MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 266 The eight circles of the collapsed 10th tribute to the palace.

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The tone of the man was cold, and it was ringing in the empty hall, like a cold wind blowing in through the open window.

The guards lowered their heads and said with respect: "The subordinates have been paying attention to Wang Yin. From the beginning, he has found that it has always been in a state of constant light."

Wang Yin is a sacred object, and only its owner will be illuminated within a limited range.

Wang Yin, who has been sleeping for so long, can only represent its owner.

The man squatted and whispered after a long time: "Search through the king city and lock down the position."

The guards should say: "Yes!"

There was no one in the temple, and the man stood still in motion. His appearance was hidden in the cloak. The only thing that fell outside was the white hair and the fists that were tightly picked up.

It was a very beautiful hand, and even if it was stretched out because of the force of the fist, it was possible to imagine how perfect it would be when it spread out.

Xie Wei didn't know anything about his own whereabouts.

He is now panicking at the little lion at this moment...

Not so bad? Just fell asleep and went to the estrus period?

Xie Wei didn't want to die in bed.

The river slammed up and almost fell to the bed.

Xie Tao has the heart to pull him, but also unable to help: "small..." He did not say the word carefully, because he saw the lining that was stretched up by the river.

Jiang Xie also noticed his sight. His face rose red and he rushed to the bathroom without returning.

Xie Tao also felt the awkwardness of her body. After all, she just had such a dream.

He was weak and drew a clean ball and washed himself.

The advantage is that the clothes are always white and white, and the cleaning **** will not be whiter.

It seems that there should be no estrus?

Xie Tao thinks about the situation described by Tiger Two Moms. He feels that the true estrus period is coming. The little lion will not leave so calmly. He can't hold it.

Is it just that grown up has a careful thought about him?

Xie Tao has never suspected that Jiang will like himself, or that he has never doubted that Jiang Yi will fall in love at first sight.

After all, witnessed so many times.

It was just a little wrong this time, he couldn't play straight.

If the body is not good, he will not dare to take it.

The young lion is young and full of estrus, and it must be eloquent. How can he bear it?

So you still have to drag and drop, and hurry to find a way to cure the body!

Here, Xie Tao has a hard time saying that the river **** is also a shock.

He kissed Xie Zhen and really kissed him.

Not a dream, not a delusion, but a real touch on his dry lips.

It is as beautiful as a dream... No, it is a better touch than a dream.

Soft, sweet and sweet, and enough to paralyze the heart.

After the unspeakable taste, it is the abyss that does not see the light.

Xie Zhen’s panicked look, the uneasiness of clinging to the quilt, all turned into a deadly viper, biting his internal organs.

He... surely disgusted.

The river slanted the edge of the tub and seemed to crush the hardwood.

What should I do?

Is Xie Wei very disappointed with him?

When the river slanted out of the bathroom, Xie Tao was already dressed neatly.

Neither of them spoke or even looked at each other.

Jiang Si thought a lot... Xie Wei, he thought he didn’t like him.

He can't leave him now, but he has to wait for him to heal his body anyway, and he can safely leave.

Thinking of leaving the word, the heart of the river is split into two halves.

In his short life, the memory of his family is limited to his father's kind smile and his sister's warm whispers.

He was too young when he was at home, and it was a miracle that the little lion of the full moon could escape the disaster.

Then there was only Xie Zhen in his life.

Xie Tao's body is weak, but this kind of self-satisfied man gave his family the warmth, and he worked tirelessly to treat people and exchange food for him.

The people in the village said that Jiang was sensible and took over the housework. Xie Tao was taken care of.

But if there is no thank you, the young river slant can only starve to death.

What really holds up this home is this man with such a thin shoulder.

Jiang Xie knows all about it, so he is very grateful to him and willing to do everything he can.

But why is this envious feeling changed?

Why does he have to dream like this, why do he have to think about him, why should he be so greedy?


Why is the beating heart full of reluctance and attachment to Xie Zhen.

Just estrus, why do you want this male like yourself!

Why? I don’t know the river.

He was just thinking about separating, it was as sad as there was only dark night left.

At this time came a knock on the door, Xiao Er asked: "Was the guest awake, breakfast is good." They said that they got up last night, so the second will come.

Xie Tao said: "Wake up, come in."

Xiao Er pushed the door in and gave a simple breakfast: "A bowl of rice porridge and a pound of barbecue, eggs and side dishes are delivered in the store, and two are used slowly."

When he finished, he put down the things to go. Xie Zhen shouted at him and asked, "Can there be a room today? We have to stay here for a few more days."

Xiao Erwen: "Is it necessary to open another one?"

Xie Tao said: "Yes."

Xiao Erdao: "It is still uncertain, if someone checks out in the afternoon, I will keep it for you."

Thank you, thank you.

There was no opening in the entire river. In fact, they lived in this room enough. The store also prepared two sets of bedding, which is very spacious.


Jiang’s heart is bitter, Xie’s money is not easy, and now he has to pay twice as much.

Xie Tao did not mention the morning thing, and he did not seem to have treated the river.

The river was sharp and sharp, and he noticed that Xie Tao was keeping a distance from him.

When I was eating, I was not face to face. When I was in the car, I was not close to each other. Even when I went to the medical center, he went up the stairs.

Jiang Shi did not dare to take the initiative to help him, only to be careful to follow along, afraid that he fell.

Xie Tao’s faint alienation is a torment to the river.

He thought he should be grateful. He thought that this was the best result. He couldn't handle it. The huge loss was like a collapsed dome, and he came over to him.

Although I have never thought of it, I can be so clearly rejected, it is still very uncomfortable.

They lined up in the medical hall and they only took turns at noon.

The doctor is a well-known doctor in the city. He has a bunch of pennants behind him, such as "Rejuvenation" and "Doctors' Heart". The doctor himself is also kind and good-looking. Although he is very kind and not annoyed at the morning of the visit.

When Xie Yi sat down, he asked with a dignified question: "Can there be past medical records?"

Xie Tao shook his head and said: "Before I was in a remote village, I didn't see it."

The doctor did not say anything, only gave him a test pulse, and listened to the auscultation - the world is very mixed, but the ancient style has also developed a lot of technology.

The doctor's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter.

When Xie Tao sees him like this, he knows that it can't be cured.

The river **** on the side could not help but ask: "How?"

The doctor paused and asked the river: "You are..."

The villagers all call them fathers and sons, because they have seen the river when they were young.

Putting it in front of unfamiliar people, the high river **** is more like the thin brother of Xie Tao.

Xie Haoton said: "It’s my family, doctor, you can talk to me directly."

The word family is vague, but it is a private matter, and it is not convenient for outsiders to ask questions.

The doctor looked at Xie Tao’s look and thought that he was in his heart and sighed: "I will give you a prescription and go back and eat for a while."

This is actually the meaning of no cure. Thank you, but the river is not understood.

Xie Tao is not willing to worry about the river, and he said: "Thank you, doctor."

He opened the square, and the river immediately stood up: "I am going to take medicine."

When he left, Xie Tao asked: "Doctor, is this disease really free of medicine?"

The doctor looked at him and said: "I can't do it here. In today's world, if anyone can cure such a serious illness, I am afraid that only our national teacher."

Xie Yiyi.

The doctor shook his head and said: "It’s just that the national teacher is working in the country, how can I have time to see the ordinary people..."

The implication is that the cure is good... you can't afford it.

Xie Tao did not think too much, but now he has to pay attention to the tiger country.

It stands to reason that this is the quasi-world of lions. How is this national teacher so important?

Xie Tao can't help but think of the Virgo River slant when he entered this quasi-world.

Shouldn't it...

Xie Wei is not unwilling to admit it, but feels impossible.

It is true that there are angels and devils in the world of twins, but in essence they are twins, just seal the memory.

Here is the quasi-world of Leo, and you can't even have a broken world!

Wait, Xie Zhen suddenly wakes up - the collapse of the twelve worlds itself is the collapse of the twelve small worlds!

With such a thought, Xie Zhen was shocked and jumped. Is the national teacher a Virgo?

The quasi-world of the two constellations has become a small world?

Broken... He only cares about the little lion, completely neglecting Virgo, this will not have ruined himself!

At this time, the river obliquely took medicine back.

The two said goodbye to the doctor and returned to the hotel together.

Thanks a lot of things along the way: he is the king of the beasts, if the national division is a virgin, then they must have a pre-existing summary!

Why is it missing? What happened to the Guoshi’s betrayal of the Beastmaster? And how does this body make it like this?

Xie Tao was thinking about business, but Jiang was thinking that he was still troubled by the morning.

He was stunned by his heart and said to Xie Zhen: "When you take these medications, you are in good health."

Xie Tao didn't understand what he said: "Well?"

River ramp: "I will leave."

Xie Wei: "!"

The river slanted first: "I always wanted to walk around and see the scenery of the tiger country."

Xie Yu can't go to Virgo, first comfort the little lion at the moment: "What do you do when your estrus is over?"

Jiang slanted to hate these three words. In order to make Xie Tao feel at ease, he said: "...When you go out, you can meet your favorite person."

Xie Hao paused and didn't pick up.

What the **** is this?

Do not clarify, the little lion wants to run; picking up, this body is going to kill people; to cure the disease to go to the national division, the national teacher is eighty-nine is another oblique, this ... Xie Zhen realized the long-lost death taste.

Jiang did not say anything, just took his clothes and went to another open room.

Xie Tao is also not sure what to do, he can only go.

Jiang Xia did not sleep for a night, he could not do that dream again.

Since you close your eyes and dream of him, you can't sleep.

If you are really sleepy, you will not be able to go to the dream again.

He will soon leave, and he and Xie Tao are absolutely impossible. Instead of letting him hate, it is better to separate.

Xie Tao can be considered a good sleep, no dreams.

After he woke up, he was still a little tired, mainly because his mind was too heavy:

If you want to see a way to see a national teacher, as long as you meet someone, you will know if it is a river.

Judging that the virgin is absent, can you decide what to do next...

But how can I just meet the national teacher?

Xie Yi was in the morning and could not eat breakfast.

He looked up and saw that the river was also languid and could not help but ask: "Don't sleep well?"

River ramp: "It's okay."

Xie Tao said: "Come with me today."

Staying in the house is not waiting for progress, or you have to go out and have a look.

The river is inclined: "Well."

Who knows thank you for the morning, and there is a big progress when you leave the house.

The hotel is a three-story building. They live on the second floor. They used their breakfast to go out and found the silence outside.

Xie Tao just walked to the stairs and saw the crows squatting a group of people.

The headed man was especially eye-catching. He wore a white cloak, kneeling on one knee, and the cold voice was incompatible with this little hotel: "Congratulations to His Majesty."