MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 453

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Similarly, if there are people here who are blocked and unable to enter, there is a real urgency, and it is possible to walk in from this road.

Ningguang and Keqing walked in, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

"It's Lord Ningguang."

"And Lord Keqing."

"Tomorrow is the ceremony of inviting immortals. I didn't expect to see these two adults tonight."


The arrival of Ningguang and Keqing attracted the attention of some people, and they talked with surprises on their faces.

They really didn't expect that they would see two of the Liyue Seven Stars on the eve of the invitation ceremony.

There are also people in front of them who are very fascinated and do not look back.

They seemed to be silent in the mathematics that Yan Fei was talking about.

As Ningguang and Keqing walked in, the two women soon saw the ninety-nine multiplication table attached to a board by Yan Fei.

It is a number engraved on a piece of white paper. It is clear at a glance and easy to understand.


Just glanced at the ninety-nine multiplication table and looked at the numbers a few times, and Ningguang's pupils shrank suddenly.

This algorithm is simply too convenient.

Because of one sign, two numbers easily yield the correct total.

She was a businessman and saw the value of this nine-nine multiplication table at a glance.

Next to the words of the ninety-nine multiplication table at the top, there is a gaze written by Yan Fei, which makes people know the operation of the multiplication sign.

Chapter 468: The popular math class, the owner of the eye of God from Fontaine (one update, three thousand five words)

In addition to multiplication, there is division.

Twenty-eight divided by seven and so on.

It's the reverse of the multiplication table.

This is so convenient.

With just a glance, Ningguang knew that this ninety-nine multiplication table could cause a shocking movement in Liyue's business world.

"I didn't expect that the effect of this multiplication table would be - so great."

At this time, Ke Qing, who was beside Ningguang, also saw the ninety-nine multiplication table, and said softly: "If everyone in Liyue masters the ninety-nine multiplication table, then the so-called abacus can be completely eliminated, and simple arithmetic can be completely eliminated. - can be thrown away."

As Ke Qing, who was born in a famous noble family, and one of the seven stars of Liyue in charge of Liyue, Ke Qing also saw the value of this ninety-nine multiplication table.

"It's impossible for Yan Fei to take out this kind of thing for no reason. It's very likely that this kind of thing came from the shop owner."

Looking at Yan Fei, who was talking eloquently, Ningguang thought: "The same is true for the previous law class, and the same is true for this mathematics now. Look at the book in Yan Fei's hand, that book should be from the shop owner's shop. something that came out of it."


Hearing Ningguang's words, Ke Qing nodded in agreement.

She also saw the book Yan Fei was holding, and Yan Fei's explanations all came from that book.

Apparently, the book came out of the owner's jar shop.

"Everyone, this is the ninety-nine multiplication table. I believe everyone has seen it. As long as you memorize this ninety-nine multiplication table, you are almost an entry."

In the Heyu Teahouse, Yan Fei held a black pen and talked freely, while drawing on the posted white paper, while slowly saying: "The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division have been finished, let's talk about the multiplication of two or three digits by one. digits."

"For example, Auntie Wang ordered three boxes of black corn on the shopping website, 20 per box. How many are there in total?"


Yan Fei's voice just fell, and someone shouted without hesitation.

"Hmm, not bad."

Hearing this answer, Yan Fei smiled and nodded: "Twenty times three equals sixty, two ten times three equals sixty, and sixty equals sixty."

"Let's take a look at the next question, that is, there are six boxes of watermelons and six boxes of cantaloupe. Each box of watermelons is forty-eight molas, and each box of cantaloupe is sixty-two molas. I brought two hundred molas. Is there enough to buy? Four boxes of watermelons?"


Hearing Yan Fei's words, the people present were stunned for a moment, and immediately began to count silently.

"Four boxes of watermelons, a box of forty-eight moras, forty-six, four-eight and thirty-two, that's one hundred and ninety-two, that's enough."

"Yes, one hundred six + thirty two = one hundred and ninety-two."

"Two hundred morahs are enough."

One person after another quickly figured it out.

"Yes, it is enough."

Yan Fei said with a smile: "Then let's count the cantaloupe again."

Yan Fei talked eloquently. In Yan Fei's mouth, advanced mathematics was very comprehensively analyzed and appeared in front of everyone, which made many people interested in mathematics.

Ningguang and Keqing are also listening quietly, even if they can figure out the answer at a glance, they are still listening at this moment.

Because they found out, Yan Fei's mathematics was deeply detected.

From the simple multiplication of a single number just now, to the multiplication of multiple numbers, one-digit multiplication by two-digit, and even three-digit numbers, the numbers are getting bigger and bigger, making it easy for people to master.

"Hey, Ningguang."

At this time, a laughter sounded, and Hu Tao patted Ningguang's shoulder, causing Ningguang to raise his eyebrows.

Just turning her head slightly, she saw Hu Tao who came to her at some point, and Hu Tao looked at her with a smile on her face.

Next to it, there is the owner and the Coral Palace Heart Sea.

"Good evening, shopkeeper."

Seeing Lin Mo, there was a smile on Ningguang's face: "I didn't expect to meet the owner here. I also thought about going to your shop for a while and telling you about the immortal invitation ceremony tomorrow."

Only when he saw Lin Mo, Ningguang's face showed a heartfelt happy smile.

Next to him, Ke Qing also saw Lin Mo, and immediately greeted him with a smile: "Good evening, shopkeeper."

"good evening."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "Did you guys also come to see Yun Jin's opera?"

While speaking, Lin Mo looked over and looked at Yan Fei who was lecturing continuously in Heyu Teahouse.

He never thought that on the way over, he would see Yan Fei giving a speech on mathematics in Heyu Teahouse.

I have to say that Yan Fei's actions are very powerful.

I just started the math book, and it has been taught in the past half a day.

Is this to change the identity of the teacher?

"Yan Fei's mathematics should be opened from the owner of your shop."

Ningguang looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "Except for your magical shop, the owner, I really can't think of anyone who can come up with this kind of special knowledge."


Lin Mo nodded, Ningguang is not a fool, very smart, guessing is normal.

"Storekeeper, apart from the math taught by Yan Fei, are there any course books for the jars in your jar shop?"

Ningguang thought for a while, and said softly: "Just like this mathematics, and the laws that Yan Fei had mastered before, the financial management book I published before, in the final analysis, is a kind of knowledge. Have any other knowledge?"

In Ningguang's view, whether it is financial management, mathematics, or law, they are all representatives of knowledge.

So she was thinking, what knowledge is there in the shopkeeper's jar shop.


Lin Mo nodded: "physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc."

There are too many courses of this kind of knowledge.

"Sounds good."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's just that when she heard these words from the shopkeeper's mouth, she felt very profound.

"Yan Fei's math book is just a basic math book."

Beside, Hu Tao laughed; "There is a lot of knowledge in the back, Yan Fei is only talking about the front, about a few pages, such a thick book, Yan Fei has talked about it."

Yan Fei's math book, she also read it today, she had a headache looking at the numbers.

But she also understood some of the knowledge recorded in it.

"When Yan Fei has time, I'll see if I can get Yan Fei to make a copy of this book."

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Ningguang nodded with a smile.

A group of people just watched Yan Fei lecture in silence.

Time passed so quietly.

At this moment.

Liyue Port.

A ship with the logo of Fontaine was traveling and docked.

"It's time to come."

On this ship, a man in a cape and hat saw Liyue in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It can be regarded as Liyue.

Along the way, the power of the water element was used to accelerate, and today it was finally Liyue.

The next time is to find the person in charge of the Fontaine Shipping Bureau, and then hand over the money.

"Hello, I want to ask, where is Grover, the head of the Fontaine State Shipping Bureau."

After getting off the boat, the owner of the Eye of the Water Elemental God from Fontaine asked while registering the information in front of Qianyan Army.

"Grover? They have a place to rest. If you want to go, I'll have someone take you there now."

Hearing the words of the person in front of him, Qian Yanjun, who was stationed, nodded.

Immediately he waved his hand, signaling a Qianyan Army in the distance to come over.


Soon, a Qianyan Army came and took the man away.

Not long after, this person came to the place where the staff of the Fontaine National Shipping Bureau rested.

"Oh, it's coming."

Seeing the person coming, Grover, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, looked excited: "Fontaine has received my message, what did the adults say?"

Fontaine can be regarded as a visitor.

They opened the jars in the jar shop at the time, but they didn't finish all the jars, and they had no money.

Then hurriedly sent the news about the can shop back to Fontaine.

The result is good now, but it can be regarded as someone who came, or came with money.

"Yes, the adults asked me to bring money. When I came, I mobilized the power of the water element, so I came here in such a short time."

The owner of the Eye of God wearing a hat nodded: "I came here this time and brought a lot of money, so don't worry about running out of money if you open the jar."

"What are you waiting for, let's go to the can shop on the owner's side now."

While speaking, Grover, the head of the Fontaine State Shipping Bureau, excitedly pulled the owner of the Eye of the Water Elemental God from Fontaine to the jar shop.

However, when he came to the can shop, he looked shocked.
