MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1674 Full arc

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Because Feng Ling was in danger, he came out of the underpass, and the ethereal chose a room and started treatment.

This time, Feng Ling's injuries were different from those dealt with by Nuo Lingling, plus his own brother, he felt very sad, and he was afraid that the master would feel uncomfortable when he saw Feng Ling, and let everyone go out.

However, Shui Ling couldn't get rid of it. The empty spirit wanted to keep her from staying. He didn't want her to be hit harder. However, in the matter of Feng Ling, Shui Ling couldn't hold on. Help aside.

When he was out of the stone room, he had already given Feng Ling a few nine-turn life-saving pills, and barely held his life, but he couldn't be too happy, because Feng Ling's breath had begun to weaken again.

He opened the medicine box, took out the silver needle and applied it to each of Fengling's large cavities. He held his breath for a moment, and then quickly wrote down a prescription for the next person to buy and torment.

"Shuiling, do me a favor and take off all the clothes on Fengling!"

There is also no way for the ethereal spirit. He now has to protect the spirit of Fengling, and cannot handle this, and the people who follow him are men, and cannot do this delicate work, because the injuries on Fengling are really too serious. Don't dare to borrow the hand of Gongsun's master.

Without saying anything, Shui Ling came forward with hot water, ready to take off the clothes of Feng Ling. However, the injuries did not know when it was caused, and the flesh and blood had been stuck together. Then she understood why the emptiness needed to be prepared. scissors.

Emperor Ling wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, Yu Guang swept the tears on his face, but gritted his teeth and shook his hands to cut the water spirit on Feng Ling's body. He couldn't bear to look any further and turned his head away.

Why are they so difficult to ride one by one?

Love parting, can't ask.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Cheng Yanluo hurriedly carrying his medicine chest.

The ethereal eyes lightened. "Why are you here?"

"Qian Yan knows what's happening on your side, let me come to help, what's the situation now?" Cheng Yanluo walked quickly to him, lowered the medicine box, and asked anxiously.

At this time, her eyes fell on the handsome and handsome man on the collapse, and she saw the bleakness on his face, and her eyes widened.

Ethereal got to her ear and whispered earnestly, "Xiao Yan, his condition is worse than Pang Jingjing of that year. This time, we are going to grab time with King Yan Luo."

Seeing the look on Feng Ling's face, Cheng Yanluo already had the bottom of his heart. At this time, he heard his pleading voice, and she could not help holding his hand. "I will do my best!"

She knew that this was his best friend, and his brother, if he could not be saved, he would be ashamed all his life.

Although Ethereal deliberately lowered her voice so that she could not hear it, Shui Ling still heard it. She had just cut off Feng Ling's clothes, and the skin was scarred. She told her sorrowfully that he had suffered a lot before that. She couldn't breathe because of pain. At this moment, after hearing what the ethereal said, she "plopped on" and knelt down firmly on the ground.

"Empty, Yanluo, please, please keep his life anyway, we have been separated for ten years, and today we can't say ten words, I can't let him leave like this!"

Shui Ling put her head on the ground, her hands clasped to the ground, her tears wet the blue brick in front of her.

The ethereal spirits wet their eyes. These spirits grew up together from a young age. Who doesn't know each other's nature? Shui Ling is a stubborn person who cannot easily bow her head. Only Feng Ling can show her what a little girl of her age should be. Now for Feng Ling, she renounces her self-esteem and kneels down before kneeling. Pity?

Where did Cheng Yanluo dare to bear this great gift, he immediately stepped forward to support her, distressed and sad, authentic, "Water spirit, don't worry, we will do our best."

When Shui Ling heard her say she was going all out, her heart sank suddenly, and even the two great doctors couldn't guarantee it, could Fengling survive it? She couldn't help looking at the fallen man and shivered.

The first thing to do now is to stop bleeding and clean up the wound to prevent the injury from getting worse.

When Cheng Yanluo helped the medicine, and saw those new and old scars, Rao was so good-tempered, and couldn't help cursing, "It's really not human!"

Kong Ling glanced at the water spirit who wiped Feng Ling's body quietly, touched Xiaoyan's hand, and shook her head at her.

Cheng Yanluo knew that he could only add discomfort to Shui Ling, and he shut up.

After bandaging the wound, Cheng Yanluo took a bit of blood from Feng Ling for identification.

The ethereal burned the dagger to red, and took out the iron lock clasped on the lute bone for Fengling.

The scene was almost tears for those who heard the news and sad.

The back room was so busy that in the courtyard across the wall, the atmosphere was condensed so that water could drip.

A man in charge was kneeling in front of the crowd, shaking and shaking.

This man was the steward of Gongsun's Mansion, and the old man who was with Xu Yu. He was arrested by Gongsun Xue's people when Xiao Xu and others entered the tunnel. He was also the only one who knew the situation except Gongsun's. people.

"The things you told me just now, repeat it again. If there is any omission, it is not just as simple as the Nine Nation." Gongsun Xue said lightly, but there was a strong spirit of killing in his tone.

The steward's surname was Xu. When he heard the words, he was afraid to resist, and he lay on the ground, repeating what he just said.

"The son was brought back by a staff member sent out by my master ten years ago. The staff member had a killer in order to destroy Murong Yunxuan, but he did not expect that Murong Yunxuan entered the country and had no news. Prepared to return, but accidentally encountered a fierce battle. At that time, it was the man who led the battle. The staff said that he did not expect to meet such a talented person who had the courage and skill to martial arts, and thought he was dead. I just wanted to find a place to bury him, but he didn't expect that he was still alive, so he rescued him and brought him back to the Yue tribe. "

"At that time, our master wanted to control the Yue clan, but was suffering from the fact that there weren't a few capable people. Coincidentally, the staff brought the son back. Corporal Lord Li Xian was very friendly to the son. After talking, he found that he was a general, so he wanted to He wanted to stay, but the boy said that he was hurt, and he had to go back. How could the master agree, but the boy insisted, so the master figured out a way for the boy to train a group of dead men for him. Then send the boy back. "

"The boy promised. After half a year of training, he happened to find that the master was lying to him, and he was poisoned chronically in his food. He planned to use this to control him. The boy was unwilling to use it and planned to escape.

"Escaped the room for the first time and was arrested."

"The second time I walked out of the mansion, the guards found him and arrested him."

"The third time was the one that fled the farthest. However, the master sent three hundred soldiers to chase him. He killed nearly half of them because his physical strength was not defeated."

"The boy fled three times. If he hadn't been poisoned, he would have escaped."