MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 2 2nd

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[Apocalypse] As the hottest game now, its success is that it is very realistic, and it can almost make people feel fake.

If it is not because the system has been online for 20 hours, it will be forced to go offline. It simply makes people think that it is another real world.

Of course, as the hottest holographic game now, its number of players is certainly not to be underestimated.

According to the official website, the number of the highest players in [Apocalypse] online at the same time can reach tens of millions. It can be seen how hot this game is.

With so many players, they can stand out from the crowd and squeeze to the forefront of the leaderboard. It is really a master of the masters and cannot be underestimated.

Masters are naturally sought after, no matter where they are, there are a lot of players chasing to hold their thighs. Some players will be so excited even if they just talk to the famous players on the leaderboard.

Xue Chong ranked seventh in the killing list, naturally it is also a master in the masters of [Apocalypse].

But the reaction of other players to Xue Chong is very different from other players on the kill list ...


Xue Chong went online from the landing point and appeared in the main city. The bustling and lively main city was silent for a moment.

A group of players looked back at Xue Chong, and immediately seemed to see something terrible, and avoided it.

After a while, there was no player in the three meters around Xue Chong.

Xue Chong glanced strangely, withdrawn his gaze calmly, and then walked towards the blacksmith shop.

Along the way, players have consciously opened the way for Xue Chong, for fear of accidentally encountering Xue Chong.

In fact, as a matter of fact, Xue Chong is the seventh best player in the killing list. It should be said that he should hug his thighs, but these players can't avoid it, and can't wait how far to hide.

Of course, these are not without reason.

Xue Chong is different from other masters on the killing list. Although he is ranked seventh, he is far more famous than others.

The personalities of the other players on the killing list are very easy to understand. For example, the sixth one looks at the mood, and the mood is good. The fifth is to ask you questions, if he is satisfied, let go of you, dissatisfied, then kill. The fourth is lascivious, the girl is a little spoiled, and immediately cannot find North. The third is ...

Xue Chong is-everyone kills.

Whether you want to make a good deal with you, or you want to pull into the guild, or come to find fault, you will never let it go. Any player close to him within three meters will not stay alive.

The most famous one was that the fourth-ranked wind-rolling Can Yun heard Xue Chong so arrogant, came to prepare a lesson for Xue Chong, file his sharpness, but did not expect to be taught a lesson in turn.

So some people understand that the reason why the endless night has been in the seventh is not to beat, but to have no time.

Even the fourth in the kill list can't be beaten, and others can't beat it.

Because Xue Chong only killed people within two meters of him, under the constant accumulation of days and months, no one dared to approach Xue Chong easily even in the main city with security protection. I was afraid that I accidentally touched Xue Chong's reverse scale and was chased and killed by the whole game.

Because Xue Chong was very famous at the beginning, no one noticed that Xue Chong had only appeared in crowded places, and each time it appeared would not exceed five minutes. The whereabouts are fascinating and erratic.

As for the reason, because no one pays attention, there is no way to know.


For many years and other players PK, the attributes of weapons and equipment are particularly important.

If the attributes of weapons and equipment are slightly unsatisfactory, the future will not be chased, but chased.

Therefore, even though Xue Chong was annoyed by the repeated task requirements in the game every day, he could endure it for the upgrade material of the weapon.

After finally gathering the materials, Xue Chong rushed to the blacksmith shop as soon as he went online.

The blacksmith shop in the main city is overcrowded, all players waiting to upgrade their weapons. Some players seem to have waited for a while.

The only downside of the game being too hot is that no matter where you are, you have to line up.

There were only two people in the blacksmith shop, a blacksmith with a beard and a blacksmith's apprentice.

The blacksmith ’s apprentice is only responsible for collecting money and managing the chores in the shop, so the work of casting and upgrading weapons falls on the blacksmith alone.

It takes five minutes for a blacksmith to cast a weapon. According to the number of players in the blacksmith shop, it will take at least three hours.

If it is another player, it really takes three hours. But for Xue Chong, it only takes a minute.

Maybe it doesn't take a minute.

I don't know who was the first to notice Xue Chong's arrival, lying on the trough, and then consciously backed away.

Who has n’t heard of Daming in the endless night?

Immediately after the second, third, and fourth ... It was like the butterfly effect. Just now it was squeezed into a blacksmith's shop, and a wide walkway was opened.

They have been waiting here for most of the day, but they want to make way for a player who has just come, of course they are angry.

Although suffocated, no one dared to squeak.

It was n’t the case of the crash and abandonment that was killed by endless nights before. If they still want to continue to mix in this game, just be honest, how to do it, how to give way. Anyway, do n’t mess with the endless night.

These people did not know that Xue Chong just thought that the other party's technology was not bad, so he chased for a few days, but did not expect that the other party's ability to bear was so low. After losing a few times, he even deleted the number and did not play.

Xue Chong came to the blacksmith, handed his +8 weapon to the blacksmith, and came straight to the point: "Rise to level 9."

When the words fell, the players around were suddenly stunned, staring at the weapon in Xue Chong's hands.

[Apocalypse] It ’s obvious to all how difficult it is to raise weapons, and it ’s more perverted than the first. After the weapon reaches the 5th level, the required materials are even more beyond expectation. And the most important thing is that the more high-end weapons, the materials required for upgrading have tripled compared to ordinary weapons.

They looked at Xue Chong's weapons carefully from a distance, and then they were horrified.

Lying trough! Purple and other weapons! Also play Mao!

When I think of my blue and other weapons that have passed +5, the group of players who were still indignant just now completely admonish.

After receiving the weapon, the blacksmith carefully observed the sword body, and after confirming that it was indeed a +8 weapon, he was very pleased: "I have n’t seen a weapon above +7 in a long time. I remember the last time I saw it. It was already a month ago. "

I was half a year ago ...

I was three months ago ...

I saw you for the first time ...

→ Players watching on the side silently.

Then the blacksmith asked again: "Are you ready for the materials?"

Xue Chong put a parcel on the blacksmith's stand.

The parcel is very bulky, about half the size of a person. The players on the side stared at the huge package with a jealous eye, and couldn't help but wonder how much the contents of the package could be worth.

The blacksmith opened the package and glanced at it. After counting carefully, he found that the quantity was a little wrong, so he frowned and counted it again.

After counting back and forth three times, the blacksmith frowned, "Five thousand stones left."

Magic stone?

Xue Chong frowned: "Why do I need this?"

When he was collecting materials, he had never heard of it.

The blacksmith said: "In order to prevent malicious competition between guilds, this game update specifically added this item. Weapon upgrades must have the guild's output materials, magic stones."

Xue Chong's eyes twitched.

The blacksmith continued: "Since you are still short of materials, then come and find me after waiting for the materials."

After the blacksmith finished speaking, he returned the parcel on the blacksmith's stand to Xue Chong.

Xue Chong stared at the returned package for a second, and silently withdrew it, and then walked out of the blacksmith's shop silently.

Because of his unwillingness to interact with people, until now, Xue Chong has not received apprentices, been a teacher, added a guild, or even added a friend. On the contrary, the list of enemies is constantly refreshed, and every day is 999+ display counts.

Therefore, Xue Chong, who has played for nearly two years, said there are not many magic stones. He has never even seen the appearance of magic stones.

A player behind him looked at Xue Chong's back, and couldn't help saying: "If ... if you haven't joined the guild yet, you can come to us. Although our guild is small, it didn't take long to start, but the members of the guild Very united ... "

These words just reminded others.

They are indeed afraid of the endless night, but if the endless night is added to their guild, the nature will be different!

Master! God!

For some small guilds, it is the sign of the door god. For the Great Guild, it is even more powerful!

This is when players awakened and chased.

Lord of the killing: "Great God! Do you want to come to our guild! Our guild has many benefits and beautiful women!"

I am a cute newcomer: "Our guild ranks in the top 50, and we are about to enter the top 30. There is no limit to the future. Will the endless God consider our guild--"

Cloudy day pig: "Can the endless **** come to our guild? Please ..."

There is also a Crusader called Night who shouted loudly against Xue Chong's back: "Endless night! As long as you come to our guild to sit in town, our President will immediately hit you 10,000 yuan!"

The Crusader of the Night fell, and the surrounding players suddenly couldn't help but sigh lowly.

Lying trough! This is a **** book!

I thought this was the limit. Some players were afraid that Xue Chong, the great god, would be taken away, and even shouted: "I'll pay 20,000! As long as you come to our guild endlessly! Not only let you take the position of vice president, but also give you Hit 20,000 famous coins in the past! "

The Crusaders of Night were not convinced and shouted again, "I'll give you thirty thousand!"

Anyone who originally wanted to pull Xue Chongjin into his guild was completely stunned.

Damn ... it's too hard ... rich!

The chip has been increased to 30,000, even those of them who are onlookers are already excited, and they wish to volunteer to join the guild. As a result, Xue Chong did not respond at all.

The Crusaders of the Night have some confusion.

Is it because the endless long night has too much appetite, or is there no interest in the guild at all? Still not interested in money?

A group of players can only watch Xue Chongyue go further and further.

At this moment, a girl who also wanted to pull Xue Chongjin's guild was anxious, her head was hot, and she caught up and grabbed Xue Chong's arm.

The girl named Elegy grabbed Xue Chong's arm, looked up at him, and stuttered and asked, "Great ... Great God, you ... can you come to our guild? ... for you. "

Players who did not dare to approach Xue Chong not far away were stunned again.

Lying trough! She actually grabbed the arm of the endless night! Really caught! Not dreaming!

Niubi! Not afraid of death! Diaotiantian!

Compared with the current behavior of Elegy, 30,000 is nothing.

Who would dare to touch the endless night? ——No one dares.

Just as many players thought Xue Chong would kick the elegy, and no matter how badly, she slapped her hand fiercely, or glared at her coldly, letting her consciously let go ... nothing.

Xue Chong lowered his head and glanced silently at the grasped wrist.

It doesn't give him endless disgust like a man, but he doesn't like it.

He gently pulled away the elegy's hand and said in a deep voice: "No, I'm not interested in the guild for a while."

The elegy opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xue Chong had already gone.

The players who were onlookers were dazed.

that's it? Is this gone?

Said the endless long night ghost is extremely extreme, there is no human nature, whoever does it when he sees it? ?


Who knows, only two hours later, Xue Chong was hit hard by his sentence ‘I ’m not interested in the Guild’.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.