MTL - God Level Demon-Chapter 2910 Unreasonable ability

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However, Liu Rulan, rabbit exquisite and green scorpion are not so easy to be killed. They got earth-shattering adventures in the dark restricted area and got the inheritance of the gods.

After Liu Rulan inherited the inheritance of the blood soul saint, he was also passed down in the dark restricted area. It is said that this is a **** of the dominant level. He was rampant before the three universe eras, claiming that the blood is not destroyed, and that immortality does not die.

It is a pity that after the collapse of the universe, it is still dead.

The rabbit exquisite is the inheritance of the Lord of Time and Space. This is the master of the two universes before the era of the universe, mastering the space and time avenue, tyrannical.

Qinglan was the inheritor of the Lord of Destiny. This is the master of the five universes. It is known to master the destiny of the beings of the universe, knowing everything, omnipotent, and arranging the fate of all things.

This is similar to the fate of the evil **** universe, but the ability is different.

It is precisely because they have received the inheritance of the gods and countless means to escape from the invincible saints.

"Sister Qing, where are we going?"

Liu Rulan asked.

To tell the truth and the youth together for so long, she has become accustomed to the invincible luck of Qinglan.

Wherever the Qing dynasty is going, no matter how dangerous it may seem, it will surely be able to make a living, even if it is a mortal environment, it will find a way to live.

This is no luck, it’s so simple, it’s just a fate.

So she is not worried that they will be chased by those invincible saints.

"You don't have to escape. It seems that if we stay in the same place, we will be able to make a fuss, and there is no danger."

Qing Lanba looked at his eyes and looked confused.

"Really, there is no obstruction in this place, and there is no special danger. Can we live here if we stay here?" asked the rabbit Linglong.

She looks at Xiqiao in the east, but no matter how she can't see this place, how can she make herself a good fight?

"Unclear, fate is so indicated, this is just my personal hunch."

Qinglan Road.

"It turns out that since the sister-in-law said this, it must be the case."

Liu Rulan nodded and trusted the green.

No way, no matter who has seen countless times of fierce martial arts, countless times of Jedi life, will have an absolute sense of trust in the Qing dynasty, it is simply unreasonable ability.

It is also because of this ability that they can mix in the dark restricted area.

Hey! ! !

In the twinkling of an eye, at this time, a dozen invincible saints flew over in the distance, and they immediately surrounded the green, Liu Rulan and rabbit Linglong, fierce and murderous.

Rao is a young man, Liu Rulan and Rabbit Linglong have confidence in their abilities. In the face of this situation, they still feel very nervous and do not know how they can get out of danger.

"Escape, why don't you escape, are you three **** not difficult to escape? You are letting us suffer." An invincible saint gnawed his teeth and glared at Liu Rulan and others.

To tell the truth, it is not a difficult thing for the invincible saint to kill the ancient saints. The problem is that this is a dark restricted area, and there is a danger of killing invincible saints everywhere.

Moreover, these three guys are very surprised. When they hide in Tibet, they can often get rid of the evil spirits. On the contrary, the enemies that these three chaos have provoked all come to find them trouble.

If they are not a bit of a skill, I am afraid that they have already died in the process of chasing.

It can be said that they are incomparably embarrassed on this road, and the hatred of Liu Rulan and others is deeper. I just want to smash these three daring guys into pieces.

"Don't mess around, tell you honestly, we are also covered. If you dare to be against us, it will happen." Rabbit exquisitely hands on his hips.

" Covered?"

Upon hearing this, an invincible saint laughed and laughed loudly: "Even if someone is covering it, do you think that we have more than a dozen invincible saints will not be afraid of you?!"

To be honest, the invincible saints are already the strongest in this universe. They themselves are the biggest backers, invincible, and who are afraid.

It can be said that these three guys, no matter who the backstage is, can't make them afraid of half points, or even impossible to let these invincible saints give up half a point.

So they want to laugh now, thinking that these three guys are too naive.

"Don't talk nonsense with these three guys, kill them immediately and take away all the treasures in them. This is a dark restricted area. If you gather too long, I am afraid that ominousness will occur."

An invincible saint sang.

Other invincible saints can't help but nod. They are very jealous of any place in the dark restricted area. No one knows what will happen in this place.

Even if it seems to be a safe place, it is not a strange thing to suddenly make ominous and let the invincible saint fall.

This is already the daily routine of the dark restricted area.

"Sister Qing, these guys seem to kill us, your pre-feeling is not good? If you are not working, we will quickly run." Rabbit exquisite voice.

"I don't know, maybe it's not working sometimes. I think we still run."

Green is also a bit uncertain.


In an instant, the dozen invincible saints immediately shot, and suddenly wanted to kill Liu Rulan, rabbit exquisite and green.


At this moment, the whole world was still, and the law of time and space seemed to stop flowing at this moment. This field was completely banned.

Even these dozen invincible saints can't move at the moment, and even the eyes can't move.

They are panicked to the extreme, and they don’t know what happened. Is it that they are unlucky enough to be so ominous?


At this time, a figure emerged from the void and appeared directly in front of everyone. He exuded infinite pressure and easily distorted this time and space.

"Xia Ping!"

Liu Rulan, Qing Lan and Rabbit Linglong couldn't help but screamed. They didn't think that Xia Ping would actually appear in this place, they would meet here.

But Xia Ping did not speak, condescending, and the void was a punch, killing the past with these invincible saints.

"No, wait!"

These invincible saints are terrified to the extreme, they feel a fatal crisis, and if they do, the strongest of these universes will really die.

Under such a terrorist force, they are all ants, and there is no resistance.

They can't help but yell out, want to beg, maybe there is something wrong.

But it is too late for them to say such words.