MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1198 Keep the planet!

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The sacred heaven zhōngyāng shrine is the most magnificent, and the floating island in the shape of a dragon-shaped heaven and earth, suddenly heard a voice of surprise: "Tongtian Tower, finally appeared. I waited for thousands of years, finally Waiting for the opportunity to detach from this big cage."

A shaved bald head, burly, holding a red-browed trench, wearing a unicorn, a pair of eyes, electricity, very man with a god, flying out of the floating island, to the heavenly kingdom of the highest ruling institution The direction of the temple flew over.

Among the temples of heaven, above a high platform, there are five golden thrones. These five golden thrones represent the supreme power of the holy heaven. Only the gods of the five great temples can sit down.

Under the high platform, there are two golden thrones, and those sitting above the throne are the nine-level powerhouses of the five main temples of the Holy Kingdom.

This temple of heaven can carry out all decisions of the entire sacred heaven. Numerous major decisions that determine the direction of the human race in the Great Gods are made by the Temple of Heaven.

Only those nine-order powerhouses are the true high-levels of the Holy Kingdom, with enormous power. The eighth-order powerhouse is only the cradle of the nine-order powerhouse.

The bald man turned into a streamer and flew directly into the five golden thrones of the zhōngyāng.

At this time, the remaining four positions of the five Golden Thrones were already full of people.

The bald man sat down and immediately said: "The Tongtian Tower has appeared. This is the only opportunity that has been able to escape the world for thousands of years. I must go."

A whole body with a red-headed western temple, the **** of the **** of the gods wrinkled: "Lei Huang, Tongtian Tower is our only chance to be able to escape the world, we all want to go. But the Holy Heaven must also have a half-step detachment The strong ones are guarded, otherwise our human race will be directly destroyed by the other two major groups."

Among the four ethnic groups, the mutant orcs are the most loose. Every once in a while, the beasts are launched around the world, attacking all creatures. Even the cannibals and the demons are the targets of their attacks.

The two major ethnic groups, the Cannibal and the Mozu, are also guilty of each other. Once they meet, they will kill each other, but their main goal is humanity.

Once the human nest is empty, they will definitely launch a full-scale attack on the Terran in the first time, eliminating the main force of the Terran.

The ruthless Lord of a blond southern temple said: "The old guys in the world of the cannibals, the devils, and the gods of the gods will never be tempted to face the only chance of being detached for thousands of years. Especially the Mozu, those who are selfish and self-interested, most of them will enter the Tongtian Tower. Competing for the opportunity to become a true god-level powerhouse and detach from the world."

A body blackened as carbon from the northern temple of the Ogani **** brows wrinkled: "Yes, the Tongtian Tower is indeed the opportunity to be promoted to become a true god-level powerhouse for thousands of years. But the Tongtian Tower is equally dangerous. Every time you enter the strongest of the towers, ten will fall. Even the strong ones who are half-step detached. The survival rate is not high. The self-defense, the greedy and fearful of death, their half Those who are too strong in the step may not all enter the Tongtian Tower."

When I heard the words of Ogani, the rest of the gods were silent. According to the Mozu’s xìng grid, they did make such a choice. But none of them wants to let go of the opportunity to enter the Tongtian Tower.

You know, in the sky tower. There are many dangers, but there are also countless opportunities. Many gold-grade treasures flow out of the tower. The gold-level treasures are extremely precious and are among the sacred heavens. There are only eight pieces.

Most of the gold-level treasures are in the hands of the five great gods, and only two are in the hands of other powerful. Even the five great gods can get a powerful gold weapon that can be used together, and their strength can be improved a lot.

at this time. The black hair and yellow skin, a gold sè in the eyebrows, the vertical eyes of the Oriental Temple, the Lord God silenced for a while and slowly said: "I stay behind."

Lei Huang brows a stretch of eyes revealing a sigh: "Good. Zhuo Jian, the Holy Heaven will be handed over to you. We will give you compensation."

Zhuojian slightly nodded and agreed to start discussing compensation with Lei Huang and others. In this temple of heaven, they quickly reached a series of agreements.

After the agreement was reached, the whole sacred heaven began to act, and a single unit began to mobilize quickly and moved in the opposite direction to the gate of hell.

The powerful forces of the Temple of the Magnificent, the Temple of the Ogre, and so on have all taken action and swarmed toward the gates of Hell.

At the same time, in a hidden place in the world of the gods that day, a sturdy atmosphere of the stocks skyrocketed and flew in the direction of the gate of hell.

In addition to the Great God World, among the other eight hundred worlds, those in the world with the ninth-order powerhouse, a famous nine-order powerhouse quickly passed through the gates of **** and moved toward the earth.

In those worlds where there are no 9th-order powerhouses, there are also many powerful people who go directly through the gates of Hell to the Earth in order to gain an opportunity to continue to evolve.

In the door of a **** of 20 kilometers on the outskirts of Tianjing, a burly body suddenly flew out, and the body was covered with sharp barbs. The appearance was very embarrassing. The strong man with three evil spirits headed up. come out.

The three ghosts with three heads and three heads, the nine-step powerhouse, took a deep breath of the air of the earth, and the eyes flashed a greedy sè: "Good! Good! Is this the earth? Great. The planet is in the process of evolutionary variability. The heavens and the earth are very rich. On this planet, I can break through the bottleneck in just ten years and evolve into a true nine-order powerhouse."

The half-step ninth-order powerhouse of the three-headed ghost family glanced in the direction of Tianjing, flashing a savage sè in his eyes, sticking out his tongue and rubbing his lips: "There are many humans in that direction, great. Just, I can eat a big meal in the past!"

"A big meal? You don't have this chance."

Along with the cold and incomparable sound, a huge space crack was directly opened in the void. Yue Zhong stepped straight out of the crack in the space and looked coldly at the half-step nine of the three-headed ghost family. The powerhouse, reaching out to the big hand, directly grabbed the three ghosts.

"Not good, the nine-order powerhouse!!" The three-headed ghost family's strong face flashed a stunned sè, its three skulls burst out of the body instantly, turned into three streams, toward Three different directions fled to the distance at twenty times the speed of sound.

Broken head secret is one of the strongest secrets mastered by the three ghosts. They can divide their souls into three different parts, as long as one head can escape. After a while, it will Can grow a perfect individual again. Just to restore the power of the heyday, they also need a lot of time and cost a lot of heaven and earth.

"It's useless! Come back to me!" Yue Zhong took a sneak peek, and the heavens and the earth madly surging, turning into three huge palms to directly grasp the three heads of the three ghosts, and pressed back to it. body.

Yue Zhong stared at the strong man of the three heads of the ghosts. The strong will cooperated with the fear. The hammer was like a heavy hammer. The three ghosts were in the sea, and the three ghosts were directly bombarded. The will collapses, and he moves straight into the field. An eighth-order shackle immediately falls into the sea of ​​the three ghosts.

After accepting these three ghosts, Yue’s major hand waved and directly tore the void, stepping into the void and disappearing.

Before the gate of Hell outside the base city of Sichuan, dozens of people with a body length of one meter eight, with a dark body, strong muscles, eyes and tentacles, climbed out.

These monks are a world dominated by different insects. In the world dominated by mutant insects, the monks have killed human beings and become the rulers of the world with superior reproductive ability and strong adaptability. . These monks are the advance units of the monks who sent invading the earth.

The dozens of monks have just climbed out of the door of More than sixty mechanical beasts have come round, and the scanning radars on them are scanning the monks: "The unit , non-humanoid, not human. It belongs to the enemy and is destroyed immediately."

Almost instantaneously, the organs loaded on the sixty mechanical beasts spewed out fiercely fierce fire tongues, and countless fierce fire tongues rushed directly toward the monks.

In the fierce artillery fire, the dozens of monks were directly smashed and shattered.

After killing the dozens of monks, the sixty mechanical beasts immediately extended their flames and sprayed the bodies of the monks directly to the ground.

Above the land of the Huaxia Kingdom, there are mechanical beasts in front of the gates of Hell. Those monsters with low strength are destroyed by mechanical beasts, while those who are above sixth order are by Yue Zhong. Shoot, all of them are suppressed and become awkward.

Almost every moment, the entire Huaxia country is constantly fighting.

Fortunately, in the Honglongxing, the commander of the army of Annie captured another piece of territory. Using the resources of the territory, the mechanical arsenal was built around the clock by the intelligent robots. A large number of mechanical beasts were put into the field. Above the earth, this will enable Huaxia to maintain its front line with the help of massive mechanical beasts and Yue Zhong.

The United States could not support it, but after Yue Zhong supported a group of mechanical beasts, they contracted the line of defense, and most of them directly sneaked into the ground, which barely supported it.