MTL - Fox in the Penalty Area-Chapter 159 in legend

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The entire Pirates Park has become the source of a storm as the football rolls slowly over the Royal Cathoun goal line.

Countless storms are generated from the inside of this stadium, and then swept across the eight wastes and six together.

Almost half of Madrid shivered in the center of the storm.

How frustrating the Pirates of Madrid fans were before the game, how happy they are now!

Sure enough, I believe Hu Lai is right.

Hu Lai will never let himself be wronged, and he will never let those who like to support him be wronged!

Among these revelry Madrid Pirates fans, there are some more special people.

There is another meaning to their cheering.

These people are all Chinese fans.

There are Chinese college students studying in Spain, overseas Chinese working in Spain, and enthusiastic fans who came from China to watch the scene.

These people are so excited, not only because Hu Lai scored another goal, but also because it was Hu Lai's fifth goal in eight minutes, and with this goal, he surpassed himself in 2024!

Every Chinese fan knows how important the meaning of this ball is. Some Chinese fans with good Spanish are even popularizing this ball for the Spanish fans around him:

"Five goals in eight minutes! You know what that means? He's done something very incredible, almost impossible - he's surpassed his old self!

"...Hu Lai once scored five goals in nine minutes! We all thought it was a 'miracle' that couldn't be repeated! But now he's done it again, and better than the last time! The second time he scored five goals in eight minutes! The same number of goals in one minute less!"

"After you understand this background, you will know how powerful Hu Lai is now!"

"What? Merry? Merry can score five goals in eight minutes? He can't even score five goals in nine minutes!"

"Five goals in eight minutes! Has anyone done this before?"

La Liga commentator Alvarez Sanchez asked himself.

"Never! In Europe, the previous record for the fastest five goals in a game belonged to 'The Great, Caesar, but he also took 25 minutes. Now that record has been pushed forward a lot!"

"Also, Hu once did a five-goal feat in nine minutes in a U23 game, but unfortunately it wasn't a senior team game... but it doesn't matter now because of his eight minutes in La Liga. Five goals will overwrite all previous records and become the only one without controversy!"


When the Madrid Pirates players on the pitch surrounded Hu Lai and ran to the center circle with the football again, the slightly messy storm in the stands had been consolidated into a huge storm of unprecedented size.

All the Pirates of Madrid fans are shouting in unison:






It's like the heartbeat of this stadium!


With a heartbeat, Hu Lai put the football on the kick-off spot, followed his teammates out of the middle circle, and waited for the Royal Kathong players to come up to kick off.

The Royal Kathong players walked up dejectedly. They had lost the ability to think, like eleven walking dead. They had no temper or emotions, and just walked to their positions.

After the referee blew the whistle, Real Catheron striker Adrian Sandoval turned and kicked the football back to his teammates before running forward alone.

Normal is like any normal game.

But in the context of the score of 0:6 and the fact that the same person scored five goals in eight minutes, such a normal performance is itself the biggest abnormality.

The ball was passed back and forth between the Real Cathoun players, and it took only ten seconds for the ball to reach their goalkeeper Ruben Petexa.

At the same time, the fast-running Kamara had burst out of the Real Catjon defense and went straight to Petexa.

The "heartbeat" of Qiuchang continues.

Under such "synchronization", Petexa only felt that his heartbeat and breathing were extremely unnatural, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He saw Kamara rushing towards him aggressively, and there was only one thought in his mind - to kick the football out quickly!

No matter where you go, you can't kick the football to Kamala's feet!

So he adjusted the football from his left foot to his right, and then kicked it forward!