MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 873 That's a big liar

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   Chapter 873 This is a big liar

  In Go, there is of course a big difference between pair and handicap.

  According to the rules summarized by human beings in the development of Go for thousands of years, everyone thinks that a sticker is about 6 and a half to 7 and a half eyes.

   So "letting people go first" is actually giving the opponent about 6.5 to 7.5 points.

   And when it comes to handicap 2, this is already equivalent to handicap 2. Converted to the number of meshes, this is equivalent to giving the opponent 13 to 15 meshes.

   Of course, Go is difficult to quantify, so the above conversion may not be accurate, but in any case, put 2 pieces on the board first, which must be equivalent to an advantage of more than 10 points.

   It is precisely because the opening has such a huge advantage, which inevitably leads to two completely different ways of playing.

   It is no exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration to say that handicap and paired chess are two completely different games.

In modern times, due to the popularity of Go, of course, there are fewer handicap in official competitions, but in the past, more than a hundred years ago, whether it was medieval chess or Japanese chess, handicap almost had paired pieces. Equivalent status, a considerable number of handicap names were also born during this period.

For example, the famous "Blood and Tears" in medieval chess, such as the masterpiece "Twisting the Sheep's Head" left by Lao Shi, and the "Lifetime Masterpiece" of Mr. Doce from Japan, the famous records of these handicap games are all in the It occupies an important position in the entire history of Go development.

(The so-called masterpiece of his life is that Daozhe made a Japanese professional 7dan 2nd son. In the end, Daozhe lost by 1 goal. However, although Daozhe lost, he was very satisfied with his performance in that game of chess. , called it his "lifetime masterpiece", and not only that, because the seven-dan who won him was quickly promoted to a "quasi-celebrity", and the quasi-celebrity was also the eight-dan. After watching the game of chess in Japan, Dao Ce Since it can be on par with an 8th dan under the condition of letting 2 sons, and letting 2 sons is 4 dan, so Dao Ce should have almost the strength of thirteenth dan - all the sayings of thirteenth dan in later generations started from the beginning. This allusion comes).

   In the development of handicap, according to Li Xiangping's personal summary, he believes that there are two main types of handicap tactics.

The first major type is actually the so-called "indiscriminate tactics", which means that when some chess players are handicap, they don't think so much, they don't think about whether they have handicap or not. Think about how many you have given up. Anyway, how did you play the piece chess, and when it came to handicap the piece chess, you played the same way.

   And the most typical representative of this type of play is none other than others. Li Xiangping believes that it is the Go AI that will be born in a few years—

Humans have developed a Go AI, and it is impossible to design a set of handicap programs for them. Therefore, when dogs play chess, there is no difference between handicap and paired chess. Every move is taught globally. Then pick the best choice you think and drop it on the chessboard.

As for whether a human can beat him, it is because of the huge gap between the strengths of the two sides. Many human moves are wrong and lost in the eyes of the machine. In this way, through the accumulation of a whole game of chess, the 10-minute chess advantage at the beginning will be eliminated. It was unknowingly exhausted by humans.

  Well, this is a kind of kingly way, it is purely relying on its own hard power to crush—

   The purpose of Li Xiangping participating in this "special tenth" is actually to hope that he can improve to this level, because only in this way can he possibly be able to compete with future dogs.

   But Li Xiangping is very self-aware. He knows that with his current hard power, even if he joins forces with Lao Shi, he will not be able to lead the top professional chess players of his generation by more than ten goals.

  For example, like Brother Niu, no matter how arrogant Li Xiangping is, he will not expect to be able to win easily by using a simple "indiscriminate method of warfare" like dogs crushing humans.

   So if you want to strive for a good start, you must take some unconventional methods, the so-called tricks of soldiers, and if you want to challenge the top two human beings at this stage, Li Xiangping knows that he must use some "delusions"--

This is actually the reason why he let Lao Shi lead the first game. Because in their time, the handicap was almost as important as the pair, and studying handicap tactics was a must for them. Otherwise, they would have There is no way to win in color chess, and once you can't win money, many national players in the past may even have a problem with their livelihood.

It is precisely because of this that almost all the national players of the ancient chess have some research on the "trick". They are all fraudsters, and all of them are big liars. far better than its modern counterparts.

   And today's Shi Daqisheng did not disappoint Li Xiangping.

   He started to set up the game when he had more than 40 hands in the whole world, and he had already laid a shocking trap on the chessboard.

   This trap is so complicated that it took Li Xiangping nearly an hour to see through Lao Shi's conspiracy.

   At the same time, this trap is very concealed, to what extent is it concealed? —

Now there are more than 40 moves globally, and according to Li Xiangping's calculation at noon, Lao Shi's real ultimate move will not appear on the chessboard until after more than ten rounds, that is, when there are more than 70 moves globally. .

   And this process is not a simple straight-line calculation, nor is it a simple "one way".

   In the next dozen or so rounds, there are still countless branches and many forks—

   Therefore, the trap that Lao Shi laid today is no longer a simple "cheating", but a very advanced handicap tactics—

  When he was learning chess in his previous life, to be honest, Li Xiangping never understood, how could Mr. Huang Yuetian make Xu Xingyou 3 sons?

   Both of them are clearly the nine national players of medieval chess. Is this as everyone said, Xu Xingyou did not improve chess until he was 40 years old.

   However, after seeing the trap that Lao Shi laid today, Li Xiangping felt that he understood a bit—

You must know that among the national players of the ancient chess, Lao Shi's handicap is already very mediocre, let alone compared with Huang Yuetian who is "immortal", even his senior brother Fan Xiping's handicap is also very good. far better than him.

   Today, I saw that Lao Shi was so vicious, one could imagine how insidious other people have become.

   Of course, the other game that Lao Shi set up for a few days is good, the only fly in the ointment is that it seems unnatural, a bit abrupt, and a bit blunt.

   But at noon, Li Xiangping thought about it again. He thought that it was probably only himself who felt abrupt, but others might not think so.

   After all, no one else has a higher level than me, and they don’t have the kind of tacit understanding between me and Lao Shi, so it’s hard to be like myself in the morning. The first time I saw this move, I immediately felt alert.

  Because on the surface, Lao Shi's move in the morning just showed a positive attitude of taking the initiative to fight. Although it looks a bit stiff and a bit reluctant, don't forget that today is a 2-point move.

   So in such a game, everyone would think that Li Xiangping played such a chess, is this abnormal?

   Isn’t this the proper attitude towards winning and losing?

   As for appearing a little blunt and reluctant, of course there is no way to do it. This only means that his opponent, Brother Niu, played very well before, and he forced Li Xiangping to take the next best strategy.

   It is for this reason that during the noon replay, the reactions of all parties were very interesting, and almost everyone was looking forward to Brother Niu's counterattack against Lao Shi's move.

   From the perspectives of Li Xiangping and Lao Shi, of course, he hoped that Brother Niu would counterattack, because only if he counterattacked, he would be able to fulfill the next trick.

And once he gives way at this time, then in this round, of course, Lao Shi's white chess score, but since this is a 2-point chess, a small profit is not enough to completely reverse the situation, and the next game will still be a game. A long chess game.

   From the perspective of the World United team, like Gu Dali and Kong Erjie, they also hope that Brother Niu will fight back.

   You must know that this is Li Xiangping!

   How can you be soft when you play chess with this big devil?

   You have to know that when you played against him in the past, it was really difficult for ordinary people to find his flaws, and there was no chance to be tough, let alone fearful.

Today is pitiful, because this is a 2-piece game, it is more likely that he has not fully entered the state due to the influence of the previous incident, and it is rare to reveal such obvious flaws in less than 50 moves. Don't take this chance yet...

   The time to continue the game in the afternoon is coming soon. Will Brother Niu be fooled?

  Li Xiangping thinks he is more than 80% likely to be fooled.

   In Li Xiangping's view, in today's chess world, there are only two people who are most likely to avoid the trap of Lao Shi.

   The first one is Korean Dae Lee.

   With his naturally cautious personality and his chess style of becoming a Buddha, once he didn't see it clearly, he might choose to back down.

   The second is Korean Xiao Li.

  Li Xiangping thinks that with Xiao Li, a peerless master of victory and defeat, with his half-beast sense of smell, in today's chess world, besides himself, he is most likely to see through Lao Shi's trap.

   So facing Lao Shi's extremely advanced handicap tactics, Xiao Li is more difficult to deal with than Da Li—

  Dali is probably because he didn't see through it but he tolerated it, so this chess still has to be played.

   But if it is Xiao Li, once he sees through this trap, then Li Xiangping is likely to stand up within a hundred hands.

   It's a pity that today is not the Korean big and small Li, but the honest boy Niu Jun Qiu Jun sitting opposite, so Li Xiangping personally thinks that he is more than 80% likely to be doomed.

   In fact, Li Xiangping didn't guess wrong. When the two returned to the game room, Brother Niu, who had thought about it at noon, should think he had figured it out.

   So his moves are fast, and his moves are also very firm.

   However, when he only saw the first 5 rounds, that is, the overall 53 moves, Li Xiangping's demeanor had become very relaxed, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

   And in the watching room next door, when Gu Da Kong Er and the others saw Brother Niu starting to counterattack, they were all elated—

   Thinking about the members of the World Alliance, it is not easy. When you play this kind of up-and-down chess, everyone is still under a lot of pressure.

  Especially in the first two games, the United team failed to win the first game. Now, everyone seems to finally see that Brother Niu has the hope of winning a good start.

   In today's viewing room, Yaya is actually here too.

Although her level of Go is not worth mentioning, she has played the embroidered qin after all, and in order to act at that time, she also went to the chess academy to learn the etiquette of Go, as well as the gestures of the move, so it is not complete. Go white.

  Yaya first saw that a group of national players in the research room were applauding Brother Niu, and his situation was promising, and he was likely to get a good start today.

   All of this was completely reversed at about 2:30 in the afternoon.

   At around 2:20 p.m., the 75th move in the overall situation, Li Xiangping played the first move of Tu Qiong Dagger.

   Just one step "digging"!

   A very inconspicuous hand.

   looks like a trivial exchange.

   But this move stopped Brother Niu's entire counterattack abruptly.

   not only stopped abruptly, but he immediately faced the dilemma of being counterattacked.

Of course everyone in the    viewing room is a master, so if you don't worry about not counting it, you're afraid you won't see it.

   Now that everyone has seen it, of course, the subsequent changes can be calculated quickly.

   "Oh, I finally know now..."

   At this time, Chen Xiaoqiang, who was still under 20 this year, suddenly pretended to sigh:

   "The Boss of Excellent Art is a big liar at all."

   It’s so hard to die, Chen Xiaoqiang even asked Yaya:

   "Sister Yaya, did you say that?"

  Yaya didn't know what kind of smile she showed:

   "Yeah, he's a big liar."

   (end of this chapter)