MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 7

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For 400,000 Mora, he only opened four things, and the actual effect was not too big. While he wanted to open it, he did not want to continue to spend money to open it.

Anyway, it won't be able to open in the future.

I have three more buying opportunities this week.

Thinking of this, the man picked up the thing and walked out.

"Come out, come out."

"Brother, what did you drive, can you tell me in detail?"

"Yeah, brother, tell me what good things you have opened."


When the person walked out of the can shop, the people outside looked excited and hurriedly asked.

Another can opener they witnessed.

They asked curiously, wanting to know what this guy had ordered.

"I opened four jars of value, which is a red gem."

Hearing everyone's inquiries, this man raised his hand and showed everyone the ruby ​​in his hand.

All saw a red gem, which gleamed in the sun's rays.

"What a beautiful stone."

"Just this red gem will definitely be able to sell hundreds of thousands of Mora in Jie Cui Xing!"

"It's still a loss. He opened four jars and opened such a valuable thing. It's still a loss."

"There are four jars, and it's not the Eye of God. Sure enough, the Eye of God is very difficult to open for me, as I guessed."

"Hey, I thought I could drive a good thing. Now it seems that everything is luck. Forget it, I don't drive it, and I don't think I can drive a good thing."


As the person said what he had opened, the people queuing outside immediately began to discuss one by one.

While they were talking, someone stopped lining up and chose to give up opening the jar.

Most of those who gave up were ordinary people.

Only some wealthy family members are still eagerly queuing up, ready to enter the jar shop to open jars!

When they go into the jar shop, buy jars, and open jars.

the other side.

Liyue's Tianquanxing has returned to Qunyu Pavilion.

"Master Ningguang."

Bai Shi, who had been waiting in the Qunyu Pavilion, saw Ning Guang coming back, and immediately stepped forward with a respectful expression: "Lord Ningguang went to that jar shop this time, how was the harvest?"

"not bad."

Returning to Ningguang in Qunyu Pavilion, he immediately said to Baizhi next to him: "Quickly, contact Yuhengxing and tell her that I have something to discuss with her and ask her to come over. "


Hearing Ningguang's words, Baishi didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest, and hurriedly ran out, the footsteps of "Tadata" recalled in the quiet space of Qunyu Pavilion.

Watching Bai Shi leave, Ning Guang turned his gaze to the five things he had placed on the table.

Zhuyan Dan, detonating charm, fairy beans, financial management books, devil fruit.

Five things in total.

The first and the fourth were used by herself, but the second and third were of little use to her.

As for the fifth one, she wouldn't use it herself. After all, there was a sequelae, and for her, it wasn't necessary.

She already has the Eye of God, which can condense elemental magic, which is a bit of accumulation for her.

But what is unequivocal is that the ability of this Devil Fruit is very precious!

It is so precious that it cannot be eaten casually.

This devil fruit called washing, in her opinion, is like purification.

It can purify evil in people's hearts.

She wondered if she could pull a crowd of fools to try.

The foolish people stationed in Liyue are like a thorn, very annoying.

"Tap tap."

A series of footsteps suddenly sounded, and a girl with purple hair, delicate face, and skin as white as jade walked out.

Both the face and the body are first class.

It's hard to imagine that such a perfect face and body proportions appear on the same person as a beautiful girl.

"Ningguang, is there anything you want me to do?"

Ke Qing, who walked over, looked at Ningguang and opened her mouth.

When she was just resting at home, Bai Shi suddenly came to the door and said that Ningguang had something important to discuss with her, so she came over immediately.

For ordinary things, Ningguang won't look for her. If she can look for her, it must be a major event, or what will happen next to the city of Liyue.

"Didn't I tell you on Baizhi Road?"

Hearing Ke Qing's words, Ning Guang was stunned for a moment. Ke Qing's words obviously didn't know about the jar shop.

"Master Yuhengxing walked too fast, I didn't catch up."

As soon as Ningguang finished speaking, Bai Shi hurriedly ran in from the outside, and when he ran in, he hurriedly said, "What I want to say, but Lord Yuhengxing's speed is too fast, I didn't keep up.".

Chapter 12: Ke Qing's shock, he disdains the eye of God? (Twelve more)

"never mind."

Hearing Baishi's words, Ningguang nodded, and instead of blaming Baishi, he showed Ke Qing what was on the table: "Look at these things first."


Seeing these things on the table, Ke Qing looked surprised.

What are these five things.

With a book, she knew what that round thing was like a jelly bean.

A round pill, a stack of talisman paper, and a fruit with a very strange appearance, it looks strange.

She looked at Ningguang dumbfounded and called her over to discuss important matters, just to let her see this?

"There is a jar shop in Liyue. You can buy a jar in the jar shop for as long as you spend 100,000 yuan. There are all kinds of magical items in the jar, and some things are beyond your imagination."

Looking at Ke Qing, who was a little confused, Ning Guang said softly: "Not long ago, someone opened the eyes of God from that jar shop!"


Hearing Ningguang's words, Ke Qing was shocked and said in surprise: "How could it be possible to open the Eye of God? That merchant is using the empty shell of the Eye of God as a gimmick."

As one of the Liyue Seven Stars, Yuhengxing, she knew very well that the Eye of God that could be traded must be an empty shell.

The empty shell of the ownerless "God's Eye" is what remains after the user dies. It does not contain any elemental power and there is no specific method to awaken it, but it has a small chance of resonating with people, and it does not allow many people to try again and again.

Almost instantly, she realized that this was a trick that merchants could use.

Using the Eye of God as a gimmick to promote it is really big.

Ordinary people really don't use this as a gimmick.

I have to say, this business really has the means.

And a 100,000 jar is opened, which is another way of gambling.

Almost instantly, these two thoughts appeared in Ke Qing's mind.

"It's not a god's eye without a master, but a god's eye with elemental power."

Ningguang shook his head: "The can opener activated the Eye of God on the spot. Because he used the Eye of God for the first time and had no experience, it caused a fire. Fortunately, it was extinguished by the Qianyan Army in time, and it has now been taken away by the Qianyan Army. closed."


Hearing Ningguang's words, Ke Qing shook her head and said with a firm tone: "The activated God's Eye cannot be traded. Since it can be used, it must resonate with the opened God's Eye shell, so it will be used. Unleash the power of the elements."

Ke Qing knew too much about the Eye of God.

Once a person obtains the Eye of God, it will be activated in an instant, and then cannot be discarded.

In the past, Ke Qing knew very well that all her achievements were clearly achieved by her own efforts, and in the eyes of others, it was the credit of "God's Eye".

She had to think that this purple crystal took away the pride that belonged to her, and it was a provocation and insult given to her by God.

In order to destroy the "Eye of God", she tried countless methods, all of which ended in failure.

Ke Qing had nothing to do, and finally reluctantly accepted the "eye of God" that belonged to her.

As time passed, Ke Qing gradually recognized the "eye of God".

Realizing that this item was not hosted by the consciousness of God and provided practical help in many things, she decided to use this power.

Now Ningguang said that someone directly traded the Eye of God, which, in her opinion, was simply a fantasy.

You must know that she used to destroy the Eye of God, whether it was discarded or destroyed, it was of no use at all, and the transaction could not be traded. How could there be a transaction with the Eye of God now.

If even the Eye of God could be traded, the entire Tiwat would be alarmed.

In her view, everything is traceable.

This can opener can use the Eye of God, it must be a coincidence that it resonates with the empty shell of the Eye of God, so it will activate the Eye of God.

"When I heard about this, I didn't believe it for the first time. After all, the Eye of God cannot be traded until I personally went over and opened a few jars."

Seeing Ke Qing in a determined tone, Ning Guang said softly: "These are the things I opened from the jar. The five things cost me a total of 500,000 Mora."

"What's the effect of what was prescribed?"

Hearing Ningguang's words, Keqing immediately turned to look at the five things on the table.

Just five ordinary things. Although they have strange shapes, they are not the eyes of God.

"I think the store must use the empty shell of the Eye of God as a gimmick to promote it, but I didn't expect that the Eye of God was really activated. After all, the store lost blood."

Ke Qing smiled and said: "I believe the store owner has regretted it to the extreme now."

The empty shell of the Eye of God that was sold was resonated and activated.

At that moment, the store owner must be bleeding.

After all, it is the eye of God.

"No, he disdains the Eye of God, and when he talks about the Eye of God, there is disdain in his eyes."

Ningguang shook his head and said softly, "I went to chat with him at the time, and I could tell from the chat that he really didn't care about the Eye of God."

"At the same time, the sale is also the activated Eye of God. In other words, when he sells the Eye of God, he can instantly resonate with the buyer and activate it.".

Chapter 13: This Devil Fruit has surpassed the Eye of God! (Thirteen more)

"I spent 500,000 Mora to buy five jars, and the five things that I opened are absolutely beyond your imagination. The value of the benefits, this book alone is the most valuable, you can read it. Look."

With that said, Ningguang picked up the financial management book on the table and handed it to Ke Qing.

Hearing Ningguang's words, Keqing looked at the book with only a dozen pages and didn't care much.

Until she opened her first glance and glanced roughly, her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she stared at the words recorded in this book.

This state is exactly the same as the Condensation Light at that time.

Seeing that Ke Qing was attracted by the words recorded in this book, in the same state as he was at the time, Ningguang did not speak or disturb Ke Qing.

For a time, in the quiet Qunyu Pavilion, there was only the sound of Ke Qing turning the pages of a book.