MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1207 Niutou Longmo!

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The human Son's face is cold and screaming: "The mutated creatures of the squats are not our human races. You have already died. First, you want to compete with our human race for resources. Do you want to find death?"

Just as many aliens see human beings as pigs and dogs, humans are regarded as the lowest embarrassing race. Among the human races, there are also many people who look down on aliens and regard aliens as the most low-lying existence.

The eighth-order goose head looked around the circle and swallowed: "The things here are all things without the Lord. Who can get who is the skill. Although your Terran is big, you can't be unreasonable." ”

In this place, the Terran with a large fleet is the strongest force. The aliens are completely scattered sand, although the number is large, but fighting with the Terran, ten have to be destroyed.

"Hungki, what do you do with this kind of garbage nonsense? Since it is not willing to hand it over, it will kill it."

Along with a sneer, a cold light flashed, and the eight-level goose head was immediately smashed into countless pieces. After the corpse, a blond man with a big sword smiled with a smile on his face.

Hong Ji’s eyes also flashed a smear of light, and some smiled awkwardly: “I know, these **** are our human enemies, just to destroy them.”

The blond young man grabbed the gooseen’s storage bag and headed to Hongji Road: “Equino?”

Hongki nodded: "Good!"

The eight-level powerhouse of the five goose heads in the distance saw everything that happened here. They suddenly became angry and rushed toward it: "The beast, the robber. Go to hell!"

In the eyes of Hong Ji, a flash of color was flashed, and the figure flashed toward the five goose heads and rushed straight over: "A few more to die!"

The blond young man also smiled and flew past Hongji.

There are many rare fruits on the earth, but for the huge crowd, it is relatively rare. Soon, in order to compete for the rare fruits on the ground, many people began to fight each other.

The alien strongmen who broke into this area behind the Terrans clashed with humans in the first place, and both sides madly killed.

With a few people from Hongji as the fuse, the conflict between the entire Terran and the aliens was completely detonated, and the two sides were madly strangled together.

Yue Zhong stood on one side. Look at the killing between the Terran strongman and those aliens. The brow was slightly wrinkled, and he did not intend to kill the aliens in this place.

The Terran is able to survive the tide of the dragons and beasts. These aliens have also exerted a lot of power. It is these aliens who serve as cannon fodder. The Terran was able to survive the dragons and beasts at the cost of just a few warships. If there is no such alien cannon fodder. The loss of the Terran will be even more devastating.

"You are looking for death!" Suddenly. Yue Zhong brows one pick, screams, and punches directly into the void.

Between the moments. Just in the void that had nothing at all, suddenly countless blood burst open, and a body like a humanoid chameleon flew out and spattered on the ground.

Yue Zhong glanced at the body of the chameleon and made up his mind: "It seems that you can't do it!!"

At this time, the Terran and the aliens have already been jealous, and they are completely in a state of indefiniteness. Yue Zhong does not kill those aliens, and those aliens will come to kill them.

Between the thoughts, Yue’s major hand waved, and the remaining 4,000 mechanical cockroaches suddenly flew out and flew directly toward the aliens.

The four thousand mechanical cockroaches were inaccessible, and the fire and water were difficult to enter. Wherever they passed, all the aliens were swallowed up, and there were no bones left. After the aliens were killed, their vitality immediately fell into the body of Yue Zhong and settled down.

After making up his mind, Yue Zhong also rushed directly into the aliens, madly shot, and directly exploding a headed alien. At the same time, in the battle, Yue Zhong also constantly swallowed all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, and constantly evolved.

Many of the heavenly earth treasures that have grown in this area are also very effective for Yue Zhong. He has also collected a lot, and this is able to swallow the heavens and treasures while fighting.

"Go to death!!"

When Yue Zhong smashed a half-step, nine-order ghost man to absorb its vitality, that life element immediately detonated the enormous vitality accumulated in his body and directly rushed into his golden magical nucleus. Among them, it turned into a golden liquid.

The golden liquid directly flowed into the sea of ​​Yue Zhong, and immediately condensed a golden baby. The golden baby's face was exactly the same as Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong looked at the golden baby, and his heart gave birth to a realization: "This is the soul of my soul manifested by the soul. When my baby's baby evolved into an inexhaustible soul, I can fully evolve. Become a true god-level powerhouse."

The ninth-order semi-god-level powerhouse has evolved the golden blood of immortality and the golden immortal bone. The biggest gap between it and the true god-level powerhouse is the immortal spirit.

The true **** level has an inexhaustible spirit, even if the soul is beaten with only one trace, it can grow into an individual, evolve step by step, and eventually evolve into a true god-level powerhouse, which is very difficult to kill.

The true god-level powerhouse with inexhaustible spirit is powerful and boundless. It can deprive the ninth-order powerhouses of the control of the heavens and the earth with powerful soul power. At the same time, their mastery of the heaven and earth vitality is also more than a hundred times stronger than the ninth-order powerhouse. Moreover, the true god-level powerhouse with inexhaustible spirits has more than 10,000 times more understanding of the law than the ninth-order powerhouse. The two sides are not a grade above the understanding of the law. Therefore, the ninth-order powerhouse is still in the face of the true god-level powerhouse.

At the moment when the soul of the soul was formed, Yue Zhong finally broke through the bottleneck and was promoted to become the strongest of the ninth-order intermediate.

It is extremely difficult for the ninth-order powerhouse to be promoted. Many of the ninth-order powerhouses are trapped in the ninth-order primary world. If it is outside, it is difficult for Yue to want to be promoted to the middle of the 9th grade. However, in this Tongtian Tower, he is madly smothered and swallowed a lot of heavenly treasures. Under the help of the magical system, he finally Once again, an important step in evolution has emerged, and the strength has skyrocketed again.

After being promoted to the ninth-order intermediate level, Yue Zhong did not move his voice, still controlling his own strength in the ninth-order primary situation, and continued to slaughter those interracial strongmen and rob the various precious fruits on the ground.

Many of the treasures on the land are not used by Yue Zhong. They can also be used to give Luo Qingqing, Yinshuang, Jiqing Dance, Chiyang and Hu Yi their use.

Soon after the two sides smothered, suddenly, the earth was a trembling, a body length of more than one hundred meters, holding a golden axe, a bullhead, a body with numerous scales, a pair of dragon wings behind, a half-step true God The level of the Tauren Dragon Devil walked over.

"Are you the **** stalker? Let me die!"

The half-step true-headed Niu Tau Long Devil's eyes were red, holding the golden axe, giving an angry roar, urging endless power, condensed in the golden axe in its hands.

Before the moment, a thousand miles, the heavens and the earth changed, and countless heaven and earth condensed in the hands of the golden giant axe, and the golden giant axe immediately enveloped a devastating blue thunder.


The Tauren Dragon Devil screamed, and the sky was axe, and the endless blue thunder formed a blue grid that shrouded everything and directed directly toward Yue Zhong and others.

The cyan grid appeared almost in front of the people. Many of the Terran saints, saints, and aliens were only stained with the blue grid, and they were immediately turned into ash. From this world. It disappeared directly.




Many can not help but temptation, the human nine-order powerhouse who flew down from the battleship in the face of the earth-shattering blow, also opened a multi-defense of vitality shield, energy shield, field and so on.

"Ah!! Help me!!"

Under the blue thunder bombardment, the vitality shield, energy shield, and field of a human nine-order powerhouse were directly smashed by the thunder. His body was also screamed by the crazy electric light bombardment. A gold-colored dead bone fell from the sky to the ground and became a nutrient for the rare earth beneath the earth.




Among the miserable cry for help, seven human ninth-order junior powerhouses and four alien ninth-order junior powerhouses were all made into fly The blue thunder net was mainly toward the human fleet. The group blasted, under the blue thunder bombardment, a c-class battleship direct energy shield smashed, the explosion opened, and the human power inside was all turned into ashes.

The Tauren Dragon, which is 100 meters long, is only a single blow. It kills 11 nine-order powerhouses and more than two million humans, aliens, and two hundred c-class warships.

"That's a gold-grade axe!!"

"Damn!! Half-step true-level powerhouse, plus a gold-level battle axe, such a monster is simply invincible."

"This monster can't win!"


Looking at the Niu Tau Long Demon, who is 100 meters long, most people have a desperate color in their eyes.

Half-step true-level powerhouses, plus gold-level treasures, this existence is the most invincible powerhouse in this world, and each one is an earth-shattering giant.

At the same time, a scene of even more despair appeared. After the body of the Niu Taulong, which is 100 meters long, suddenly came out of the ninety-nine heads with a length of 50 meters to 80 meters, holding a silver giant axe. These Tauren Dragons exude a nine-order horror. Equivalent to one hundred and nine powers are on their way.

As soon as the Tauren Dragon Demon appeared, they immediately rushed toward the crowd with the half-step true-headed Tautou Dragon Devil.