MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 586 War (6)

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Fairy world.

Linglong Mountain.

Three huge meteor battlefields are floating in the air. Standing in the battlefield are the three families of flower gods, light spirits and elves.

However, it is still the meteorite star family that controls the meteor battlefield. These meteorite families are dark and tall, and each body is high-tech armor.

The meteorite star family is a strong race among the eight thousand aliens, and their personal strength is extremely powerful.

It is said that each meteorite star family is a born warrior, cold-blooded and combative, famous for its addictive killing. Meteorites do not live on the planet. It is said that in the early days, the meteorite astral space was blown apart due to internal fighting, and the meteorite astral space was named after it.

In order to adapt to the broken world, the meteorite star family developed meteor battlefield. They transformed the broken star realm into a war castle, and ran the war castle across the galaxy. Before the advent of the gods, they were the only races that could engage in inter-planet warfare.

However, the universe is too big, and the chance of contact between life is too small, so although it has interstellar flight capabilities, in fact, it depends on itself. The meteorite star family has not conducted any interstellar war-all interstellar wars are in meteorite Star family unfolded.

After the arrival of the gods, the meteorite astral world seldom actively embraced and welcomed the gods era.

Because then they can use their battlefield to attack those aliens.

However, although the meteorite star family is strong, there are many more powerful races than them.

After experiencing a **** battle, the meteorite star family also began to learn how to behave.

They are still fierce, but at least they know how to choose their opponents, and they have learned to improve themselves through trade.

The Meteor Battlefield is their biggest strategic capital-as a war castle refined with their own astral circles, the meteorite star family can completely ignore environmental issues. However, due to the fragmentation of the astral world, other aliens need not worry about environmental issues.

Fortunately, the broken astral space, the endless void, is itself the largest barrier, so the meteorite astral space is therefore one of the least aliens.

More often than not, they all leased and used their battlefields in exchange for the resources they needed. However, the gods limit that in a large-scale war, they can only rent up to three battlefields.

Beneath the battlefield, there are eight million Terran troops.

They do not need the Meteor Battlefield, set up military camps here, one by one, the actions are uniform and uniform, with a team of one team in and out, although the number is large, but nothing at all.

With a condescending look, Sells could not help but sigh: "In terms of strict discipline, the Terran Army is definitely the best I have ever seen."

Du Huaijun, who was standing next to him, smiled: "I laughed. The history of the human race for five thousand years has always been based on discipline. This is completely different from the era of the gods. In the gods era, the meaning of the strong is more important . This point, we have already felt deeply. Maybe in the future, the human race will also move towards this era of individual dependence, and by then, the immediate scene will disappear. "

He was quite emotional when he spoke.

Strict discipline was once the proudest part of the human race, but in the new era, with the gradual strengthening of personal force, the ability to discipline is bound to decline. In the coming days, with the emergence of more powerful people, if they want to play their role, they will certainly not be able to restrain their behavior.

Therefore, all civilized systems are built in the context of the times.

When times change, after all, many things are destined to change.

But at least for now, Terran still retains this characteristic and is destined to play a vital role.

A newest Type 曜 95 fighter aircraft flew through the sky and landed on the battlefield where Du Huaijun was.

A soldier jumped out of the fighter and saluted Du Huaijun: "Chief Commander, rear information."

Du Huaijun took a look and looked at the sun, and said, "I see."

"What did you say above?" Flower Protoss Mei Lin came over.

The human race uses a special pass code, and the gods do not translate it.

"Han Feiyu has finished the design and can start the total attack. Yuan Chenfei has gone to make pre-war preparations, this time it is him."

"Without Han Feiyu?"

"Did not bring."

Sells nodded: "Also, in this case, it is not suitable."

"Hmm, I can't understand the way your people do." A proud voice came next.

Talking about the split rock of the meteorite star family, and also the battlefield commander.

As a strong race, Stonebreak's tone is full of disdain: "For some little Cyclops, to give up the most powerful shield, I now start to look down on that human. Maybe the Meteorites should reconsider the idea of ​​alliance with the human race. "

Meteorites prefer to call themselves meteorites.

Du Huaijun smiled: "Every race has its own civilization and value. I can't correct the value perception of the aristocracy, but in our opinion, he is absolutely right to do so. Of course, I don't expect to convince you, But at least I hope this will not affect this cooperation. "

Mi Wing came over and said, "Commander Du can rest assured that the credibility of the Meteorites in this regard is still no problem."

Cracking Stone proudly said, "Of course. We will safely send you over. But according to the agreement, my tribe will not shoot."

"That's enough." Du Huaijun said to the soldiers who sent the message: "Notice if you go on, and immediately start, and then notify the fairy king, and immediately launch an attack."

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the operation, the Leprechauns have never launched a counterattack against the Goblin, and even if the counterattack is now underway, the coalition will not participate. The Leprechauns must rely on themselves to take down the depression, and then the joint army will pass through the gate of the other world.

When the news was received, the Leprechaun army near the Goblin Stronghold was about to formally attack.

The appearance of these fairies is somewhat similar to that of humans, except that they are smaller and have transparent wings behind them.

But don't look at their small size, the fairy race is also a middle-ranked race among many aliens.

The Leprechauns are good at driving, the most are summoners, especially beast trainers, evil magicians, phantoms, and druids. There are a lot of them, but there are relatively few undead warlocks.

So when they started attacking, they saw countless beasts, demons, phantoms, and treants rushing forward, and the number of leprechauns as the main force appeared to be small.

Obviously, the Goblin Fortress was also prepared for this. Because it is the gate of the other world nearest to the city of worship, a super magic cannon was also placed here.

Although the main significance of the super magic artillery is not to deal with the siege target, but to find out that the battle is unfavorable, and turned the muzzle to deal with its own alien gate, but it is still an unparalleled great killer on the battlefield .

At this moment, with the attack of the Leprechauns, the super magic cannon on the fortress has slowly risen.

Facing this situation, the Leprechauns are obviously prepared.

Countless fairies flew at the same time, making a sharp hissing sound.

Then a whirlwind of wind condensed in the sky. At first, it was just a whirlpool, but it expanded in an instant, forming omnipresent winds. These winds did not affect any fairies attacking, as if they existed in another parallel space.

At the same time, the super demon artillery has been launched. In the roar, a huge energy light group emerges, falling above the fairy group, and a black hole emerges. This black hole devours everything and everything will be ruthlessly destroyed.

But weird scenes were incomprehensible.

From the wind, all the existence under the energy of this black hole suddenly disappeared invisible, and appeared on the other side in an instant.

"Fairy Wind! It's a Wind of Fairy!" The Goblin Stronghold had shouted.

Fairy Wind, this is a strategic treasure of the Fairy family, is a pure strategic defense treasure. Under the Fairy Wind, all the fairies are within the range of the Fairy Wind. It will not eliminate the attack, but it can teleport all the attacked targets to other positions under the shroud of wind in a very strange way. However, if there is an attack in other directions at this time, the goblins can only consider themselves unlucky, and the start of the demon wind is also separated, so it usually only works against large-scale strong damage attacks, and ordinary attacks are too wasteful.

The scope of the demon wind is very wide, so this bombardment continues, although it creates a regional blank, the fact is that a demon has not killed.

This is the effect of Fairy Wind. It is also a strategic treasure. It is actually stronger than the magic artillery. Even if it is a storm bomb used by a space fighter, it can affect it. However, the scope of the storm bomb is too wide. Somewhat difficult.

Facing the wind of the goblin, the super demon artillery of the goblin fortress is useless, but the same, the opposite also realized that the goblin family is going to play for real.

A high priest, the guardian of the Goblin Stronghold, has called: "Transfer the muzzle, aim at the gate of the other world!"

Once the battle is unfavourable, the Goblin Fortress will choose to destroy the door.

Such a decisive choice, even Du Huaijun, who first followed the fairy family to the battlefield, jumped in his heart.

It was Merlin who comforted him: "Don't worry, the fairies have their own way."

The Flower Gods have a good relationship with the Leprechauns. The Leprechauns like the land of the Flower Gods. The flower demon in the Flower Gods actually came from the Leprechauns, and the land of the Leprechauns often blooms the flowers of the Protoss.

With Mei Lin's explanation, she saw that the fairy goblins in the distance had chanted again.

They sang a moving ballad ~ ~ In this ballad, the goblins were lethargic at the same time. Not only that, even the energy accumulation of the magic artillery was significantly slower.

"This is a song of fairies. It can slow everything, not only for life, but even for non-life." Mei Lin explained: "Now the concentration rate of the Thunder God Cannon has slowed down, it takes three minutes. Cohesion is complete. "

"That is to say, the fairies must win the fortress within three minutes?" Du Huaijun said.

"Yes." Mei Lin nodded surely.

"Can you do it?"

"No problem, after all, this time, but their king shot himself." Mei Lin answered.

Behind the leprechauns, an extraordinarily petite leprechaun was flying in the air.

Holding a branch in his hand, the fairy said something. With her chant, a strange rain fell from the sky ...

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts