MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2348 Euthanasia of emotions and desires

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"The residents of District 10084 do not have the concept of "sunrise, sunset and interest". They have not seen the sun for 10,000 years, so they all use the "three shifts" forever endless work and rest time."

Li Jialing said with deep feelings, "Every morning, very early, they will rise up for various underground plants, fertilization and mushroom fertilization. These crops did not grow in the ground, even if genetically modulated, it is quite delicate. They need to mix all kinds of minerals that have been ground into fine powder in the faeces of the rock worms, become fertilizers and growth agents, and spread them in different ways to thrive. If they are slightly careless, they will wither in large areas. That is simply The catastrophe of the entire town.

"It’s hard to wait for the vines, the moss and the mushrooms to grow, and risking their lives to climb the rock wall, enter the stone crevices and collect them, then transport them to the caves to chop them for the worms, and the worms When they eat, they have to work hard to massage the rock worms. The skin of the rock worm is extremely tough. The strength of the massage is not good enough. It must be able to make a strong effort to activate its flesh and blood. I have been busy for more than ten hours, and it is not exhausting for a second.

"So violently, sweating for a few years, a rock worm can mature, and hundreds of thousands of rock worms '吭哧吭哧' are carried to four-digit towns of several kilometers or more, only a handful of magic weapons And energy, as well as a tank of super-high compressed air that is not worth the money on the ground.

"Don't say that you can't eat enough, because the fresh air is seriously inadequate, the residents here never even dare to make the emotions too excited, because whether it is a big laugh or a big noise, it will increase the consumption of oxygen, to the town. The total quota of fresh air brings unnecessary wear and tear. Over time, they become such a heart as a dead water, face like a gray, not smirk.

"Only carefree children are not sensible, do not know the preciousness of the fresh air, will unscrupulously laugh and consume more oxygen than the spar.

"This is still no accident, and it is safe to live in peace. It is already a life of death, miserable, not to mention the invasion of wilderness and monsters deeper in the ground, or the earthquake that caused the entire town to collapse, or The magma spurt out, causing everyone to turn into ashes in the blink of an eye. These natural disasters are all high-hanging blades on their heads. Maybe they will fall in the next second, bringing them all the pressure and omnipresent mental pressure.

"This is a natural disaster, and there is a man-made disaster, that is, accidentally discovering veins or ancient ruins!

"The discovery of veins and relics should have been a good thing, but the residents here are too weak, and the upper towns have stuck the throat of oxygen supply. They have no ability to protect themselves. In case they really find the veins and remains, it is very easy to lead. Come to the heart of the speculation, the upper-level town gangs that are difficult to fill, or the shallow ground and the cultivators on the ground.

"At that time, it was lightly captured as a slave laborer and a cannon fodder to explore the remains. Even if it was not qualified as a slave worker and cannon fodder, it was either expelled to a deeper underground to become a savage, or directly killed. The cultivators naturally have more powerful and well-trained slave workers who can replace their position.

"The tragedy of this kind, the 10084 area has not been encountered yet, but other five-digit towns have encountered many times. If a town finds a valuable vein and relic, it often means the destruction. Over time, most of the five-digit towns and towns have learned the lesson. They are honestly planting cockroaches and raising rock worms in their own three-acre land. They are strictly forbidden to go out to explore and take risks. Whoever finds new ones? The veins and ruins, even those that are suspected of veins and ruins, are often killed mercilessly, leaving the secret in the dark forever.

"Yao Ge, from the Xinghai Republic to the real human empire, no matter how the political situation and social form on the ground changes, these underground people have been living this way for thousands of years, if they really retain strong emotions. The emotion has long been condensed into the word 'pain'. If they really have desires, the only desire, that is, to live, continue to live in desperation.

"Yao Ge, you just said that I was fooled by the Dragon sister. I also thought about it carefully. I don't think that the kind of brainwashing of Dragon Sister is correct. I can only say that if there are really many underground residents who are willing to accept Dragon's sister. Brainwashing, washing away most of my emotions, then I also understand their practices very well, because they wash away, it is just the pain that can never be resolved, the desperation that can never be reversed."

Li Yao silently speechless and fell into meditation.

Li Jialing seems to be pouring out the ten days or even ten years of depression, and continues to say: "Yao Ge, I heard that in the Xinghai Republic more than a thousand years ago, in the world of comprehension, there is a kind of The concept of 'humanitarianism' believes that when a person is terminally ill and has a pain that he can never get rid of, he has the power to end his life. This is called 'euthanasia'.

"And in our real human empire, we also advocate that when a cultivator can no longer contribute to human civilization, in order to cultivate the dignity and dignity of the immortals, we should be generous to death and leave resources to others.

"When I accepted the modulation of Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingsheng, I didn't know that I thought of death. For me at that time, death is not pain, but a relief.

"The most precious thing for human beings is life. If we all agree, in the face of unbearable and unbearable pain, people can choose to give up their lives. Then, just give up some emotions, desires and free will, and what can't? Is it necessarily a violation of ethics, completely unacceptable, or even completely incomprehensible?"

"This is two different things."

Li Yao pondered for a long time, and finally slowly said, "I admit that as an individual, you and me, when suffering the great pain of irresolvable, have the power to end their own lives. This is indeed in line with the spirit of humanitarianism.

"But it is one thing for individuals to choose to end their lives. A top authority over the masses to end all lives on a massive scale is quite another matter."

"Individuals can retreat, give up and surrender in the face of suffering, but any responsible supreme authority should never use the means of 'mass euthanasia' to solve the problem. This is not a solution to the problem, but a solution to the problem. '!

“To put it simply, if there is a shortage of resources, the highest authority of Long Yangjun or Shengmeng requires individuals to suppress their emotions and desires as much as possible, and to reduce the consumption of resources to the limit. What is the difference between the waist? If there is a shortage of food, then I have to find a way to get a variety of food. The waistband of the pants is tight, and people still have to eat. The seals of the three main laws are firm, and people still have emotions and desires. Existence, is called the spirit of all things!

"So, I can't agree with Long Yangjun or the sacred authority's 'resource shortage solution'. This program is too technical, too irresponsible, and can't solve the fundamental problem at all. Even the underground people really obliterate it. All emotions and desires, they still have to eat, to breathe fresh air, and consume at least a little less. What is the significance of the slight delay after the inevitable destruction?

"Of course, what you just said is not unreasonable. The tip of the iceberg that Long Yangjun showed has already made me understand why so many people are willing to be branded with the three main laws. Then, let’s continue. Read on.

"The 10084 area has already seen enough. Where is the specific coordinates of Long Yangjun? Let us ask her to ask for it!"

Li Jialing inserted a special wafer on Li Yao's wrist crystal brain, which means that Li Yao and Long Yangjun's wrist crystal brain can be connected together.

Long Yangjun went to a deeper underground to mediate the war between the wild people and promote her ruthlessness. The whereabouts are naturally erratic. Only this wafer can lock her precise coordinates.

Li Yao’s heart was moved and asked Li Jialing very curiously. How can there be a large-scale war in the underground world?

Li Jialing nodded that, in general, if it is a built-up town with a civilized system, there will be very few large-scale wars between each other, mainly because the fresh air in the underground world is too precious, even if it is usually heavy physical labor. People are careful not to pant, even if they lick their lips to the blue and do not dare to take a deep breath.

And war is the most oxygen-consuming thing. Only one incendiary bomb that has little destructive power on the ground is enough to deplete the oxygen in a whole few tunnels and large underground cavities, let alone the upgraded version of the warm-pressure bomb. such as.

Therefore, once the two five-digit towns go to war, they are often tragedies of both losses. No one wants to get the benefits.

But this does not mean that human beings can completely abandon their nature and no longer kill each other.

In the event of extreme natural and man-made disasters, for example, the earthquake will crush most of the towns, the magma destroyed all the mosses, vines and sorghum plantations, or the plague caused all the worms to die, once faced with such a catastrophe Survivors have no choice but to go in groups, like crazy, to fight in neighboring towns.

This kind of rushed assembly attack ended in a fiasco, and the loser had no way to retreat. He could only venture deeper into the deeper underground, even the dark death zone without the number.

99% of them will become the savage and savage beasts, and 1% of the "lucky" will not be used for a long time, they will lose their nature, annihilate wisdom and become a new generation of savages.