MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-Chapter 9 Salted fish and shoes

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It’s the time of school, the rare moments on the campus, the joyful laughter on the tree-lined path. In the sky, many luxury private shuttles land slowly. They are the parents who pick up the children, and many students like Li Yao. Dragging the tired body and slowly walking toward the school gate.

When he was about to leave the school, Li Yao suddenly felt a tight body, and a tall figure was in front of him: "You are Li Yao, who was with Si Xuejia just now?"

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, and there seemed to be a 10,000-pin needle in the body. The heartbeat instantly accelerated. A chill rushed from the tail vertebrae to the Tianling cover. The pressure brought by this person was too great. He was like a poisoned snake. Rats, they can’t move at all, and it’s hard to swallow even a sip.

"It’s He Lianlie, it’s the first master of Akasaka’s second place, He Lianlie, this time it’s finished!” Li Yao’s heart screamed and wanted to explain, but he couldn’t even say a word.

He Lianlie stood casually, holding a crystal brain in his right hand, and was burying his head to calculate an application question. He did not take a look at Li Yao at all. He said casually: "Don't be afraid, I certainly know that you are not like this. Maybe with Xiaoxue, this time, I am too lazy to pack you up."

Fingers tapped the light curtain and changed the next question. He Lianlie continued: "However, at the moment it is a critical moment of 'hundred sprints', both me and Xiaoxue are going to hit the 'first place in the Fugo City College Entrance Examination'. People, during this time, I don't want to have some more garbage, to harass Xiaoxue, to distract her, understand?"

Li Yao’s eyes narrowed and he bit his teeth: “Do you say that I am rubbish?”

He Lian Lie did not raise his head, faintly said: "Don't misunderstand, I didn't mean to target you. In my opinion, you guys of these 'normal class' have one count - all rubbish!"

When he finished the last word, he finally looked up and swept Li Yao.

At a glance, Li Yao’s chest was like a heavy hammer, and he couldn’t help but step back two steps and coughed up.

He Lianli snorted and looked disdainful and turned away.

Li Yao bowed his waist and coughed like a big lobster. He even coughed out his tears. It took him a long time to straighten up, panting, staring at the direction of He Lianlie’s departure.


"Whether this year, as long as it grows tall and mighty, Yushu Linfeng, handsome and handsome, Jianmei Star, and born in a wealthy family, with billions of net worth, also has super strong cultivation talent and overbearing tyrannical strength - you can So arrogant?"


After half an hour.

"The loss has been lost. This time it was a loss to my family. In order to give Si Jiaxue a brain, I even offended Herlian Lie. I knew this beforehand. I must definitely increase the price. At least 200,000 is enough!"

"There are also the kings, eight, and eggs of He Lianlie. They are wealthy people. They use Tiancaibao as a meal every day. They strengthen the medicine as a tap water, and there are masters of meditation to help him grow the spirit. Master of martial arts. Helping him to fight for physical fitness, only to increase the development of Linggen to more than 70%, even so arrogant! Garbage? I am not rubbish! One day, I will become a real master of refining, and you will be a pig. Stuffed into the trash!"

On the way home, the young man walked alone, gritted his teeth, and his expression was like a demon. From time to time, he smashed the small stones on the side of the road.

The appearance of He Lianlie made him clearly understand how big the gap between himself and the cultivation of genius, and let him understand, "enter the nine elite colleges, embark on the road of comprehension, become the master of refining." This dream, how embarrassing the opportunity to achieve.

In Li Yao’s mind, there is a scene that has been repeatedly seen in a strange dream, which seems to be a movie picture.

It was a young man in a red vest, raised his eyebrows, widened his eyes, and said loudly: "If you have no dreams, then what is the difference with salted fish!"

All along, this scene has deeply spurred Li Yao, let him go forward on the road of dreams, fearless.

Until this moment, he finally remembered that in the dream, after the red vest young man finished this sentence, the response of others was:

"You don't even have shoes, isn't that a salted fish?"

Li Yao stood and looked at his feet subconsciously.

He wore a pair of basic training shoes from the garbage dump. Because of the usual crazy cultivation, it has been worn out too much. Not only the sole pattern is worn, but even the left toe has a big hole, showing the dirty. Awkward big toe.

He remembered what he had just seen on his feet. He was wearing a pair of the latest training shoes "Super Star Nine Generations", hand-finished with the toughest demon skin, and the wear-resistant scales with extremely high surface adhesion.

It is said that in the mezzanine of the sole, there is also an airbag made from the fish of the deep sea magic fish, which not only increases the jumping power, but also protects the joints of the legs. It is this pair of shoes that will sell tens of thousands!

In the battlefield of the colleges and universities where you live and die, there are countless rich and powerful children like He Lianlie, wearing "superstar nine generations", sitting on endless resources!

Can you be a poor boy in this cruel **** battle, stand out from the crowd, and make your dream come true?

Li Yao’s heart is especially confused, and the steps are extraordinarily heavy. The road ahead seems to be very long and long.

When night falls, the Hua Deng lights up at the beginning of the day, and he moves out of the main city.

There is a crystal rail bridge in front of it, which is specially designed for the passage of “super high-speed crystal rail train”. It passes through the culvert under the bridge and walks one more place, which is Chaoyang New Village.

It is a suburb, it is rather desolate, and few people come and go.

Li Yaozheng was preparing to pass through the culvert, and suddenly there was a sharp roar in his ear. His eyes were shining and a train of crystal tracks was about to pass through the bridge.

Li Yao suddenly stood still, rubbed his eyes and looked at the bridge.

The moment the light just came, he seemed to see that there was a man standing on the bridge!

This is an orbital bridge dedicated to trains!

"Super-high-speed crystal rail train" is one of the top ten super giant magic weapon systems known as "the heavy weapon of the country", with a speed of up to two thousand miles per hour, and in order to guard against the destruction of the monsters, on each train of crystal rails. They are equipped with the highest level of defensive tactics. Under high-speed impact, the destructive power is in no way inferior to the high-level comprehension's full blow!

In order to prevent accidents, ultra-high-speed crystal trains usually fly on special tracks that are several tens of meters above the ground. There are closed prohibitions around the tracks - how did this guy climb in?

Yes, Li Yao saw it clearly. On the track bridge, there is indeed an old man standing.

This is a very weird old man, white-haired, and looks old, like Li Yao once seen in museums, people who were unearthed tens of thousands of years ago.

However, his body, but the glow of the extreme "smoke", even if separated by a hundred meters, Li Yao seems to be able to hear his strong heartbeat.

bump! bump! bump!

It is like a giant hammer, constantly bombarding the iron felt!

Compared with his vast atmosphere, He Lianlie’s oppressive power is simply weak, and the difference between the two is greater than the difference between the sun and the fireflies – and Li Yao has a feeling, and He Lianlie’s Compared with the sound, the old man did not actively promote the atmosphere at all. What he felt was nothing but a wave of fluctuations that he accidentally overflowed. It was just the tip of the iceberg!

The old man wore a simple and plain robes, which was like the one that came out of the classical comprehension world 40,000 years ago!

"Hey--" At a critical juncture, Li Yao can't care if the old man is a madman or a weirdo. Seeing that the train is about to come, he dances and speaks loudly.

The old man turned a deaf ear to Li Yao’s cry and continued to look at the ever-expanding lights in front.

He seems to be very curious about everything around him, especially the crystal track on the bridge and the crystal track train that whizzes, which makes his face show the joy of discovering new toys.

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