MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1745 Brothers are running away

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"Third brother, what do you want to discuss?" Xiao Yao swallowed, wondering if the brain supplement was too much, and always felt that the person in front of him was laughing too badly.

Xiao Xu was holding a tea cup, his eyes were deep, and he was standing on the wall.

Xiao Hou smiled, "Second Brother, don't be nervous."

Well, you say that, I'm even more nervous!

Xiao Hou continued, "I heard that my future second sister-in-law hasn't recovered well yet?"

Although my heart was full of vigilance, Xiao Yao couldn't help but hear the story of Bingmei, "Yeah, although Tao Tao is so skillful in medicine, it leads to poison, but because of being brought out from her mother, her body loss is too heavy , It takes at least a year and a half to get a good body. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Yao gritted his teeth and knew that, he would frustrate Xu Yu!

These things, Xiao Hou already knew, just for the sake of the next words.

"That should require a lot of good medicine to nourish the body, can it get better faster?"

Xiao Yao sighed, "Who said no! Some herbs are hard to find, just like the wormless grass last month, which I found after searching all over Jiangnan, and ..."

Speaking of medicinal herbs, Xiao Yao forgot to take precautions. He complained endlessly. If these medicinal herbs were too difficult to find, his ice beauty would be better.

Xiao Hou said, "Yeah, I also spent a lot of effort to maintain my body quietly."

Feeling pity for the same illness, Xiao Yao could not help but patted the third brother's shoulder, "Tough work,"

Xiao Hou watched the prey step into his trap step by step. The corner of his mouth slowly raised, "I was as anxious as you at the beginning, but Brother Big Emperor showed me a clear way."

"What's the way? Third brother, let's talk and listen!" Xiao Yao heard the words immediately and was excited.

Xiao Xu, not far away, glanced at the situation here, shook his head with a smile, and history would repeat itself.

"Second Brother, you also know that my favorite thing to do in the early years is to collect medicinal materials. Now that I am on the throne, the treasure is the most precious medicine except the money."

Listening to the third brother's words, although Xiao Yao was excited, but IQ was still online, he looked suspiciously at the person in front of him, "So?"

He didn't believe the third brother said so much, he wanted to give him the medicine store.

"I have the medicinal herbs you want here, but there is no lunch for nothing." Xiao Hou said with a smile.

"Third brother, my uncle thinks you are like a big-tailed wolf trying to coax a child?"

The third brother ’s medicine storehouse almost covered the strange flowers and weeds in the world, which made him very emotional. Although he felt that there was already a pit in front of him, he still could n’t help but asked, “What do you want to discuss with me? Or, what ghost idea are you working on? "

He, the free-riding king at home, seems to have nothing to rob the younger brother who is in trouble.

Xiao Hou finally slyly smiled, "Our brother Xiao family, Christine, don't say so, I just want to send you a medicine store ..."

Before Xiao Yao was happy, he heard him say again.

"With Xi Xuan great mountains."

Xiao Yao twitched his lips. Did he not wake up and listen to it?

However, the facts are cruel, and Xiao Hou shattered his self-deceiving hint without mercy, "How about? Give me a free one, is my brother good? I also feel that I have never seen anything like this in the world A kind and generous brother! "

For a long time, kind heart fart! Generous and generous ghost!

Xiao Yao grinds his teeth in his heart. He was pitted by the big emperor at the beginning and was afraid to resist. Now he pits himself! Good people are deceived!

Xiao Hou did not give him a chance to speak, and said to himself, "Since you don't squeak, I will take it as your promise. I have already written the decree of the Zen, and you can be crowned tomorrow."

After speaking, Xiao Hou stroked his chin, and said to himself, "I am almost touched by my righteousness!"

After speaking, he turned around and left without giving Xiao Yao any chance to repent.

Pang Yuejing felt that she had extra hands on her waist, and she said with amusement, "What happened?"

Although he couldn't see his expression, he was glad that she could feel it with her eyes closed.

"Daughter-in-law, I threw out the hot potato. I will take you wherever you want to go!" Xiao Hou sniffed the fragrance in her hair and smiled uncomfortably.

On the other side, Xiao Yao was crying holding her own ice beauty.

"My daughter-in-law, I was pitted and paid for my land, and I will never be free again! What to do!"

Gongsun Xue frowned. "Speak human."

"Oh," Xiao Yao let go of his hands, undressed his clothes, and smiled. "Daughter, starting tomorrow, I am the emperor, you are the queen, are you happy?"

Gongsun Xue was cold-eyed, "Go!"

Xiao Yao's face collapsed, and he continued to hold Bingmei crying, "I don't want to! The third brother is too cunning, and actually threatened me with a medicine storehouse! What can I do? Don't leave me alone! Otherwise I will be alone Up "

Gongsun Xuefu, is n’t she where he is? What is there to worry about? I really don't want to ignore this second product!

Under the palace promenade, the lights are bright, and the ground is full of shadows. The shadow of the trees is mixed with the traces of flying finch. The noise is left in the hall. The outside is quiet, and you can hear the song of wine inside.

Xiao Xu stood under the lantern for a while, and heard footsteps from far to near.

"You're here," he said lightly.

Xiao Hou went to the pillar not far from him, folded his sleeves, and leaned on his head at will, without any majesty that the emperor should have, "I have a question."

"Just ask."

"Why didn't you stop me from giving Jiangshan to the second brother just now?" Actually, when I saw him, I already had the answer in my heart, but it was already out, so I asked in passing.

The dark glazed light reflected on the pair of black ink eyes, and instantly, the owner of those eyes raised his eyebrow and smiled, "Did you already guess?"

Xiao Hou touched his nose and laughed, "If the second brother knows that you have long wanted to give Jiangshan to him, I am just temporarily replacing management for a few years. He is expected to vomit blood!"

Xiao Xu could not help but laugh when he heard his imagination.

He used to spend many years on the battlefield and was suffocated. If the country was in a war-torn situation, he could pick the girders, but now it is a peaceful world.

He is suitable for playing Jiangshan, but not for defending Jiangshan.

The third brother, brilliant, resourceful, long-sleeved and good dancer, was sitting before Pang Yuejing appeared. He is very suitable to be a bright monk, but unfortunately now the beauty is on the side, he has no mind.

The second brother, who is always in the people's life, can talk and laugh with the Baiguan, and can be integrated with the three teachings and nine streams. He is broad-minded and has a loving heart. No one knows people's livelihood and voice better than him.

So he came to sit on the throne, the most suitable.

"He will be a virtuous king." Xiao Xu said.

Xiao Hou asked nothing before leaving, "When are you leaving?"


"great, see you tomorrow."

The next day, the Xixuan Dynasty, which had been calm for a few years, caused waves again.

The reason is that they changed emperors again.

Baiguan's inner world: The baby's heart is bitter, but the baby doesn't say it!

Xiao Yao grasped the news sent by the spy, gritted his teeth, "the soul is light, one by one!"

After going down, Xiao Yao was crying hugging Bingmei, "Daughter, those who have no conscience are gone, I'm the only one left! Alas--"

Bingmei: Go to criticize the memorial!