MTL - Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning-Chapter 657

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The ground is paved with large blocks of black slate.

And in the front, there is a high platform.

At this time, there was no one on the high platform.

As soon as Mo Tian saw many people coming in, he directly followed the division of the slate and sat on it. He followed the pattern and found a slate not far from the high platform and sat on it.

Glancing around, Mo Tian roughly estimated that the entire square could probably accommodate hundreds of thousands of people!

It is hard to imagine that such a large space is actually inside the City Lord's Mansion.

"I don't know what the test is..."

After sitting down, Mo Tian couldn't help but think, and used the communicator to connect to the virtual world network to search.

However, there are no associated search results.

"Then just wait..."

Mo Tian turned off the communicator and looked at the others in the square.

Usually, he cultivates alone, and many people in the primitive city are also addicted to cultivation, and it is basically impossible to see a large number of people gathering outside.

This assessment allowed Mo Tian to see how many people there were in Primitive City.

"So many people... Can the rule pool be used?"

Mo Tian was a little surprised when he saw the people sitting in most of the square.

Since these people were all soul transmissions, Mo Tian did not hear any useful information about the assessment from his mouth.


Suddenly, Mo Tian noticed a figure with long silver hair in the distance.


Mo Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

But, at this moment, Mo Tian saw that next to Carly, a little boy with short silver bangs and short hair also sat down next to him.

Seeing the little boy's appearance, Mo Tian's pupils shrank.

This little boy is exactly the Bowa who was killed by him on the deathmatch platform not long ago! ! !

"It's not dead..."

Mo Tian stared at Bowa, who was sitting down, with murderous intent in his eyes.

At this time, Bowa, who was talking and laughing with Carly, seemed to sense Mo Tian's gaze and looked back.

When Bowa saw Mo Tian, ​​he was stunned for a moment. Then, a strange smile appeared on his face, and then he reached out and made a gesture towards his neck.

"This time, I will kill you!"

Bowa pointed at Mo Tian in the distance and compared his mouth.

Seeing this, Mo Tian sneered, and at the same time, his eyes subconsciously glanced at Bowa's crotch.

"I don't know, can the ancestors be able to withstand the soul cutting..."

Mo Tian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

As for Bowa, after Mo Tian glanced at him, the smile on his face solidified, and his body shivered subconsciously.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Carly asked worriedly when she saw that Bowa's face was a little pale.

Bois was silent for a while before replying:

"I feel that this Mo Tian, ​​something is wrong..."

When Bowa spoke, he still looked at Mo Tian, ​​but Mo Tian had already turned his head and ignored him.

"Don't worry." Carrie stretched out her little white hand and held Powa's face, her eyes curved into crescents, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, when the assessment is over and you get on the deathmatch stage, you will be able to devour his bloodline, and we will be stronger."

Bois nodded silently, but did not speak.


Three minutes have passed since the bell rang.

The original city, as well as people outside the city, have all arrived.

Among these people, Mo Tian noticed that there was an undead youth with dark skin, red tattoos all over his neck and face, and was being watched by many people.

After searching the other party's information, Mo Tian found out.

This young man of the undead, named Huichun, has a very high talent. When he was a world master, he could comprehend the power of five rules, and each of the powers of rules could condense ten thin lines of rules!

After reaching the ancestral level, his strength is even more terrifying, and no one knows how powerful he has reached.

Mo Tian compared the other party with himself. In the end, he felt that he was more talented. It was estimated that he would be able to surpass the other party's achievements when he was at the world master level.

It's just that Mo Tian was a little worried. When he was testing later, the release of his own pillar of rules would probably cause a lot of disturbance.

And Mo Tian is not a high-profile person.


At this moment, a black plume of smoke descended from the sky and landed on the high platform with a bang.

The smoke column dissipated instantly, and a figure wearing a black robe, with the whole body showing the shape of a galaxy, appeared in front of everyone.

"Set the time and draw out the power of all the corresponding rules."

A faint voice sounded.

Then, in front of everyone, a pitch-black jar appeared. In the middle of the jar, there was only a small hole. The largest one could only put a little finger in.

Mo Tian felt that the entire jar was made up of a special kind of rule power, and inside, there were fluctuations of other rule powers!

"From such a thin hole, draw the power of rules?"

Mo Tian frowned and looked to the side subconsciously, wanting to see if other people were the same as him.

However, as soon as he turned his head, black smoke emerged from the gaps in the black slate, blocking Mo Tian's vision around him.

Since everyone is sitting in the middle of the slate in the entire square, this is equivalent to separating everyone.

Not being able to see other people's situation, Mo Tian had to look at the jar in front of him again.

"Such a small hole, even if the power of the soul drills into it, it is impossible to separate the power of the rules..."

Mo Tian frowned, thinking in his heart.

Soon, Mo Tian thought of a way.

"It should be to insert the thin rule line that you have condensed into the hole first, and then use this thin rule line to draw out the corresponding rule power..."

Thinking of this, Mo Tian released his own condensed Pillar of Rules.

The pillar of rules with a diameter of nearly one meter is thicker than the entire black can! !

How does this plug in? !

Chapter 661 The road to upgrade after the realm master! (Second!)

when! when! when!

Mo Tian slammed it a few times, and the ground under the black pot was almost cracked.

Can't get in at all!

"By the way, the Lord of the Primordial Universe didn't say how long the assessment would take?"

Mo Tian suddenly thought.

However, when he discovered that the wall of black smoke emerging from the cracks in the slate was dissipating little by little.

Mo Tian estimated that in about an hour and a half, the entire black smoke wall would completely dissipate.

At that time, it is estimated that the time for the end of the examination.

"and many more!"

In Mo Tian's mind, an electric light flashed.

"The request is only to take out the power of the corresponding rules, and it does not say that the black tank cannot be destroyed!"

Mo Tian's heart moved, and the Star Extinguishing Axe appeared in his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, the muscles on the thick arm bulged and tightened.


The Star Destruction Axe fell.

Boom! !

There was a muffled sound, and there was not even the slightest spark on the black can.

At the same time, Mo Tian found that the ground and the surrounding black smoke walls were all rippled with ripples, which directly absorbed the shock wave generated by the axe.

"Not even a pit?!"

Mo Tian picked up the black pit and looked carefully at the place where the Star Extinguishing Axe had just slashed.

Above, there is no damage.

"Come again!"

Mo Tian stood up directly and slammed down with an axe!

Boom! !

The black can was smashed with great force and jumped up, jumped to the black smoke wall, and bounced back again.

Mo Tian immediately picked up the black can and looked at it.

This time, a small knife edge appeared on it.

"it works!"

Mo Tian was overjoyed.

However, he immediately discovered that this small knife edge was recovering rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the blade was gone!

"This jar is condensed by the power of rules!"

Then, Mo Tian tried soul cutting again.

The soul was cut on the black pot, leaving a knife edge deeper than a mountain axe, but in the blink of an eye, the black pot was restored to its original state.

Mo Tian understood now.

Conventional means cannot destroy the black tank.

However, the pillar of his own rules can't be reached at all.

"The power of rules... can only be fought with the power of rules..."

Mo Tian stretched out his palm, and with a bang, the Pillar of Rules was called out and landed firmly on Mo Tian's palm.

This pillar of rules is condensed from the rules of fire.

Although the degree of condensedness cannot be said to be high, in terms of absolute quantity, the black tank is absolutely incomparable.

"Just like this, it can't exert the full power of the Pillar of Rules."


Black flames spewed out of Mo Tian's body, and at the same time, his body began to expand rapidly.

In an instant, Mo Tian transformed into the form of Zhu Rong.

However, Mo Tian's body was slightly suppressed by Mo Tian, ​​and he was only five meters tall.


Six huge palms embraced the pillar of fire.