MTL - Fourth Hospital Patient Exchange Forum-Chapter 1 Fourth Hospital Patient Forum

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In Ward No. 4 on the 13th floor of the tumor ward of the People's Hospital, Yu Xiao walked slowly into the ward holding two cardboard boxes.

It was broad daylight outside, but the ward was dark because the curtains were drawn. Even though the doctors and nurses have said many times that more exposure to the sun is good for the body, the three patients in the fourth ward stubbornly do not like to see the sun.

Over time, doctors and nurses don't care about it. After all, who would be serious with cancer patients?

Zhao Lan in bed 13010 is lying on the bed for infusion. The medicine bottle contains chemotherapy drugs. Because she is very weak, the infusion speed is extremely slow. Basically, she has to lie in bed all day.

She was lying on the bed as pale as paper, her eyes were empty and her expression was loveless. However, she was only twenty-eight years old, which was the best age, and she had cancer. Although the doctor didn't say anything, everyone knew that there was little hope for her to be cured.

"Xiaoxiao, you are back." Zhou Xiaozhen sat cross-legged on the bed, "What good things did you buy?"

Zhou Xiaozhen in bed 13011 is a girl who is only eighteen years old. She is a little fat, and her skin is particularly good, white and tender. She had her head shaved because of chemotherapy, her head was round, like a delicate boiled egg.

Her condition is the mildest, and the doctor said that there is great hope for a complete cure, so she has a very good attitude and talks a lot. I like to chat with Yu Xiao the most, the kind that can last for hours.

"En." Yu Xiao replied weakly, and put the two express boxes on the lazy table on the hospital bed.

Yu Xiao is twenty years old this year, and he is the only one in the ward who still has black hair and can move freely.

It was not because her condition was not serious, but precisely because her condition was so serious that she could not even undergo surgery, so she could only be treated conservatively with chemotherapy in advance.

Moreover, she had only had chemotherapy once, and her hair loss was not serious, so she still had the strength to go out for a walk.

Taking out the small scissors from the cabinet, Yu Xiao slowly opened the express box, and took out a thick stack of yellow paper, two brushes, a large box of red powder, and an inkstone.

Zhou Xiaozhen looked blankly at Yu Xiao's busy work, "Xiaoxiao, what are these? What are they for?"

Yu Xiao tidied everything up, started cutting the yellow paper with scissors, and replied unhurriedly, "Painting symbols."

Zhou Xiaozhen: "?"

After cutting the yellow paper into a standard rectangle, Yu Xiao took the cinnabar and the inkstone to the bathroom.

In the bathroom mirror, there was a pale and thin face. The girl's eyes are big and round, her mouth and nose are very small, she looks a little juvenile, very small.

That's why Zhou Xiaozhen insisted on telling her to smile even though she was two years younger than her.

Yu Xiao was diagnosed with brain cancer a month ago, which is a malignant type. Because the location of the tumor is very tricky, it is impossible to operate, so the doctor advised her to stay in the hospital for observation and conservative treatment.

During this month, her family has not been here a few times in total.

Her parents divorced when she was in junior high school, and each reorganized their families and had new children. Less popular is the child of her broken family, who has lived on campus since junior high. Until a month ago when she was diagnosed with cancer, the parents reunited again.

The two cried once in front of her respectively, and then came to deliver her meals a few times, and then they each found an excuse not to show up again.

Yu Xiao actually felt pretty good, although they didn't show up, but at least they were quite generous in paying for the treatment, and even hired a nurse for her.

Yu Xiao has always been easy to be content.

She cleaned the inkstone and began to dissolve the cinnabar powder with alcohol.

This incident started three days ago. Three nights ago, after the nurse rounded the room, she took out her mobile phone from under the pillow. Because the doctor didn't let them stay up late, the nurse would always chatter when she saw her playing with her mobile phone at night, so she simply pretended to be asleep during the nurse's rounds.

After she took out her phone, she found that she was downloading an APP.

Could it be that I accidentally clicked on some advertisement before?

Just as she was about to cancel the download, she saw the name of the APP—the fourth hospital patient communication forum.

The movement of her hands stopped, even the patients have to set up a forum these days?

She waited quietly for the forum to be downloaded, and then clicked in. The forum page was pink, but otherwise it was similar to other forums.

The first sticky post is a forum publication announcement.

look below...

[Morgue Raiders Guide. 】

"???" Yu Xiao was full of question marks, mortuary... strategy? What is the mortuary strategy?

Click in to see, the host uses the first-person perspective to describe how he and several people saw a ghost in the morgue, and how they escaped from the ghost...

It's a ghost story!

Yu Xiao, who was already unable to sleep, couldn't sleep even more, she continued to look down.

[Inventory of the ghosts I have encountered over the years. 】

Inside are the introductions of various ghosts, from the names of ghosts to the abilities of ghosts, and some even have pictures, which look serious.

Yu Xiao scrolled down a few more posts, no matter what the title was, the contents were all related to ghosts. What kind of patient exchange forum is this? This is clearly a ghost story forum!

and many more! Four courtyards?

Yu Xiao couldn't help thinking of the local Fourth Hospital, which seemed to be a mental hospital.

In an instant, she suddenly realized that this was actually a forum for the exchange of mental patients, so everything made sense.

After learning the truth, she read it with great interest. Not everyone can read ghost stories written by mental patients.

She read a few posts and found that these landlords are not simple. The ghost stories are written logically and clearly, and even suspenseful and fascinating.

Sure enough, everyone in the mental hospital is talented!

There are still many people replying.

[Thank you for your sharing, good people have a safe life! ]

[How many health points did the landlord get in this level? ]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up ]

What the hell? Sure enough, she couldn't keep up with the mental patient's thinking? She had no idea what it meant.

Then she found a post at the bottom.

【Teach you step by step to become a talisman master! 】

Click in and see, at the beginning is a long passage from the host. The general idea is that buying talismans in the mall is too expensive and not worthwhile. It is much cheaper to buy cinnabar and yellow watch paper, and you can have as many talismans as you want by yourself. Not only save points, but also greatly improve the survival rate in the level.

Seeing this, Yu smiled and thought belatedly, what kind of game is he seeming to be talking about?

There are quite a few replies here.

[The host is really an idiot talking about dreams, can everyone learn to draw symbols? ]

[I want to know what is the success rate of the landlord. ]

[Where to save points, yellow paper and cinnabar are also very expensive, okay? ]

[The landlord don’t listen to them, I want to learn! ]


Below is a picture, on the picture is a piece of talisman paper with a yellow background and red lines. The long yellow paper is full of red lines, which is very complicated, and Yu Xiao looked at it in a cloud of fog.

【Lightning and Striking Talisman】

Below is a detailed explanation of the painting method, where to start, where to receive, and what to pay attention to when painting. The introduction is very detailed.

In the end, the landlord said that the success rate of this talisman is 20%. If you draw five pieces and one is successful, a slight light will appear on the talisman paper after drawing, which means success.

His tone looked a little smug, as if the 20% success rate was very high.

Yu Xiao is a student majoring in fine arts. Leaving aside whether this kind of talisman is true or false, when she looks at the examples in the forum, she always feels that those patterns and lines have an indescribable beauty.

Continuing to look down, there were more and more strange talismans, and she actually became a little interested.

Anyway, there is nothing to do in the hospital, and being idle is idle. She went to a certain treasure to search for yellow paper and cinnabar, and found that it was very cheap, so she bought a whole set of props for drawing symbols online, and the goods arrived today after three days.

Yu Xiao used alcohol to dissolve the cinnabar. The host said that the cinnabar should be dissolved with wine. She didn't have any alcohol, but the 75% alcohol in the hospital was as much as needed.

After melting the cinnabar, she returned to the ward with her things, neatly arranged all the items of the talisman on the lazy table, and then sat on the bed in a daze.

Zhou Xiaozhen looked over curiously, picked up a piece of cut yellow paper and asked curiously: "Do you really want to draw amulets? Just like in Liaozhai, the ones pasted on ghosts?"

"Yeah." Yu Xiao suddenly became a little joking, and she said seriously and quietly: "Did you know that there is a ghost in our ward, and I discovered it when I first moved in. She is a female ghost, and every day Wandering around the hospital bed at night, in order to prevent her from hurting you, I have to reveal my identity."

Zhou Xiaozhen stared blankly at Yu Xiao, "What is your identity?"

Yu Xiao clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, Pindao is the 250th generation successor of Longhu Mountain, Master Yu Xiaodao!"


Zhou Xiaozhen was taken aback by the words, "Really?"


Zhao Lan, who had been quietly infusing the infusion, laughed, her voice was weak and gentle, "Xiaozhen, can't you see that Xiaoxiao is joking?"

"Hey, I've seen it a long time ago." Zhou Xiaozhen's face flushed, and she forcibly held her respect, "I just look like Xiaoxiao is bored every day, and I am teasing her."

Zhao Lan looked in the direction of Yu Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, I remember you are an art student, right? Why do you suddenly want to draw symbols?"

"I'm bored and looking for something to do." Yu Xiao took the pen, dipped the tip of the pen in cinnabar juice, sat upright and said, "Don't bother me, I want to draw a talisman."

The Yunlei Striking Talisman is the only one she remembers how to draw, because the talismans and seals are too complicated, she can only remember this one for the time being.

According to what the host said, one must meditate first. Her mind is very quiet now, and it can even be described as stagnant water.

Then there is showing the gods, that is, asking the gods and Buddhas for instructions, probably telling the gods that I want to draw a talisman, and bless me for success.

Usually they pay homage to gods, but where does Yu Xiao have gods? She thought about it for a while and searched for a **** statue on Baidu, then put her phone on the stand, and bowed three times to the phone.

"It's over, it's over." Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaozhen looked sympathetic, "The doctor said that the tumor in her brain might affect her thinking, and she really has something wrong with her brain."

Zhao Lan sighed, "Xiaoxiao is so pitiful."

Yu Xiao opened his eyes, held the pen with his right hand, and lightly dropped the tip of the pen to draw a uniform red line on the yellow paper.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door in the quiet ward.

Yu Xiao was completely absorbed and was not disturbed at all. Zhou Xiaozhen thought who was so polite to enter a multi-person ward and knocked on the door, so she said, "Come in!"

There was no sound from outside, and no one opened the door to come in.

"Boom boom boom."

There was another knock on the door, Zhou Xiaozhen said impatiently: "The door is unlocked, come in!"

"Hee hee hee…"