MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ End of Hante (99)

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At the same time, the Pangu universe, the Gemini nebula, the ancient giant star, and the big red spot.

The boxing champion suddenly shuddered without a reason.

The boxing champion at the moment is no longer the same.

After receiving the "Xiangong" technology, the help of Xiaoming and Wenwen, and the superb technology from the multi-universe brought back by Wei Qingqing, he integrated all the technologies, unlocked and upgraded again and again, and the calculation power increased by a hundred times.

Initially, in the rammed earth paradise, he was just an ordinary fighting machine.

When the decisive battle against the Holy League, his reinforced iron bones have been upgraded to a super arsenal ship "iron fist".

Now, the body of the boxing champion has become a starry sky battlefield comparable to the size of an asteroid, and his data tentacles continue to extend outward, controlling the rest of the hundreds of large and small Star Warships.

The Xinghai battleship is an extension of his limbs. The data and information chain is his neural network. Every "breathing" of his own means hundreds of millions of tons of throughput. Every engine on the starship is spurting with a hot flame engine. His cells, he alone, formed a fierce super fleet!

Such a boxing champion, even if it is called the most powerful "individual" in the Pangu universe, is well deserved.

Especially in Li Yao, Ding Lingwei, Bai Boda and other masters, responding to the "messenger plan", crossing the multi-cosm to the other side to find allies, only the boxing champion is still sitting in the ancient universe, defending against the unknown darkness and evil, defending A hard-won civilization. =

In the past few years, he has been performing this task well.

Regardless of the small-scale rebellion in the distant stars, the remnants of the empire and the sacred sect, or the jumping nodes and spatial channels between the federation, the empire, and the sacred league, his precise calculations and powerful execution have never been more than half a point. trouble.

It has never been like an uncontrollable chill.

"Fist King, what happened?"

At the core of the brand-new Star Wars Fortress "Boxing God", Zhuo Li is a mechanical body covered with biochemical flesh and blood. It is a silent, cold, thick-eyed, trustworthy man.

This is the body that the boxing champion made for himself in order to walk around.

A petite and delicate body, hugged from behind.

Perceived the shudder of the boxing champion, the glass was surprised to ask.

She has never seen a boxing adult like the moment... out of control.

"I do not know."

The boxing champion took the girl’s hand and was a little surprised and shook his head in confusion. “It seems that on some distant shore, some kind of incredibly powerful threat has been born, which is completely beyond my calculation. It seems that, in the words of the magic world, it is as if I opened it myself... Pandora’s box brought me a feeling of horror.”

"How could this be?"

The glass screamed, "Is it related to the ancient giant star in front of you, the big red spot?"


The boxing champion frowned and muttered, "Lv Dengchen, this ghostless guy."

The reason why the boxing champion led his entire fleet came here was for Lu Qingchen.

Lv Qingchen, the grandson of Lu drunk, once helped the Black Wind Fleet to ravage the Starry Federation. He also used the name of "King of the Kings" to make waves in the final battle of the Holy League. At the last moment, he suddenly realized that with the help of ancient stars, the lightning in the deep red spots. Life, help Pangu universe to eliminate the most terrible enemy.

Everyone thought that Lu Qingchen was dead, and ended his life in black and white, which could not be judged, on the ancient star of lightning and thunder.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, the boxing, Xiaoming and Wenwen erected in the magic weapon around the ancient superstar, even detected the invasion of the unknown data stream, its method, much like Lu Xiaochen, the "King of the King"!

If Lu Dengchen is really not dead, even with the help of lightning life, a new breakthrough will be achieved, and it will become the most difficult enemy of the Pangu universe - especially in the Pangu universe, many masters have left, only the boxing The moment when Wang Dumu is difficult to support.

Therefore, after detecting the abnormal data, the boxing champion will only come out of the nest, and the hurriedly rushed here, in order to kill the possibility of the resurrection of Lu Qingchen.

Yes, the feeling that brings him a heart-breaking feeling must be Lu Xiaochen, there can be no other people.

Thinking of this, the boxing champion raised his arm high.

Although this action is meaningless, with the accompanying of the glass, he is more and more like a human being.

"Army attack."

The boxing champion sighs, and the sound waves are turned into data streams, which are transmitted to every engine and every ship gun of every starship under the command, including the sacred fleet of Xiao Ming and Wen Wenhua, and the ally and the federal allies. With 100,000 star-ship battleships, the ancient giant stars and the Great Red Spots are surrounded.

"Find Lv Qingchen."

The boxing champion has a word and a piece of iron. "No matter what kind of life form he has become, this time, he must be completely wiped out!"

[Hant passed the end]

"Han Te Biography" is finally over, and the flowers are celebrated!

It’s incredible. It’s just a look at the stalk of Kubaki, who was very hot last year. It’s a whimsy. I want to let our big pig hoof Hantejun experience some hardships, from boys to men. Most of the spoofs are expected to be fixed in the 20th and 30th chapters.

Who knows that the pen can't be accepted, and it is almost broken!

This once again reinforces the idea of ​​the old cow, that is, the world of "Fifty Years of Comprehension" is really an endless treasure. In addition to the protagonist Li Yao, there are many angles worthy of cutting, which can be traced.

And such a short and medium story is really more powerful than a long story. After all, the super long article itself has limitations. We can't make the protagonist of the long story eat too much, and it is impossible for him to be in a crucial position. In the battle of the heroic sacrifice, even he had to upgrade again and again in order to expand the length, sometimes quite unfree.

But in the short and medium, there is no such problem, you can completely release yourself, and you can enjoy the beauty!

Therefore, as long as time and energy allow, and old and new readers continue to support, the old bull will continue to create more, let's fight for the nerves and capillaries of the "four universes" like the "Marvel Universe". They are getting fuller.

Haha, the old cow is even thinking, will it be five years, ten years later, "Shu Si" is still constantly updated, become a wonderful?

By the way, let's notice that from the end of this, everyone should see that the new fan is about the story of the boxing champion and Lv Dengchen. Maybe when Hantejun or the crimson queen Theresa will also make a friendly appearance, at the specific time, It may be next month, let the old cow take a break and catch your breath!