MTL - Fox in the Penalty Area-Chapter 158 more powerful

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"Nine-five Supreme?"

"***? Could it be that Hu Lai is going to come again 'Nine Five Supreme, alright?!''

"Stop kidding! Is that thing so easy to do?!"

"But look, four goals in six minutes!

"Blind!. He had three goals in six minutes in the Champions League semi-final last season...


It is not only Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang who discovered this "blind spot". On the Chinese Internet, many people frequently mention keywords.

Because for Chinese fans, Hu Lai's "Nine Five Supreme" performance in the U23 Asian Cup is too popular.

They never forget.

So when Hu Lai scored four goals in six minutes, everyone immediately thought of that classic scene.

It's just that they thought about it, but they couldn't believe that Hu Lai could really reproduce.

Isn't a miracle called a "miracle" because it is so difficult to achieve?

Of course, not only Chinese fans know about this.

Those foreign fans who have been paying attention to Hu Lai also know it.

For example, Matt Dawn tweeted several times in a row to introduce the "miracle" that Hu Lai once did.

"Three goals in six minutes! Four goals in six minutes! But that's not Hu Lai's limit! He once scored five goals in nine minutes!"

"It was the U23 Asian Cup group stage in 2024. At that time, the Chinese Olympic team suffered a very serious unfair penalty in the game. Facing this extremely unfavorable situation, it was Hu Lai who stood up. He came from the 50th From the start of four minutes to sixty-three minutes, a total of five goals were scored in these nine minutes, creating an unprecedented record in world football!''

"I know a lot of people haven't heard of this, because it's a U23-level competition held in faraway Asia. But few people know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When you are fighting for Hu Lai's amazing scoring performance is incredible, but I'm used to it. Because he did it at the age of 21!''

"After that game, Chinese fans and the media excitedly called Hu Lai's performance of scoring five goals in nine minutes as 'Nine-Five Supreme. 'Nine five, put together, means 'the top and the middle', representing the most noble, people often use 'nine five supreme, to describe the emperor's authority status. This shows how remarkable Hu Lai's performance is- - In the eyes of Chinese fans, Hu Lai is their 'football emperor,!'"

"I've uploaded and posted the video of Hu Lai's five goals in that game. From before he scored the first goal, it was ten and fifteen seconds long, not a second was cut. Those who didn't know 'nine before' Friends of the Five Supremes, you can come and enjoy Hu Lai's "Superman performance,!,"

Because of Matt Dawn's well-known "Hu Chui" status, many Hu Lai fans follow his account.

So these tweets he posted quickly spread.

At the same time, because Matt mentioned in his tweet that "Nine Five Supreme" was not translated in English, but directly typed Chinese phrases. Therefore, for a while, the fixed phrase "Nine Five Supreme" in Chinese characters has become a hot topic on social media on the Internet.

Everyone is watching this game.

Even if some people didn't pay attention, they turned on the TV after hearing that Hu Lai scored four goals in six minutes.


Players on both sides of the field did not know the "grand event" on the Internet at this moment, nor did they know the special significance of Hu Lai's four goals in six minutes.

They only know that the game is not over, and the storm that Hu Lai has created is not over.

The Madrid Pirates did not intend to stop, which can be seen from Vukovic taking the initiative to help Hulai fish the football out of the goal.

The Royal Cathoun players are still in a panic.

Someone cast their eyes on the sidelines, wanting to get an update from their head coach.

But their head coach, Benjamin Gonzalez, didn't react, just stood there dumbfounded.

Side motionless, like a statue.

Rao is the Chilean coach who has traveled far and wide, and is well-informed. What is happening on the field today is still far beyond his cognition.

What scene have I not seen? (crossed out)

I have never seen this scene!


When Hu Lai received the ball in the frontcourt, Han Shuyu couldn't help but glanced at the big screen.

There are real-time game times on it.

Sixty-third minutes of the game.

Almost two minutes have passed since his last ball.

It has been almost seven minutes since he scored his second goal of the game.

He is one ball away from copying "Nine Five Supreme".

But Hu Lai didn't shoot, he passed the ball out.

Because he faced a lot of interception and defense, and did not get the opportunity to kick.