MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 587 War (7)

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"Come in."

At the Joint Army Command, senior commanders are watching the map and discussing it.

The communication official said: "Received the news, the Leprechaun Fortress has fallen, the Leprechauns have fully counterattacked, have entered the Goblin realm, are expanding their territories, and are building fortresses. The advance troops of the detoured troops have entered with the Leprechauns and are waiting for our cooperation!

"Okay!" Galway said with a stroke of his hand: "The plan has already begun, and the discussion is also over, and everything will be carried out as planned. Set off and rush to the Jinshui River Basin a day later!"


With an order, the Allied Forces started to march towards the Jinshui River.

The Jinshui Basin is located in the middle of the Goblin Empire. The terrain extends in all directions and there are three mines nearby. It provides more than four important mineral resources. It can be said that it is a resource center of the Goblin Empire. The most important of these is the Jinsha River, which is rich in flowing golden sand, which is a very rare metal resource. It is rare even in the Goblin Empire. Therefore, the Golden River is named.

To this end, the goblins have laid heavy troops here.

Don't look at the fact that they have been defeated continuously in the battle with the joint army. This is related to the fact that the goblins did not understand the human warfare. On the other hand, they also had the idea of ​​enticing the enemy-at least they themselves explained several defeats.

The terrain of the Jinshui Basin is complicated, with a total of three mountains, two rivers, and five cities, so there are also seven gates of the outer world. Three of them are destroyed, four are left, two are guardian, two are trapped, and goblin wars. Before long, the two defending grounds have all become trapped, so there are still four alien troops in this area.

To this end, the Goblins mobilized more than ten million troops nearby.

The news of the Terran march quickly spread to the Jinshui area. The local goblin army responded immediately, and a large number of goblin troops were dispatched and waited.

The Human Army here is also under pressure from the whole army. More than eight million troops and a large number of civilian professionals march to Sands City. This would have been enough for a week alone, but it became a profession. After that, everyone's action efficiency was greatly improved, and they only came to the Jinsha Basin in one day.

There are also those giant ships that come here. Fortunately, the river here is deep enough and wide enough, and the sea ships can run into the river. It is a little crowded when they start. Go straight — the coalition is ready for this battle to sacrifice all ships.

The clouds of war shrouded over the land, and everyone, as well as the goblins, became nervous.

The Goblins even issued an emergency notice to the above, pointing out that the Terran Union Army was attacking in a big way, and Jincheng City responded quickly and commanded nearby troops to support it.

This is exactly what the joint army wants.

As bait, their mission is to attract as many goblins as possible.

For this reason the old general ordered to move on until he came near Tucheng.

Tucheng is the Acropolis of Sands City. Once you get here, you can get to Sands City directly.

At this point, the army finally stopped, and they began to set up positions along the river to establish a line of defense.

Then a large group of empty boats appeared over the battlefield.

This time it was 230 empty boats.

In previous battles, the United Army seized some airboats. Although these airboats are slow, they have a heavy load capacity, and they are really useful as bombers.

However, as a delay-oriented war, this time the airboat did not drop bombs, but directly carried out mine clearance.

Mines dropped from the air and did not explode. Instead, they extended octopus-like claws into the ground automatically.

These spider mines are the latest products developed by the country. They are much more powerful than old mines, and their creativity comes from the Red Police. I believe the gods will like them. The biggest advantage is that it can quickly mine, and a sprinkle is a large area.

At the same time, ships on the river had also started, and muzzles were erected along the river.

The rear began to establish regional defense lines, and a large number of architect professionals began to build bunkers, distributed layer by layer.

In just two hours, a dense defense system had been constructed.

"If the opponent is not doing tricks, it should be fine for a day or two." The old general replied.

"Don't set yourself a flag." Han Feiyu said.

"What?" The old general didn't watch the anime and didn't understand what that meant.

"It's nothing, I just want to entrust you with good words." Xia Ning gave Han Feiyu a smile and laughed.

The old general did not pay attention to this statement either, and said, "Tell Yuan Chenfei that we are already in place."


Jinhu Town.

Jinhu Town is a small town with a population of only 8,000, located 120 kilometers away from Baijin City. After the Jinshui River passed through this place, it created a lake of gold sand deposition, hence the name Jinsha Lake and Jinhu Town. Due to the convenience of mining here, in addition to the 8,000 residents, a 200-strong goblin team is stationed as a guard.

But now they are almost non-existent.

Yuanchen Fei stood in the center of the square covered with blood, surrounded by corpses.

There are still some goblins alive, but no longer dare to approach him.

Yuan Chenfei's preparation before the war was naturally killing.

This kill is one day.

The communicator sounded, Yuan Chenfei took over: "It's me ... um ... um ... understand, I'm ready to act."

Hanging up the communication, Yuan Chenfei took a look at those alive goblins, suddenly suddenly a little interested.

To this day, he can't tell how many goblins he killed himself.

An average of 30,000 a day, there must be more than 900,000, right?

When did you become a murderer?

Well, it's the goblins.

But after all, it is life.

However, Yuan Chenfei will no longer consider these issues.

Killed more, my thoughts became numb, and my heart was hardened.

Gods game, this is a game of killing killing.

Kill monsters to upgrade, kill aliens to survive, the taste of the gods is so, you can't help it.

Therefore, the whole town was massacred, but Yuan Chenfei's heart was no longer good, but for a while, he was sighed for no reason.

Maybe it's because of the real war coming soon.

The tired thought flashed away, and he waved his sword: "Now you can go."

Like the amnesty, the remaining goblin huffed and ran away.

But just as they ran away, Yuan Chenfei suddenly launched the ultimate brutality.


In the violent roar, all the fear turned into the most terrifying attack, killing all goblins in an instant.

"Sorry, I just let you go. I didn't say I wouldn't kill you." Yuan Chenfei had taken out the big Harley from his bracelet, started his motorcycle, and roared toward Jincheng.

One hundred and twenty kilometers, if Yuan Chenfei used to run, it would be about seventeen or eight minutes, but anyway, there is still half an hour, Yuan Chenfei simply saved a little energy.

Driving at the maximum speed, Yuan Chen flew all the way and finally saw the city worship of Jincheng.

From the distance, the city of gold looked a little like the wall of Maria in the attacking giant. The tall wall was covered with muzzles, which were goblin artillery. Goblins are not good at using artillery. The number of artillery is not large, but the power is not small.

The city wall has a width of four lanes and is also full of alchemists. As a goblin capital, the city's defense is self-evident. It is believed that once it is fully deployed, its defensive cover will also be extremely strong.

Although the defensive hood is not open now, there are deluded eyes hanging over the city gates and the transmission area.

This makes Yuan Chenfei's entry from the city gate or the transmission area unrealistic.

The alchemy teleportation array does not work either. Without the tower area to increase the teleportation distance, the alchemy teleportation array can only teleport under the city wall, which will inevitably alarm the army.

Hypnotism also does not work. There are too many guards in the city gate. He cannot hypnotize so many people at one time.

So Yuan Chenfei decided to use a very special method.

A stupid method that few people can use.

Light of Teleportation!

Teleportation is a random teleportation and cannot be specified.

Except for teleportation, there is no other way to specify the transmission of life in the abilities of the gods system. Even for teleportation, there must be a fixed point coordinate for yourself-this is also because if you have this ability, then The destructive power that can be exerted by the top powerhouses will be even more horrible. Under the principle of proper balance, this transmission method is eliminated.

But Yuan Chenfei doesn't matter.

Because his method is luck.


First, a goblin was formed by fantasy, and then the light of teleportation was launched. The flicker of Yuan Chenfei had disappeared.

Again, Yuan Chenfei was already in another wilderness.

Looking around, Yuan Chenfei quickly found worship of Jincheng.

He ran a distance towards worshipping the golden city, and then used the teleportation light again.

This is the method of Yuan Chenfei, which is very character-oriented. It is transmitted randomly, and may be transmitted elsewhere, but it may also be transmitted to the city.

For others, this is almost impossible to adopt, after all, the cost is too large, one hundred **** coins, can not afford it!

But Yuan Chenfei doesn't matter ~ ~ he has dozens of them-the last 30 days of attacks, the goblins have forced him to use the Tiangong city back and forth four times, plus Han Feiyu's purchase quota A long pile of teleportation light has been accumulated.

He didn't believe in so much teleportation light, and couldn't randomize himself into a grand worship city.

Considering that the city of worship is so large, it almost occupies one position, and theoretically four teleportations can reach it.

However, Yuan Chenfei was extremely bad luck, it took eight times to pass to the city.

The openers are all non-Emirates? Too much, Liu Yang's notes have long been useless, I'm real now.

Yuan Chen deflated, and then he walked down the street.

Did not go to the energy tower, because there are exactly four energy towers in Jincheng.

So the primary task of Yuan Chenfei is not to destroy the energy tower, but to destroy the communication center-the later it is better for them to discover the arrival of the circuitous army.