MTL - Game of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day-Chapter 62 sky and sea

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Chapter 62 Sky and Sea

 It did not breathe dragon flames, nor did it intend to tear it apart.

The glutton flapped its wings, and its huge body left the mountain top and rushed to the boundless sky.

Feeling a sense of weightlessness, Rhaegar barely opened his eyes and found that there were no obstacles around him, and there were drifting clouds above his head.

 “It’s flying…”

His eyes immediately widened, Rhaegar murmured softly, looking at the new sight at a loss.

Immediately, Rhaegar was overjoyed and laughed excitedly: "I flew up, I successfully rode on the back of the dragon!"

Rhaegar adjusted his movements to lie on the dragon's back better, looking down at the earth below.

Glutton flies very fast, soaring easily above the clouds.

Dragonstone Island, which could not be walked around in a day, turned into an ordinary small island in Rhaegar's eyes.

Rhaegar understood that it was not that Dragonstone had become smaller.

But on the back of a dragon, all stalwart beings are no longer tall.

Just when he relaxed a little, Gluttony spit out a mouthful of dragon flames towards the sky, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed into the blazing dragon flames.

Rhaegar's pupils shrank, and he quickly lay down to avoid the torrent of dragon flames.

 The individual characteristics of each dragon are different.

 The same is true for the shape and color of dragon flames.

The glutton's dragon flame is a deathly green color, shaped like smoke, changing between gaseous and liquid states, and has extremely strong adhesion.

 Once tainted with its dragon flame, it will be as difficult to extinguish as the maggots of the tarsal bones.

Lega can temporarily resist the burning of dragon flames, but he will never be able to withstand the continuous damage caused by dragon flames.


Gluttony passed through the overwhelming green dragon flames, fluttering its wings and soaring forward.

Rhaegar clung to its back, and the dragon's flames burned the clothes on the back half of his body, leaving red and swollen burns.

 He was burned by the dragon flame again, but the injury was much lighter.

 Maybe it’s because his bloodline is purer and his resistance to dragon flames is stronger.

Rhaegar pinched out a strand of burning hair, with an unyielding look on his face, and shouted loudly: "Dragon Flame!"

 He sensed the glutton's resistance.

The black dragon did not recognize him.

Then come, welcome the dragon flames that burn everything, and give orders unyieldingly.

Let's see who succumbs first, or whether Rhaegar dies in the flames.

  Hearing the instructions in High Valyrian, the Glutton became more and more agitated, leaping and moving in mid-air, spitting dragon fire while trying to shake it off.

Rhaegar gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

He had a premonition that the winner would be the one who persisted until the end.


 In the cave, the figure of the glutton has long disappeared.

 Also disappeared with it, the eldest son of the king.

After a moment of relief, Cole regained his senses and led a quick evacuation.

 The prince is missing and he has to report to the princess and the king.

 No matter what the outcome is, he must take responsibility.

Running out of Longshan in embarrassment, Cole saw the Dragon Guard returning from exploring the canyon.

Long Wei wanted to join him, but he pushed him away and ran towards the castle regardless.

At some point, the clear sky changed its color and became dense with dark clouds.

 The patter of rain…

Big raindrops washed over the earth, and the cool wind was as cold as his heart.

Finally returned to the castle, just in time for the king's family to reunite in the hall.

Looking at Cole who was drowned, Viserys was the first to speak, wondering: "Sir, why are you in such a panic?"

Cole lowered his head and said in despair: "The prince was taken away by a giant dragon."

 “A dragon?” Viserys had not yet reacted.

Rhaenyra stood up from her chair abruptly, stared at Cole, and asked, "Aren't you looking for the young dragon?"

“We were tricked into Longshan by false news and found a young dragon, but were attacked by another very huge adult dragon.”

Cole shook his head and said feebly: "The prince saw something was wrong, but still refused to leave. He threw himself on the back of the dragon alone, intending to... tame the dragon."

 “Damn it, you just watch Rhaegar charging towards a dragon!?” Viserys was furious in an instant. Rhaenyra rushed to Cole and asked anxiously: "Where is Rhaegar, where is the dragon?"

“I don’t know, the prince gave the dragon a flying command, and we had no time to stop it.”

 Cole has been with Rhaenyra all year round, and some of the key High Valyrian languages ​​are still familiar.


  The sound of a loud slap echoed in the empty hall.

Rhaenyra pointed at Cole with her slapping right hand, anger filled her heart, and she gritted her teeth and said:

“I am just a younger brother, and I trust you to let you protect him!”

"Sorry..." A slap mark appeared on Cole's face, and he lowered his head in shame.

"Don't talk nonsense, send people to look for traces of the dragon, now and immediately!" Rhaenyra said with a cold voice, and rushed out of the hall first.

 Taming an adult dragon is no joke.

Every year on Dragonstone, there are bold guys who want to secretly tame wild dragons.

 No one has succeeded.

 In the end, they either turned into ashes or were burned beyond human dignity.

 She originally thought that with the lesson of Dream Fire, Rhaegar would be able to tame a young dragon with peace of mind.

  Unexpectedly, Rhaegar still had not extinguished his ambition to tame the adult dragon.

The ownerless dragons on Dragonstone Island have been without a dragon driver for a long time, and they are full of wildness.

  The difficulty and danger of taming is far greater than that of dreamfire bound by chains.

Rhaegar's desire for an adult dragon was to help her.

If Rhaegar had an accident because of this...

 She didn’t dare to think about it.

 She will live in endless self-blame for the rest of her life.


 The soaring dragon outstrips all the fierce horses in the world.

 A raging dragon with enough power to destroy any town.

No matter what, he couldn't get rid of the human cub on his back. The glutton's green eyes flashed crazily, and every roar shook the sky.

 “Glutton, Dragon Flame!”

Rhaegar lay on the dragon's back and continued to issue instructions.

Hearing these disturbing instructions, the glutton refused to listen and played devil's advocate.

 The body is spread out flat, the neck is slightly tilted downward, and the vertical pupils are staring at the sky blue sea below.

 It will rush into the sea and wash away the bugs on its back.

Diving at extremely high speed, Rega's body was suspended in the air, leaving only a pair of hands with blood blisters holding on to his back scales.

 The air pressure made it difficult for him to breathe. Lei Jia closed his eyes tightly and opened his mouth unconsciously.

I wanted to shout in support, but my mouth was filled with airflow.


 The glutton crashed straight into the turbulent sea, and his entire body was submerged by the water.

  After the strong wind, Rhaegar ate a meal and satiated himself immediately.

The seawater choked him so much that he couldn't breathe, and it quickly flowed down his mouth and nose into his lungs.

 For a moment, Rhaegar felt a sense of powerlessness sweep through him.

 Subconsciously, I want to loosen my hands.


The glutton roared loudly at the bottom of the sea, devouring the passing fish. The dragon's tail swayed and exerted force, and it rushed upward with its head held high.

 The giant black dragon breaks through the sea, flutters its wings and rushes into the blue sky.

 The dragon can dive into the sea briefly, but cannot stay for long.

The glutton hates the sea water, so he rushes into the ocean and quickly breaks through the waves.

 This gave Rhaegar a chance to breathe.

  While the glutton was freeing himself from the sea water, Rhaegar thumped his chest and coughed violently, spitting out a bellyful of sea water.

He opened his eyes in confusion and saw a huge black dragon gliding against the sea level, its feet making waves.

  The fourth update today.

It must be worthy of the follow-up and support of book friends, and the process of training the dragon can be mastered in one go.



 (End of this chapter)