MTL - God Level Cultivation System-Chapter 3261 Meteorite

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Definite Heart City, the city's main palace.

Desperate City Lord has been waiting here for a long time.

Compared with before, the look of the heartless city master is also a bit uglier, it seems that he is already the end of the crossbow.

It is difficult to continue to support.

Now Qin Qi is his only hope!

"Predecessor", Qin Qi followed Tian Siyu to come to the main body of Jixin City and clenched his fists.

At the same time secretly panicked.

Worthy of being the heart of the hearted city, the strongest ten ranks, the feeling of oppression is indeed extraordinary!

Not comparable to the previous nine grades.

Even if the state is very bad now, it is already the end of the strong crossbow, but the body still contains terrible power!

I feel that once he is moved, even now Qin Qi is difficult to resist!

There is a fatal danger.

Is this the power of Shipin?

Qin Qi narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that the realm of Shipin was more powerful than imagined.

It cannot be simply considered that there is one more product than Jiu Pin.

"Boy, you are really unexpected." The heartless city master looked at Qin Qi, his eyes flashing.

Qin Qi seems to want to see through.

However, all he saw was a mist, and nothing else.

"Predecessors are ridiculous, it is better to practice the King of Swords as soon as possible," Qin Qi laughed.

Noble Heart nodded.

He said: "Ji Xin Wang Jian is one of Jiu Tian's stunts. Although it is not the strongest column, it has been included in Jiu Tian, ​​which is the name of Qiang Ju."

"It is also the core strength of my human race against the alien race and against the Tian race!"

"You didn't get the inheritance of the Heartless Labyrinth. Although it's not impossible to cultivate the Heartless King Sword, but the difficulty will increase a lot!"

The nine-day stunt was originally extremely difficult to practice. Qin Qi lacked supporting exercises, and the natural difficulty of practicing was even more amazing.

It's impossible to do it without being a peerless genius.

"Try again," Qin Qi smiled.

Nine days of stunts, he also wanted to know how strong it is!

Today, the methods he uses are all brought by Fairyland, although as his strength increases, the combat skills of these methods also increase in power!

But in the end, there are boundaries.

He is in need of stronger power!

"You come with me", the Heartless City Master took Qin Qi to the secret room.

With this heart-stirring king sword, he will personally guide Qin Qi's cultivation and should be able to increase the success rate by a few points.

But whether it will succeed or not, there is not much optimism about Desperate City Lord!

"Next, we have to wait," Tian Siyu said lightly.

Jiang Mengyan nodded.

But his brows were slightly frowned.

"Why, you are worried that he will not succeed?" Tian Siyu smiled, "In fact, even if he failed, he just missed one of the nine days of stunts, not much loss."

"As for the city master, he doesn't have much trouble with you, and he doesn't have to care if he can recover."

Jiang Mengyan shook her head and said, "It has nothing to do with him, but I have a strange feeling that makes me feel fear!"

"But where does the fear come from, I can't know."

Tian Siyu looked at Jiang Mengyan unexpectedly.

Jiang Mengyan's identity, she has some understanding, although the specific situation is not known, but she knows that she comes from Shennong Emperor Valley.

It must be said that there is still a strong source of blood of some of that group.

Shennong Emperor Valley's bloodline is extremely powerful, and one of them is a hunch.

Although not foreseeable or even so amazing.

But it can also perceive some dangerous arrival in advance!

Is it possible that the city owner will fail?

Even if the city master failed, but with Qin Qi's current combat strength, Jiu Pin masters can all beheaded.

What is the danger?

Jiang Mengyan couldn't tell clearly, but just looked into the sky.

I always feel what will happen there.

Qin Qi and the Master of the Heartless Heart entered the Chamber of Secrets and practiced the Heartless King Sword.

This martial art is indeed extraordinary. It is the most profound and powerful martial art that Qin Qi has ever seen!

If you want to get a feel for it, the initial entry is very demanding.

It's almost difficult to do!

Coupled with the need for heartfelt dedication and supporting exercises, it is even harder to force practice.

What Qin Qi has to do is to replace the heart and soul by killing and killing, so as to become the king of heart and soul!

Such an idea.

Desperate City Master does not know whether it can succeed!

And, if it is really done.

It is unpredictable whether it is still the King of Sword.

But there is a certain heart to be sure that the city master is certain.

Qin Qi, talented aspect!

It doesn't need him to explain too much, just mention a key position, Qin Qi can understand the essence of this martial art.

Cultivation is extremely fast!

This may continue to be feasible!

"Hope to catch up!" thought the heartless city master.

His condition is getting worse.

He didn't want to spend all his life in the second half of his life. He didn't even have the ability to do his best.

At a critical moment, we must try to hit a higher level.

Even then, it's very likely to die or die!

Time passed by.

It has been almost half a month since Qin Qi and Juexin City Lord entered the Chamber of Secrets.

Of course, this is not long.

At the beginning, the heart of the heartless city was inherited by the heartless maze, and the world was right and harmonious, but it took a year to really build the sword of the heart of the heart!

One month, the time is not long.

No one expects to be able to cultivate the King of Swords in a month.

And don't worry.

Juxin City is still stable.

Before Qin Qi showed great power, beheaded the masters of the eighth and ninth grade, it has already shocked everyone!

Those with dissent have no guts to look up.

After all, even the heartless city lord is dead.

Qin Qi, can suppress all the same!

"You don't have to be restless like this, a month's time is not long, and it's also within the range that the city master can support." Tian Siyu looked at the pacing Jiang Mengyan, a little speechless.

Jiang Mengyan ignored her.

But constantly looking at the high altitude in the distance.

That hunch is getting stronger and stronger.

"You always look at the sky, will there be anything falling there?" Tian Siyu said with a smile.

Jiang Mengyan couldn't answer.

I just feel inexplicable irritability.

She looked in the direction of the secret room.

Qin Qi has yet to show signs of becoming a King of Swords!

I was even more upset.

"Hopefully my hunch is..." Jiang Mengyan was about to say something, but his expression suddenly changed!

She hurriedly looked at the distant sky again.

"You are..." Tian Siyu shook his head helplessly, but he couldn't say anything when he spoke.

Far away!

Upheaval is being issued!

In the cascading clouds, a fiery red color is igniting, and in an instant, the whole sky is lit!

"What!" Jiang Mengyan and Tian Siyu were both frightened and hurried outside.

The pupils contracted fiercely!

In the lit sky, a huge meteorite gradually drilled out of the clouds!

The majestic power makes people feel only numb!

Such a huge meteorite is bigger than the Heart City!

How could it suddenly fall on this heaven and earth!


The meteorite fell down to the extreme speed. When the meteorite exposed the clouds, the meteorite was washed down!

Immediately, it was dark!

The meteorite blocks all sunlight directly!

Many people in Juxin City ran out, looking at this scene in shock, they couldn't help but feel fear!


Just a bang!

The earth is shaking, and a terrifying storm strikes from the place where the meteorite fell.

"Where did this stone fall, is it heaven?" Jiang Mengyan paled.

And they can only see this one.

If you look at the entire mainland of Kyushu, they will be shocked and numb, and then they will have endless fears. Because the same meteorite fell like rain on the mainland of Kyushu!