MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 255 The collapse of the Jiujie 14 Lijiang River: I will teach you to be a man.

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This is awkward, and Yan Zhe did not expect that he would see such a scene.

There was no clothes after the change of the little man, and the white feather turned into a cloak on the shoulder. From the back, the block was quite tight, but the front was light.

Xiao Yan doesn't understand, but they can't let others see it. Therefore, the river slanted him down and brought it back to the house. Yan Zhe was one hundred approved.

How can I get back to the two people in the house...

There is no clothes in Otaru!

Yan Zhe stayed for three seconds, but did not know that he should have seen nothing to turn around, or screamed, let the river slant quickly!

Wait... It seems that Xiao Yan suppressed the river...

Yan Zhe: "..." What the **** is this situation!

The two people who overlapped up and down were also awkward.

Needless to say, the sky is moving across the sky through the clothes; the above is wondering, how can he not even leave the road?

After a fierce psychological struggle, Yan Zhe finally felt distressed. He euphemistically asked, "What happened?"

Xie Wei discovered Yan Zhe, he just wanted to get up, but Jiang Sui suddenly took his waist.

The hot hands stuck to the slippery skin, and both of them trembled.

Because there are white feathers blocking, Yan Zhe can't see the situation, he is about to come over, but the river obliquely shoots on Xie's head, and he is low and dumb. "Small."

Xie Tao turned back to two small fingers with a big finger.

The white plum little beauty disappeared and the atmosphere calmed down.

The river's oblique throat was surging, holding a small shout: "He doesn't adapt to the human body and wants to walk and wrestles."

That's the way it is, but Xie can't help but say, "If it weren't for you, would I not walk?"

However, the only thing that Jiang’s oblique hearing was, he patted Xie’s little brain and said: “Nothing, I will teach you later.”

Xie Wei: "..." OK, you are right.

Just now, Jiang’s inclination did not allow Xie to get up, because he came together and was naked in front of Yan Zhe.

Unreasonable reason, Jiang Xie did not want anyone to see such a thank you, even Yan Zhe who died in the same life.

Yan Zhe felt that he had asked this question, but he still asked: "Need help?"

River ramp: "No, I will teach him by myself."

Yan Zhe hesitated.

Jiang slanted and opened the topic: "Trouble you to help him find clothes."

Yan Zhexian did not respond.

Jiang said: "We can't wear our clothes, we have to tailor it."

He described it a little bit, and it was dry.

The body of Bai Yu Xiaomei is completely human, which is without a doubt, but it also retains the characteristics of the bird.

For example, the beautiful feathers mixed with black hair, such as the beautiful white feathers that are laid down from the shoulders and spread to the ground.

This white feather cloak is not the kind that can be taken off. It grows out from the shoulders of Otaru. It is ringed in a circle, surrounded by round shoulders, revealing a slender neck and a **** collarbone - some resembling bare shoulders. The skirt, but this is a cloak, so the whole body is exposed.

Presumably this is the incarnation of the previous feathers, it is impossible to take off, then ordinary clothes can not be worn, to consider the position of the cloak.

Yan Zhe had seen the human form before, so I wanted to understand: "I am looking for it."

Xie snorted and said that I can paint myself!

However, Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe did not understand.

When Yan Zhe left, Jiang Yi did not immediately turn Xie Yi into a human form.

Xie Tao said in his hand: "What happened?"

Jiang looked down at him, and I couldn’t imagine how such a cute little guy would become such a beautiful and beautiful feather.

Jiang squinted and said to himself: "I always feel like..."

When he didn't finish his words, he shook his head and said to Xie: "I will teach you how to be a good person?"

At the beginning, Xie Tao was still curious about what he had not finished, but he was quickly taken away by the second sentence.

Teach me to be a man? ? ?

Although I understand that this is a literal meaning, I still want to vomit!

After all, the most "acclaimed" that Jiang slant got in the center is - old evil, you are a person!

Nowadays, Jiang Xie wants to teach Xie Zhen to be a man!

Xie Tao is much more than an individual...

Xie Xiaoyu snorted helplessly.

Jiang Ti thought that he was guilty, Wen Sheng said to him: "It is not difficult, I will teach you to walk first."

Xie Tao snorted again.

It’s not that he is happy!

Jiang slanted and took a breath, and made enough psychological preparations to pat the head of Xiaoyuan’s head and said, “Great.”

Xie Tao’s feeling of transfiguration is no different from that of becoming a big round, but he has become a person, or a bird who is behind the front!

The river looked straight at his white neck, collarbone, white feathers and looming...

Xie Tao had to say: "Brother?"

River slope: "..."

A **** brother found his voice: "...Let's go first, let's find a dress to wear."

Xie Tao said: "Is it necessary to learn to wear clothes first?"

This is what is in the ear of the river? Is it necessary to pick up the clothes first?

What is the blood tank instantaneous sky, see the river oblique to understand!

If you lose money, Xie Zhen can't tell, or you must be ashamed to become an angry family.

Da Yuanzhen’s speech is the same in the seven words. He has become a human being, and he is shameless!

The river slang is incoherent: "The clothes are very important, just like the feathers of the birds. If you can't have them, you must stop them..."

Xie Wei: "..."

Jiang oblique corrected: "I mean you must wear it, yes, you have to wear it!"

Don't explain, the explanation is the biggest cover!

Xie Tao helped him calm down: "Is there a dress that suits me?" The white feather cloak on his back is manipulable, a bit like the feeling of wings, so he gently shakes it, suggesting that the river slant does not forget this white feather.

However, this again shows the river obliquely...

Snow-like white feathers, the body of the same fat, can not tell which one is more white, which is more dazzling.

Xie Wei: "..." Two people who have done everything, look at each other's eyes and know what he is thinking!

He is honest and asks again.

Jiang slanted back to God. He tried to stabilize and said: "Wear me first."

Xie Wei did not dare to shake the cloak, and asked directly: "What about the cloak?"

Jiang said: "I have made the neckline bigger, you can wear it first."

The cloak is on the shoulders and can only be worn over the cloak before the body is dressed.

Xie Tao had no opinion. What he thought in his mind was how much resentment Jiang Tie had for him to wear clothes.

He is a succubus with no clothes, and the Cancer has become a bird man who can't wear clothes...

Is it that when he is tired and does not want to let him mess up, he will dress his clothes closely?

Please, if he doesn't wear clothes, is this guy unrestrained?

Xie Tao was thinking about it, Jiang Xie had already found a piece of his clothes.

The trousers said that although the fat is big, it is good to be able to block a pair of white legs.

Clothes can be a lot of effort, and Jiang is afraid to break the white feathers of Xie Wei. After all, this is part of his body. It is also a pain to drop a small fluff.

However, this white feather is very fluffy and soft, and it is not easy to pull it out from the neckline.

Jiang was so busy that he was sweating, so he gave him a dress.

Xie Tao actually gave birth to a bit of disappointment, wearing clothes is really troublesome, it is better not to wear.

Oh... is this right in the middle of someone!

With clothes, Jiang Xie can finally teach Xie to walk like a person.

Xie Yiben will walk, but it’s not so comfortable to be cold, and he needs to be familiar with the familiar steps instead of jumping.

After about seven or eight days, Xie Tao is already an individual.

There is no problem walking, eating is no problem, that is, wearing clothes is very problematic.

Xie Tao has tailor-made clothes here, but unfortunately there are white feather cloaks, and it is troublesome to wear clothes alone.

Jiang Slope took the initiative to afford this arduous job and helped him wear his clothes.

For the two people to wear clothes for half an hour each time, Yan Zhe holds reservations!

Need to be so slow? You will not be doing bad things in Xiaoyan!

So many days Yan Zhe has long seen the mind of the river, he obviously likes Xiaoyan.

It can also be understood that the river slant and the small scorpion are the ones that depend on each other and regard each other as the most important existence.

In the past, there was no human form in Xiaoyan, and Jiang’s inclination could not produce such a thought. But now Xiaoxiao is like that. How can Jiangyin not like it?

Originally placed on the apex, now I want more and normal.


Yan Zhe is older and looks more thorough.

Jiang Tie likes Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan? Can a bird understand this feeling of human beings?

These gods thank you for playing with the Cancer.

Because of Yan Zhe’s foresight, Jiang Xie is not willing to let outsiders see such a thank you anyway.

The human figure is so good that even if there is no such body as Yan Zhe, the river is not at ease.

After all, Otaru has the ability to change things arbitrarily.

Thanks to the careful sailing of the ship, Xie Tao is also recognized.

Besides, just let others see him, but he is not seen by others.

As long as the river leans him down, he squats in the hair of the river and wants to see what he wants to see.

The black fog has retreated, and the whole world is busy rebuilding its homeland. The river is no exception.

Because he was the only one who came out of the dark fog, everyone was very respectful to him and did not dare to marry him because of his young age.

Because of this, no one no longer swears Yan Zhe's physique, trying to hurt him.

Of course, this may only be temporary. After a long time, the feeling of happiness in the death will fade, and new contradictions and disputes will be born accordingly.

After all, the world is different. The surviving people are no longer ordinary people. Those with strong abilities are bound to breed greater ambitions.

The world pattern has been broken up, and there will definitely be a new ruling class at the beginning.

These Xie Zhen are not too worried. This is just a small world that has collapsed. After the repair, it will be redesigned. The final independence is nothing.

What Xie Tao can't figure out is that the black fog is scattered. Why has he not left this small world?

Is the repair task not completed yet?

But what is the danger at this moment?

Everything is developing in a good direction. Is it necessary to wait for a new city to be established before it is completed?

Or... Cancer is still eager for a home?

Need a home to end this world?

Not too right.

Are they in this state, isn't it a small home?

The meaning of the family is not just the blood of the mother, the three people who are dependent on each other, is not a home?

Xie Tao thought about it and couldn’t think of it.

What is wrong with this world? What else does he need to do to be able to take the Cancer away?

Xie Tao, who just raised this idea, immediately had a strong resistance.