MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-v5 Chapter 2349 Hatred in the dark

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Of course, the main body of the so-called "wild man" is still in the past tens of thousands of years, in the dark age of the rule of the Yaozu, people who could not stand the rule of the Yaozu and fled to the bottom of the earth, and when the rule of the Yaozu collapsed, they also embarked on the same road. , the demon who fled the underground.

This is because, in the area between the crust and the mantle, the environment is extremely bad. Not only is the oxygen available for breathing a fatal problem, but the temperature is also too high. Generally, human beings cannot adapt to the field without air circulation system and cooling array. The environment, soon after entering the wild, has been annihilated.

The Yaozu, as well as the human beings ruled by the Yaozu in the "Great Dark Ages", have their own unique advantages.

Li Yao now knows that the so-called "demon" and "human" are basically the same thing. "The 30,000-year-old dark age" is actually the cruel oppression and rule of mankind against mankind.

However, it is an era of highly developed biochemical technology, and the study of the release of genetic power has reached its peak.

In order to discover underground veins and utilize geothermal energy, many human beings have been forced to accept genetic modulation, become a variety of demon people with very little oxygen consumption, and extremely resistant to drought and high temperatures, and even form has become a strange and huge reptile.

Genetically modulated humans are equivalent to tearing off the "gene locks" in the body. The probability of genetic mutations in future generations is much higher than that of ordinary people. Generations of such "human beings" or "demons" have escaped to the bottom. The descendants of the children are further mutated under the subtle influence of the harsh environment. The oxygen consumption is less and less, and it is more and more resistant to drought and high temperature. Even in some mutant species, a fine plant grows on the skin, and the plant devours. Carbon dioxide, spit out oxygen, the demon devour oxygen, and then spit out carbon dioxide, such a wonderful relationship.

At first glance, such a demon is like a flower and grass, but in reality, it is still a poor person forced to migrate to such a harsh environment.

Therefore, in the 10084 area, these people who came to the bottom of the Xinghai Empire era were extremely difficult to adapt to the slums and human civilization, and deeper life, but those who were born in the Great Dark Age, their very few descendants can still In the form of "wild man", he lived in the depths of darkness.

In addition to savage, there are also beasts, monsters, and spiritual plants and demonized plants, regardless of the demons and demon gods of the Great Dark Ages, or all the self-cultivation civilizations after the Xinghai Empire, without exception, want to open up the underground, in addition to building refuge in the underground construction. In addition to the colonization base, it is the use of genetic modulation and radiation variation methods to cultivate countless organisms that adapt to the underground hypoxia, darkness and high temperature environment.

They attempted to replicate the entire ecosystem on the ground in the ground, so that the living space could be expanded by a hundred times, but 99% of the underground biological experiments failed, and the cultured beasts, monsters, spiritual plants, and demonized plants were cultivated. At best, it only adapts to the artificial environment in the shelters and colonization bases. It is like a rock worm, which can only be used in life-stricken laboratories from birth to death.

However, after many refuge and underground towns were destroyed by earthquakes and magma eruptions, 1% of the experimental creatures escaped. They both survived and fortunately survived a difficult situation and survived and became wild. Wicked and demonized plants!

The relationship between these monsters and rock worms is like the relationship between wild boars and domestic pigs, or the relationship between wolves or dogs.

Li Jialing told Li Yao that although the savage and the beast were ferocious, they would not easily attack the established towns such as the 10084 district. Because the refuge system here has collapsed, there are still some defensive defensive dynasties that have not completely failed. The people here also use a lot of rock worms, and the upper-level residents have exchanged a lot of powerful offensive magic weapons. If the savage is not a nesting and a dead battle, it is unlikely to swallow a town in one breath.

What's more, there are contradictions between savages and savages. They are divided into different ethnic groups and tribes. The hatred between them has even lasted for more than 10,000 years. Most of the time, savages and savages are killing each other, but it is the well water of the residents of 10084. Do not commit river water.

Li Yao asked Li Jialing, what hatred is there between the wild people?

Li Jialing replied that the savage gradually evolved into different tribes according to the source and the depth of the underground age. The savages of this tribe were oppressed humans who came to the bottom of the 30,000-year-old dark age. The savage of the tribe was the rise of the Xinghai Empire. At that time, the demon people who were defeated by the ruins of the land, the two tribes, is there a natural hatred?

When the two tribes were hitting their blood, the Xinghai Empire on the ground collapsed again, and a large number of people who had just sprouted the thoughts of the self-cultivators fled to the ground, although most of them stayed in the shelters. There are also very few people who want to use the power of savages to make waves, and this is even more fueling the fire, making this never-ending dark war more chaotic and cruel.

Even if time passes, civilization is annihilated, and most of the civilization's radiance is dimmed from the depths of the mind, but the brand of hatred has been passed down from generation to generation. Until now, even these savage tribes themselves do not know why they should be killed with hostile tribes. It has become an instinct that is engraved on their genetic chain.

Li Jialing told Li Yao that in the wild death area near the town of 10084, there were three savage tribes, which were called "black armor", "night wing" and "red ring".

As the name implies, the black armor has an extremely strong black carapace. This layer of shell is not only strong in defense, but more importantly, it is structured like a very special solar panel, which can store the high temperature of the ground. Transforming into a part of the energy necessary for survival, greatly reducing the demand for food by the black armor, and also reducing unnecessary foraging and hunting behavior to the limit, greatly improving the viability.

The night wingers have a pair of large **** of wings in the rugged caves and narrow underground. The wings of the membranes are not used for flying or gliding. Instead, they can wrap the night wingers into a cold ice. Huge worms, on the one hand, can lock off the loss of body temperature and moisture, on the other hand, they can prevent other underground hunters from seeing their existence through infrared perception.

Many residents in the 10084 area believe that the night wing people will become a cold stalagmite after wrapping themselves with the **** of the skin. It can be eaten for a few years, and it is a bit of an exaggeration to enter a special hibernation state. It can also be seen that the night wingers have strong survivability.

The Red Ring is the most terrible hunter in this area.

The talents of the black armies and the night wingers are more focused on defense, and the genetic mutation of the red ring people tends to attack.

They have a pair of red-eyes that are extremely sensitive to infrared light, and they have evolved bat-like ultrasound detectors. These two abilities make them aware of everything around them in the depths of darkness without a bit of light.

With the powerful hunting ability, for thousands of years, the Red Ring people have been pressing the night wing people, and even the night wing human skin organs are likely to evolve to avoid the red ring people's snooping.

Until the black armies migrated from elsewhere, and the night wing people against the red ring people, the war of the savage tribes returned to the balance of power. This is only the roughest statement. In specific circumstances, outsiders naturally neither understand nor are interested. of.

However, the recent earthquakes near the 10084 area have become more frequent, seemingly ruining the habitats of many monsters and demonized plants. The monsters and demonized plants are the main hunting and gathering objects of the savage tribes, and the food sources are destroyed. The contradiction between the savage tribes is sharp and sharp.

If such contradictions are not resolved in time, they will evolve into two possibilities.

To the optimistic side, the three savage tribes of Black Armor, Night Wing and Red Ring will be defeated in a fierce battle and will be completely extinct.

But it is also possible that if the three tribes do not have food sources, they may temporarily endure the hatred of the deep genes, unite together and attack the nearest 10084 towns. After all, thousands of heads of fertile worms The sound of the call can be passed along the gap and passed all the way to the depths of the earth.

It is against this background that Long Yangjun will take some compressed food and go to the activity areas of the three savages tribes of Black Armor, Night Wing and Red Ring. There are many worry-free people going with her. In addition to the 10084 towns, there are many four-digit towns and even higher believers.

In the concept of worry-free education, all human beings are brothers and sisters. No matter which class they live in, even the underground with no number is wild, it is worthy of help and salvation.

After Li Yao frowned and listened to Li Jialing's introduction, he would pursue the coordinates of Long Yangjun with him and go deep into the Savage tribe.

When I passed the 10084 "Shentian Tree" in the center of the town, I suddenly changed my mind.

"First wait."

Li Yaodao, "Tell me about the air circulation system in the 10084 area and where the core magic unit of the cooling array is, take me to see."

Without the expectation of Li Yao, the core magic unit of the air circulation system and the cooling array are all under the “Shentian Tree”, which is the main control crystal brain.

These two things are the lifeblood of the underground people. Once they are damaged, they are not suffocated by lack of oxygen, or they are killed by extreme heat.

However, the underground people do not know whether they are out of fear of "cultivating the immortals" or because they have absolute trust in "forgetting the gods". I believe that the VIPs who forget the gods will not harm them. Exploring, just shrinking his neck and watching in the distance.

The onlookers still have doubts, confusion and tension on their faces. The faces of the young and the old are only as always, and they are calm and silent.

The air filtration and circulation magic weapon is one of the essential basic magic weapons in the Xinghai navigation. Every starship has its own, and it is no longer a big deal.

What's more, Li Yao is a small prince of ventilation ducts. He has deep research on various forms and structures of ventilation ducts and air circulation systems. Naturally, there is no possibility of losing his hand.

The cloud shells uncover the outer shell of the magic unit, the carbon dioxide screen inside, the filter and the pure oxygen generator, but Li Yao's expression is slightly sinking.

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