take a look?"

Yun Ranran asked worriedly, "Is there any danger?"

Jiang Yan showed a surprised expression, probably because he didn't expect his master to be such a coward.

Yun Ranran felt bitter, the last time she acted alone in Zhang Luan's house, she was often scolded after that, now she went to that kind of place to watch the excitement, if she got into trouble, she might be punished again...

There are too many adults in the family, and I can't be chic...

Jiang Yan said: "Don't worry, today is the time when the Ghost King of the Eastern District is weakest. Many people have provoked him at this time, but nothing happened. As long as you don't enter the core area, there is no danger.

Yun Ranran looked out of the window, yes, if there are so many monks running to join in the fun, then there shouldn't be much danger.

She said enthusiastically: "Go, go and have a look."

The two left the bank of Wangchuan River, fell behind the crowd and headed east.

The farther east you go, the quieter you go, and the deeper you go, the only sound is the sound of your own footsteps and the rustling of the wind passing through the trees.

The houses on the street were all empty, and no one lit the lamps in the dark.

The air is also getting colder.

The entire eastern district is much darker than other districts. At the core stands a tall pavilion with four corner cornices and scattered red lanterns on the edges.

Everyone walked towards the pavilion, and no one dared to make a sound.

Yun Ranran approached and heard the sound of wind chimes.

One sound is crisp and moving, and the sound is endless.

Where do so many wind chimes come from?

When Yun Ranran raised her head, she froze.

She has come so close that she can clearly see the people above the pavilion.

The man was wearing a blood-red monk's robe, embroidered with shallow Buddha lotus with gold thread, and was sitting lazily on the edge of the pavilion.

The building was extremely tall without fences, so his calves were hanging outside the tall building, and the blood-red monk's robe was blown up and down by the wind.

There are endless transparent wind chimes floating in all directions of the pavilion. When the wind blows, the red paper pieces below will dance endlessly, making crisp sounds.

Yun Ranran looked a little crazy.

The man was tall and thin, with slender limbs, the exposed skin was pale and bloodless, but his face was shockingly beautiful.

He sat quietly, turning a blind eye to all those who coveted him, his dark eyes reflected a red shimmer, and there was a fragile and crazy feeling of tearing.

Yun Ranran was dumbfounded.

This guy looks like Wuxuan, he can even be said to be the younger version of Wuxuan.

She asked Jiang Yan beside her, "Do you know his name?"

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called Wu Nian."

With his appearance and his name, this little monk must be Wuxuan.

But how could Wuxuan's younger brother become the ghost king? Has his temperament changed to that extent?

It doesn't make sense, Wuwei, Wuwang, and Wuwen are all good boys, so this shouldn't be too bad, right?

She secretly guessed that she had already reached the center of the core, and seeing that everyone was standing on the periphery, she naturally did not dare to take risks.

She looked up at Wu Nian, who was sitting on a tall building in a red dress, turning a deaf ear to everything around him, as if he was listening to the sound of the wind chimes.

This picture was so beautiful and shocking that Yun Ranran couldn't take his eyes off it.

Although ordinary monks salivate, they also know that they are not worthy, and they all stand silently at the outermost edge. At this moment, four of them boldly walked to the hinterland, each with a life-saving guy.

Two men and two women are monks of the Ghost Control Sect. The two girls are junior sister Gui Xin and elder Guitong, and the two men are senior brother Gui Qiao and elder Guihou.

These four people are now the strongmen of the Ghost Controlling Sect, and they can also be ranked in the entire cultivation world. They are the people who are most likely to get the Wunian contract in Ghost City.

Everyone around cast envious and jealous eyes.

The four stood in four corners, still some distance away from Wu Nian, but they didn't dare to move forward.

Each of the four wanted to become Wu Nian's contractor, and they would challenge each other every few months. Several years have passed in this cycle, and the obsession has penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Guixin said to the man beside him: "Zhou Chu, call out your contracted object and let him go to explore the wind."

The man beside her was Zhou Chu whom Yun Ranran had fought with before, but now his eyes were red and swollen, his teeth were shattered, and his arms and legs were broken.

This is exactly what happened to him after he lost Jiang Yan, and was injured by revenge. He almost lost his life. He originally wanted to hide at home, but he was pulled by this little junior sister who Ning Fei doted on as a thug, and he was miserable for a while.

He had no choice but to say in a low voice: "Jiang Yan was robbed."

Guixin's eyes widened for a moment, and he said angrily: "What did you say? You can lose Jiang Yan? That's my favorite soul, which Uncle Ning promised to give me."

Zhou Chu was secretly angry, he really knows how to talk nonsense, and he likes it the most, and wants to use Jiang Yan to explore Wu Nian's way? Don't you want him to die? But the little princess couldn't offend her, so she had to apologize: "It was snatched away by a woman, I can't beat it, and I can't help it."

Ghost Core said angrily, "Who?"

Just as Zhou Chu was about to describe it, his eyes flicked across the crowd, and he saw a little girl not far away. His eyes sank, and he raised his finger viciously: "That's her, standing there. Isn't the one next to her Jiang Yan?"

Seeing Gui Xin, she immediately became furious. Jiang Yan was her favorite soul, but this guy was too stubborn to sign a contract with her. Uncle Ning wiped his consciousness and forced him to sign a unilateral contract. Allegiance to the blood bond, even so, she was still cold to her, and she called out and moved, and she threw it to Zhou Chu in a fit of anger.

Not listening to her, but obediently standing beside that woman?


But right now is not the time to deal with the girl and Jiang Yan, Wu Nian is the most important thing, the four of them come here often, and they have been stalemate for so long, we must not let them get ahead.

She raised her eyes to look at the man on the height, revealing a look of obsession, and she was very excited when she thought of such a man bowing his head to her.

Ghost Qiao at the side swept across the audience lightly, and also looked up at the man.

Whoever doesn't want to have him will win the world if he has no thoughts, everyone says so.

Wu Nian sat on it quietly, docile and harmless, but it is today, the ordinary East District, just stepping in, it will be wiped out.

Even the Great Elder Ghost Blade, who has already signed a contract with Ning Fei, still thinks about Wu Nian. If he can sign a contract with Wu Nian, won't the entire Ghost Control Sect, and even the cultivation world, go sideways?

Both Guitong and Guihou's cultivation bases are higher than his, and Ning Fei is behind Guixin, so he must have a great treasure. From the looks of it, he is the most disadvantaged at present.

If it drags on, he probably won't even think about Wu Nian becoming his own ghost king in his life. Thinking about it like this, he felt ruthless in his heart.

He looked at the disciples behind him and said, "Go and find the way."

The disciple was trembling, but he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only walk into the depths with red eyes and trembling.

All eyes were on him, and his footsteps seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart.

He approached bit by bit like this, and the lonely Buddha on the tall building didn't respond at all. Sweat rolled down his forehead, and he finally walked a sufficient distance against the huge fear of life and death—the furthest distance for releasing the contract spell. .

The Ghost Control Sect has a natural ability to suppress ghosts, but first of all, it must reach the release range of the contract spell, and only within the range of the spell can it be forced to form a pact with ghosts.

This person explored such a limit distance.

Any one of the four of them can reach this position, and they can release the compulsory bonding technique on Wu Nian. As for whether it succeeds or not, that is another matter, but at least there is a chance of success, and even if it is not successful, they can go back and change their formation.

After getting this result, the atmosphere among the four of them suddenly became tense, Gui Qiao didn't want to wait any longer, and rushed forward with a stride, and the other three, not to be outdone, galloped towards that position at the same time.

Gui Qiao grabbed the first place, ecstatic in his heart, and immediately began to chanting spells, but the moment he spoke, his body suddenly lightened, his ecstasy was still hanging on his face, and he was horrified to find that a flower bloomed under his feet. Red lotus.

How is this going…

Before he could react, endless karma suddenly rose from the red lotus, enveloping his lower body in the blink of an eye, and the severe pain came suddenly, and he let out a miserable scream.

He looked towards the tall building in fear and despair, and saw the red-clothed Buddha turned his face sideways, with slightly curved black eyes, and gently waved at him.

This...horrible ghost...

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't even believe what they saw.

Gui Qiao, the number one member of the younger generation of the Ghost Control Sect, was killed by that Buddha in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing left.

The three people who rushed to the nearby place were so frightened that they broke out in a cold sweat, and fled back desperately.

Along the way, red lotuses are in full bloom, seductive and life-threatening.

Guitong and Guihou had higher cultivation bases, and quickly escaped from the area where the red lotus bloomed, but Guixin was slower, and when the toes landed, they stepped on the blooming red lotus, and the scorching karmic fire rose instantly , she screamed out, crushed the thing in her palm with pain, and then increased her speed, but Yehuo chased after her, and it was about to sweep her in again.

She was horrified, and saw Jiang Yan standing not far away. She immediately took out the blood that Ning Fei had left for her, and spit it out in one gulp. The breath in her body suddenly rose, and Ning Fei's terrifying aura was carried in her breath. She shouted: "Jiang Yan, block the fire for me."

Jiang Yan's contract was originally signed with Ning Fei, and he couldn't resist Gui Xin's order, and he couldn't help but ran towards the fire behind Gui Xin, wanting to feed himself into the fire.

This young man is very well-behaved, Yun Ranran couldn't bear him to be lost like this, and immediately rushed into the core area, dragged Jiang Yan behind him, and pushed the young man out of the core area forcefully.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Ghost Core also escaped.

In such a short period of time, only Yun Ranran was in the core position.

Everyone looked at the arena, feeling that she was an overreaching person again, Gui Qiao was killed instantly, how long can this girl hold on?

Guitong and Guihou glanced at it and didn't care. There were several fools like this every year, who thought they were destined to form a pact with Wu Nian, and I don't know how many died.

Gui Xin looked at Yun Ranran resentfully and triumphantly, heh, Jiang Yan who dared to **** her away, she wanted to see how she died.

The red lotus is in full bloom, and the fire is all over the sky.

The fire of karma had already engulfed Yun Ranran's finger, and the severe pain came, burning her in unbearable pain.

There was no extra room for thinking, she condensed the spirit sword, and immediately decided to cut off her own hand, the only way to save her life, when she was about to use force, a flash of red suddenly flashed around her.

Then the spirit sword in her palm suddenly shattered.

The man has come near.

When she raised her eyes, her pupils suddenly shrank.

It is no thought.

He didn't know when he was near her.

Standing in the flames in the sky, he was dressed in red, and gently held her hand that was burned by the karmic fire.

The sharp pain disappeared in an instant.

She looked at him, her pupils trembling, and she didn't dare to move.

The pale and handsome Buddha in red was looking down at her, his dark eyes were crazy and slightly out of focus.

"Are you also here to make a bond with me?"

He turned his head and gave a sweet smile.

"Do you also want to be... my master?"