MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 874 Willing to win

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   Chapter 874 Desire to win

   At about 3:30 p.m., the game ended. When Li Xiangping fell to the 133rd move in the overall situation, Brother Niu didn't insist any longer. He chose to throw the ball and admit defeat at that time.

   It should be said that the result of this chess game was beyond the expectations of many people.

   was beyond Li Xiangping's own expectations.

  Because from the whole process, the context of this chess game is very simple. When Niu Ge started to counterattack with more than 40 hands in the whole world, the two sides even broke their wrists.

With just this one round of wrestling, Brother Niu seems to be crushed right away. He had problems in the 70th hand, and gradually lost his strength in the 90th hand. When the game just passed 100 hands, he was already in a mess, and then when the game was about 120 hands, he In fact, he is already adjusting his mood.

   You must know that this is a 2 sub-game, and Brother Niu has always been known as the "King of Grinding", so the end of the battle so early is of course far beyond the expectations of bystanders.

   and Li Xiangping, who got a good start, once again made a deep impression on his strength.

Because the context of this game of chess seems simple, the content presented and the connotations included are not simple at all, so after confirming that Brother Niu has conceded defeat, spectators including Gu Da Kong Er and Chen Xiaoqiang swarmed into the game room. Participated in reruns.

   After the game is over, of course everyone now knows that the key to this chess game is the "dig" in the 70-odd moves.

   The left and right sides of this move are not really big, but there is an extra breakpoint in that part.

   A breakpoint that is not a big breakpoint under normal circumstances.

   However, in this particular situation today, that inconspicuous breakpoint directly killed Black.

Because of that extra breakpoint, it not only made Black's offense unsustainable, but even reversed the offense and defense of both Black and White. In actual combat, Lao Shi counted back from that time, and then within 30 rounds, he directly attacked Defeat your opponent.

   The "dig" move was ignored by many spectators, and almost no one noticed that move, otherwise they wouldn't think that Brother Niu should fight back during the noon game closure.

   Therefore, in the post-match review, what everyone is most interested in is actually one question:

   When did Li Xiangping get to that point of "digging"?

   Did he count it in more than 40 hands?

   And then set a trap with that step of "digging", waiting for the opponent to take the bait?

   If this is the case, then Li Xiangping's calculation is terrifying——

  Because this is not a straight-line calculation of more than 30 steps, there are other branches in the whole process, and other branches are not simple, because each branch also includes other calculations and judgments.

In today's game, if Li Xiangping can really "dig" with more than 70 hands when he has more than 40 hands, the "dig" is still so inconspicuous, and Li Xiangping can actually "dig" with that step. "As a basis, to set such a perfect trap, such calculations and ideas are certainly terrifying.

   The most important thing is that although Li Xiangping used a conspiracy today, his conspiracy is different from Xiao Li's "zombie flow".

  Xiao Li's zombie flow is not established by himself most of the time. The reason why he often succeeds is because his kind of methods can easily induce his opponents to make mistakes.

   But what about Li Xiangping's idea today?

   His chess are all established.

   For example, when there are more than 40 hands in the overall situation, it is Brother Niu who sees through the opponent's intention at that time, and at that time he sees the next step of "digging".

   But he also doesn't take advantage of it.

   The most at most is to not suffer losses in this round of battles.

   So Xiao Li's zombie flow is a conspiracy.

   But Li Xiangping's idea today is already a dignified "yang conspiracy".

   After the game, when someone asked Li Xiangping whether he was "digging" in the morning, to be honest, Li Xiangping really wanted to say no.

  Because this is indeed a fact, the whole idea today belongs to Lao Shi, and Li Xiangping himself only arrived at noon.

   But he couldn't say it. Go is known as "hand talk", and there are always signs on the chessboard that Li Xiangping was indeed preparing this trap in the morning.

   So Li Xiangping had to admit vaguely.

   It's just that he only admits that he has "digged" that step, but firmly denies that it is a trap, let alone that he deliberately set a trap for Brother Niu—

   And his rhetoric is actually a bit Versailles, because others will think like this:

   The secret methods that are extremely difficult to find in the eyes of others, are very common here in Li Xiangping, and it is precisely because he thinks it is ordinary, so he does not feel that he is tricking others.

The first game ended like this, and Li Xiangping defeated Brother Niu again with 2 points, but once again brought a lot of shock to the whole world chess world, especially when he won so neatly, but it made the wind of public opinion once again. A little change--

Originally, before this game, considering that there will be four handicap games this time, when everyone predicts the trend of the game, it seems to be back to two years ago, and the main argument is "Li Xiangping wins less when he loses" , it is good to be able to maintain the current chess position. Li Xiangping should have little hope of winning the game, and it is even less likely to demote the alliance team again.

   However, as soon as the results of the first game came out, the wind of public opinion immediately reversed.

  Because of the second game, the chess share will return to the handicap.

   Taking into account last year's special tenth, Li Xiangping was extremely tyrannical, and he directly gave the United team an 8-2.

   It is precisely with such a brilliant record ahead, and seeing that in the first game, Li Xiangping can even win with 2 sons, then in the second game, everyone is naturally more optimistic about Li Xiangping.

   And once Li Xiangping made a 2-0 start... Then in the face of this situation, no one really dared to say "less loses and win".

   is also for the same reason, the second player who will be on the court has attracted much attention.

   It's just that at this time, the outside world doesn't know who will play second.

   Not only Li Xiangping doesn't know, but also outside chess fans.

Because this time, the media reporters seem to be quite disciplined. On the night after the first game, from paper media to major websites, when everyone reported on this special tenth time, there was really no media reporting who would be. 2nd to play.

  Of course, usually in this situation, "grass news" is inevitable. For example, after the match with Brother Niu, Li Xiangping himself really wanted to know who the second opponent was——

   Of course, he would not directly ask acquaintances, but went to the major Go websites to inquire.

   Well, there are quite a few "exclusive revelations" and "disclosures based on internal information" on the Internet. However, Li Xiangping glanced briefly and did not see a single post that was more reliable.

   Not only that, there was a rest day between the first game and the second game. On the evening of the rest day, Li Xiangping felt that the time was almost up, so he started to inquire publicly.

   No acquaintance told him this time.

  Reporter Zhang Da even told Li Xiangping that the rules were changed this time. As a united team, you only need to notify who will play 20 minutes in advance.

   Li Xiangping smiled, since the sponsors felt that playing such a gimmick would increase the popularity of the game, let them play.

   So Li Xiangping stopped inquiring, and he returned to his room in peace to prepare for the second game on the second day.

  Since the opponents cannot be determined, there is no way to talk about targeted preparations, but before the game, Li Xiangping still has to briefly discuss with Lao Shi.

  The two settled on two things for the time being. First, since the first game was played by Lao Shi, it was Li Xiangping's turn to play in person.

Second, considering that this is a handicap game, considering last year's 8-2, and considering that even the first game was won, Li Xiangping and Lao Shi agreed that this second game, then There is no need to combine two swords, it is completely completed by Li Xiangping alone.

   After discussing these two matters, Li Xiangping also recharged his energy in peace of mind to prepare for the second day of the game.

   On the second day of the match, because he was always thinking about who his opponent on the second day was, Li Xiangping came to the door of the match room very early, nearly half an hour earlier than usual.

However, the United team was also stunned. 20 minutes before the start of the game, Gu Dali came over, Kong Erjie Chen Xiaoqiang came over, "Brother Xie" came over, and even Xiao Li, Cui Du and Zhang Xu came over, but they didn't tell Who is Li Xiangping?

   Until 10 minutes before the game, Lao Nie and Ma Xiao also came over. Lao Nie was the chief referee for this game. He looked at his watch and said to "Brother Jin":

   "Hehe, it's almost time, you and Xiang Ping go in together."

   "Mr. Rui is you..."

   It was not until this time that Li Xiangping knew that the opponent in the second game today was the world's first female 9dan, and also the oldest chess player on the world team.

  Before the game, "Brother Zhen" seemed very relaxed. After being told by Old Nie, she even joked with Li Xiangping:

   "Hehe Xiangping, you have to be merciful today..."

   And Li Xiangping was equally relaxed.

To be honest, although he admires this female nine dan, because her obsession with Go is even more than that of Brother Niu, especially now that "Brother Ai" is in his 40s, he still maintains a very high level. can maintain a very stable output.

   So from this point of view, "Brother Jin" is even stronger than many male chess players.

However, it must be admitted that Brother Xie is already old after all. Her peak period was around 10 years ago, when she punched Da Li and kicked Lao Cao to win the "national champion" of South Korea, that was the highest in her life. moment of light.

   And compared to the super-first-class men, the strength of "Brother Jin" is always slightly inferior.

   So for this game, Li Xiangping is determined to win.

  Because only in this way can we lay a good foundation for this year's special Juban.

   At 9:55 a.m. Beijing time, Li Xiangping and Brother Jin walked into the game room together to prepare for the second game.

   (end of this chapter)