MTL - God Level Star System-Chapter 1949 Gu Jing

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"You...what are you doing! Let me let go of the people!" Nie Kaian saw Zhang Yu's hands, and he was so angry that he was blue.

Yuan Xiaohua was also anxious to see it. He said: "Zhang Yu! You know that doing this will only make things more and more serious. Listen to me, you calm down first, let Cao teacher go first, I heard no. !"

Zhang Yu’s cold road: “I believe I have already explained it! No one is allowed to touch my money until things are clear.” After that, he pushed Cao’s counselor and pushed him. It’s very ugly to sneak a dog and slam it naturally.

A group of female counselors saw a mess, and some people rushed to help the Cao counselor... The atmosphere of the whole room also reached a freezing point.

Nie Kai'an can say that his face is mad, pointing his finger at Zhang Yu's nose and saying: "You! You! You..." It can be said that he will be so angry that he does not know what to say! This is really a show when I met a girl, and it was unreasonable to step on the horse.


"What happened?" Sun Ping went to the room at this time, saw a mess, and hurriedly came over.


Nie Kaian saw Sun Ping as if he saw the main heart and hurriedly said: "Senior Sun! You are here! Just now this guy actually started our teacher."

"What!" Sun Ping frowned and then frowned, while at the same time gazing at the side of the scene.

Gu Jing sees his face and flashed a bitter smile! I have to know that he has just done Sun Ping’s work and decided to make this big thing small. I didn't expect this to be a few minutes. Zhang Yu actually had a scorpion.

This kid is really a mess!

Gu Jing thought of this, but shook his head helplessly... and turned to make a serious expression, saying: "Zhang Yu! Why do you hit people?"

Although Zhang Yu does not know Gu Jing, he knows from the other party's wearing. The other party should be a certain officer of the army. In addition, he has been training recently. Some of the conditions are reflected in the body. "Reporter! I Didn't start hitting people! It was he who first came to grab my collar, so it was his first move, and I just pushed him."

"Bastard! You dare to argue!" Nie Kai'an will be mad at this, and he said: "Senior Sun! This time you must fire this guy! You must never let this black sheep, in our university."

Sun Ping did not speak, but frowned. To be honest, he was also very disgusted with Zhang Yu. But the problem is that he feels a little embarrassed. From the perspective of a principal, students do not know what to do with the teacher. But the problem is, this guy named Zhang Yu seems to know Gu Jing, and listen to the other party's tone, it seems to be relatives, if it is true, this thing is really troublesome.

Of course, Gu Jing also knows that things are more troublesome, but if he doesn't talk, he will not hesitate. He will sink into it... and then he has an idea. "Zhang Yu! Anyway, you are a teacher pushing a teacher is not right!" Would you like me to see this! You apologize to the teacher now and admit a mistake. This is the case!" In fact, Gu Jing said this just to give Sun Ping a step.

what! Forget it! Why? Nie Kaian heard this, of course, did not do it, and did not care about the identity of Gu Jing, the loud voice: "No! This is not enough, absolutely not."

Hearing Nie Kaian yelling at himself, Gu Jing was not angry, but turned to look at Sun Ping. After all, the school’s affairs still depend on the attitude of the vice president.

Of course, Sun Ping also understands the meaning of Gu Jing, and has been indulging for a while... Finally, the slow way: "I just believe that Zhang Yu is just a moment of impulsiveness! Young people! Or don't be too strict, just Apologize!"

Sun Ping’s words were exported, and the computer school’s counselors were all surprised! Because they did not expect that Sun Ping, who has always been ignorant of the sand in the eyes of students, finally came to the other side, which is too strange!

Nie Kai'an heard this is of course a glimpse! Immediately, he thought that Sun Ping and Gu Jing seemed to be out. Although he did not know what the two had said after going out, Ji Youzhen was sure to be related to the boy in front of him.

Do you have to know this kid?

Nie Kai'an thought of this, as an old fritter that has been in the education circle for many years, the anger of the heart is gradually cutting, and the face is not talking.

Gu Jing heard this and let out a sigh of relief. He hurriedly said: "Zhang Yu! I heard no! Grandmaster Sun has not remembered the villain. You still don't have to apologize to the teachers. How do you say that you are also a student? The teacher’s weight is still necessary.” After that, he hurriedly made a few gazes, hoping that he could borrow from the slopes, and everyone would look good on the face.

Of course, Zhang Yu also understands that the other side is helping him find a step. If he is based on his past personality, he must not apologize. However, considering that you don't know Gu Jing, the other party is willing to help yourself, if you let the other party not come to Taiwan! It doesn't seem too good either.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu nodded and said: "In fact, this thing... everyone is wrong! But considering that I am a student, so... even if I am not right!"

Sun Ping heard this, his face flashed a bit unhappy! It can be said that he now feels extreme about Zhang Yu, but it is not good for him to look at Gu Jing's face.

Gu Jing heard this, but it was speechless. If he was not reminded by his men and he was on the scene when he was in the army for a while, he couldn’t be sure that the boy in front of him was Zhang Jun, the soldier of the national war system.

Nie Kai'an is of course the words of Zhang Yu, almost no gas explosion! Under the heart, this **** kid! Apologize, you still don't speak people! How did the computer school get such a sting!

A group of counselors is also very dissatisfied with Zhang Yu's attitude, but Sun Ping and Nie Kai'an did not speak, they even dare not speak.

The room suddenly quieted down, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was naturally a bit...

After a while...

Sun Pingcai said: "The last thing is just like this! As for some of your poker gambling, the school and the college will meet tomorrow to discuss your punishment decision. As for the money problem, you can temporarily confiscate it, but you need to check it on site. You can sign several confirmations before you can."

Everyone in the second class dormitory heard a sigh of relief! Especially Hao Nan and Tang Yi, it seems that the school also has a big meaning of small things...

Bao Zhiqi’s mouth flashed a smug smile. For him, if he can get back the money lost tonight, even if he is remembered, it is acceptable.

"Things about money... Sorry! I have something to say!" With the words of Zhang Yu, the atmosphere of the whole house suddenly became tense again.