MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 17 Yuto: Why did my reputation increase?

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  Chapter 17 You Dou: How did my reputation increase?

  As for Yuto, who was completely unaware that he had been remembered by others, he walked back home slowly.

   Until he came to the door of his house, You Dou, who was not afraid of even facing the rat monsters before, stood at the door of his house but hesitated.

  Because he looks really embarrassed at this time, not only the clothes on his body have become tattered due to the battle, but also the smell of blood on his body is very strong. Once his mother catches him, the other party may be preaching again while wiping away tears.

But the actual situation, just as Yuto expected, he had just stepped into the house, and a beautiful woman with long brown hair came to meet him. Before he could think of any words to explain, his body was covered by The other party hugged directly.

  Tian Shangyuan Masami, who is also Yuto's current mother, saw Yuto come back in a mess, immediately hugged him worriedly, and then checked with great concern to see if Yuto suffered any serious injuries.

   "So didn't I say don't hug me at every turn, Mom, I've grown up, and I'm not a child like Lucy."

  Regarding Tenshangin Masami’s caring behavior, Yuto couldn’t help feeling another headache, because it was a single-parent family, and Yuto was quite independent since he was a child, Tenshangin Masami always felt from time to time that he didn’t care enough for his two children.

   "Don't lie to me, Liu Ji told me before that you are going to assist the criminal police in handling the case.

  I went shopping for groceries today, but I heard that there are terrorists hiding in Ukiyocho, and it was blocked tonight.

  The criminal police even came to the door specially, telling the residents to close the doors and windows at home, and not to go out tonight. "

After hearing Tenshangin Masami's words, Yuto looked angrily at the girl who was watching the fat house drama at this time, and Ryuki seemed to have noticed her brother's unkind eyes, and immediately stuck out her tongue like a child who has done something wrong Then immediately ran back to his room.

  No way, although Tianshangyuan Masami is the biggest elder in the family, but sometimes the siblings feel that the mother is the most childish existence in the family.

  When Tianshangin Masami, who came home, found that Yuto didn't come home on time, and asked Ryuki, but Ryuki refused to tell, she would directly use the strongest killer.

  When Yami cried, no matter if it was Youdou or Liu Ji, almost couldn't stand it.

   And when she found out that Yuto was going to assist the criminal police in handling the case, and that the other party was an extremely dangerous terrorist, Masami Tenshang was not even in the mood to watch her favorite soap opera, and was anxiously waiting for Yuto to come back.

   "Yuto, we are ordinary residents. If there are any dangerous elements, let Mr. Criminal Police deal with them. In the future, let's not add trouble to things like this.

  You are still a student, studying hard is your job, and what if those criminals seek revenge on you in the future? "

  In the next few hours, Yuto was almost listening to Tenshangin Masami's earnest preaching. It was not until Yuto made a promise and said that if he continued, he would not be able to get up for school tomorrow, and Tenshangin Masami finally let him go.

  The next day, Yuto went to school on his second-hand bicycle as usual, and yesterday's task rewards have also been distributed.

  At first, he thought that yesterday's prestige was consumed, and this task was almost for nothing, but unexpectedly, the prestige has increased a lot compared to before.

  Before, his reputation was 200 points for humans and 100 points for monsters.

   And last night, he used 200 human reputation to exchange two "Yao Qi Charms" for Hinano and the others, and used 100 monster reputation to exchange a few "bad-quality demon power crystals" to restore the monster power.

And when he encounters the system task triggered by the rat demon, the rewards are exactly the same amount of prestige. At first, he thought it would be in vain, but he didn't expect that besides the unchanged one hundred monster prestige, his human prestige was actually 100 points. It became five hundred points!

   It was 400 points more than the 100 points rewarded by the mission.

   And when he looked through the records, he found that the remaining 300 reputation points were all provided by Hina and Yusaburo who adored him.

   As for this, Yu Dou didn't think it was strange, after all, he not only saved them last night, but also showed unparalleled strength, it was reasonable that they would provide him with reputation points.

  But what the **** is this "Yamato Jiuxiang", "Shencheng Yixin" and "White Horse Master"? He didn't know these people at all.

  What's more surprising to Yuto is that these three people actually account for the majority of his extra 300 points of human reputation.

  You Dou is really confused, he is sure that he doesn't know these people, but they have inexplicably admired him?

   I wanted to ask Kujo Hina and others about their origins, but last night my attitude was too strong, I said I would stop contacting, and then I turned to find the door, it was too embarrassing...

   While passing by the first street of Ukiyocho on a bicycle, Yuto also found that the place where the fight last night had been cordoned off, but the corpses of those rat monsters had all been cleaned up.

   And listening to the comments of the people around, Yuto also seemed to have heard the words "terrorist" and "gunfight". I have to say that Yuzaburo and the others are still very good at handling such a big event so perfectly.

  The matter of the rat demon has been solved perfectly, and the gain of reputation has been unexpectedly large, so Yuto is in a pretty good mood right now.

  As for Yamato Jiuxiang and the others who provided him with prestige, Yuto doesn't plan to care too much, as long as it doesn't affect his peaceful life anyway.

   But Yuto was in a good mood, obviously he couldn't last long, because when he was about to come to school on his bicycle, he found a person at the school gate that he didn't want to see at all.

  The other party has beautiful pink hair, and a face that is not disobedient even if he is a junior high school student, and it is such a bad omen!

  When seeing the figure of the other party, Yuto turned the front of the car instantly, trying to block the other party's sight with the crowd, but because he was so handsome, Kujo Hinano still spotted the other party the moment Yuto showed up.

   Ignoring the shout of the girl behind him, Yuto was about to pedal away immediately when he was discovered, but the rear rack of the bicycle was already tightly held by the other party.

   "Miss Kutiao, what a coincidence, but didn't we agree last night? Don't contact me again in the future?"

  Yuto looked at the pink-haired girl behind her with a stern face. In order to prevent Yuuto from running away again, the other party even jumped on the back of Yuto's bicycle.

   "What a coincidence, I came here specially to wait for you at the school.

  We were together last night, don’t you recognize me now? "

   It has to be said that both Yuto and Hina are good-looking, and the farce of the two just now naturally attracted the attention of other people around.

  After hearing what Hina said, the people around melon eaters looked at Yuto with contempt on their faces.

   "After doing something like that to others, do you want to give up now?"

   "I didn't expect the school girl to be a scumbag, as expected, there is no good guy who is handsome..."

  (end of this chapter)