MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 11 : Enveloping People

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Some words of Su Zimo made everyone look at her in surprise, they couldn't believe it, there would be masters who don't want to be slaves.

He Yunting stood on the side and didn't speak. He knew that she always gave three points to others, that is, to give her own mentality. This method of her is undoubtedly the fastest way to get people's hearts.

"Come and get your deeds!"

Light voice, with an irrefutable momentum.

There are more than one hundred servants below. You look at me, I look at you. There is no one who dares to go forward and get them. Most of them are orphans, sold by human teeth, and I did n’t expect anything. The body of freedom is now, and now the master wants to return them to freedom, they can't believe it for a while.


A lightly grasping the word, revealing the commanding and depressing momentum.

Several servants who followed Su Zimo for more than two years dared to go up.

In the eyes of Su Zimo's gaze, he began to find his own selling deeds. After the first one, there would be the second one. After a while, all the selling deeds on the table were taken away.

"Now you sell your deeds in your hands. You have to go and stay. You decide."

However, none of the more than 100 people left and stood still.

Actually, the result was that Su Zimo had already guessed. Most of these people are children of orphans and poor people. All they want is a good master. As long as you can give them the best return, then, They will be loyal to you, of course, there are also one or two accidents, there is no lack of other people's dark eyeliner inside.

"Okay! Now that you have all decided to stay at My Moon House, as long as you are faithful, I will not treat you badly."

"Follow the owner with one heart and one heart."

More than a hundred people answered respectfully. Although they did not know the origin of the owner of the Mingyue Mountain Villa, those who followed her said in private that she was a good person.

"Okay! What I want is this sentence. In the future Mingyue Mountain Villa, centered on me and my child, He Yunting will be the housekeeper of Mingyue Mountain Villa. If you have any questions in the future, you can ask him."

"Yes, the owner."

More than a hundred people replied respectfully.

"Also, among you, those who are in the fifth stage of Dixuan period will join here at noon tomorrow."

"Yes, the owner."

"Go back and do your own thing!"

Su Zimo stopped, holding Su Xin and walked to Mingyue Xuan in her courtyard.

"Momo, when you come, you will reach the hearts of the people, and you will be able to do things in the future."

He Yunting followed her and went to Mingyuexuan with her.

"It's the most important thing to get people together. By the way, Qinghe and Qinglian? Why don't you see them both?"

"They went out to buy things, thinking about you two days later, and they didn't think that much."

"Hmm! Yun Ting, you will go to Renyazi tomorrow. Although there are more than a hundred people in Mingyue Mountain Villa, there are not many people who have cultivated it high. You can't let Mingyue Mountain Villa exist in nothingness, it must be intimidating. "

Su Zimo knows that what she will do next is likely to make the enemy come to her door, and she has to guard against it.

"I knew that you would worry about these things. My He Yunting is not a fake. I thought about these things long ago, and all of them will come back in two days, and ah! I also found Quer and Qier What about two good subordinates? "

He Yunting smiled. What was he going to do to surprise her? Unexpectedly, she arrived two days earlier.

-End of this chapter-