MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 749 A world of high martial arts with multiple races such as gods, demons, dragons, angels, etc.

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  Chapter 749 Gods, Demons, Dragons, Angels and other multi-race high martial arts world

   Soon, Yuto learned from Yasaka, the general of the monsters in Kyoto, that this world is indeed as he expected, not that simple.

  The relationship between the strengths of the parties alone is quite responsible, and no matter which side it is, they are all not easy to mess with.

  In this world, there are angels, fallen angels, demons, dragons, gods in mythology, and even monsters like Yasaka and the like.

  In the past, there were almost constant disputes between the forces of all parties. It is true that there is a small fight every three days, and a big fight every five days.

  However, many years ago, the three forces of angels, fallen angels, and demons fought with all their strength, causing heavy losses for all of them, and among them, the demons even burped all the seven demon kings.

The situation of the three-party war was so fierce that even the "Nitenryu", the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig and the White Dragon Emperor Arubion who were mixed into the chaos were directly killed by the three clans, and even became "God Dragons". "Destroy the tool", which shows the tragic situation of the battle.

   "Two Heavenly Dragons" is the only existence in the dragon clan that is inferior to the "Dragon God" and the "True Red Dragon God Emperor".

   But even such an existence was directly killed by the angry three-party forces when it crashed into the battlefield of the three-party forces.

   It was also because of this tragic war that the demons, angels, and fallen angels declared a truce, and reached a certain agreement with each other, strictly prohibiting the three parties from acting aggressively in the human world, leading to a war for various reasons.

  In short, the three-party war many years ago completely terrified the three forces of demons, angels and fallen angels.

  There are many forces in this world, and they are not the only three parties. They also don't want to cause their forces to perish in the disputes because of the continuous disputes...

   Yuto, who stayed at the shrine for half a day, finally got a rough idea of ​​the current situation in the world from Yasakaguchi.

  At the same time, he also understood that not only is the upper limit of combat power in this world very high, it is even higher than his original imagination.

  Because when Yasaka was explaining to Yuto, he would occasionally interject to ask Yasaka something he cared about.

  For example, the so-called "Seraphim" and "Devil King", how strong can they be, and what kind of guys are the gods and "two heavenly dragons" in other myths?

   However, facing Yuto's question, Yasaka also showed an embarrassed expression.

  Because the monster forces in Kyoto, although they can be regarded as one of the many forces, strictly speaking, compared with those gods and demons, dragons, and angels, they can’t really be on the table, and they can be regarded as second-rate or third-rate forces at best.

  Yasaka, the general general of Kyoto monsters, has been the strongest monster for thousands of years, and has the ability to adjust the airflow and weather in Kyoto.

  If the combat power is fully activated and the main body is recovered, it can even compete with Long Yi of the "Five Great Dragon Kings" level.

  But compared to "Nitenryu" and other existences of the level of gods and demons in mythology, Yasaka is still no less weak.

  The "Five Great Dragon Kings" are dragons that are weaker than the "Two Heavenly Dragons" among the dragon clan, but as dragon kings, they also have power comparable to ordinary gods and demons.

  As for the level of "two heavenly dragons", the strength has surpassed that of ordinary gods and demons, which is roughly equivalent to the strength of the "main god" level in various myths.

  Compared his own strength with Yasaka’s, Yuuto already had a good idea of ​​his own strength in this world.

   Soon, Yuto also proposed this trip to Yasaka, and now he wants to get in touch with the three forces that started the war many years ago.

  Kyoto is the sphere of activities of monster forces, and people from the three forces should not appear here.

   "Your Excellency Yuto, if you are interested in demons and angels, you can go to this place.

  We also have some information about the situation in the human world. According to the investigation of my subordinates, there are often signs of demonic activities in this area.

   And according to reliable information, the recent reaction of a "God Extinguisher" seems to have appeared near this area. "

  Angels have heaven, demons have demons, and fallen angels have hell, but their monster forces have no other worlds to use as bases.

  So regarding the human world, the monster forces clearly have a more comprehensive grasp of the intelligence of the human world, and they are also the party that least wants the various races to fight.

  In order to avoid conflicts between Yuuto and people from the three forces, Yasaka even wrote a letter of introduction to Yuuto in his capacity as the general of the Kyoto Youkai.

  In the letter, in order to show Yuto's sufficient identity, he even bluntly stated that Yuto is his righteous brother who has lost contact with him for many years.

   After receiving the letter of introduction from Yasaka, Yuto looked at the identity of Yokai Chief General's brother-in-law with a strange expression.

   "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Yuto, because with your strength, your sudden appearance in the human world may arouse the investigation and attention of various forces.

  So I think if you have such an identity, it should be more beneficial to your actions. "

   "It doesn't matter, at least it's the brother-in-law or not, the elder brother of the general of the monsters in Kyoto, it's actually quite face-saving to say it."

   Regarding Yasaka's apology, Yuto shook his head and smiled lightly, expressing his indifference.

  Actually, he also knows Yasaka’s intentions in doing this. On the one hand, he may really think about Yuuto, and he doesn’t want Yuto to have a conflict with the three forces.

   On the other hand, Yasaka actually wanted to take this opportunity to draw Yuuto into their camp of monster forces.

  However, Yuto didn't pay too much attention to Yasaka's cautiousness. Anyway, in his capacity, sooner or later he will be included in the ranks of monster forces.

  Besides, Yasaka explained to him all kinds of things about this world for a long time. If there is not even a little gift of thanks, it would be a bit unreasonable.

   "If that's the case, that's really great, Brother Yuto!

  Also, if possible, I actually want to trouble my lord brother with one thing..."

   Seeing Yuto accepting his letter of introduction, and not raising any objections to the identity of the above, Yasaka also followed suit and directly changed the address of Yuto to elder brother.

  On the one hand, Yasaka was really moved by Yuto’s previous story. According to Yuto’s previous statement, he was rejected because of his status as a “half-demon”, and even his relatives chose to betray him.

  In this case, I and Kunou can definitely become his relatives. And Yasaka also believes that a person with such an open mind should not be a bad person, and should not be treated like this.

  The other aspect is that Yuuto's strength is really strong, and even Yasaka thinks that he has reached the level of "Nitenryu" and Shenmazhushen.

  Having such a powerful elder brother is a good thing for her, Kunou, and even all the Kyoto monsters.

   And looking at the beautiful woman who is obviously much more mature than him, calling himself elder brother, Yuto also unconsciously touched his nose with his hand, and always felt a little weird.

  (end of this chapter)