MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2344 Forgotten world

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Li Yao and Li Jialing went under a “Giant Giant Tree”.

This large tree is hundreds of meters high. It is located between dozens of high and low stalagmites and stalactites. It stretches out numerous "twigs" to the surrounding forks, and has roots such as ridges. It spreads radially around and spreads all the way to the ground.

Li Yao gently smashed a few vines, wiped a piece of moss, and faintly recognized the interface of a row of crystal cards.

This seemingly giant tree is a very sophisticated and huge central control system. He used to see similar systems on the bridges of some very large starships.

But now, all the crystal brains and computing chips embedded in the central control system are rusty, the surface is covered with moss, vines and various ant-like bugs, and even a spore-like life resembling a tumor, dotted in Between the vines and the moss, the mist is constantly ejected.

Oh, it’s like breathing, making it like a monster of life and precision mechanics.

Here is the biggest "playground" in the town. Many children who are playful climbed to the branches of the "giant tree", which is the crystal transmission pipeline, catching the bugs that grew from the crystal brain, and went to the companion's head and spine. Put on, teasing each other, and bursting with silver bells.

Li Yao noticed that these children are crystal-clear and their children are slightly reddened. It is also one of the few people in the whole town who will make laughter.

Li Yao looked at the children and thought: "The underground towns numbered after 10000 are the limits of the empire statistics. So, are the residents here the oldest exiles?"


Li Jialing shook his head. "The era of ancient repairs 40,000 years ago, and the underground exiles of the demon people's rise and fall, after all, are too far away from the present, and most people are decaying in the darkness of the earth under the erosion of time. Or 'integrated' with the latecomers.

"Even if there are very few people who are still alive, they have long forgotten their identity, the meaning of civilization and even the most basic wisdom. They have become savage savage savage, even degenerate into shackles, ignorant ignorance, only instinctive humanoid beasts.

"These savages and humanoid beasts were all driven to deeper than the five-digit towns, not to mention the name, even the dark death zone where the number is not. The dragon sister is going to the tribes of these savages and mediating the dispute between them."

Li Yao frowned slightly and said: "When did the people here escape to the ground?"

"It should be 10,000 years ago, when the Xinghai Empire collapsed, it fled to the bottom."

Li Jialing said, "This was originally an underground refuge in the Xinghai Empire era. The ancestors of most of the residents should have escaped at that time and thought about temporary refuge. Who knows that hiding is 10,000 years, here. Struggling, prospering, no chance to return to a sunny world."

Li Yao sighed and still did not understand: "Since it is an underground refuge built by the Xinghai Empire, all kinds of facilities and education systems should be available. The people who first escaped, even if they are all civilians, should Do you have basic survival skills and civilized fires? Why do I see that there is no end to life, and everyone is degraded to the Middle Ages?"

Li Jialing thought about it and seemed to recall Long Yangjun’s words. In the end, “Long Sister said that the way of cultivation, such as sailing against the water, does not advance, but the continuation and development of civilization is also the same. The faster the speed evolves, beyond one peak and one peak, in order to maintain the existence of civilization.

"If you want to stop and catch your breath, you are most likely to be crushed by your own weight, and you can't stop the decline or even demise.

"However, the more advanced the civilization, the more precise the social structure, the more complicated the conditions for maintaining the social form, and the weaker the ability to withstand the environment. Long sister said, you are a refiner, you must understand that 'the more the component Less, the lower the failure rate; and with the increasing number of components that make up a magic weapon, no matter how serious the refining process is, how careful it is to use it, it will always fail, and it will always fail.

Li Yao nodded, and in the circle of magical refining, there is a saying that "adding one component and doubling the failure rate", although some exaggeration, the truth is correct.

With the increase of the components of the magic weapon, the difficulty of refining, assembly and maintenance will be upgraded in a geometric progression. A large magic weapon composed of millions of components is simply a completely unpredictable chaotic system. No one can guarantee that it will not There will be strange problems in the process of use, even Li Yao can not guarantee.

Perhaps, as components and symbols break through the limits, the magic weapon also has a life in some sense, and the living body is the most uncontrollable and unpredictable existence in the universe?

"Sister Long said that the magic weapon is the same, civilization is the same, a giant magic weapon composed of tens of billions of components, no matter how to repair and maintain, is destined to collapse one day; and a highly advanced and developed civilization is also vulnerable to nothing. It is very easy to be destroyed because of the slightest problem."

Li Yao snorted: "How is the magic weapon and civilization?"

Li Jialing spread the stalls: "Long sister said that if it is a village in the ancient world, it is composed of the simplest logs and rocks. All the villagers are working on the sunrise, resting on the sunset, relying on hunting and farming for a living. The seemingly backward social form is easy to resist the erosion of time and the changes of the environment. Even if it migrates from the ground to the ground, it can maintain its original form and survive for a long time.

"But if it is a modern town?

“Think about it. What do you want to maintain a modern town? Even on the surface, there must be criss-crossing vacuum piping systems and ultra-high-speed crystal rail systems. There must be tunnels and lifting platforms in the footsteps. The sewers, ventilation ducts, information and energy transmission pipelines will be connected to each other, and there will be enough space to accommodate vehicles such as shuttles, all of which require a constant supply of energy.

"Assuming the same number of people, the energy consumption of modern towns is 100 times or even thousands of times higher than that of medieval towns. In addition to geothermal energy, there is almost no more spiritually infertile underground. How can modern towns not collapse?

"There are people's factors. Long sister said that the civilians in the ancient world seem to be weak ants, but the survivability of the ants is actually very strong. The ancients are thick and hard, and they have to work hard. Every day, there are only a few bowls of the worst cockroaches. Zizi can continue to cultivate and hunt, and there are many more blessings. Even if most of the children are aborted, very few descendants can continue their blood.

"But modern society has produced a strong ethnic group like a practitioner, and a variety of magic weapons that make life difficult, but it also virtually impairs the viability of human beings. Most people's stomach is only suitable for the finest food. Air conditioning arrays are needed to provide cool comfort and environment, not to mention the absence of sewers and toilets, even if there is no Lingnet, it will become a walking dead.

“Modern people have long forgotten the skills of the most inferior tools and even the unscrupulous cultivation and hunting in the harsh environment. They are engaged in crystal brain engineers, crystal track train drivers, builders of high-rise buildings, and singing and dancing stories. These survival skills all require a rigorous, complex and error-prone platform to support. When this platform is gone, 99% of modern people's survivability is close to zero.

"In addition to the more civilized and developed ethnic groups, the more they tend to be eugenics, even a future generation is not born, and there is no ability to withstand risks.

"This is the case for the Xinghai Empire survivors who migrated to the depths of the earth. Perhaps when they first fled, the facilities in the shelter were very advanced, the reserves of materials were sufficient, and the doctors, scholars, teachers and engineers among them were modernized. Talents are readily available to continue the small civilization.

"But this is just the illusion of self-deception. In the face of the strong pressure of the crustal movement, the outer wall of the seemingly indestructible refuge is no different from the illusory soap bubble. As long as a 'small' earthquake, it is enough to ruin their entire modernity. Civilized systems, and engineers in some key positions are unfortunately degraded, and it is difficult to cultivate enough good successors in a few years.

"After 10,000 years, dozens of earthquakes and underground magma explosions occurred. Normally, the survivors of these Xinghai Empires have struggled to survive in such a harsh environment. They have not lost all humanity, but also have language, thinking and The basic social organization ability is already very good!

"Right, Long Sister also said that perhaps Pangu and Nuwa civilization are so ruined. The more advanced the civilization, the more fragile the internal structure is. Therefore, when Pangu and Nuwa civilization develop to the extreme, the internal social structure should be better than today. Human civilization is still a hundred times weaker, and it is a typical 'outside strong and dry.'"

To this statement, Li Yao sneered at him. Can he cite a hundred counter-examples that the ability of the Tianyuan community to deal with disasters is not as good as the ancient holy world? It’s a joke!

However, he did not intend to swear words, but he looked at the darkness of his head: "Is the imperial authority aware of the situation here, how can it be ignored?"

"Of course I know, otherwise how does the ‘10084’ area number come from?”

Li Jialing said, "However, why should we manage, who will come to control, what are the benefits? The immortals are the most self-serving, and there is no good thing, they... we will not do it!

"If there are any rare veins or precious ancient civilization relics found in the depths of the earth, then the immortals will naturally rush to the front, swarming, hitting the hands, and even wiping out the entire underground town."

"But in the 10084 area, the poor villages that rely on the breeding of rock worms do not have a little bit of oil and water that can be squeezed. To collect the tax of one cent, it is a waste of 100 yuan. It is not worthwhile. How can the cultivator waste his precious cultivation time to manage these insignificant ants and 'junk'?

"Moreover, the extreme heavens and the celestial stars are theoretically the 'vacuum zone' of the conflicts between the four major electorate families. This is the imperial capital directly under the Emperor's Majesty. Which electorate is unwilling to help the emperor to control the depths of the earth. What about the people and the wild people?

"So, in addition to a population census more than two hundred years ago, in addition to identifying the number of areas in the underground, unless there are rare veins and ancient ruins, there are very few cultivators who will go down to such a deep underground. Here, the world that has been turned a blind eye and deliberately forgotten has been completely abandoned by the rulers on the ground."

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