MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2343 Underground exiles

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Li Yao hurried up and said, "I have to take a good look. What is her so-called 'avenue'? What is it?"

Under the leadership of Li Jialing, Li Yao pushed out the door, only to find himself in a stalagmite like a giant tree.

The diameter of this stalagmite is at least twenty or thirty meters. The hollowing out is a lot of caves and rooms, and there are spiral steps around it to shuttle up and down.

Looking down the ladder and looking down, at least a few tens of meters from the ground, but blocked by a layer of mist, can not see the depth.

The underground world will naturally not be foggy. Li Jialing tells Li Yao that these are all kinds of cockroaches with strange powders, strange mushrooms and large creeping moss, which are the main plants in the underground world.

Looking up, the rock tops about a few hundred meters high, there are dozens of small suns hanging from the powerless Li Yao. It is estimated that it is a kind of artificially refined long-term stable output illumination array, but for a long time. The stable output can't resist the erosion of thousands of years. Now, these "small suns" seem to be riddled with locusts, but the light is dim to the point of better than nothing, and the surface also has black spots on the surface. A piece of moldy light cake.

Under the dual effect of dim light and the flying of scorpion powder, the entire underground town of No. 10084 has been covered with a layer of fog, which has been tumultuous, adding a bit of mysterious taste.

The construction of underground towns is more three-dimensional and magical than the cities on the ground. The mines and stalagmites are intertwined. The tunnels and stalactites are intertwined. The traces of human civilization are constantly expanding in the cracks, like the vines that struggle to stretch. All up and down space can be accommodated.

It’s just the fifteen pillars of Li Yao’s foothold. Looking at it, at least a few dozen similar stamps are on the side, forming the main body of the town.

Between the stone pillars, connected by thick iron ropes.

I saw a lot of underground people wearing gray cloaks, riding on a dark red giant biped lizard, dexterously shuttled between the ropes. The feet and claws of the biped lizards are similar and can be easily gripped. The iron rope, even hanging upside down under the iron rope, and with the help of the iron wire reverberating, lightly jumps tens of meters away, often jumping three or two times, can jump from one stone pillar to another stone pillar.

People traveled between the pillars of the stone, and the iron ropes were constantly oscillated by the red lizards. The sound of "squeaking" was endless, and another kind of "squeaky" sound from all directions formed the main tone of the town of 10084.

Li Jialing told Li Yao that these red mounts are red lizards, which seem to be the products of genetic modulation. They belong to the kind of spirit beasts, so they seem to be fierce. In fact, the character is more tame than the cattle and horses. It is the underground people who climb in the three-dimensional town. High and low, the best helper to move.

As for the sound of “哼哼唧唧” that is constantly coming around, it is the rock worm that is eating. This is a town dominated by animal husbandry. The cultured rock worm is the source of livelihood for most people. The rock worm is not quite like a worm. It is a white-like fat creature like a piglet. It is also a genetically modulated spirit. The digestive system is specially strengthened to engulf rocks, moss and various apes to maximize the absorption of nutrients in poor feed. Converted into fats and proteins for human consumption, it is a popular staple in the underground world.

In the vicinity of this geological zone, such as the five-digit underground towns such as the 10084 area, they are often dominated by cultured worms. Most of the worms are not eaten by themselves, but are transported to the upper four-digit towns in exchange for energy. And a variety of industrial products, so that those who are forgotten by the ground, can keep the spark of the last civilization.

Li Yao walked in the air and wandered around the town. He carefully observed the details of stalagmites, iron ropes and streets. He felt that this town, which looks like a medieval era, is full of contradictory tastes everywhere.

The pillar that he just established is not a purely natural product. It is like a very developed civilization. A hollow steel cylinder is erected on the ground, and then materials such as liquid metal or concrete are gradually laid. Above, in order to ensure that tens of meters thick, hundreds of meters long "stone pillar" has sufficient strength.

On the rugged streets and pitted tunnels, peeling off the moss and vines, you can see a neatly laid out line of delicate lines, connecting all the pillars together, it should be some kind of large wired spirit. The network system, but it has been seen that it has not been used for a long time, Li Yao did not perceive a slight psionic reaction from the fine crystal line.

In many places, the moss is peeled off layer by layer, and all the rusty metal walls can be seen. When Li Yao repeatedly wipes out the rust, you can see the smooth mirror surface. The seams of the silk, as well as the straight lines of square lines.

Some big characters are slogans that remind people, such as "there are tactics inside, no one is allowed to enter", and some are the number of the troops. For example, "the thirty-third production and construction corps", more words are eroded. After all, Li Yao’s slightest breathing made them turn into dust and spread out.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and found the longest seam. He extended his index finger and gently slid from top to bottom. He felt that his hand was delicate and silky. He had no sputum and stagnation. If he didn’t feel it, he couldn’t find it. Such a seam.

This seam is a combination of two steel plates of at least tens of squares. After years of thermal expansion and contraction, stress changes and crustal movement, it is still tightly stitched to this extent. It can be seen that the people who originally built the town, What developed civilization?

“Is it supposed to be a very advanced underground sanctuary at the beginning?”

Li Yao took the moss and sludge on the palm of his hand and continued to look up and down the structure of the town of 10084. The town is full of time tunnel-like contradictions, like advanced and backward, civilized and wild, artificial and natural, various A completely different feeling is hard to piece together.

Perhaps the seemingly chaotic “vines” are the most advanced psionic pipelines of the past; the seemingly stalactites are the long-lasting defensive arrays; the super crystal brains used to control the entire underground shelter are tens of millions. Years of erosion have eroded only one empty shell, and the children who have long forgotten their former glory "hahaha" kicked the ball.

"should be."

Li Jialing said, "The story of Long Sister is similar to that of Yao Ge. A long time ago, it was indeed a very advanced refuge or underground base, a magic warehouse."

Li Yao folded his fingers, bounced the steel plate, and listened to the fine echo. He said, "How can that be like this?"

Li Jialing said: "Long sister gave me two examples. The first one is a geological fault. With the change of the age of the sea, the more ancient creatures or civilizations, the more they will be covered by mud and rocks, and gradually fall into Go to the depths of the ground.

"If you cut the earth and expose a fault like a layer of cake, then you can find the fossils embedded in the fault. The more the fossils found in the upper layer, the newer the age, and the deeper it is buried in the depths of the earth. Fossils represent the more ancient creatures and even civilizations."

Li Yao nodded. "This is a good understanding, what else?"

"There is the ocean."

Li Jialing Road, "The unfathomable ocean is a top-down three-dimensional ecological circle. With the changes of sunlight, temperature, sea salt, density and pressure, it is actually an ecosystem that does not interfere with each other. Fish living in shallow seawater may not sneak into the seabed of several kilometers or even tens of thousands of meters in a lifetime, and the giant squid living in the depth of tens of thousands of meters will never sway the warmth of the sun, although It is also a marine life, but the upper and lower layers have long formed two worlds that are not in contact with each other."

Li Yaodao: "What are the two examples that can explain?"

"Sister Long said that human civilization has developed for a whole 100,000 years. From the ancient world of 40,000 years ago to the modern cultivation and civilization of today, in fact, it has gradually divided into different classes and human beings living on different levels. Like fossils formed in different ages, or marine creatures living in different depths, they are people of different worlds. Even if they don't use 'real people' or 'original people' to distinguish them, this distinction is bound to exist. Turning a blind eye and not solving the problem."

Li Jialing said, "As early as the ancient times of 40,000 years ago, the strong people's erosion of the weak has never stopped one day or even one second. They can't resist the weak of the strong, and they can only choose to flee.

"Some of the weak people fled from the plains to the rugged and barren mountainous areas. Some of the weak people continued to wander into the depths of the earth, and as the strong claws reached the ground, they fled to deeper places.

"In the beginning, this escape was only scattered, spontaneous, and fragmented.

"When it was 40,000 years ago, at the beginning of the Great Dark Ages, when the Yaozu replaced the Terran ruled the Xinghai, those who were not willing to be ruled by the Yaozu were the main force for the first large-scale rush to the ground.

"When 10,000 years ago, when the cruel rule of the Yaozu was overthrown, the Terran launched a **** retaliatory killing against the Yaozu. The patriotic hatred and anger of the Terran swears to kill the last Yaozu, so, There was another large-scale escape to the ground, and this fugitive became a demon.

"The good times are not long. The Xinghai Empire established by the Terran has just crossed the threshold of the millennium. It faces the most brutal civil war. The war has swept almost every big world. Countless people who have joined hands to fight against the Yaozu have broken and become the enemy of your life. So, the third large-scale underground escape came one after another.

"After 10,000 years, it was the **** battle of the Xinghai War. The battlefields of the Heavenly Kingdom and the Tianji Star were naturally the center of war. The countless people who lost their homes, wave after wave, It is even less strange.

"One generation and another fugitives constitute the main body of the underground residents. The refuge, military bases and magic warehouses built by various ethnic groups and forces of the past are regarded as new homes. This is the origin of most underground towns.

"Nature, the later the residents who escaped to the bottom of the earth, often live on the shallower surface, and the more the residents who escaped to the ground in the early days, the living space was continuously squeezed by the latecomers, and they had to continue to flee downwards and slowly precipitate. Going deep into the ground, for example."