MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3950 Ruinstorm

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The Starry Sky Battlefield is located in the direction of the Yellow Spring Galaxy. A majestic world tree stands in the void, surrounded by countless star-sized gods and planets, and the bridge of air flows between the branches and leaves of the world tree.

Every leaf is a world.

In these worlds, all the monks of the Yan Luo tribe received the voice transmission of the divine decree, looking out into the sky, and waiting in full force.

Yan Huanyu, the patriarch of the Yan Luo Clan, stood in the sky above the "Yan Luo Tian Wa Tian" at the top of the world tree, with his arms behind his back, manifesting a giant body thousands of feet high, his eyes burning like a furnace, overlooking the dark triangle star field.

Beside him is Meng Naihe, a hidden powerhouse who has only become famous in the universe in recent years.

Meng Naihe is a hunchbacked old man with thinning hair, but the momentum on his body that suppresses all the brilliance of the stars undoubtedly shows that he is worthy of his own great prestige.

"The God Realm has finally revealed a corner of the mysterious veil, but why is it a black hand? It shouldn't be!" Meng Naihe said.

Yan Huanyu said: "It's better to move, I'm afraid that he has been hiding. As for why it is a black hand... the dark and weird should be the most disadvantaged party in the battle between the immortals, and the body is not preserved. Could it be other immortals? Are the undead going to support it?"

"It's possible." Meng Naihe said.

Yan Huanyu said: "What is the purpose of doing this? Is it to be afraid of monks in this era, or to rebalance the immortality?"

Meng Naihe said: "I think the latter is more likely! The darkness has moved strangely, no matter how you say it, we must never let His remnant body reunite."

A colorful cloud of light exploded under Yan Huanyu's feet, and the light beams shot out in all directions, turning into a sea of ​​colorful clouds and gods that is billions of miles wide.

His divine voice resounded throughout the world: "Where are the billions of monks of the Yan Luo clan? Light up the world tree, and follow me to face the darkness and weirdness. Everyone must be prepared to die, or burn every drop of blood , or knock it back.”

"The gods obey the order, activate all the foundations of the Yan Luo clan, and the dignity and glory of the supreme clan that the ancestors fought for will be defended by our generation."

The World Tree was lit up, across the space, descending towards the dark triangular star field.

The Ice Emperor's body is hundreds of thousands of miles high, walking in the starry sky, with a sea of ​​blood under his feet, and countless gods with blood wings behind him, saying: "Facing the dark and strange, how can I miss my undead blood?"

Luo Yi was wearing a dark red battle armor, holding a long sword that radiated cold light, and his long hair was as red as fire, and said: "The Raksha clan wants to be the first clan in the **** world, how can you let the Yan Luo clan be the only one?"

Master Xuanbei said: "Although the Shura Star Pillar Realm is broken, the backbone of our Shura clan gods is not broken, so we can still fight."

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

There are tens of thousands of gods of the lower three clans responsible for guarding the starry sky battlefield, like a swarm of bees returning to their nest, they all rush to the world tree of the Yan Luo clan, all of them are full of fighting spirit.

Not long after, the world tree of the Yan Luo tribe appeared in a space between the dark triangular star field and the heaven, and met the darkness in the sword **** temple strangely.

War is imminent.

Tens of thousands of supernatural powers were released at the same time, drowning the oncoming darkness.


In the Eastern Emperor’s Temple of the Heavenly Palace, the Master of the Hall of Truth stood on the top of the hall and said in a cold voice: “The darkness and weirdness are clearly coming towards the heavenly court, but the **** world has a foot in it. Is it protected by the world tree of the family?"

Bian Zhuang God of War has stepped into Immortal Infinity, standing on the top of the Southern Emperor Temple, holding the canopy bell in his hand, said: "The Tianhe is lost, I have already committed an unforgivable crime. Sinners have no decision-making power, you decide this matter."

He fixed his eyes on the Lord of the Palace of Truth, which undoubtedly showed his intentions.

Relatively speaking, the Lord of the Five Elements and Chi Xiafei Xiangugu were much more stable and did not make a decision immediately.

One is deducing various possibilities in the future, and the other is to release mental power to explore whether there are uncertain factors inside the heaven.

Xuanyuan Lian stood in the central temple, looked at the four heavens one after another, and suggested: "Join hands with the **** world, maybe we can severely damage the darkness and weirdness. If you are late, you will lose the opportunity!"

No one responded to her.

Obviously, with her current cultivation base, she can't control the will of the Immortal Immortal Series powerhouse.

A loud voice came from outside the Heavenly Palace: "Fight! Why not fight? The Tianhe River was captured, and the Heavenly Court lost all face. Even the Yan Luo clan knew that the lost glory needed to be regained. The Heavenly Court used to be the holy world, the heart of all worlds. Doesn’t the glory of heaven need to be defended?”

With Xuanyuan Taizhen's burly and domineering figure, he walked up the white jade stairs step by step.

The footsteps were heavy, like the sound of war drums.

He is wearing a thick golden armor, with a dragon head hanging on his shoulders, a black cloak flying on his back like a battle flag, his hair is like immortal needles, and his eyebrows are like a sky-slashing sword, showing his determination and courage to never give up.

"Second Uncle!"

Xuanyuan Lian showed joy.

Xuanyuan Taizhen said: "Today's battle will be fought by the **** world, and the gods in the heaven will never be able to raise their heads. This will be a battle that unites people's hearts, and it will tell all the monks in the heaven that we are stronger than the **** world. I will bear all the consequences."

"Yan Luo Clan dares, Xuanyuan Clan dares too."

Ignoring the attitudes of the Master of the Five Elements and the Master of the Chixia Feixian Valley, Xuanyuan Taizhen walked into the central temple, and struck the ground heavily with the halberd in his hand.


The majestic and majestic black and yellow air gushed out from the central temple and spread in the clouds.

A moment later, Xuanhuang's aura enveloped the entire Heavenly Court Continent, competing with the light of the God of Punishment.

The Heavenly Court Continent moved accordingly, the space in the universe vibrated violently, and the stars in the surrounding star fields trembled non-stop.

The place where the Kunlun Realm is connected to the Santu River is located in the Death God Mountain Range in the Eastern Region, deep in the Death God Tomb Forest.

Here is a weak spot in the Kunlun Realm's World Protector Array. Just like that, the Taishang deliberately set up a magic formation to make up for the loopholes.

It is impossible for monks with infinite levels of indestructibility to break through the array realm silently.

And once the formation is forcibly broken, the movement and time it takes are enough for the gods of the Kunlun realm to open the protective formation and hit it with the power of the world.

More than a dozen ancient masters who came back from the space temple, including men and women, old and young, some with demons, stood on the other side of the lifeless Santu River, looking at the tomb forest of the perishing god, as if they were waiting what.

Their auras have changed a lot, and the corpse aura on their bodies has almost disappeared. Compared with the battle in Buzhou Mountain, their cultivation bases and combat strength have all improved significantly.


A gap opened in the space.

The seventy-two-pin lotus stepped on the long river of time and appeared in front of them.

More than a dozen ancient palace masters saluted together: "Meet the Longevity Envoy!"

"You all entered the sea of ​​darkness and turned into the souls of the underworld. Under the training of the power of the sea of ​​darkness, the vitality of the lost gods and spirits has almost returned to the peak state of life. But, after all, you are remnants of souls, and your souls are different from those in life. Huge. Now is the opportunity to destroy the Kunlun realm, swallow the soul of a realm, and strengthen myself.”

The seventy-two-rank lotus stared at the Perishing God's Tomb Forest on the opposite side, her eyes were dim, her right arm was raised, and she pointed forward.

"Chi Chi!"

The Divine Formation Light Curtain appeared on the water surface of the Santu River.

With just one blow, the **** array arranged by the Supreme Master was broken by the power of space, failing to stop the seventy-two-pin lotus for three breaths.

In the Forest of the Tomb of the God of Perishing God, Xuanji Sword God, who guards the God Formation, and other new gods in the Kunlun Realm, all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Shua! Shua! Shua..."

A wave of terrifying aura descended directly in front of them, making it difficult for them to move.

The blood of Xuanji Sword God kept flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he pressed his face to the ground, trying to see the faces of the comers clearly, but with all his strength, he could only see their lower robes.

This made him desperate to the extreme, which showed that the cultivation realm of those who came before was not even a star and a half higher than them.

The seventy-two-rank lotus in white clothes stopped in front of Xuanji Sword God and glanced at him.

Beside him, an ancient palace master with a pair of ox horns lifted Xuanji Sword God, and released two beams of divine soul beams from his eyes, piercing through his divine sea and divine source.

, directly search the soul.

Xuanji Sword God trembled all over, curled up into a ball.


After searching for the soul, the ancient palace master with horns left him on the ground like a sick dog, and said: "Emperor Changsheng, you guessed right, the Jiange is indeed in the Kunlun Realm, and it was refined into the Kunlun Realm by Huaying Laoer The eye of the protective array is guarded by the Goddess of Wen Tianjun, Princess Ni."

The seventy-two-rank lotus nodded lightly, and said: "You can also appreciate this kind of spirit?"

Some of the ancient palace masters who were devouring the gods of the Kunlun Realm on the ground looked embarrassed, while others showed cold and cruel smiles.

"The situation here has actually been sensed. Even I haven't been able to completely cover up the secrets. It seems that there are still experts in the Kunlun Realm. The protective array in the Kunlun Realm has already begun to open. Stop sucking it up and control them. The remnant souls in the body, let them fly out and explode their gods." Seventy-two-rank lotus said.

Xuanji Sword God has recovered from the soul search, curled up on the ground, and said weakly: "You are very strong, you can search our souls, you can destroy the Kunlun Realm, but you must remember, someone will avenge us... You guys will definitely die ugly... definitely..."

The seventy-two-pin lotus has already left, heading towards the Kunlun Realm.

Why are the words of ants so shocking?

The ancient palace master with horns raised Xuanji Sword God again, and said with a smile: "I have searched your soul, and know that you are Zhang Ruochen's master. The person you are talking about is Zhang Ruochen, right? I'm afraid." I will disappoint you, your good apprentice should not survive today. UU Reading let's go on the road together!"

Including Xuanji Sword God, these gods in the Kunlun Realm flew out of the Perishing God Mountain Range under the control of more than a dozen ancient palace masters.

Some pierced the sky like meteors and flew towards Liangyizong.

Some were driven into the space, directly across the void, and appeared above the Holy City of the Eastern Region.



The sources of gods exploded in different regions, and a devastating storm swept out in an instant.

The ancient city with a population of one million was reduced to ashes, the vibrant mountains collapsed, the river dried up, and counties and states were directly wiped off the ground.

Every moment, at least tens of billions of living beings disappear, old and weak, young children, kind, evil, saints... everything, in the face of death, no longer has any meaning.

Xuanji Sword God flew out of the space and appeared above the Holy City of the Eastern Region, his body was like red-hot iron with countless cracks.

He only had time to glance down, and Shenyuan exploded.

The entire Kunlun Realm has formation inscription patterns left by the Supreme Master. Therefore, even if the divine source explodes, it can only destroy a part of the territory, and cannot completely destroy the Eastern Territory.

However, after so many years of development in the Kunlun Realm, the Zhang family's descendants have spread all over the Eastern Region.

The seventy-two lotuses were originally here to destroy the Zhang family in the Kunlun realm, how could any of them be let go?

"Destroy the Eastern Territory first, and then Kunlun."

She flew up, and an unknown number of thousands of miles high, the light and shadow of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty appeared behind her, and then, she stepped down heavily.


The space was shattered, tearing up the formation inscription patterns left by the Supreme Master. The landmass of the Eastern Territory began to collapse, and a destructive storm belonging to the Tianzun class spread to all directions at the speed of light.

Destruction has never been easier than protection.

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the ancient **** emperor ()