MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 30 Anti-theft

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【Chapter 30】

On the side, Yun Bai was stared, looking back at Xue Chong and Qin Chuan, calm and calm.

Li Chu was surprised and returned to normal. He thought that it was not a woman, and then reached out and handed the pre-prepared room card to Qin Chuan, "The room has already been prepared, and I will wait for the host to check in."

Because I didn't expect Qinchuan to bring people over, I only prepared Qinchuan's room.

Although the luxurious suite prepared for Qin Chuan has two large beds and one small bed, it is somewhat inappropriate for the two men to sleep in the same room.

Moreover, there are obviously other vacancies, but the two men are arranged in a house. Doesn't this look like his boss is too stingy?

Therefore, after handing the room card to Qin Chuan, Li Chu then turned around and walked toward the counter again, preparing for another room.

He turned around and only heard Qin Chuan behind him say: "We went up first."

When Li Chugang wanted to stop Qin Chuan and told him that there were still vacancies, Qin Chuan and Xue Chong had already gone upstairs.

Li Chu felt a little strange. He frowned for a while, but still couldn't figure out where the strange place was.

Forget it, anyway, there are other empty beds in the room. Qin Chuan doesn't need it if he doesn't need it.


Qin Chuan and Xue Chong went upstairs one after the other.

According to the number on the room card, Qin Chuan and Xue Chong came to the door of the innermost room on the right.

Qin Chuan held the room card and was about to open the door. Yu Guang glanced at Xue Chong, who stood aside expressionlessly waiting for him to open the door, and moved slightly.

Qin Chuan turned his face and asked, "We don't seem to be opening a house like this."

Xue Chong lifted the curtain blankly and glanced at Qin Chuan. There was a word in his eyes.

——Open the door.


Open the door, and the large round bed suddenly caught the eyes of the two.

Seeing this large round bed where four adult men could lie down, Xue Chong's body stiffened for a moment, but when he saw a small sofa lying down on the corner, his stiff expression immediately Eased.

Qin Chuan, who saw the small sofa together, felt a little sorry.

The room is fully equipped and has everything. It's like a private luxury apartment.

Not only that, after knowing that Qin Chuan was playing games, the size of the computer display was replaced by the largest one on the market.

Xue Chong's Yu Guang accidentally glanced at the holographic glasses placed in front of the computer, his body froze.

Feeling that Xue Chong's expression was a bit wrong, Qin Chuan looked down at Xue Chong's line of sight, and within a second, his heart cleared instantly.

Qin Chuan said quietly, "Do you want to play the game? I can lend you my account."

account number? Female number?

In an instant, Xue Chong almost wanted to go back so ironically. But he refrained.

Xue Chong: "I don't play games."

The expected answer.

In fact, Qin Chuan did n’t know what Xue Chong would do after he knew that he had forgotten the river, but he only knew that Xue Chongyue said that he did n’t play games, and the more cold he was towards him, the more certain he was that Xue Chong was his dear Master.

Conversely, if Xue Chong agreed, and really asked him for his account password, Qin Chuan was unsure.

Qin Chuan collected his deep thoughts and said quietly: "But if you want to play, you can come to me at any time and ask for an account password."

If there are players of [Apocalypse] here, and hear Qin Chuan say this, their eyes may be unbelievably staring out of their eyes.

You know, Qin Chuan alone ... Oh no, forget the gold and other dragon-shaped long swords that Chuan usually holds, worth hundreds of thousands of RMB. Coupled with his three-game Tianhu Nine-Tail, and [Tianqi] Luo Shengmen ’s public vault, the largest guild, and several million gold coins on Qin Chuan ...

The total sum of zero and zero is equivalent to several million yuan.

Xue Chong did not know.

Xue Chong only knew that if he boarded the game and saw the word "Qingzhi", he could not help but collapse his reason, pinching Qin Chuan's neck and pressing it on the bed.

At the thought of this, Xue Chong, who has always been calm, couldn't help but get a little angry.

Xue Chong closed his eyes, suppressed the anger, and forced the funds. Calm down without looking back: "No, I'm not interested."

Qin Chuan pretended to answer helplessly, and then asked: "Do you want to take a bath? Are you still me first?"

Although he would like to wash it together, it is currently impossible.

While Qin Chuan was talking, he looked at Xue Chong's body without traces.

Xue Chong's body is thin and thin, but it doesn't give people a sense of weakness.

Xue Chong was wearing a light-colored shirt and a pair of black trousers.

The cufflinks on the shirt and even the top clothing button between the necks are all rigorous, very regular, just like Xue Chong's whole person, rigorous and abstinent.

Qin Chuan's eyes followed the trend upwards, and he saw a white and slender neck, and then gradually upward, that is, a clean jaw ...

Qin Chuan didn't consciously move his throat slightly, and felt that his body began to slightly warm.

Feeling out of control, Qin Chuan quickly took his eyes away and dared not look at Xue Chong again. Then, before waiting for Xue Chong to answer, Qin Chuan twitched his lips and raised a bitter smile, saying, "Let me go first."

Qin Chuan entered the bathroom, leaving Xue Chong alone in the bedroom.

Roughly early in the morning, he drove to the grave to make Xue Chong a little tired. He thought Qin Chuan was there. Xue Chong, who must have had a hard time sleeping tonight, fell asleep unconsciously.

I do n’t know Xue Chong has fallen asleep. Qin Chuan in the bathroom is still wondering what kind of reaction Xue Chong would have if he walked out of the bathroom and pretended to accidentally remove the bath towel from his body.

Qin Chuan clearly remembered that his old-fashioned and innocent master, but he did n’t even know what a Japanese love action movie was, would blush with a small hand.

Qin Chuan thought about it, unconsciously, the root under him slowly hardened again.

Qin Chuan half covered his face and sighed secretly.

He was clearly not such an "impulsive" person before ...

After washing Qin Chuan, his heart moved slightly when he was wearing a bath towel, and he loosened it intentionally. The chest is completely naked, like a mermaid line inadvertently revealing the waist. He deliberately beat his hair a little more wet, and was not satisfied until he could drip water.

Qin Chuan thought that if the bath towels fell off without a date, then he would let Xue Chong blow his hair. In the process of blowing his hair, he tried to make the bath towels fall apart.

After everything was "ready", Qin Chuan opened the bathroom door and slowly walked out of the bathroom.

This is Qin Chuan ’s first time to ‘seduce’ others. Although the ‘business’ is not very skilled, but fortunately his appearance and figure are enough.

Qin Chuan walked out of the bathroom and looked at Xue Chong with his eyes in the corner ...

Fell asleep.

All the effort is in vain. Qin Chuan's long-awaited scene also turned into a bubble.

Looking at Xue Chong lying on the side on the sofa, Qin Chuan chuckled, re-tied the towel around his waist, and then found a hair dryer to dry his hair.

After drying his hair, Qin Chuan accidentally glanced at the holographic glasses in front of the computer not far away, and then turned his eyes to Xue Chong, his eyes deep.

Qin Chuan boarded the game, and a familiar system sound came from his ear: [Welcome back to Tianqi. 】

At the same time, a system prompt sound also sounded in the guild: [The president forgot to go online. 】

As always, Qin Chuan ... Oh no, forget Chuan. As soon as Wang Chuan went online, the guild became lively.

Meow: "Catch a ghost leader!"

Ten strokes painted Chang'an: "Chairman, please ask for a copy-"

Pluto: "The rookies of the Seventh Guild are provoking like us."

Nanao: "Ah, let's talk about war books. We haven't played guild wars for a long time. Do you want to accept them?"

Kill Qianjun: "I miss the feeling of heroically killing the enemy on the guild battlefield ..."

After forgetting to listen, Chuan summoned the guild online list with his own voice, and then toured it again. After discovering that the name of "Qingshan Old Man" was not online, and there was no strange name that appeared suddenly, he closed the guild list .

Forget Chuan suddenly asked: "Is the old man in the blue shirt online today?"

A few people were stunned for a while, and it only took a while to realize who the old man in the blue shirt in Chuanzui was.

Nanao first reacted and replied, "Then asked the fish for water, I didn't go online all day, what's wrong?"

Forget Chuan: "I know." Well, sure.

After talking, disappeared in place.

The next second, members of the Luoshengmen Guild all received a system prompt tone.

[System Tip: The president forgets to go offline. 】

Nanao: "..."

Ten strokes painted Chang'an: "Vice President, let's usurp the position, President, he won't play games anymore."

Pluto: "The president looks to ask the fish what water does?"

Killing Qianjun: "I don't know ... the president also said to ask the fish to get a copy last time, and the president will go ... can't succeed ... what is their unspeakable relationship?"

Meow: "Come on! I will scorn the president to see me not tearing your mouth!"

Kill Qianjun: "I'll just talk about it ..."

After confirming that the old man in the blue shirt was not online for a day, Qin Chuan immediately dropped the game.

Qin Chuan took off the holographic glasses, then walked to the sofa, squatted down, and watched Xue Chong sleeping on the sofa.

Qin Chuan found that only when he was sleeping, the other party's indifferent and alienated atmosphere would fade. The face that has been tight all the time will soften.

Fearing to wake up Xue Chong, Qin Chuan carefully depicted Xue Chong's eyebrows and lips across the air.

He supported his chin, staring at Xue Chong's sleeping face, his lips slightly lifted.

"Caught ... Master."


Yun Baijian's voice suddenly came from outside the door, and the door was vigorously beaten at the same time, "Qin Chuan, are you there?"

According to Qin Chuan's temperament, Yun Baijian thought that he would wait outside the door for a long time before Qin Chuan would open. Unexpectedly, he only called out this time, and the door was opened.

Qin Chuan sullenly, "Shut up and whisper."

Yun Baijian looked at Qin Chuanhei's uncomfortable complexion, raised his eyebrows, and closed his mouth obediently.

Yun Baijian followed Qin Chuan into the room and said casually, "What are you two doing? I didn't answer your phone call, and I didn't answer the landline in the room. Even if you didn't answer, why not connect with Xue Chong Not answering? "

Yun Baijian said while talking on the mouth, and looked around with both eyes, to see if he could look at something that should not appear here.

Then I saw Xue Chong sleeping on the sofa.

Yun Baijian glanced at Xue Chong, and then Qin Chuan, who was looking at his upper body. He suddenly looked like he had found something, and his eyes widened.

No wonder he was asked to lower his voice ... it turned out ... so ...

No wonder why no one answered the phone just now ...

Yun Baijian: "You ... you ..."

Qin Chuan's face remained unchanged. He calmly twitched his lips and glanced at Yun Baijian. "Imagination is a little rich."

Qin Chuan's peaceful appearance told Yun Baijian that he was thinking too much. Yun Baijian felt a little embarrassed and coughed. He straightened up naturally and asked, "So why didn't you answer the phone just now, I thought ... … "

I thought Qin Chuan and Xue Chong were doing something invisible ...

But Yun Baijian did not say this sentence.

Qin Chuan's voice was low and magnetic, and he didn't raise his head. He said straightforwardly, "I don't want to pick it up."

Yun Baijian: "..."

Yun Baijian silently squatted in the corner to draw a circle.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.