MTL - Game of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day-Chapter 64 Return of the dragon

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Chapter 64 Return of the Dragon

 Dragonstone, castle.

The rain was pouring down, and armored soldiers were dispatched from all sides of the castle.

Viserys sat alone in the dark castle hall, listening to the sound of rain with deep eyes.

 The castle hall is opened.

Rhaenyra strode forward, dripping wet.

 “Is there any news about Rhaegar?” Viserys said solemnly.

Rhaenyra said in a depressed mood: "Some fishermen witnessed a dark dragon leaping towards the Narrow Sea."

“Send additional manpower, mobilize all the manpower in the castle, and dispatch all the ships on the island that can go to sea.” Viserys’ expression changed and he sighed deeply.

 He has already investigated the origin of the dark dragon.

 It is the largest and oldest wild dragon on the island.

  Frequently eats young dragons and dragon eggs, and is called a glutton by fishermen.

That is a very ferocious black dragon.

 Rhaegar was only a 6-year-old child, and the probability of taming a glutton was too low.

 Now we can only pray that the glutton's picky nature of human flesh can save Rhaegar's life.

Rhaenyra wiped the water stains on her face and said in a daze: "All the people who can be sent have been sent out. I also asked people to prepare a large ship to return to King's Landing."

 “Back to King’s Landing?” Viserys looked at her puzzled.

Rhaenyra said with a sad face: "If there is no news from Rhaegar tonight, I will return to King's Landing to control Syracuse and go to sea to find the black dragon."

"This is not a good idea. The black dragon is much larger than Syracuse. You and your dragon will only become its food."

Viserys was clear-minded and rejected the proposal outright.

"When it comes to that, I will kill the wild dragon." Rhaenyra said persistently.


 On the third floor, Allison sat beside the bed.

 A man in black robes stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, overlooking the noise in the castle below.

 “You designed that child to be carried away by the wild dragon.” Allison looked nervous and sounded angry.

The man in black robe turned around and said calmly: "That's his bad luck. I originally planned to attract Silver Wing who lost the dragon egg. Who knew there would be a wild dragon that would step in."

“You asked me to reveal the news to Rhaenyra, misleading him to go to Dragon Mountain.” Allison’s eyes were red, and he felt an inexplicable fear.

 Of course she knew that the man in black robe found her to set up Rhaegar.

 But after the incident was actually committed, the panic in her heart made her uneasy.

The man in black robe knew this about her and said sarcastically: "Once the king's eldest son dies, your son Aegon will be the first male heir. Shouldn't you be happy?"

 “But I am just afraid, what if Rhaegar is not dead and he is still alive...”

 Alisson was a little incoherent.

The man in black robe interrupted: "The glutton is the most ferocious wild dragon. That boy desperately wanted to tame it. I'm afraid he would have fed it to the dragon long ago."

He didn't think that a wild dragon that had survived alone for decades would be tamed by a little baby.

He has already transferred away the dragon man who falsely spread the news. The two guards who were detained for interrogation could not find anything.

 Allison closed his mouth and covered his face with painful hands.

 She was still scared and felt extremely guilty.

The man in black robe said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, even if the kid is lucky enough to survive, I have other ways."


There was a lot of commotion in the castle, and Rhaegar became the center of the conversation.

Rhaegar had no idea about this and indulged in the pleasure of riding the dragon.

 After sailing on the wide and narrow sea for a long time, Rhaegar finally had enough.

 “Glutton, let’s return to Dragonstone.”

Rhaegar spoke High Valyrian and gave orders to the gluttons.

 The connection between them is not enough, and most of the instructions have to be conveyed through language.

Glutton is a self-respecting adult dragon.

 Since he recognized Rhaegar, he no longer spoke against him.

 The dragon's head turned around, flapped its wings and accelerated away.

 The Glutton is extremely fast at full strength.

  Across the rolling clouds, it streaked across like a black meteor.

 Not long after, Gluttony lowered its flying altitude, and Dragonstone appeared below.

"Glutton, come down from the clouds. I want to show Rhaenyra and the others how powerful you are." Rhaegar looked forward to it.

 Wealth and honor do not return home, just like brocade clothes walking at night.

He tamed the most powerful wild dragon alone and must surprise everyone.

At this time, the castle was in chaos.

Rhaenyra quarreled with Viserys and ran out of the castle hall.

 Find Lord Robert and order him to prepare the ship for the return trip.

“I must return to King’s Landing before tomorrow morning, and I can’t lose a moment.” Rhaenyra urged.

Lord Robert looked embarrassed and did not dare to arrange for the princess to return without the king's consent.

“Hissing…” In an instant, a deafening dragon roar resounded throughout the castle.

Rhaenyra raised her head, and a strong wind roared, blowing her long wet hair away.

 In her sight, a huge beast as black as coal soared over the castle.

 A pair of sky-covering wings covered half of the castle and blocked half of the rain.

 “Dragon! It’s a giant dragon!”

 One of the guards spoke first, shouting in panic.

The rest of the people came to their senses one after another, staring at the giant dragon above their heads in fear.

Cole, who was in a state of embarrassment, ran towards Rhaenyra from the corner and said urgently: "Princess, it was this dragon that took away the prince."

 “I know, I saw Rhaegar.”

Rhaenyra stared blankly at the black dragon hovering above her, her eyes unblinkingly staring at the figure on the dragon's back.

 Although it is far away, it is not clear to see.

Rhaenyra just knew it had to be Rhaegar.

 Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, the glutton circled the castle three times.

 Just then slowly glided down.

Rumble —

With the sound of thunder, the glutton avoided the towers of the castle and landed smoothly on the towering city wall.


Stepping on the city wall with both feet, the glutton spread his wings wide, stretched his neck and roared into the sky, and a green dragon flame cut through the pouring rain.

Seeing the monstrous dragon flames, the guards were all frightened and did not dare to move.

Rhaegar sat on the dragon's back and whispered: "Gluttony, let me down."

Gluttony roared, folded his wings at his sides, and lowered his slender neck close to the ground of the castle grounds.

 As the glutton lowered his head, Rhaegar on his back was exposed to many sights.

Rhaenyra looked down below, watching him with excitement.


Rhaenyra shouted in alarm and ran quickly towards the city wall.

Rhaegar looked down at his sister below and did not jump off the dragon's back immediately.

 He went up the dragon's neck and reached the head of the glutton.

Hold one hand on the gray-white dragon horn that is bent backwards, and look down from a high position.

Rhaenyra ran all the way to the head of the glutton, noticed the green eyes and paused, and swallowed subconsciously.

 Glutton is indeed the strongest wild dragon.

 Not to mention its huge size and ferocious habits.

Just looking at the appearance can give people nightmares at night.

The whole body is as black as charcoal, without a trace of color.

Green eyes are like two will-o'-the-wisps, indifferent to everything.

The ferocious dragon head is covered with sharp horn thorns, and three pairs of dragon horns, one large, two small, are bent back to form a gray-white horn crown.

If you stand in front of a glutton, look into its eyes.

I'm afraid I'll think I've seen an evil god, feeling extremely evil and frightened.

 Feeling the glutton's hot breath, Rhaenyra took a half step back to show that she meant no harm.

She looked at Rhaegar on the dragon's head and said with joy: "That's great, Rhaegar, I thought something happened to you."

 You know how worried she is.

 She has only one younger brother, and if he is gone, he is gone.

Rhaegar raised his chin high and said calmly: "I said I could tame an adult dragon, and now I have done it!"

The journey of training the dragon is over, and what follows will be a small dragon fight and a peninsula adventure.

I hope I can still get your love and support.

    Thanks to [ai5676906] for the 10,000 points reward, becoming the first hall owner of this book, a great boss.

   Thanks to [Beishan Evergreen] for the 9,500 points reward, and I am the second owner of this book. I am grateful.

   Thanks to Fat Tou Niu for the 2000 points reward.

   Thanks to Zhuhai Jushi for the 1,500-point reward.

    Thanks to Nan Sanjo, Warhammer: Total War, and the 1,000 points that were all in vain in the past.

   Thanks to Tadanobu Shimazu for the 600 points reward.

Thank you, the concubine Yingyu Buddha, the sow in your backyard, the invincible little scar, the golden sail sailing across the blue sea, and the 500-point reward for eliminating the mango.

    Thanks to Flammulina enoki for cucumber shooting, Talking Banana’s reward, and a certain digital book friend’s 200 points.

Thanks to Yang Yan 1, Zhendong General, Xinhai Qiuyu, Huang Xiaoyang, Sankong AK, Qin Yunxian the Great Demon King, The Lazy Man Who Likes to Study God, What is Love, Bai Qiuling, and multiple digital book friends for the 100 points. currency.

   Thanks to the teacher for the 100 reading points rewarded by Didi.

   Thanks to Fuguang Yibei for the 200 reading points.

I am very grateful to so many book friends for their support of the work. The author is extremely grateful.

   Next Monday, there will be an update on time!



 (End of this chapter)