MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 420 Go to the meeting

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Han Lang left the command room of 9527 with some worries. He was not worried about seeing the mysterious gold family. As a soldier, he must first have a big heart, that is, a strong adventurous spirit, learn to grow in a crisis. .

Han Lang really worried about Ye Weiwei.

The reason why I walked all the way was so desperate. In the end, Han Lang was nothing more than wishing everyone to have fun. I hope that my compatriots in my hometown will live happily and hope that my friends will live happily. Han Lang certainly hopes that Ye Weiwei can do it every day. happy.

But if Ye Weiwei becomes a threat, then others will be forced to stay away from her and let Ye Weiwei fall into loneliness.

Han Lang found Ye Weiwei and wanted to hear her thoughts. Han Lang thought that when she wanted to go, she felt that she could actually do very limited things. Listening to Han Lang is not enough to give Ye Weiwei care.

Who knows that Ye Weiwei does not mention her own affairs. What she tells from her mouth is how everyone treats her, how happy she is here, and the future development of the base.

Obviously, Ye Weiwei does not want Han Lang to worry about herself, but the more she is, the more Han Lang feels that she can do nothing, but instead gives birth to some shackles.

Everyone knows that Han Lang has come to see him after he wakes up. Most people are surprised to know the existence of the soul. They don’t know that in addition to the source, they can rely on the soul to improve their combat effectiveness.

Among all people, Han Lang, Pluto, Sima Soul, 9527 are all aware of the existence of soul power, in which Pluto rarely shows up, 9527 is very busy every day, Sima soul is self-taught genius, not only the level of self-cultivation, even the soul The force is also comprehended by himself, let him speak, he can not tell.

So everyone is entangled in Han Lang to know what the soul is going on.

Han Lang had to retell the knowledge that Jay had taught him to everyone. Unfortunately, they did not have the golden space to cultivate the spiritual space. They could only rely on their own understanding to slowly explore.

When defining the soul force, Han Lang said: "In the way of the vernacular, the soul power is the willpower. When one's willpower reaches a very high level, it will sublimate and become the power of the soul."

"The power of the soul will continue to sublimate and eventually form an immortal soul. Even if your body dies, the spirit will always exist."

"According to my experience, if you want to get the soul, you must make yourself stronger, and force yourself. The more you are in a desperate situation, the less you can give up. Only in this way can you force the soul."


Everyone nodded and seemed to understand.

The reason why everyone thinks that Han Lang is good, the darkness is extinct. This super-power is only part of it. What's more, everyone likes Han Lang, the hard bone. The more he encounters a strong enemy, the harder Han Wave is.

"That is not the same as you are like a green girl, you can?" Bo tooth thought, slammed his head and said.

Zong Wudao said something uncomfortable: "What is the head of the green? Han Lang's brain is very smart, well, everything will be learned."

Although I didn't go to the teacher, the three idiots still lived with Han Lang's master, so they didn't like to say that Han Lang's words were bad.

Han Lang said with a smile: "In fact, Boge has already said the point. The soul is not related to wisdom. It is only about spiritual strength. No matter how much IQ, as long as there is a spirit of dying, you can force the soul. Come."


Bo Ya jumped up. He was a blood star, and he became excited after he understood the way the soul was produced.

"From now on, Lao Tzu will not die! I will see what kind of enemy I will do with him!" Bo Yi waved his fist, and the blue face was blackened by the blood, and roared loudly.

"me too!"

"And I!

"I want to be the toughest fighter in the future!"

Everyone screamed and screamed like a group of people.

The night black man nodded and said: "But then, you are going alone at the gold family. I have always been a little worried. I will go with a little madness. This medicine has so far been your highly resistant body. I can bear it, I am violent for others, and the dose is much lower."

Feng Taiji also said: "Yes, I have some samples here. It is the third generation of alien plants. Although it is only a preliminary sample, the attack power is much better than the second generation Tianwang vine. You can bring it."

The five clouds were awkward and shook their heads: "As far as I am behind, I have not made a second generation of the beasts of the beasts. I have made some samples, and the combat power is not as good as your genetically synthesized beast. It is."

Han Lang said to Wu Yun: "Don't worry, look back at the two of us. Based on your genetics, plus my fusion, maybe you can succeed. Besides, the cursed land lacks animal resources and changed. No one can do anything."

Drugs, alien plants, genetic beasts, this used to be the three magic weapons of Han Lang.

Nowadays, there is a fusion technology in Hanlangkong. The cursed land lacks the high-class beasts that can be captured. This is like a good chef cooking without raw materials, and even the best craftsmanship can not produce food.

In contrast, the night blacks and Feng Taiji are much more fortunate. The garden left by the giants’ Tianzang is simply a treasure house of plants. Both of them have successfully upgraded their masterpieces. Only the five clouds, the world cannot find the shared beasts. Can only be anxious.

This incident is quite strange. It is not a lot of soul beasts or star beasts.

According to the people of the tribe, this place was not like this in the past. It was not long before Han Lang came to them that the beasts disappeared on a large scale.

Han Lang remembers the comic book of the silver fox, and it is the moon Linda who is alone with the solitude. The mother soul beast that once hangs over Han Lang, Han Lang does not know, the massive reduction of the beast of the cursed land is the month. Linda’s sake, is it the reason for the gold family?

In short, there must be a demon in the abnormal situation. This abnormal thing Han Lang has been paying attention to.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Han Lang started.

The reason why Han Lang insists that he should go alone is very simple, because the ending is unpredictable. If this is a trap, it is better for him to get trapped than the big guy.

9527 has already agreed with Han Lang. He stood up and said: "I know that everyone cares about Han Lang, but it is not necessarily a good thing for us to go. Han wave has installed an implantable tracking and positioning system. If necessary Let's kill all the staff in one minute."

"The question of security is not about how many people we went, but about the speed at which we can help."

"And the five major groups have sent top experts to the party, he can deal with Han Lang, but also deal with the dew Qiu Lin at the same time, time to open these old goblins? Anyway, I do not believe."

"The old saying goes, the boat is a good turn, the biggest advantage of Han Lang is to be flexible. The five major groups are big forces, but Han Lang is a person. When it is time to fight, the gold family will definitely deal with the top five. Family, after all, Han Lang’s strength is the weakest.”

"Unfortunately, what they don't know is that Han Lang and our brothers have made cards. At the crucial moment, we will be born, **** mother!"

Although everyone will be suspicious, they all feel that the 9527 is somewhat reasonable.

In such a strong situation, deliberate weakness is also a tactic. If everyone goes, they will expand their goals and be valued by the gold family.

If only Han Lang is alone, others will ignore him, but Han Lang will be safe.

9527 and Sima soul winds have been discussed with Han Lang, 9527 finished, Sima soul wind also said a few words, meaning and 9527 is almost the same, let Han Lang go to go better than everyone to go, under the indoctrination Finally, everyone finally agreed to let Han Lang go on the road alone.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobao did not agree to live and die, and hugged Han Lang with his own arm. If Han Lang said, he would not let go.

After two or two incidents, Xiaobao’s touch was great. He decided to be a strong child. Never let Han Lang cover the wind and rain for him. He wanted to help Han Lang.

"Forget it, let him go together, this is also the love of Xiaobao for you." Sima soul wind sighed and said.

Han Lang had no choice but to let Xiao Bao get into his moon mark and told the smartest silver fox to take care of him.

The silver fox patted his chest and looked like a big brother, so Han Lang was relieved.

In fact, everyone agrees that Han Lang is going alone. To a large extent, Han Lang’s backhand is too much. If it is not, open the moon mark, black egg, silver fox, blue star, which is not vegetarian.

Especially the silver fox, everyone has already known that the silver fox that gets the energy of the plant is already no better than the black egg.

This guy, Han Lang with silver fox and black egg, is equivalent to hiding two Sima soul in the space ring, is definitely a terrible back!

Of course, everyone also believes that with Xiaobao will be a little drag on Han Lang, this child is too embarrassing, it is not a material for a good soldier.

Han Lang and everyone bid farewell, driving the newly modified dark ship to the agreed place.

The dark ship was named 9515 by the Raven. It is the only dark ship model in the base. It belongs to the heavy frigate level and has a black appearance of crows. However, the top of the dark ship has a grayish white mark. It is such a dark ship. Unique identifier.

As for the control part, the dark ship and the star ship are no different, except that the dark ship is more suitable for the unique space law environment of the dark net. Even if it enters the normal universe, the Raven level is still an excellent heavy frigate.


The Ravens use the space law to jump to the engine and fly at super speed on the dark net.

In the blink of an eye, Han Lang came to the energy vortex of the A17.

The intensity and destructive power of the eddy currents are amazing. The warnings are constantly coming from the cab. The semi-intelligent auxiliary navigation system reminds Han Wave that once it enters the vortex area, the dark ship will be shredded by the energy storm.

However, from the data given by the gold family, the road to the meeting place is indeed here.

Han Lang removed the navigation and switched to manual control, using his precise hands to slowly advance along the established route.

When the dark ship approached the energy vortex, a miracle occurred. The center of the energy vortex opened a hidden passage, surrounded by energy, and the passage was calm.

Han Lang's hands steadily manipulated the dark ship, passing through the energy vortex, to the entrance of a space.

When the dark ship sailed through the energy network, Han Lang saw the golden wall and the tens of thousands of soldiers under the wall. On their armor, they had the logo of the five major groups. (~^~)