MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 2834 : Momo, I finally have you

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Yan Xiuhan, you wantonly!" Sheng Lanhuang looked at him angrily, really a wolf ambition!

He really did, and after all, he still couldn't give up the throne.

"Haha ...!" Yan Xiuhan laughed loudly, and the laughter was wild and thrilling!

The laughter came to an abrupt end. He looked at the Emperor Sheng Lan with a dark glance. At this point, he had no retreat. He could only enter but could n’t retreat. People outside the city were already doing something. He said darkly: "Father Emperor, you You should n’t have given birth to Wang. You have always favored Shao Feng. There is no King at all in your eyes. If you do not fight for yourself, you may not know how to die? Yan Shaofeng once continued There is no place for the King! "

Emperor Sheng Lan looked at his eyes more and more angry, with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "If you don't have your eyes, you will have your own fiefdom, will you have such a comfortable life now? Is it your own ambition, heart It's just unwilling. "

Yan Xiuhan bowed his head slightly, and smiled with a smirk on his lips, chillingly said, "Father Emperor, as long as a man will have ambition, not to mention I am still a king, it is not surprising to have ambition, but it makes the king angry. It's your bias. The king is the eldest son of the uncle, and the king is the prince. But you just gave the Prince to Shao Feng, Father, do you deserve your son-in-law? Do you deserve your mother-in-law? "The last sentence, Yan Xiu Han Han asked painfully.

The father had been partial, but said that he was useless and unsuitable for this position, but he wanted to show it to him.

Emperor Sheng Lan raised his lips slightly and looked at him with deep eyes, "Haner, do you know why this throne was not passed on to you, but let Fenger be the prince, because in the eyes of his father, you do not Suitable? "As long as he didn't feel fit, everyone in the world was dying, and no one could do anything about him.

Yan Xiuhan closed his eyes in pain, and when he opened the eyes again, his eyes were full of murderousness. His furious voice rolled like thunder: "Since you have always felt that this king is not suitable, then this king sits on this throne Let me see, is it true that King is right? "

Yan Shaofeng slowly got up, turned and looked at Yan Xiuhan with a light face, said indifferently, "You don't have the opportunity to sit in that position. As the King of Cold, you and General Guan, General Wang, and Several of them colluded and rebelled, and you were searching for the people's fats and anointings in the fiefdom. Your king and the people in the fiefdom were suffering bitterly, and there was no place for grievances. The counts of guilt are all capital crimes! "

Yan Shaofeng's sharp words made Yan Xiuhan's extreme general look at Yan Shaofeng stupidly. After reacting, he took a sigh of relief involuntarily. Once this rebellion is done, it will be a dead end!

Wan Yan is silent, the wind passes without trace.

The needle is audible in the hall. Several generals, look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to do in an instant. They instantly felt a sense of dying and struggling. His Royal Highness was cruel and reckless. They heard that His Royal Highness was distraught because of a woman, and this was why he was the same as the King of Cold. However, at the moment, the Royal Highness was suddenly because of His Royal Highness. And there was a smell of blood.

Yan Xiuhan looked at Yan Shaofeng, his gaze passed over his bland face, everything in the sky was reflected in his eyes.

He suddenly yelled, "Yan Shaofeng, as soon as you say a word, you will sack the king. When the king looks at you, he hopes that the king will die?"