MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 448 The anger of dew Qiulin!

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In the eyes of insiders, there is no suspense in this battle.

Because the battle itself is extremely unfair, first of all, the darkness of Han Lang's darkness, this will deprive other people of the superpower of the anti-day existence, so that the people of Wanmo directly fell into panic.

Warrior profession, in addition to its own combat power, is more important is the quality of the heart is stable, or once you enter the panic stage, it will be defeated.

The current mainstay of the Van Deer is the warriors who have been genetically reorganized. After the reorganization, they became a walking dead, without consciousness, and did not know how to fear.

Assume that the three legions brought by Luo Jinglin are all genetic recombination fighters, but it is not so fast.

However, Luo Jinglin only brought a legionary genetic recombination warrior. The other two legions are normal people. They also have wives and children. When they encounter powerful enemies, they will be afraid.

The reason for this is that the soldiers after the genetic reorganization have two huge defects. One is that the level will not increase any more, the gene is limited to the current stage, and the other one will become stupid.

After all, the brain has not turned around. In addition to the fierce rush, these genetic recombination fighters simply do not think about it, which leads to their lack of tactics at all, and even more and more chaotic trends in the battle.

Therefore, the genetic recombination fighters are playing the role of cannon fodder in large-scale combat power. The main battlefield is still to be handed over to the normal IQ fighters, who can form various arrays, or assaults or detours. effectiveness.

The current situation is that the loss of super powers has caused the two normal legions to collapse and collapse. The genetic reorganization army is not afraid of close combat, but they do not have any tactics. They will only fight and further intensify. The Luo Jinglin side was confused, and the confusion caused the soldiers' confidence to decrease, which became a chain reaction of continuous vicious circle.

The only hope of Luo Jinglin is that the Gene Reorganization Corps can withstand, let the other two major regiments adapt to the battle without superpower, and adapt to the tactics of Han Lang, the bully.

In this case, the genetic reorganization legion is very hard, but they are also tragedy, because Han Lang and his brothers are far harder than these walking dead bodies that do not think!

The Gene Reorganized Legion fights by instinct, and Han Wave relies on anger! It is the power of faith!

The power of spiritual power is truly powerful! It can make the soldiers indomitable in the face of adversity!

And everyone is very envious of Han Lang has a soul, I hope to be like Han Lang.

According to Han Lang, the soul force is the belief, the spirit of not fighting back, and completely excusing yourself!

So the brothers are fighting more than ever!

In addition, the organization of the fangs is not a purely human legion, black eggs, silver foxes, blue stars, Xiaobao, Yuchidao, Pluto, Xiaolin, they are not affected by the dark extinction of Han Lang.

Even Xiaolin, who has half of the golden blood, is only slowed down by the speed of the moment. Compared to the enemy who is completely deprived of superpower, it is like a kind of cheating. The other legions are pure humans, Han Lang. This is a mix of masters of different races.

To know that the black egg has not been used for killing, this is a hidden killer. Once the situation is not good, the black egg can kill half of the enemy in the opposite moment, at the cost of his precious energy being quickly consumed.

Of course, now Han Lang has the absolute upper hand, crushing the enemy all the way, and the black eggs are willing to save more energy and stay at a more critical moment.

These are the full fighting power of Han Lang?

Not yet!

Gene beasts, alien plants, drugs and murderous poisons are all available means.

It can be seen that Han Lang’s gang has not yet played all their cards. Such a legion is absolutely terrible, because the abilities of these guys are too much, too strange, the composition is too messy, and Compared to the so-called regular army, this is a group of wild roads!

When a legion is wild to a certain extent, it is invincible!

In a twinkling of an eye, Luo Jinglin’s man was killed and injured more than half, and Han Lang’s big hand waved directly to Luo Jinglin’s hand!

When the battle hits this level, as long as the other's coach is killed, the rest will naturally collapse!

Han Lang has been this tactic since the beginning!


This wild army of the wind suddenly turned and killed the battle in front of Luo Jinglin! With a bulldozer crushing posture! Move forward quickly!

Rubbing ~

Rubbing ~

All the soldiers who protected him in front of Luo Jinglin were all hacked to death!

In a blink of an eye, the corpse is everywhere, and the blood flows into the river!

And Han wave them, they will continue to advance on the blood of the enemy!

The crisis is imminent. At the current speed, it only takes a few seconds, and Luo Jinglin will die under the knife of Han Lang.

"It's over! Luo Jinglin lived today!" Steps watched the battle in the distance, seeing Han Lang has approached Luo Jinglin, so he judged.

"It's not that easy." The dark north next to him said: "Don't forget, Luo Jinglin is always the person of Luo Lao Mo."

"What about that? Isn't the power gap clearly?" Steps was not convinced.

His voice did not fall, I saw Luo Jinglin suddenly bite his teeth and rushed to Han Lang! Make an unbelievable anomalous move!

In the face of such a strong enemy, it seems that it is more reasonable to escape.

When it was said that it was too late, Han Lang was also unambiguous. When he greeted him, he would use the feather bow to give Luo Jinglin’s head a scoop.


At the same time that the flying feathers fell, Luo Jinglin’s entire body suddenly exploded!

From his body, he rushed out of a tentacles monster and seized Han Lang!

This tentacles monster is dark, like a mutated fetus, and both eyes are dark black. How terrible is it!


With the death of Luo Jinglin, the Spike organization completely defeated the three majors of Wanmo, and Han Lang also fell.

Steps was amazed and asked Dark North: "How did you guess it??"

Dark North shook his head and said: "Is this still guessing? Luo Shuihan even his daughter can kill, not to mention one of his nephews. Obviously, this is the way Luo’s head controls Luo Jinglin. Whoever dares not? Listening to him, or fleeing away, is the end of this."

"In fact, even if you don't use this extreme method, the old devil has the ability to control Luo Jinglin. If Luo Jinglin escapes like this, his father and his family will all be executed, just like the soldiers who are escaping. None of them will return to the Wanmo Group because they will die when they return."

Steps snorted and said: "The old devil is so poisonous."

"He." Dark North coldly said: "He can't be considered an individual at all. Even us who have the same dark blood as him, can't understand his means."

"But his two daughters are very good." Steps thought about it.

"That's the case." Dark North said with a smile: "Fortunately, there is such a sense of self-satisfaction, the existence of the old devil, one is enough to make others headache."

Han Lang fell, which made everyone's mood quickly sink into the valley, completely without the excitement before, even those who are running away, too lazy to chase.

In this group, Han Lang is the most important. Everyone is running around him. Although Han Lang is not very old, his personality is liked by everyone. It is the same role as the lubricant in the Legion.

Ye Weiwei was very sad, and she was very sad. The two girls surrounded Han Lang and cleaned up the black stains on his body.

It is a pity that these stains are not fatal, but the nano-scale tentacles of the mollusks. They have already penetrated into the Korean wave and injected a fatal drug into Han Lang.

Han Lang’s face is getting greener and his breathing is getting more and more urgent, just like the appearance of an asthma attack.

"It is eroding the lungs of Han Lang!" the night black man said loudly.

"What should I do? Give him medicine and old poison!" Wuyun shouted.

The night black man was anxious, and angered: "You know a fart! This is not a poison at all, but a microbe that erodes the body! It is a bacterium!"


The night black man roared and injected a cyan injection into Han Lang.

"The only way is to attack the poison with poison! I have already injected the purified gods into Han Lang, hoping that his super anti-toxic constitution can withstand!"

“Is there any other way!” asked 9527.

The night blacks shook their heads, and everyone was embarrassed. If the blacks all night said that there was no way, then there was really nothing to do. After all, he was the most poisonous and medical in the team.

"I killed them!" Boge snarled and rushed to the enemies who were running away.

"Stand up!" Sima soul wind suddenly violently, so that everyone's eyes temporarily moved from Han Lang to not far away.

I saw that the enemies of the Wanmo Group had just been broken, and the people of the Gods Group came again. They lined up in front and black pressed a large piece.

Everyone is on the air, and a sinister fire can’t be pressed.

At this time, they heard the dialogue between Lulin Qiulin and the sea.

Sprinkling the sea and black face: "Why not attack! This is a great opportunity! With Han Lang coma, you can kill these people! Kill them all!"

Dew in the autumn forest, sing: "Hey still in their hands!"

"I don't care if you are your granddaughter!" Sprinkled the sea and shouted at the dew Qiulin, sprayed the dew, Qiulin, and spit the star: "This is Yakai's command! It is the order! Today, if you can't kill Hanlang , Yakai adults will not let you go!"

He slowly raised his head, his eyes were red, his eyes were sad and desperate.

Just look at the granddaughter's granddaughter, the dew Qiu Lin heart will be broken!

"Grandpa, hey, if Han Lang is dead, I will not live." He said in a slow and firm tone.

Dew Qiulin and dew are all slamming.

The embarrassing character of course they understand that she is not kidding!

Although Lushui Qiulin does not understand, where is the charm of Han Lang? Let him be willing to die with him, but the problem is in front of him.

To be a granddaughter or a group of gods, this is a dilemma.

"If you die, you will die. You will regenerate one! If you annoy Yakai! Your whole family can't live!" The sea is threatening to reveal the water.


Dew Qiulin's big mouth smashed on the sea face, his face swollen directly, and a few teeth spit out from the mouth.

"You shut me up!" The dewy Ruolin, known as the Confucian, broke out the most angry roar in his life. The sound was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, and finally broke out!

"Go to your mother's Yakai!"

"Go to your goddess group!"

"These are not important! It doesn't matter!"

"Except for my loved ones, nothing matters!"

"Forever! Never threaten me with your family!"

Dew Qiulin’s iron fist punched up and punched the sea and flew again and again.

He vented his life's repression and anger all over the sea!

Take the threat to dew the autumn forest? This is the biggest mistake in sprinkling the sea!

Nothing can be compared with family, even if the character such as Lucy Qiulin is forced to become an madman!

Dew Qiulin’s eyes are red and vocal: "Dare to take me to threaten me, I killed you!"

"Go to hell! The sky is broken!" (~^~)
