MTL - Global Blessed Land: I Can Add Attributes On The Buildings-Chapter 13 Gain another treasure

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  Chapter 13 Get another treasure

  Mei Changge looked at Wang Yao being tied up, with a smile on his face.

   "What? What is this for?"

  At this time, Wang Yao had a shameful expression on her face, she never expected to be seen by Mei Changge.

   Just as Mei Changge was approaching the Bone Tower, the monster **** Wang Yao and the others, but everyone except her fainted.

  Mei Changge looked at Wang Yao's appearance, and couldn't help but planned to step forward to save her, but was stopped by Wang Yao.

   "No, you can't rescue me now."

  Wang Yao looked at Mei Changge's movements and couldn't help but hastily stopped her.

   "Why, are you addicted to hanging?"

  Hearing this, Mei Changge couldn't help being taken aback.

   "Now those monsters are holding a ceremony to sacrifice to the evil god. If you save me, the ceremony will be interrupted."

   "Once the ceremony stops, you and I are no match for that monster at all."

  Wang Yao was hanged from a tree, explained with reddish cheeks.

   At this time, her hands were tied behind her back, her legs were also tightly bound, and the most important thing was to use her weapon.

  This method of binding actually brought out her petite and fiery figure.

  Mingming's cheeks are full of childishness, but her figure is very conspicuous.

  But at this time, Mei Changge didn't pay attention to these, but listened carefully to Wang Yao's explanation.

  Mei Changge raised his head, looked at Wang Yao with rosy cheeks, and asked, "In other words, that monster is currently performing a ceremony, and you are offering sacrifices?"

   "That's right, as long as you kill that monster now, all of us will be fine."

   "And there is a drawback to this ceremony. The monster who presides over the ceremony cannot move at all now."

   "Since this is the case, then I will deal with him first!"

  Hearing Wang Yao's words, Mei Changge turned around and left, heading towards the group of Huha monsters.

  Looking at Mei Changge's back, Wang Yao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   I don't know if it's because Mei Changge won't continue to see her face, or because she was saved.

  When Mei Changge came not far from the group of monsters, he saw a group of monsters jumping around a three-meter-high monster, shouting hoo-ha from time to time.

   It's like courtship.

   "A group of monsters dancing?"

  Mei Changge couldn't help feeling a little emotional, the way the monster jumped up in front of him couldn't help but make his eyes a little hot.

   With a heartbeat, the nine yang zhenqi in the body spread all over the body.

  The pale golden Qi once again covered Mei Changge's body, like putting on a layer of armor.

   With a light tap of his left foot, he rushed out.

  Except for the three-meter-high monster that couldn't move, the rest of the monsters noticed Mei Changge's appearance one after another, and kept whining.


  One of the monsters saw Mei Changge, and rushed over directly. The bone spurs on his body were shining coldly, as if he wanted to tie Mei Changge's whole body into a sieve.

  Mei Changge lightly tapped the ground with her toes, turned sideways, and avoided directly. The long sword was received in front of her chest, and Jiuyang Zhenqi was attached to it.

  Looking at the monster's throat, he stabbed upwards slightly.


   directly pierced through the monster's head.

   "This is the innate realm?"

  A smile flashed across Mei Changge's face, but the movement of her feet didn't stop, she kept dodging and waving her long sword.

   In an instant, several monsters were eliminated by Mei Changge, leaving only the three-meter-tall monster.

   "Damn humans!"

  The monster's eyes were red, staring at Mei Changge closely, and his voice was full of anger.

   "Hurry up and get rid of you, the villain don't talk so much."

  Mei Changge walked up to the monster and didn't give it a chance to speak. The long sword pierced directly into his throat.


  Before the monster could speak, Mei Changsing used his wrist and stirred it vigorously, and immediately dealt with it.

  In addition to the monster in front of him, Mei Changge also noticed that the monster's arms were bulging, as if there was something.

  Mei Changge reached out to explore and found three items.

   "A windfall."

  Mei Changge frowned, with a smile on his face.

  These three items are a cloth bag, a building, and a jade slip.

  Mei Changge didn't even think about it, and threw it directly into her blessed land.

   "By the way, there is also that bone tower."

  Mei Changge slapped his head, looked at the bone tower in front of him, and then waved his hand, and he also took the bone tower into the blessed land.

  But Mei Changge didn't check now, but went back to the tree where Wang Yao was hung.


   Seeing Mei Changge reappear, Wang Yaoqiao also showed joy on her face.

  Seeing Wang Yao being bound, Mei Changge said: "It's over, let me rescue you."

   "No, I will do it myself."

  Wang Yao blushed when she heard Mei Changge's words, and quickly refused.

  Afterwards, Mei Changge saw Wang Yao twist her body slightly, and she immediately got away and jumped off.

   "You put away all the things yourself."

  Looking at Mei Changge who was obviously happy, Wang Yao couldn't help but said.

   "The harvest is good."

  Mei Changge also responded with a smile.

  Then the two began to rescue other people from the tree, including Liu Yi and Lin Xi brought by Wang Yao.

   "By the way, it's best not to keep too many rare treasures in the blessed land, or your blessed land will not be able to bear it."

   After leaving everyone behind, Wang Yao came to Mei Changge and said something pointed.

  She knew that Mei Changge had just collected not only the belongings around the monster, but also the strange bone tower, but she didn't ask too much, after all, her life was saved by Mei Changge.

  The most important thing is that she doesn't like these basic treasures in the first-level star gate.

  These basic treasures not only have a single ability, but also have no possibility of promotion.

   "I know, but do you know why there are alien races in this star gate?"

  Mei Changge nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked.

   "Someone must have put it in."

  Wang Yao couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Mei Changge, as if looking at a fool.


  Mei Changge didn't know what to say when he heard this.

   "Is it because I think it's complicated?"

  Mei Changge couldn't help but said silently in his heart, but he didn't care.

   "Actually, this first-level star gate is only for us to experience in the academy, and there will be no danger of death."

   "You don't really think I have no means to escape, do you?"

  Wang Yao had a strange expression on her face, staring at Mei Changge and asked.

   As a member of one of the three major families in Jinghai, Wang Yao, how could he not give her some means, but in Wang Yao's opinion, it is not worth her use.


  Mei Changge waved his hand, indicating that he did not mean to underestimate her.

   "These people, what are you going to do?"

  Mei Changge asked, pointing to the people rescued by him and Wang Yao.

  These people were all wearing coarse linen clothes. They seemed to be the villagers nearby, but somehow they were captured by those alien races.

  (end of this chapter)