MTL - God-level Perspective-v3 Chapter 3139 Mass migration!

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   Chapter 3139 Massive migration!

   Chapter 3421 Mass migration!

   Second in the world!

   Ye Han smiled and didn't speak. With the strength of Cangtian Burial, she could say the words to be the second best in the world, but I can imagine how much the blow in her heart is now.

   After all, this woman has always wanted to be number one in the world. This idea has never wavered or changed.

   But now, this goal has changed. All of this is because Ye Han is too powerful, and Cang Tianfu has no chance to surpass it.

   "However, someone wants to conquer the world's No. 1 from the other side!" Zhuge Prajna said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately touched his nose. He didn't even know how to speak to all the girls on Tianlong Peak just now. As for the funeral of the sky, he didn't dare to provoke him. !

   Cang Tianfu gave Ye Han a bold look, but it was rare that he did not refute Zhuge Prajna's words.

   But now that she has made a decision, she will do it with the personality of Cangtianfu, she is not the kind of person who hesitates.

   If it was in the past, Cang Tianfu would probably have resisted conquering Ye Han in this way. She is the arrogant woman of the sky, destined to rule the world in the future, and no man in the world can match her.

   Her perfect body is not worthy of any man.

   But now, she is happy to conquer Ye Han in this way.

   "Are you going?" Zhuge Prajna changed the subject and looked at Ye Han and asked.

"Not yet." Ye Han said; "I will enter the world of Jiuli again after the full relocation of Ye Shen Temple to the Southern God Territory. There are still many things waiting for me to do. However, we will also Don't take it lightly, and, regarding the existence of the Xuanmen world, Ye Shendian should be more cautious now."

   The last time because of the Xuanmen world, there was such a huge turmoil in the Gods and Demons Continent, this time Ye Han can no longer support him.

  People are unpredictable. At first, Ye Han chose to believe in the three clans of demons, gods and demons, but what happened in the end?

  If Ye Han did not return, Ye Shendian would have been poisoned by the three tribes of demons, gods and demons.

   "You really should be cautious this time." In fact, the last time Ye Han gave up the Xuanmen world for the world to share, Zhuge Prajna didn't agree with it, but Ye Han had already made a decision, and it was useless for Zhuge Prajna to object at that time.

   "However, those who are willing to stand on the side of Ye Shendian now don't have to be too careful, are you right?" Cang Tianfu looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han said with a smile; "Don't worry, the Xuanmen world still has your place to be buried in the sky, and I believe that you will become a true **** faster than those three guys. Now that the Ye God Temple has moved into the Southern God Territory, the giants in the Central God Territory have also If you move into the Southern God Territory, you can select a group of potential people to continue to enter the world of Xuanmen for ascetic cultivation, but after all the forces in the Central God Territory have moved into the Southern God Territory, I am going to give a sermon, and then you all come to listen to one. listen."

   Now that he has returned to the Continent of Gods and Demons, Ye Han does have such a plan. This is because the four gods have inspired Ye Han.

  If Ye Han also gave a sermon on the Gods and Demons Continent, maybe some beings as powerful as true gods would be born.

   Of course, the way Ye Han wants to speak is not the way to achieve the true God, but the way of faith.

   All beings in the world have beliefs. People in the Jiuli world have beliefs, and people in the Gods and Demons continent also have beliefs, but this belief has not been developed.

   Once Ye Han develops this way of belief in the Continent of Gods and Demons, it will be a great event for the Continent of Gods and Demons, an unprecedented path of cultivation.


   Cang Tianfu and Zhuge Banruo both looked at Ye Han suspiciously.

   Ye Han smiled mysteriously; "You will know at that time, if this sermon is successful, then my God and Devil Continent will not only have a true **** in the future, but will also open up a path that is as powerful as the true god."

   Hearing this, Cangtianfu and Zhuge Prajna were shocked.

   If this is the case, then the cultivation system of the Gods and Demons Continent will undergo earth-shaking reforms in the future!

   And Ye Han, as the leader, will be praised by the world!

   Soon, three days passed in a flash, the power of Ye Shendian to the Southern God Territory has re-established a new Ye Shen Temple in Yaoguang Territory, and other giant forces in the Central God Territory have also found a new foothold in the Southern God Territory.

  Many forces are already gradually migrating towards the Southern God Territory.

   However, in the past three days, Ye Han's preparation for a sermon has been passed on among the giants in the Central God Territory and the Southern God Territory.

   In the end, the news spread like wildfire, first spread in the Southern God Territory, and then spread throughout the entire God and Demon Continent.

   "Preaching, opening up a new path of cultivation, and still the same path as the true God, does this **** have the qualifications?"

  Monster clan, after the Prince Baxia learned about this, his face was distorted. With their current achievements, they could not preach to others, let alone open up a new path of cultivation.

"A cultivation path equal to that of a true god, hum, does this **** really think that he is qualified to step on it? Even if the true **** of the previous era wanted to preach, it was just explaining the way of the true god, and he actually wanted to open up A path equal to the true God is simply wishful thinking."

  Wang Chuyi's eyes were cold, but as Wang Chuyi who knew Ye Han very well, he knew that Ye Han wouldn't talk freely. In fact, he also wanted to know what Ye Han was going to say?

  Unfortunately, when Ye Han preached, they were not qualified to participate, and Ye Han would not invite them to listen to his sermons.

   Right now, the entire Gods and Demons Continent is talking about what Ye Han wants to preach. For this matter, most people in the world scoff at it. What if Ye Han defeated the three gods?

   preaching, what qualifications does he have to preach to people?

   And it’s about a brand new way, equal to the true God, is it possible?

   "Hehe, these guys really can't hide anything!" Ye Han shook his head with a smile at the Ye Divine Hall. He only told the giants about this matter, and the whole world knew about it.

   But what Ye Han didn't know was that this matter was spread under the advice of the giants. The world looked down on Ye Han. They just wanted to let the world see, who has more potential in choosing the so-called gods and choosing Ye Han.

   On this day, when the world was talking about Ye Han's upcoming sermon, all the giants in the Central God Territory moved in a big way.

   All the disciples up and down the Temple of Ye left Tianlong Holy City under the leadership of Zhu Qiang in the Temple of Ye, and Ye Han also took the girls to the Southern God Territory.

   At the same time, the giants such as Zhenwu Academy, Qianye Tower, Daomen, and Buddhism also left.

Their departure has weakened the original strong luck of the entire Central God Territory. In the past, the Central God Territory gave people a grand and powerful atmosphere of prosperity, but now, like a towering ancient tree, it is gradually Falling into withering, losing its powerful vitality!

   (end of this chapter)