MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 166 European emperor

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In the twilight, the small lantern on the pink doll machine flashed, and a little girl with a shofar was holding her grandmother's hand and looking up.

Lin Chaoxi threw the coin into the air and caught it in front of the doll machine.

"Sister, this can't catch it." The little girl committee said cursively.

"We take a walk every day and see a lot of young people getting a lot of coins, and they can't catch them." Grandma also said, "She wants to catch, and today she is wasting 10 yuan."

Lin Chaoxi originally wanted to try to play, but suddenly it was hit hard.

She kneels in front of the little girl: "I think I can catch it."

"Can't you catch it?"

"Then I will buy one."

little girl:"……"

Lin Zhaoxi took out his mobile phone and immediately began searching for the legendary catching doll cheats. Related posts and Raiders are a lot, she found a most detailed look from the beginning.

He took two cups of cola and walked over. Lin took a cup and showed him the Raiders: "Which do you think is better?"

She moved her mobile phone webpage very quickly. He looked up at the doll machine again: "You are the fifth on the left hand side."

"That Stich?"

"Well, but..."

"But what?"

"Try it first."

After reading the Raiders, there is also a blessing, and Lin Chaoxi is full of confidence.

She put the cola down, took a deep breath, and put the coin into the machine. The button on the machine flashed a burst of colorful light. She held her breath and manipulated the rocker arm according to the method described in the Raiders, and pressed the arrow keys.

The claws open and fall quickly, directly catching Stitch's blue body and passing under the armpits. It is said that this is already the best gripping position.


The grip was quickly lifted, and the strength of the small claws was almost as light as the Stitch. After a second, the grip was returned, and Stitch did not move at all.

Lin Chaoxi was shocked, and it was too exaggerated.

"I said, it's impossible." The little girl shouted at the leg.

Lin Chaoxi picked up Coke and took a big sigh of relief. He looked at him: "What did you just say ‘but’?”

"If you can catch a doll, you should have little relationship with technology, mainly because of the probability."

It’s euphemistic.


"The doll machine should be some kind of distortion of the gambling machine."

He took out his mobile phone and pulled out the things he just found for her. I’m going through the forest, and I’m sliding the phone screen at the right speed.

"Catch force is strong" 'weak' 'no' store can set the probability of grabbing, from 1/5 to 1/20, up to 1/200." Lin Chaoxun paused, "So the grip is the odds mechanism?"


The boy also looked down slightly, so the breath was very close to her ear.

"It turned out to be a problem of luck." Lin retraced back.

"So you can't catch it?" The little girl interrupted.

Lin Chaoxi looked at him with helplessness.

He picked up his mobile phone and turned to go to the cashier. When he came back, he held a game coin in his hand.

Silver coins sparkle.

"You bought two more drinks?" Lin asked.

"Direct exchange, two yuan one."

The little girl’s eyes are straightforward: “Hello, your brother is stingy, other boys are buying a stack of dolls for their girlfriends.”

"If you exceed this price, it is more cost-effective to go directly to Taobao."

He said that the cola in his hand was handed over, and Lin took it.

The little girl is stunned, and Lin is also asleep.

"Can you help me to look at the side, choose what you like." Yan Zhi said to her.

Lin went to the evening, and sure enough, the side view is better. The colorful plush toys are reflected on the glass, and the boys are focused.

Lin Chaoxi held two cups of cola, barely pointed out his index finger, poked the glass, pointing to a gray fat penguin near the outside.

He nodded and put the coin into the machine. The small lantern on the glass also flashed a glimpse of light. But he didn't use any skill, he didn't shake the rocker or press the button, just let the claws just move to the corresponding position.

Lin Chaoxi is close to the glass: "The clip goes to the left a little, the fat penguin."

"it is good."

Grab the clip and drop it, perfectly holding the penguin's center of gravity and lifting it up. The mechanical claws moved to the top of the drop at a gentle speed, the gripper was released, and the fat penguin fell naturally.

The little girl was stunned, and Lin held two cups of cola, which was even more sluggish.

Is it so simple?

Bend the waist and pull out the gray and fat penguin from the exit. She took the cup of cola in her hand and handed the plush toy to her.

In the store is a typical ktv light, a series of lavender lights, and the surrounding lights are dark and sly.

Lin Chaoxi's heartbeat is accelerating, but when she sees the gray penguin's smiling eyes, what emerges in her mind is the picture of the high-grade card directly from the elementary school. The original "wish you" is to be said. : "You are really...Europe."

"Let's go."

Lin Chaoxi held Coke in one hand and held the doll in one hand, so he walked back to the box with him.

When they were seated, they were quiet and audible.

Lin Chaoxi took a sip of Coke, somehow, she has not been nervous when she left, knowing that alcohol is allergic to her, it seems that there is nothing.


The activity of the hot pot bar ktv is obviously a night event, but the little solution teacher is older. After eating all the yak meat, he took the lead to say that he would go back to the academic.

There are people who like to play, and some who are not very sociable. When he goes, a small number of people also say that they want to go together.

The time is more than 8 pm, some girls have to go back to the school dormitory, and some are internships outside the school. The boys naturally want to play the gentleman's grace and **** the girls back.

"This is only 8 o'clock, it is very safe. We are going to take a taxi and give it." The girls said so.

"So can we marry your car?" The boy smiled thickly.

"Yes, aa."

Lin Daixi and Yan Zhi stood on the outskirts of the crowd. In her backpack, she was a little penguin who had just caught it.

Boys and girls, one by one, decided to carpool separately according to where they want to go.

"How come you go." He asked her.

Lin Chaoxi just wanted to answer, but I heard someone ask her: "Will you go back to school in Lin Xixi?"

"I am going home, my home is in Jiangxia District, Jingling New Village."

The students gathered together began to discuss where the Jingling New Village in Jiangxia District is, and who she should be with.

"I originally wanted to take the bus, and now it seems like I have to carpool together." She whispered awkwardly.

He nodded a little, and as he asked her, he simply asked other people's positions, and then began to circle people: "You can take a taxi together, let the driver go to the middle road, and let him down near the second hospital."

"You take a taxi back to school."

"You are all internships near the Science City, take the Central to Zhongshan Road, send her first, then you two."



In the mind of the singer, there is a detailed map of the city. He simply plans who should go together and who will go first. The students on the side of the road were stunned, and Lin was steady and steady, indicating calm.

Finally, he ordered another man and a woman, and said to her: "We are together."


On the taxi.

No one dared to let him squat in the back seat, so he sent him to the co-pilot.

Outside the car window, the city's night scenes are passing by. Lin Chaoxi holding a school bag, sitting in the middle of the back seat. The boys and girls around her are not good at words, including the taxi drivers who don’t say a word, drive silently, and be quiet.

Lin Zhaoxi originally wanted to find a slap in the air to ease the atmosphere, but he always looked down at the phone, or told the driver how to go.

So until the boys got out of the car, Lin had no idea what to say, and then the girl got off the bus, and the topic she just thought was interrupted. Finally, there is only her and her in the car.

She was finally able to sit comfortably, but outside was a familiar barbecue stall, and the taxi drove to her door.

Suddenly, the WeChat voice prompt sounded in the car.

Lin Zhaoxi subconsciously turned the phone and found that it was not her phone. The driver looked at the old well. On the co-pilot, pick up the phone and press the answer button to put it in your ear.

I didn't know who was on the phone. I listened for a while and answered very gently: "Come to Jingling New Village."

"In the Jiangxia District."

"Meet a meal, carpool home."

The boys responded in turn.

The person at the other end of the phone didn't know what he was shouting. He was very patient and listened for a while. He looked up at the rearview mirror and said, "Lin dynasty."

The boy’s eyes were clear and he suddenly heard his name. Lin Chaoxi’s heart skipped a beat.

The driver stepped on the brakes, and her body leaned forward slightly, looking out the window, and had already arrived.

He is still on the phone, Lin eve whispered: "I am leaving, you will wait to tell me the fare, we are aa."

After that, she pulled the door open, and the night and the barbecue smelled.

"Wait." Suddenly shouted at her.

"Ah, what happened?"

Hey, hold the microphone with one hand and look back at her: "Are you waiting for time?"

The author has something to say: Everyone has nothing to happen, April is your lie.

Continue to work hard next month and continue to seek nutrient solution. 2k novel reading network