MTL - Game of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day-Chapter 63 successfully control

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Chapter 63 Successful Control

 “Glutton, don’t you still recognize me?”

Rhaegar lay helplessly on the dragon's back, trying to communicate with the dragon under his crotch.

 Thought there would be no response.

The glutton turned around uncharacteristically, his green vertical pupils no longer manic, but instead showing a humanistic look.

I have to say that the will of the little bug on its back moved it.

Gluttony slapped Rhaegar's nose, arrogantly withdrew his head and continued to fly forward.

This moment.

Rhaegar stared at the glutton.

Rhaegar's figure was reflected in the glutton's vertical pupils.

 A brief and weak connection is created.

In this vague connection, Rhaegar felt the heart of the glutton.

 Cruel, aloof, indifferent…

That is the spiritual portrayal of this dark dragon that has never been tamed.

It is arrogant and does not need a driver to disturb its lonely life.

Now the Glutton felt Rhaegar's resolve.

 Be willing to give him a chance to impress himself.

Understanding its will, Rhaegar grinned: "Come on, the more difficult the test, the more worth the risk for me!"


The glutton roared high into the sky, fluttering its wings and suddenly taking off into the sky.

The speed broke through the air current, and the glutton soared into the sky, passing through the layers of dark clouds filled with water vapor.

 Flying to the highest possible height, the glutton stabilized his figure.

 Looking back at the little bug lying on the ground, he grinned cruelly.


 The glutton's thick neck was thrown back, and his body performed a backflip in mid-air.

 Once, twice…

Flip three times in a row, the glutton takes advantage of the inertia of the flip to stand upright, fluttering its wings and swooping down.

Rhaegar clung to whatever he could.

 After resisting three flips, dizziness rushed to the sky, and the body was numb and weak in the weightless state.

The Glutton roared through the clouds.

Rhaegar could no longer hold on to the scales and fell off the dragon's back.

 The glutton keeps an eye out for the little bugs behind his back.

Seeing that it was finally thrown away, the glutton screamed like a winner.

The heavy body fell faster, and he stabilized his figure one step before Rhaegar.

 A huge abyss mouth opened right below where its body fell, with surging dragon flames accumulating in its throat.

 It will burn it into coke and use it to plug the gaps between teeth.


Green dragon flames spit out, drawing a gorgeous curtain under the dim sky covered with clouds.

Rhaegar still retains clear consciousness.

 His body continued to fall, and he could already feel the heat as the dragon flames came towards him.

 The pressure of death came over him. Rhaegar opened his eyes wide and thought about how to save himself.

 The body of the glutton is directly below, and the chance of his death is not 100%.

Rega opened his arms and legs, trying his best to change the trajectory of his fall.

 The dragon flames were coming toward his face, and he could not avoid them.

"I am Rhaegar Targaryen, and my will is enough to tame any dragon in the world!"

 Repeating these words in his heart, Lei Jia closed his eyes and embraced the dragon flame.

 He has [Blood and Fire]. As long as he rushes through the dragon flames, he will definitely be able to conquer this dark dragon.

The body was enveloped in dragon flames, and all the clothes on Rhaegar's body were burned.

Just when the skin and flesh were being roasted by the dragon flames, the system prompt sounded.

 “Congratulations, the last fire has been activated, you have obtained...”

  【True Dragon's Blood】

 Level: Legend (red)

 Function: Fire element affinity +50%

Comment: "The ancient bloodline is full of mysterious power. You are the embodiment of blood and fire."

A wisp of fire hidden in the system panel suddenly bloomed, penetrated into Rhaegar's chest, and merged into his heart.

 Suddenly, Rhaegar opened his eyes, an unnatural blush appeared on his pale cheeks, and the veins on his neck jumped.

 The personal panel appears in front of you and begins to change.

  【Rhaegar Targaryen】

Talents: Dreamer (gold), longevity (green)

 Page: Ancient Valyrian Dragon King (+20%)

 Skills: Valyrian proficiency…

Relics: blood and fire (fire resistance +50%), true dragon's blood (fire element affinity +50%)

 Evaluation: "The ancient bloodline is further inspired, so pure."

Lei stepped up to pay close attention to the pedigree column, and the percentage value continued to rise.

  20%, 23%, 27%…

 In one breath, the bloodline soared to (33%), and the "+" representing the increase disappeared.

 Without his knowledge. A layer of flames emerged from the body surface, and then disappeared into the dragon flames.

He didn't notice anything wrong, he just felt a force bursting from his heart and flowing through his body through his blood.

 The body is still in the process of falling.

The green dragon flame enveloped every inch of skin, and the scalding heat deeply stimulated the nerves.

Rhaegar did not let out any screams and allowed the dragon flames to erode his flesh.

His skin is still white and tender, and his body surface temperature is gradually increasing.

 He is adapting to fire!

Rhaegar kept gliding and quickly broke out of the surrounded dragon flames.

 He did not fall into the mouth of a glutton.

 Instead, it changed its trajectory and passed by its dragon's kiss, rolling along its back.

 The glutton's head and tail are very far apart.

Rhaegar struggled around a lot, and when he was about to fall again, he finally caught the tip of its tail.


 At this moment, the sky and ocean seemed to be quiet.

 The wind no longer howls, the rain no longer drips.

 The glutton stayed in the air on the sea, beating the strong wind with its wings and no longer moving.

Perhaps, it is doubting its own dragon flame.

Perhaps, it was shocked by this little bug.

Rhaegar took this opportunity to climb up using his hands and feet.

  Back on the glutton’s back.

Hold the back scales and Rhaegar prepares himself for the glutton's resistance.

  However, the glutton did not move.

Rhaegar raised his head suspiciously and met the eyes of a ferocious dragon head.

At some point, the glutton turned his head and stared at Rhaegar calmly.

 One person, one dragon, and four eyes face each other, and each other's figures are reflected in their eyes.

 The dragon's kiss was less than a few meters away from Rega, and its breath was very hot.

Rega felt something, and tentatively stretched out his palm.

The glutton's green vertical pupils were filled with suspicion, and he punched his nose so hard that Rhaegar could hardly sit still.

Rhaegar turned his face sideways to resist the dragon's breath that was full of sulfurous smell.

 The raised palm still did not fall.

 Waiting for a while.

 The rough texture came from the palm of his hand. Rega slowly turned his head, and his brows immediately relaxed.

 The glutton stretched his neck, and the dragon's snout covered by scales touched his palm.

Rhaegar stared at this scene blankly.

The corners of his mouth moved slightly, and the words he wanted to say were choked in his throat.

 Gluttony was also looking at him, his vertical pupils filled with pride.

 Seems to be saying: "You win, boy!"

Lei Jiahu smiled broadly and rubbed the glutton's scales with his palms, feeling an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

 “Glutton, fly!”

Rhaegar retracted his hand, grasped the glutton's back scales, and gave orders in High Valyrian.


 Same instructions, same roar.

This time, the glutton no longer resisted Rhaegar on his back.

He flapped his wings and flew high into the sky. His body was extremely stable and he felt no bumps at all.

Rhaegar was very surprised. He didn't expect that the glutton's flying skills were so good.

 He tried to loosen his hands, close his eyes and enjoy the cool breeze.

At this moment, Rhaegar’s initial connection with Glutton continued to strengthen.

Rhaegar could sense the discomfort in the glutton's heart.

 Haven't gotten used to accepting him as his master.

Rhaegar's thoughts can also be felt by gluttons.

  Specially slowed down the flying speed, carrying him flying above the sea, and occasionally making a show-off neighing sound.

Gluttony knew that Rhaegar had never ridden another dragon.

Hold your head high when flying, showing him your most majestic side.

Rhaegar was amused by its mentality.

 At the same time, I was also indescribably moved.

Cheeks pressed against the cold scales of the glutton, hugging each other tightly.

 This is his dragon.

 A dragon that belongs exclusively to Rhaegar Targaryen.

 He has great expectations and love for it.

Rhaegar closed his eyes, deeply smelled the scent of the glutton, and murmured: "From now on, your and my stories will be spread for thousands of years."

  The fifth update today!

The chapter on how to train your dragon has been updated in one go, so that book lovers will enjoy it!




 (End of this chapter)