MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World-Chapter 378 Recruit Orochimaru

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   Chapter 378 Recruiting Orochimaru

  The fourteen jounin are divided into two teams, and each team has seven jounin, the true super seven team.

   Although Orochimaru was already a shadow-level powerhouse at this time, he did not master so many messy secret techniques, and at the same time, he would still be incompetent in the face of seven master-level masters.

   Even the peak Orochimaru in the original plot, who has mastered various secret techniques, is not an easy task to defeat the Super Seven.

  In the dark underground cave, Orochimaru covered his chest with his hands, leaning on the stone wall and panting.

   After several consecutive months of chasing and killing, Orochimaru was exhausted and exhausted, because he was worried that the long-term battle with the opponent would lead to the opening of Namikaze Minato. Every time he was caught up, Orochimaru did not dare to fight the opponent for a long time.

   Even because he was worried that the chasing team would find his own trace through clues, Orochimaru didn't even dare to stay in the same place for too long.

   "The ration pills are exhausted and the medicines are used up. If you can't get rid of the chasing soldiers, you need to find a way to get new medicines and supplies.

   But in this way, the whereabouts will be revealed again…”

  Orochimaru frowned, thinking about the next countermeasures and way out, but no matter what, he couldn't think of any way to save his life.

  No way, the enemy lineup is too luxurious: Mai Uchiha, the strongest in the ninja world, and Minato, the fastest wave in the ninja world.

  Although neither of these two have taken action so far, Orochimaru must plan for the worst, otherwise the initiative will still be in the hands of others.


   It is impossible to win, and it is impossible to escape successfully. One day he will be entangled by the pursuers. When the pursuers send the news back, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mai will shoot together again, and he will surely die.

   As strong as nine tails, he was also defeated by Uchiha with a wave of hands.

   So whether you can live or not depends on Mai Uchiha's face.

  Orochimaru estimates that if he secretly defected to Uchiha Mai, there is indeed a certain chance of survival, but he may also be taken by Uchiha Mai on the spot, chopped up and fed to the dog, as the achievement of the superior fifth-generation Naruto.

   defected to other Ninja villages, it would be even more impossible.

   Wuyin Village is the base camp of Uchiha dance. Sandyin Village is only Uchiha dancer. Yunyin Village has just been educated, and he will definitely not or dare not accept him.

  The remaining Iwayin village also has a grudge against Orochimaru: A few years ago, Orochimaru and Uchiha Mai joined forces to abolish the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi.

   And in the next few years, Orochimaru served as the coach of Konoha's anti-Iwagak force for a long time.

   Looking around the world, there are enemies all over the world, and there is no place for Orochimaru in the world of Ninja.

  What should I do, should I go to Uchiha Mai, fight for my eloquence, and fight for the one-half chance of survival?

   Just when Orochimaru was hesitating, there was a sudden change from the other end of the cave, and Orochimaru was suddenly alert.

   After being chased and killed, Orochimaru has long been like a frightened bird, and the grass and trees are all soldiers. If he hadn't maintained this vigilance at all times, he would have died under the knife of the pursuers.


  Orochimaru got up quickly regardless of the injury, released Chakra to investigate the surrounding situation, and prepared to run away.

   "Orochimaru, rest assured, we are not malicious."

   Hei Jue and Bai Jue slowly emerged from the ground and walked out of the shadows with a smile on their faces, but these two people, no matter how strange they looked, could not make Orochimaru feel at ease.

   After some reconnaissance, there were no other soldiers in ambush except for the two weirdos in front of him. It seems that Konoha's pursuers did not come after him.

   Is it from Uchiha Mai?

   Orochimaru raised a guess in his heart that Wuyin Village and Konoha are two systems, Konoha is completely transparent in front of Wuyin, and in Konoha's eyes, the situation in Wuyin Village is a fog.

During the    Ninja World War, Uchiha Mai somehow found a shadow-level master Kakuto who helped Konoha through the difficulties.

   Now in Jiaodu, he is still working in Wuyin Village. There are other talented people in Wuyin Village that the outside world doesn't know about, which is also very reasonable.

  If the two people in front of him are from Uchiha Mai, it proves that Uchiha Mai wants to protect himself.

   "Are you from Uchiha Mai?" Orochimaru asked, staring at Black and White.

   Hei Jue and Shiro Jue looked at each other, laughed and said, "Our master's surname is indeed Uchiha, but not Uchiha Mai?"

   Who else is Uchiha Mai? Fuyue?

  Orochimaru frowned, suddenly thinking of a possibility, and said hoarsely: "Uchiha Madara?"

   "That's right."

   Hei Jue nodded slightly and admitted, "Our master is Mr. Madara.

  Orochimaru, not much nonsense, you are a rare talent, and the current Mr. Madara needs a talent like you.

  Are you interested in doing things for Madam-sama? "

  Orochimaru did not answer Fei Heijue's question, but asked, "Didn't Madara die in the fight with Mai Uchiha?"

   Ultraman lost to Zedi, why do I have such a dream?

  Orochimaru said with his own eyes, Uchiha Madara was smashed to ashes by Uchiha Mai's innate body-shattering and invisible sword energy, and there was no **** left, and there was no possibility of being reincarnated by dirty soil.

   As the saying goes, when the tree falls, the macaques are scattered, and the black and white must look for him at this moment, either because they need him to revive Ban, or because Ban is not dead yet.

   "Uchiha Mai, how could it be possible to kill Madara-sama?"

  Black Juejian Orochimaru was not convinced, so he explained: "The Uchiha family has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many secret techniques in the family.

   One of them is the most perfect and terrifying illusion called Izanagi.

  This technique can only be used at the cost of permanent blindness of a three-hooked jade writing wheel eye. It can turn all the reality that is unfavorable to the caster into an illusion within a certain period of time, including death.

   Madara-sama used this technique to escape from suspended animation after the battle with Senju Hashimoto. Madara-sama also used Izanagi when fighting Uchiha Mai. "

  Orochimaru suddenly realized, and at the same time was even more afraid of the Uchiha family.

   All the truths that are not good for oneself can be turned into illusions, which means that only one three-hooked jade is needed to overturn the outcome of a battle.

   And in the Uchiha clan, there are at least a dozen Jōnin who have opened the three hook jade.

   Hei Jue persuaded again: "Orochimaru, Madam Madara needs your power at this moment, and you also need Madara Madara's power.

   At this moment, you are facing the pursuit of Konoha, and the entire ninja world has no place for you. Even the other major ninja villages are afraid of Uchiha Mai's strength and will never dare to accept you.

   Keep wandering, and sooner or later you will die at the hands of Konoha's pursuers.

  In the entire ninja world, the only one who can protect you from Konoha and Uchiha Mai is Madara-sama. "

  Orochimaru was a little moved, but he was still a little hesitant, and questioned: "Why should I choose Uchiha Madara?

   Now that I know Madara is still alive, if I go to Uchiha Mai with this news, I believe he will be happy to accept me.

  With his dealings, it won't take long before I can appear in Konoha again and above.

   On the other hand, Madara, you said that he didn't actually die after the battle with Senju Hakuma, which means that he has been hiding in the shadows of the ninja world in recent decades.

   Decades later, he came out of the mountain again, but lost to Uchiha Mai, and was beaten to ashes.

  Even if he has a forbidden illusion like Izanagi and has the chance to do it again and again, how can he win Mai Uchiha?

  I grew up watching Mai Uchiha, and I know his strength and how terrifying the speed of his progress. I dare to assert that after a few months, Uchiha Mai's strength must have improved again.

   Madara can't even win the Uchiha dance a few months ago, let alone the current dance. Why should I choose Madara between the two? "

   This is a good question.

   As an unscrupulous ninja with no bottom line, Orochimaru would definitely prefer to choose a boss with a high win rate. At present, Madara does not have any advantage.

   "Mara-sama can't beat Mai Uchiha?

   Funny. "

   Hei Jue sneered and said disdainfully: "Uchiha Mai's strength is at best comparable to Madara-sama who was at his peak decades ago.

   But decades have passed, Madara-sama has far surpassed himself at his peak. Let me tell you a secret, a secret about Sharonan and Uchiha.

  Uchiha and Qianshou are the direct descendants of the Six Path Immortals, the former inherits the Immortal Eye, and the latter inherits the Immortal Body.

   Above the three hook jade is a kaleidoscope, and above the kaleidoscope is an eternal kaleidoscope. And Uchiha, who opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, gained the power of the Thousand Hands Clan, and he could obtain all kinds of things, and obtain the eyes of the six immortals, the eyes of reincarnation.

   Madara-sama only obtained the Eye of Samsara after the battle with Senju-shouma that year.

   Madara-sama's eye level surpasses Uchiha Mai by two levels. If Madara-sama hadn't kept his eyes in Nagato, and only 10% of his chakra was left, how could he have lost to Uchiha Mai? "

  The erhu is full of blood, and the residual blood is everywhere. It is the myth of the ninja world, Uchiha, Wuming, Madara!

  Orochimaru set off a stormy sea in his heart, but he didn't expect such a secret hidden in it. The eye of reincarnation was actually evolved from an eternal kaleidoscope.

  Three hook jade evolves into a kaleidoscope, and you can gain power comparable to the shadow of a village. That kaleidoscope that surpasses the eternal eye, how strong should it be?

  The white eye, the writing wheel eye, and the reincarnation eye are also called the three major pupil techniques. I don’t know how many people have been mistaken. Think about it too, the eyes of reincarnation are the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Immortals, how can it be juxtaposed with ordinary white eyes and writing wheel eyes?

   Alas, if I saw Nagato at the beginning of the year, I would have ruthlessly buckled Nagato's double reincarnation eyes and studied it.

  No, Orochimaru's face changed slightly, and he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

   When he saw Nagato more than ten years ago, he did have the idea of ​​winning the eye of reincarnation, but it was not strong.

   After Jiraiya accepted the three children as apprentices, Orochimaru gave up the plan, and hadn't thought about it for more than ten years.

   This is unreasonable.

  The eyes of reincarnation are rumored to be the eyes of the immortals of the Six Paths. According to Orochimaru's consistent style, they will definitely be very interested after seeing them.

   But Orochimaru has never had such an idea, which is unreasonable.

   "It's illusion."

   Hei Jue smiled and said: "Nagato is a vessel for cultivating the eye of reincarnation, and it is a part of Madam Madara's plan, how could Madam Madara not care about Nagato?

   More than ten years ago, you had already been hit by Madara-sama's illusion, and only then did you subconsciously ignore those eyes of reincarnation. "

   More than ten years ago, Orochimaru was just a Jōnin.

   Madara wanted to use the illusion to give Orochimaru a psychological suggestion to tell him not to attack Nagato. It was very simple.

  Orochimaru nodded slightly, making a balance in his heart.

  If Madara can really retrieve the Samsara Eye, and his body recovers to its peak, and then fights Uchiha Mai, the odds of winning should still be quite good.

  While thinking about it, Orochimaru also vaguely guessed the purpose of Black and White Jue looking for him.

   "You want me to find a way to help Madara restore her body to its peak?" Orochimaru asked.


  Black Jue admitted: "Orochimaru, Madara-sama and I have been following you all the time. Your talent in biological research is no less than that of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama.

   If it were you, it is very likely that you would develop a secret technique to bring Madara-sama back to the peak of his body. "

   In terms of attainments in biological research, no one in the entire ninja world is more professional than Orochimaru. This is really the right person.

  Orochimaru is still hesitating, should he help Madara with Samsara eyes, or Mai Uchiha who is not human? If what Hei Jue said is true, then Uchiha Madara's odds of winning are indeed much higher.

   After weighing it for a long time, Orochimaru felt that Hei was definitely not lying, so he smiled and said, "You have successfully persuaded me.

   I would also like to see how powerful Madara Uchiha in his prime can be after taking back the Samsara Eye. "

   "Wise choice." Hei Jue smiled.

   Bai Jue, who kept his mouth shut and acted as the air, said, "Since it's been negotiated, then hurry back and see Mr. Ban.

  My Bai Jue clone has already sensed Konoha's pursuit. It's only five kilometers away from here, Orochimaru, your location has been exposed. "

"it is good."

  Orochimaru nodded slightly. Anyway, there was nothing worth picking up and nostalgic, so he set off quickly and left with Heihe Jue.

   A few hours later, the three appeared in an underground cave in the Land of Rain.

  Orochimaru's line of sight was immediately attracted to Madara Uchiha.

  Mako, who was smashed to ashes by Uchiha Mai a few months ago, is now sitting quietly on a stone chair, old, rotten, and powerful.

  Orochimaru can clearly perceive that even Uchiha Madara, who is now aging, has far more chakra in his body than any shadow-level powerhouse.

   This old man, how terrifying should he be after he has recovered to his peak?

After   , Orochimaru noticed the pipe behind Madara and the outsider golem that the pipe was connected to.

  The eerie, ominous, powerful, hideous and terrifying outsider golem reveals a strange divinity, which makes people feel the urge to kneel.

   "Sir Madara, I have successfully recruited Orochimaru."

   Hei Jue knelt down on one knee and said loyally: "With the help of Orochimaru, you will definitely be able to recover to the peak faster, in order to retrieve the Samsara Eye and defeat Mai Uchiha."

   "Well done." Madara nodded slightly, still Hei is absolutely my center, worthy of being my cub.

  Although Madara doesn't care about the strength of Orochimaru, he agrees with the role of Orochimaru.

  Thousands Tobirama once conducted various researches on Uchiha, and also developed the technique of flying thunder **** and hacked Quanna to death.

   If Orochimaru really has the rumored scientific research ability comparable to Senju Tobirama, it can indeed be a help.

   (end of this chapter)