MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 17 Fight the breeze

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  Chapter 17

   Now that he has made up his mind, Li Xiangping started to play chess on with the account of "Jingyi".

   He knew that if he wanted to achieve a game against "Dragon Flying Tiger", then the account must be eye-catching enough and show enough strength. And if you want to show your strength on the Go website, the most common and direct way is, of course, to go straight to 9D with an undefeated record, becoming the so-called "straight 9".

   The starting rank of Qingfengwang can be registered as 5D. According to the rule that you can get two ranks after winning 20 games in a row, if you want to rise to 9D in Qingfengwang, in theory, you only need to win 40 games in a row. To be honest, it's not that difficult. Even Li Xiangping himself, he had several accounts of Helicopter 9D in his previous life, not to mention that there is still a "plug-in" now.

   But as a "come here", Li Xiangping knows that if he wants to achieve this goal, the biggest difficulty is not from his own strength, but to prevent all kinds of "accidents".

   And these "accidents" mainly include three types: the first is the accident that the network is unstable and dropped, the second is the accident, and the third is the "landmine".

   Due to the existence of Lao Shi, it is not difficult to encounter "landmines". From a certain point of view, Li Xiangping even hopes to encounter "landmines" in the process.

Because those who are qualified to be "landmines" must be masters, and there are only so many Go masters in China. This is a very small circle. If you can step on "landmines" and go straight to 9D, to be honest, the account of "Jeuiyi" is unthinkable. It's hard to get noticed.

   "Landmines" is not a problem, but Li Xiangping has no way to do anything about the first two "accidents". He has no way to stop others from cheating, and there is no way to prevent the problem of dropped calls.

   It is out of this consideration that Li Xiangping was cautious during this upgrade process.

He carefully selects each opponent. This selection is not based on the opponent's strength, but on the opponent's chess. As long as he is the kind of person with a high disconnection rate, Li Xiangping will resolutely not play against him. This is Li Xiangping. Xiang Ping has gained valuable experience from playing chess online for many years.

  Because of this caution, this upgrade is particularly slow. Although he has a lot of time in the hospital now, he still plays less than 10 games a day. It took him four and a half days to reach a 35-game winning streak together with Lao Shi, and he is still the last five games to go to 9D.

   On the evening of the 5th day, Li Xiangping had dinner early, and then logged on to, ready to spend one night to complete the mission of helicopter 9D.

   After landing on the website, the first thing Li Xiangping saw was an announcement on the top of the website:

   "Qingfeng "Yipingtang" VS "Leimeng" 7 to 7 ring match officially kicked off at 7 o'clock this evening, and all chess players are welcome to come and join us."

  Li Xiangping seemed to smile slightly. To say that the Go website these days has a huge variety of chess players, and the games organized by chess players themselves are also full of tricks, which is also a feature of this era.

  If it is only limited to the amateur category, there are actually more online competitions in this year than in later generations. Therefore, when Li Xiangping first saw this announcement, he didn't care much.

   Just waited for him to see the vanguard of the two sides and saw two familiar accounts. Li Xiangping was delighted, and he said to Lao Shi: "Brother Ding'an, let's play chess slowly today, how about watching a game first."

  Because there are so many chess games against players these days, almost every day, so many that even Lao Shi is a little immune:

   "Well, why is this? Could it be that the level of these two is extremely high?"

   "Hehe, the level of these two is not too high, let alone brother Ding'an, even I have the confidence to win these two, but I happen to know these two, they are just my acquaintances."


"Yes, let's talk about "Lei Meng", the pioneer "Duo Wen Tian Wang", brother Ding'an still remember the game of chess we played two days ago, that is, the one you said was close to the "second-hand" level? "

Of course, this Lao Shi has an impression. You must know that two days ago, "Jingyi" only had a 5D17 winning streak. If you can meet what Lao Shi said "close to second-hand level" in Qingfeng 5D, it must be a "landmine". The fact In the past few days, the opponent's level is the highest, so Lao Shi must have an impression.

Lao Shi didn't answer, but he remembered another thing: "Oh, by the way, I think this is called "Duowen Tianwang", and we met a "Duowen Tianwang" a few days ago, don't they? these two"

Li Xiangping nodded: "Yes, these two are the same person. This person started the Axe Gang in Lianzhong, but he started a "Lei Meng" in Qingfeng. The so-called "Lei Meng" is actually the "Landmine Alliance". ” means. For example, the chess player we met that day must be a “landmine”. What these people like to do most is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and take it as a pleasure to prevent others from advancing to the rank.”

   "Heh, so it's like this, it's interesting, it's a bit interesting."

   Seeing that Lao Shi seemed to be a little displeased, Li Xiangping decided to give him some more surprises:

"Brother Ding'an, you have been here for some time now. You should know a little about the controversy about medieval chess. The current Go world is divided into two factions, one is the denouncing ancient school, the other is the ancient school, and This Duowen Tianwang is an extreme detractor, he often publishes some articles on the forum, and tries his best to belittle your chess skills, and he even thinks that you might not be able to beat him.”

   Hearing this, Lao Shi was silent.

In addition to playing chess these days, Li Xiangping will also take him to visit the forum, the purpose is to let him know the current situation of the Go world, so of course he already has the most popular "Battle of Ancient and Modern" on the Go forum. heard.

   Lao Shi did not answer this, but changed the subject: "What about the other side, this "evil gentleman", the pioneer of "Yipintang", who is this?"

   Hearing what Lao Shi said, Li Xiangping smiled slightly, and he simply replied a few words:

   "This one is my father."

   "Hahaha, it turns out to be Ling Zun, so it's no wonder, that's fine, then let's not play chess first, so that we can cheer for Ling Zun."

Li Xiangping laughed with Lao Shi for a while, and then added: "If Duo Wen is an extremely derogatory sect, then my father is an extremely ancient sect. By the way, my father also treats Brother Ding'an very much. Respect, such as why I am called this name now, Ding'an brother must guess by now."

   Lao Shi nodded: "Having a child should be like Sun Zhongmou."

  Li Xiangping listened for a while, but didn't expect that Shi Xiangxia Shi Daqi sage would actually say such a sentence.

Li Xiangping continued to tell Lao Shi: "Not only is my father a Chonggu school, but the "Yipintang" where my father is located is actually organized by a group of fans of the Chonggu school, so Ding'an brother, you know now, they This arena contest that these two gangs engaged in is actually a head-to-head confrontation between the Chonggu faction and the Gugu denomination faction."

  Since Li Xiangping has explained so much, of course there is nothing to say. There is a reason to watch this game.

   Next, the two of them were not busy playing chess, waiting for the vanguard battle between "Yipintang" and "Leimeng".

  While waiting, Lao Shi asked Li Xiangping: "Since little friend Xiangping is familiar with these two, what do you think will be the outcome of the next game of chess?"

  Li Xiangping smiled slightly: "Although I personally hope that my father can win, but to tell the truth, compared with the opponent, my father should not have the strength, and he has little chance of winning."

   Li Xiangping This is really telling the truth, to say that although his father Li Yuanhu also has the level of 5, and is still the kind of relatively strong 5, otherwise it is impossible to represent "Yipintang". It's just that compared to the provincial championship-level amateur masters like "Duo Wen", his level is still not enough to see, and I can't say that there is no chance, but it is certain that he is at a disadvantage.

   "Okay, Brother Ding'an, don't talk too much. They are here. Let's watch chess first. As for their level, Brother Ding'an can judge for himself later."

   At 7 o'clock in the evening, the game of "Duowen Tianwang" VS "Evil Gentleman" officially started. Although it is also an hour-long slow game for each side, since it is an amateur game, the speed must be relatively fast. Before 7:30, the two sides have made more than 50 moves.

  From this time on, Li Xiangping began to ask Lao Shi to comment on the chess skills of both sides. This is also what Li Xiangping likes to let Lao Shi do the most in addition to playing chess these days.

"The genealogy has been passed down through dynasties, and it is unethical. Since the Holy Dynasty, celebrities have come out in large numbers, and outstanding sages. Such as Zhou Donghou's novelty, Zhou Lanyu's denseness, Wang Hannian's Chaoyi, and Huanglongshi's remoteness. Xu Xingyou and Qingmin are the winners of their mellowness. Lou Zien, the quiet victor Wu Laiyi, the clever victor Liang Weijin, Cheng Lanru victoriously again, and Fan Xiping victorious victorious.”

  Thinking about such a level of comment, it is from the mouth of Lao Shi, so Li Xiangping thinks that even if it is not playing chess, it is very interesting to listen to Lao Shi's comments.

   "Brother Ding'an, what do you think of the level of these two?"

   "That's right, right, I think it makes Zun play chess out of the blue, without a single smudge, even if he takes advantage of the white provocation to enter, it is also a first glimpse of the door.

  Li Xiangping interrupted him with a smile: "Brother Ding'an, don't slap me in the text, just say the main point, you can say that he is probably a few hands."

   "This Ling Zun already has the "third-hand" strength, um, it's not wrong, third-hand"

Li Xiangping continued to interrupt him with a smile: "Brother Ding'an, you are polite, I understand, since you say this, you must think that he has not reached the "third-hand" level, at most barely reaching the "four-handed" level ,is not it?"

   "This hehe."

   "Then what do you think of this "Duowen Tianwang", but what level is he?"

   Hearing Li Xiangping's question, Lao Shi was a little more serious:

   "You are asking Duo Wen this person, um, although there are only a few dozen hands, but in terms of the standard leopard, just from the previous process, this person has truly possessed the "third-hand" level."

   Hearing this, Li Xiangping was happy: "Oh, so you think he is only "third-handed" level"

   But before Li Xiangping finished speaking, he suddenly heard Lao Shi say:

   "Yeah! It's going to be a bad game. Your move won't make a difference, and the situation may turn sharply."

   (end of this chapter)

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